#anyway this ep had so many great moments I don't even know where to begin giffing
aimwigs · 2 months
hey I've been listening to the yard for about a year and a half and I want to get more into it ifywim do I just start watching old vods to catch up or is there any content u can recommend as a baseline must-watch
this is by no means a comprehensive list because i've only really been watching the yard since dec 2022 and my 2021 stint in lud viewing was brief and casual (didn't know what i had) but it is a fucking long list so i'll keep it under the cut. included stuff that maybe i wouldn't classify as a must watch but i wanted to include it so you can pick and choose what interests you
PODCASTS - I know for a fact there are other podcast appearances out there that I don't know of but here are a few:
the yard x wine about it - it's just the four of them and qt which means good times! this is an essential imo
there are a few eps of fear& that they appear on! specifically rec the ep with nick and aiden and the ep with ludwig and aiden. there are also a few eps with ludwig and slime (not at the same time) if you're interested in those
i've watched aiden on three different interview podcasts all are worth a watch to me: karat interview, across the bar, and good griefed (audio a little scuffed on this one but it's cute)
fucking loved nick's ep of across the bar because his outlook on creativity is super relatable to me. he also did something with safety third that i've been meaning to watch but haven't yet!
VIDEOS AND STREAMS - there's a lot here but i'll try to describe what's what
mogul money ft the yard - this is the full vod, there's also a cut down video. extremely fun watch
nick was also on mogul money live (first game specifically) and he and aiden appear in the bts video a little bit
qt posted vlogs from italy! they're all fun watches and there's some good moments. one, two, three, four
qt and aiden halloween gingerbread house video. ludwig and aiden kiss in this one. i think the full vod is in god's hands unfortunately
qt and aiden make shit in an ezbake oven and make the guys eat it. fun little video. idk if the vod is out there somewhere or not
there's a cut down version of this too but the full stream of qt having all the guys do a gingerbread house competition is very peak
lud did a shit load of taste test videos with the guys for a slim jim sponsor. this might not be all of them but here are the ones i cold find off rip (fruit, cheese, chocolate, water, steak)
ludwig has done a shitload of ylyl streams with slime that you can find and honestly i have a horrible mediashare allergy so i haven't watched a lot of them but i have watched the one they did with aiden and the one with everyone but idk where the full vod is for the latter
from ludwig's fortnite mondays, there was a week where slime and nick played with jerma and sapnap. idk if any of the others posted the vod but here's sapnap's
the subathon has a shitload of stuff that i can't even begin to link but if you want the experience of the dcom series without subbing to tier 2 they watched the truman show starting about an hour thirty into this vod, tho it takes a hot minute to get everything lined up with the time stamps
halloween po unboxing where them + qt dress up as characters from scooby doo. nick looks frankly obscene as velma this is a great vod
how many flashlights does it take to cook an egg is exactly what it sounds like. it's lud slime and nick ft a little bit of yingo
they play the family feud game together in these two vods: just them and against miz/otk (can't stand miz but it was still good)
RECENT STUFF - aka stuff you probably know about or have seen because you've been around a year and a half but i figured i'd include them anyway since they happened off the pod
two months ago they all played fortnite on lud's stream and it was awesome
both the show matches of the ludwig tarik invitationals are worth watching if you're into valo! the first one is team mogul v otv and they're split up in the second. if the timestamps are broken it's 2h30 in both vods
the rivals 2 tournament is fun! i don't understand shit about fighting games but i love to see the boys play
cdawgva ski vod with lud and aiden from the japan trip! there's also a cut down version of youtube but i found it a fun watch
recency bias alert: they all played in creator dodgeball
the qt and aiden winter cocktail tierlist stream was so good like genuinely a stream of all time to me. ludwig hangs around for parts of it
the yard doing the dougdoug fast food challenge is a MUST WATCH! they celebrate and they suffer what could be more beautiful
otv's fear pong video with them is so fucking good. SO GOOD!
and finally i guess i should mention beerio because it just happened LOL
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livesinyesterday · 7 days
Manhunt (2024) - ep. 7 thoughts
Which I am also calling "We'll Always Have California"
I am planning on doing a rewatch of the whole series and then I will write my final thoughts on it as a whole but I finally watched the finale so these are my reactions to that.
I'm going to come out of the gate and say I am very sad they didn't end on Stanton barricading the doors of his office. 1. That is one of my favorite things Stanton ever did and I was so excited when he started moving his desk and 2. That slow pull back from him sitting on the desk as they pounded on the door would have been such a powerful note to end on. Then you would have just had black placards for the information that followed. The scene where his son tells him about his confirmation, then pulling out to a strange fade-to-white to SHOTS OF CALIFORNIA???
