#anyway this is going off the rails if you've read this far into my tag ramble i'm so sorry
markantonys Β· 4 years
VERY niche and outside the box medici opinion but lucrezia t and general sforza would've been a kinda hot pairing
β€œsforza was a brute but he was a strong man” speaking from experience there lucrezia? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ anyway congratulations for sending me the truly most niche and outside the box medici opinion i’ve ever seen oh my god reading β€œniche and outside the box medici opinion...” in the ask notification in no way prepared me for what the rest of it was going to be jdkfg
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doorbloggr Β· 3 years
Wednesday 28/4/21 - Usernames, Tags, and Personal Growth
So yeah its barely been an hour since my last post, but this particular topic is one I've wanted to blab about for a long time.
Online, and offline too in many cases, people will choose to represent themselves with a Username, a title to depict themselves as. This can be for many reasons, but the main ones I can think of are hiding your identity, and nicknames.
Now when I say nicknames, I don't mean by Mitch, instead of Mitchell, I mean like a pet name or title you use to identify a key part of your being that you want to be recognised by. But the interesting thing about choosing a nickname to represent YOU, is that you change.
My various personas over the internet
I wanna explore the idea of this change in persona by discussing how I've changed my own user/nickname over time. My journey of spreading around the internet was a gradual one, so rather than having the same user everywhere, I actually have a number of different usernames, depending on when I joined said site.
Pre Internet Username: Comixlad
In Highschool I filled 10s of exercise books with my own graphic novels, the longest running series was very creatively called "Awesome Comix" and detailed the adventures of me and my friends with super powers that allowed us to transform into new super forms and fight the evils of the world.
This led to my user comixlad, which I used everywhere from message boards to emails, and to this day I am still stuck as comixlad on certain sites.
Facebook/MySpace: Nothing really
For my first social media's, I really just used my full name Mitchell ****** (rather keep my personal life private). So yeah boring, and fairly formal.
Tumblr: supereffectivemoonblast
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Tumblr was my first private affair where I went full on exploring myself without using my name. My personal tastes were very nerdy, so I thought I'd try to be unique and quirky by combining Zelda and Pokemon; originally my profile pic was of the Majoras Mask Moon, so the Moon Blast mentioned was in fact a Zelda reference too.
Given that I post a lot of my art to my main tumblr, in order to not get lost with the mem clutter, I made a side archive blog, named supereffectiveartblog to keep the theme going.
Instagram: mitch_zelda_sketches_selfies
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When I started instagram I was feeling much more refined and artsy as a person. Whereas with Tumblr, I was more trying to be full on secret nerd, my instagram profile was a chance to show a more sensible side. So the user i chose was just an underscore list of what my profile would feature pictures of.
I later started a side account just to archive the realistic art I made of animals, since for a while, I made a lot of them.
Twitter/Reddit: Doorbashr
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You'll notice I use that pfp a lot. I dont take a lot of selfies.
Anyway, I started my twitter in response to my involvement with the Super Smash Bros competitive community, where I could keep up to date with other players, and also (see: mainly), when I was mentioned in the results for competitions, I could be tagged personally.
The tag itself came from an incident where I tried to leave a friend's house during a house party, and in my tipsy state, didn't see their screen door and knocked it right off the rails onto the ground. Quite embarrassing, but Doorbashr is a memorable title that many in the local FGC recognise purely because of how funny it sounds.
Reddit I joined the most recently of social medias, if you can call Reddit such a thing. And since I already had an iconic username at that point, I just used Doorbashr again.
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I do have one more username I have picked up more recently, but it's more on the private side for now and I won't divulge it unless you've read this far and wish to learn more by PM'ing me on here or any of my other socials mentioned here.
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thedyingmoon Β· 5 years
πŸ–€ I See My Future Before Me πŸ–€
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein ugly feet are a big deal (?!) πŸ€”
~ "Too Much Fluff Can Kill You" Volume 2. πŸ˜‚
~ Tagging my friends, @heaven-on-a-landslide , @krazy06 , @diabeticsugarush , @ehrzeth , @ceruleanworld , @lessy86 , @simmy-ships , @boundbysoul , and @gxthghoulfriend . πŸ–€
~ Once again helped by my special anonymous adviser who stayed up late with me! And it's all worth it! I hope you like this. ❀
~ Just an important piece of instruction: Please watch the video below before proceeding to the next paragraph. πŸ–€
Dante stood in the lobby as he read the latest issue of his favorite magazine.
Already in his best formal attire, the man unceremoniously waited for you. The gig this time required the two of you to infiltrate a party to rat a certain Demon out, and at the mere thought of you in a dress had him intrigued.
Of course, he found you quite fetching. But, the clothes you wore on a daily basis? With your fondness for loose, oversized, and unflattering pieces of clothing, he honestly thought that you got nothing compared to either Trish or Lady, who were two of the most beautiful, if not lethal, women he had ever seen.
Yes, he thought that all the beauty you got were wasted on your conservative tastes,...