I'm sorry, but the mention of California in the Lincoln scene was not significant or powerful enough for the ENTIRE. SERIES. to end on waves hitting the California shore. Even if you wanted to try and say it represented the age of manifest destiny and a shore-to-shore United States or some such it just...it doesn't work for me.
But anyway, the barricading scene was perfect, no notes. I was so glad to have Lincoln back, definitely I think Linklater (Lincolnlater) had found his voice for this role by this point and puts in an emotionally effecting performance here. I really like the depictions of them bonding over grief. I find certain elements of these scenes strange though. If you wanted Mary out of the room why even have her in the scene to begin with? Why have the 'doctor lying to Mary' moment? Also in the second Lincoln scene the way they talk about work and vacation seems a little strange. California beach vacay, anyone? But overall I was glad these scenes were here. I can nitpick and mention the fact that first scene happens before Grant would have been Lieutenant (Willie dies in 1862, Grant becomes head of the Union army in 1864, Grant's great victory in the west at Vicksburg wouldn't happen until 1863) so Stanton mentioning him in this conversation is not really accurate but thats pretty insignificant for the plot and doesn't really bother me. It is funny to me though that this series sort of makes it seem like Stanton was Lincoln's only 'true' friend which is pretty much because the show left a bunch of people out lol. I know they want to keep the emotional heart of the series Stanton's relationship to Lincoln but I think it does somewhat lead to a bit of a misrepresentation of Lincoln and how beloved he was by his staff and others. I feel like we could have benefitted from some more of his close acquaintances being shown here and made his brutal loss all the more heartbreaking. I will get into this more in my final thoughts on the show, but I have felt strange about the depiction of Mary for the entire series. Mary is a complicated historical figure to depict, especially because many biased, unflattering accounts get written about her, notably Lincoln's old law partner David Herndon writes very negative things about her and his accounts are generally considered untrustworthy. So I appreciate the show trying to depict her with dignity but in doing so I do think they are ignoring the reality of the sheer mental health crises Mary was struggling with by this point in her life and certainly after the death of her husband and I don't know if simply ignoring that does her justice either.
I love that we give Elizabeth Keckley her time in the sun here. She deserves it.
Thoughts on the trail. Overall pretty solid. I wish again that we hadn't wasted so much time on the KGC plot and could have stayed longer with the trial part of the story. The addition of the 'pet' letter is bizarre? It did not exist, it was not a thing. So why add it? Who knows. Also strange to see Seward sitting in the courtroom just chilling. He would definitely still be recovering at this point and after the assassination attempt half his face was permanently sagging dramatically due to the muscles that were cut. Also his wife would have just passed away as she dies in June of 1865 while the trials are going on (and sadly his daughter, who we see in the scene standing next to him, would die a year later). Also the 'I could have accused you' line...not so much. There is little to no evidence that Stanton accused President Johnson of being part of the conspiracy.
Obviously they play up Mary Simms' part in the trial and as well as Conover, but I understand that for the sake of television. If you are not going to make the entire series about the trial you can't stop and introduce a bunch of new people the audience won't recognize in your finale so none of that bothers me.
It's also true that they couldn't connect the conspirators to Jefferson Davis, he stays in prison for a couple years then gets bailed out. I do really like that there's a brief line of dialogue that hints at the fact that trying to try Davis was always really awkward because of the potential risk of legitimizing the Confederacy with a verdict. Davis ended up living to like 1889 and writing bullshit memoirs that support the Lost Cause Myth. And the missing pages thing. There is no evidence that Edwin destroyed them, it was a fringe theory that floated around and I can see why it makes intriguing television. Because we can't know for sure what happened to the pages (it's highly likely Booth tore them out himself for whatever reason) I view this in a similar vein as The Terror speculating on certain things that we can never know about the Franklin Expedition.
Overall I enjoyed the episode, as I have overall really enjoyed the show. But as always this show has a tendency to be really strong on so many fronts and then just make random weird choices that catch me off guard like "Huh??"
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gwilyoubemine · 5 years
i was tagged by the lovely and iconic @fancytelephonepatter
pick 5 tv shows, don't cheat and answer the questions,, and tag people
so i picked:
1. that 70's show
2. nathan for you
3. rupaul's drag race
4. brooklyn nine nine
5. stranger things
who is your favourite character in 2?
lmaooo...nathan for you is a dumbass show about a guy who graduated from business school with decent grades and develops shitty, but hilarious, business plans. it's not really a show with characters since he goes to real businesses but nathan is the only main character i suppose so yes, him. but there's this reoccurring dude who works as this private investigator (who thinks he is the shit) and watching him interact with nathan is so damn funny so there's that.
who is your least favourite character in 1?
it used to be jackie...even though mila kunis is great...jackie was just so annoying, man. but it could very well have been hyde. he was so irrelevant at the beginning and i was kind of like who is this guy?? but then he grew on me and now i think he is one of the best. as of right now..maybe laurie is the worst one for me.
what is your favourite episode of 4?
man, that's too hard to answer. i love so many. i don't want to start talking about other eps i like because there are so many iconic moments in that show and i would really just go on for too long. i would have to say 'beach house' because it was honestly just hilarious...all of them trying to be on their best behaviour for captain holt..the hot tub scene...how they had to make sure some of them were upstairs with holt while they partied downstairs sksksk. those cuts of the conversation with him kill me. a personal fave quote is: 'now, the recorder is generally thought of as a training instrument for children but listen to it...in the hands of an expert like joram leifgrum..the passion is...breathtaking'
favourite season of 5?
confession time,, i haven't watched one or two. well, a few eps. my siblings were really obsessed so they basically told me everything that happened anyway. i just watched season 3 with them and i really enjoyed myself, even with how intense it all got. all i can say is...alexei is a precious god given gift. and man, i love the whole scoops lads plus two epic kiddos gang. and billy looked real good. real good.
favorite couple in 2?
man whY is nathan for you such a bad tv show for these questions pmsl. it's a meme. nathan and the asshole private inspector dude for sure. my otp.
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what is your favourite episode of 1?
i have only just got onto season 3 so i have a long way to go and many potential fave eps to come but...i would have to say 'the best christmas ever' or 'halloween'...honestly fez and hyde make me laugh all the time. and kelso, that dumbass.
what is your favourite episode of 5?
that one with alexei and the cherry slush. is that also the one where he is at the funfair place? because that was cute as heck too.
what is your favourite season of 2?
probably the first one, that was especially funny. go and watch nathan for you. it's a bit awkward but with shows like the office and...the inbetweeners...that awkwardness is a key part of the comedy.
how long have you been watching 1?
i started it...not long ago. at the start of this month i think. it feels like i have been watching it for longer though since i have been binge watching it.
how did you become interested in 3?
honestly, i didn't think i would like it?? i saw memes every now and then but i didn't really care for it. one day last year my younger sister put on an ep of season four and we just started watching it. and now we have watched every season up to 11 and most of the all stars. best decision of our lives. rupaul's drag race is iconic..all stars is iconic...it's just great tv.
who is your favourite actor in 4?
andre braughner even though i haven't watched him in anything else. captain holt is just gold. but all those actors are seriously amazing at what they do. amazing cast.
do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
atm i love that 70's sjow but nathan for you is just so dumb and hilarious. it's really hard picking :( can i say both? maybe if i watched seasons 1 and 2 of stranger things i would be able to say that...i don't know
which show have you seen more eps of, 1 or 3?
rupaul's drag race of course. i have watched like..10 whole seasons or something. that's alotta drag. i loved every moment tbh.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would it be?
probably holt...i just love him so much. or jake? because he has a lot of dumb fun, has a cute gf (wife now ah) and is a kick ass detective. and he gets a cool boss like that.
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
i doubt it lmaoo... i can see boyle and terry really getting into it, getting dragged up. and jake pmsl. i think rosa and michelle would defo have a stare off or something. wow i just envisioned scully and hitchcock in drag and it's horrifying.
pick two characters from 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
i don't even know the endgame couples..or couples along the way...but i would have to say that gay guy buddy and eric :-)))))
overall, which show has a better story-line, 3 or 5?
stranger things just because drag race has no real story line.... but the story line in stranger things is really unique and gripping. very nice stuff.
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
both are good...but yep..the b99 theme music does indeed slap
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i tag @xiaoqueencava @killergwil @denimmay @rogerina-is-hotter-than-me @deaky-trash @bensroger @queenbbarnes @cyndagoaway @supersonicfreddie
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dramayeoja · 6 years
Goblin ❣︎ 도깨비
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Kim Shin, an undefeated war general, is ultimately killed by a jealous young king named Wang Yeo. After death, Shin is revived by the gods—but his revival is by no means miraculous. He becomes a 도깨비 (dokkaebi, goblin), and is cursed. He will have to pay for all the lives he took in battle by living alone in immortality, witnessing everyone he's ever loved, die. Remaining lodged in his chest is the very sword that killed him. There is only person who can see that sword, and draw from his heart so that he can finally rest in peace: his bride... whom he's yet to meet.
Things get spoilery under the cut—you've been warned! ;)
Chipper, yeah? Haha so, right off the bat, the premises of Goblin remind me of like, a much more morbid version of the legend of King Arthur. You know, a man draws a sword from stone to prove himself the greatest king in all of Britain? Yeah. Just to be clear: this is a good thing (imo). Like, I personally think this is just such a cool idea for a drama 😍
Let's jump right in. I'm gonna be honest and say that, at first, I felt a little turned off at the female lead, Eun Tak, being nineteen (in the beginning of the show), meanwhile the male lead, Shin, is 900+ years old (but physically looks to be in his thirties). It just... rubbed me weird. But hey, the Twilight series (both the books and the movies) is exactly the same—high school girl, century-old man, bananas yet somehow romantic storyline... And I loved me some Twilight as a young adult. So I mean, I have no right to judge, really. Plus, Eun Tak soon turns twenty anyway. So that's an improvement I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ We follow her character into her late twenties, nearly thirty. So things are definitely fine by then haha! 👍
Don't let that previous bit make you think I didn't enjoy Goblin—I LOVED it. That detail is just a lil funky to me, is all. Back during my Twilight obsession days, I was nearly twenty myself, and the thought of being pursued by an older man was exciting. Hell, I mean, it still is! But now that I'm two years shy of my 30th Birthday, I feel differently sometimes. I think, LAWD get that girl away from that man, she too young for him LOL. I am definitely getting old... Enough about Twilight now, apologies! I'm only using it for the sake of conveying similarities seen in Goblin 🙏 Let's talk cast!
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Kim Go Eun as Ji Eun Tak and Gong Yoo as Kim Shin
Eun Tak is a bubbly young woman with limitless energy! While still in her mother's womb, Mama Ji was involved in a hit-and-run incident which, sadly, took her life. During Mama Ji's dying moments, she prayed to anyone above that her child's life be spared. Sat on a rooftop from afar, beer in hand (lol), Shin hears her prayers, as he is a god of sorts. He appears before Mama Ji, and shows mercy to her unborn baby. Eun Tak grows up with the ability to see/speak to ghosts. Said ghosts tell her constantly that she is the goblin's bride. How do they know? A strange birthmark on the back of Eun Tak's neck tips them off. Eun Tak unfortunately was taken in by her abusive bitch of an aunt, who jabs Eun Tak every chance she gets. Her cousins are assholes. Eun Tak's aunt really only keeps her around in hopes of collecting Mama Ji's savings (intended for Eun Tak) one day. Sad, right? I mean, isn't Eun Tak being born without her mother enough as it is? Life can be so cruel 😔
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Lee Dong Wook as Grim Reaper/Reaper/Wang Yeo
This is Grim Reaper (or Reaper for short), portrayed by the handsome Lee Dong Wook. His character is just this strange, not at all tech-savvy man with a constant deadpan facial expression. Said facial expression provokes so many giggles during funny moments, and drives home the longing and desperation during sad times. We learn quite a ways in that he, in his previous life (again, just in case: spoiler), was Wang Yeo G A S P ! The young king that is essentially responsible for Shin's death, as well as all the misdeeds that were done to Shin's family. Again, this is something I don't want to spoil. Well, more, anyway 😆 You gotta see it!
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Yoo In Na as Kim Sun/Sunny
Kim Sun, or simply, Sunny (she loves to spell her name for people lol, S-U-N-N-Y!) is the second female lead. Yoo In Na is so gorgeous that one look at her makes you feel like such a potato hahhah. 🥔 This fact about her beauty bleeds over into the show itself—every time another character meets Sunny, the camera does this slow motion pan into her lmao. She really is that pretty! Sunny's personality comes across so odd at first... Having watched all of the episodes now, I feel the intention of Goblin's creators was to make her seem like a soul searching for something it has lost in a previous life. idk if that makes sense, but yeah. She has this way about her, like she's disconnected from others, and is sifting through the haziness to find this thing she feels she's lost.
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Yook Sungjae (my BtoB bias 😍) as Yoo Deok Hwa
Sungjaeeee ahhhh 💘💘💘 I had to gush, sorry! Hehe. Meet Deok Hwa: unofficial nephew of Shin. Deok Hwa is a third-generation chaebol (heir to a family-owned corporation) and spoiled man-child, always seeking his credit card hahaha 🤣 But I love him so much. Between Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook, and BtoB Sungjae? Man, I'm dying over here! Deok Hwa's true identity is revealed later in the show, which if you haven't seen it yet, I won't spoil it. Just watch. But his ending sucked. Like where did he go? Everyone else's endings got tied up neatly except for his. What gives, man? 🤔 Edit: I was actually reading an online conversation about what happened to Deok Hwa online—someone jokingly said he was reincarnated as BtoB Sungjae LOL 💯
Other various comments
Good pace, episodes drag at times. A little confusing in the beginning, but you get there eventually. Maybe this is just me though, viewers who are a little more keen than I will likely catch on sooner ;) My mom was a little confused as well, and actually said at one point, "This should be called the 'what-the-hell-is-going-on' show," hahaha. Like I said though, we quickly moved on from this, and loved all the things. There are actually, I think, three (?) specials that were made to aid viewers in making sure they understand the complex events and relationships clearly. I haven't watched them yet, but want to!
Quite repetitive tbh, as there are unnecessary flashbacks often. Probably for two reasons: the obvious of reminding you what's what, but also to create suspense. Typical duration of most tvN dramas seems to be about 16 episodes, so it's possible these flashbacks and things are, for lack of a better word, filler. I don't know how rigid or lax tvN is about having a drama set at 16 eps, but I get the idea this is their preference. Seeing as so many of their programs on average last that long, I feel this must be what they want. Such has the potential to affect the writing, either positively or negatively.
A continuation of the previous bullet: I think Goblin's creators oversimplified the plot at times. I'm unsure if this is due to possible pressures to meet a specific requirement(s), or what. I'd rather forgo ALL restrictions and let creativity flow, let the story be told without pressure to fill a specific amount of time, etc. but TV production is weird. And contracts are weird. tvN might not to blame for these issues, could simply be that storytelling isn't always easy, man. I'm a writer myself, it's hard! I'M being redundant now lmfao! Anyway, yeah ~
Absolutely LOVED all the scenes that were filmed on location in beautiful Québec City, Canada 🍁 Tall, romantic trees, the fall foliage, historic buildings... sigh. Now all I need is Gong Yoo chasing me and we're all set! ;D
In addition to Shin being revived, my crush on Gong Yoo has been revived as well LOL. He fine 🔥 A classic K drama crush, can't go wrong with GY👌
Gong Yoo is always stellar at doing kiseu (kiss) scenes, and in Goblin, he does not disappoint. He really goes at it 🙈 which is preferred vs. the typical person kissing a stone statue that you see so often. He even did a lift kiss with Kim Go Eun that was reminiscent of THEE Coffee Prince kiss he did with actress Yoon Eun Hye! 😍
I never saw it coming, how the sword would wind up being removed from Shin's chest. I worried what the writers were going to do, how would they approach this, and just wow. The way things turned out is such a relief. It also told me that Shin's love for Eun Tak is true. I mean, I didn't need that scene to occur for me to know that, rather it just adds extra oomph that yes, Shin really does love Eun Tak. He didn't want her to suffer knowing she was responsible for his "death," so he thought quick and used her hands WITH his hands asdfghjkl. How dumb (bc noooo now you're gonna die) and amazing he is at the same time 💜
I love how Shin made his way back to Eun Tak after passing away, it was such a powerful scene. I could really feel his struggle, and kept yelling at my TV for him to stand up lol!
Devastated that Eun Tak died 😭 I really thought as many times as she'd cheated death before, she would somehow continue cheating death again and again for the rest of her days. But no... What a selfless person, Ji Eun Tak. Her being reincarnated as Park So Min gave me some closure. Not the closure I wanted, but closure.
The relationship between Shin and Reaper is ADORABLE. Whenever they interact with each other, they just have this great dialogue. Shin pings, Reaper pongs, Reaper pings, Shin pongs. It's great 😄 I still laugh about the slow-mo scene of them returning from the market with green onions HAHAHA 😂
I love Sunny & Reaper ~ However, their history as Kim Sun & Wang Yeo in their past lives is so very sad. I don't even know where to start RE: my feelings on this 💔 imo, their ending kinda sucked. I just wasn't satisfied with them having had this complicated, tragic story, only to be reincarnated in this fashion that I ultimately found to be just... idk, disappointing 😩 Again, closure, but not the closure I wanted.
I thought Reaper, the other grim reapers, the name cards, the depiction of what happens immediately following death with the brewing of the tea, the afterlife, etc. was all very creative. We really don't know what awaits us when our time comes—it's interesting to wonder if it's anything like it is in Goblin 🍵
Can't stop thinking about Goblin, even though I'm now watching Thirty but Seventeen & Mr. Sunshine! I'm emotionally cheating lol halp.
Photo credits: tvN & AsianWiki
Yo yo! I'm sorry I took so long to watch + write up this review! It's been a long couple of weeks for me, I wasn't always able to watch when I wanted. It was maddening 😆 But I have finally watched, and feel like the most accomplished person on the planet hahaha. xoxo 💜
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