"Are we gonna go, or what?" Dante, who failed to notice you as you came down from your room, heard you loud and clear and turned.
"Hey, what took you - ?"
The man stopped dead in his tracks, for there, right before his very eyes, was,...
You raised an eyebrow and placed your hands on your hips. "Are you gonna stare at me the whole evening? We still have a job to do."
"The lady is right." Morrison, who just entered the building, said. And when he saw you, his eyes widened in complete awe. "And surprise of all mother of surprises. You look like the most gorgeous star in the galaxy, my dear."
"Thank you, Mr. Morrison." You said, taking the Broker's hand and letting him lead you outside towards his car.
"Your partner seems to be tongue tied."
"Yeah, he's busy with that magazine of his."
You carefully entered the vehicle as Morrison opened the door for you. A few moments later, Dante followed.
The ride towards your destination was a really quiet one. You would occasionally look at the front at Morrison as he drove but, most of the time, your eyes were just glued to the window beside you. Despite that, you could not shake the feeling of heaviness in your body. It's as if you have been the subject of someone's intense stares for far too long.
Still, you smiled, not letting yourself be tempted to indulge your silent companion.
Your resistance persisted until you two reached the place.
And Dante could not hold it in any longer.
"Hey," he began, isolating you from the other guests by leading you to an empty hallway. "You've been keeping things from me."
"Wha - ?" You started to argue but, then, realized he was right. "Well, yes."
"What else can you do?" Dante demanded, your overwhelming scent of a very addictive vintage wine assaulting his nostrils and driving his patience to the limit. "Witchcraft? Sorcery? Voodoo?"
You only chuckled at his question. "They're the same thing."
The man grabbed your shoulders and made you look up at him, his light - colored eyes more intense than ever before. "Tell. Me."
Unfazed, you only smiled up at him, grabbed his huge hands, and removed them gingerly off you. You then took one of his hands and led him back towards the living area where the party was taking place.
"What are you doing?"
"See that lady?" You whispered to him in a lover - like fashion so as not to make yourself obvious that you're plotting something dangerous. "That's your target."
"How did you even - ?!"
"Sshh! Don't ask. Okay?"
Dante looked at the said female, who happened to be the host of the party.
"So, in two minutes, she will come our way, introduce herself to you, and start flirting with you. You will flirt with her for, like, five minutes."
The man looked at you suspiciously. "Why did I suddenly feel nervous about this?"
"Oh, you'll be fine. Anyway, her lover will come out of hiding. You will kill him."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said anything about killing an innocent man?!"
"And," you went on, ignoring Dante's complaint. "... you will use the Rebellion and drive it through his skull, then she will attack you. You will use the Ebony and Ivory against her. And, guess what, all the guests in here? They're all Demons. You will finish them in, like, ten minutes, tops. Then, you will join me in the balcony and wipe Demon blood off your face."
"And why am I supposed to believe you?"
"Because your two minutes is up and she's coming towards us."
And surely enough, with hips swaying seductively and eyelids fluttering like butterfly wings, the gracefully tall and slender host of the party was coming towards the legendary Devil Hunter. Dante looked back at you and realized you weren't there any more.
Approximately fifteen minutes later, the man, who was covered in Demon guts and chandelier glitter, came out to join you on the balcony. He wiped the Demon blood off his face and leaned against the railing beside you.
"You didn't even help me." Dante told you wih a huge sigh. "And we're supposed to be partners."
"Hey, at least you got to flirt with her, right?" You cheerfully answered.
Dante looked at you with every intention of giving you a piece of his mind but, you were already walking away from him.
You turned back, winked at him, and held up a finger to your lips.
You and V hustled towards the empty building, sheltering yourselves due to the very sudden and heavy rainfall.
Once inside, V heard you grunt in dismay and as he turned to look at you, he saw you as you put your black violin case down on the cold floor and strip off your wet parka, revealing your simple white dress underneath.
Now, V may have no idea, whatsoever, what you'll need the violin for during the Demon hunt, but he was definitely flabbergasted as to your taste in clothing. It's as if you were not going on a Demon hunt, at all.
You felt a pair of eyes boring down on you as you picked up your violin case, and when you looked up, you ultimately saw him staring at you.
Then, there was that feeling again - of your cheeks burning, of your heartbeat going wild, of your knees getting weak and wobbly.
It's as if the man's mere gaze put your mind in a trance, and your senses into a total discord.
You shyly looked away, trying to escape his longing look, until you finally noticed where you really were.
"Hey, this is a dance studio!" You exclaimed breathlessly as you ran towards one of the doors that led to a huge rehearsal room. You entered it and took in the achingly familiar atmosphere of the place, from its floor, the huge glass windows, to the mirrored walls.
The exact moment when V entered the room after you, Griffon materialized and flew towards you.
"Where did ya just take us to?" The bird irritatingly questioned. "It's too damn creepy in here!"
"Why? You afraid of mirrors?"
The bird squawked and flew towards one of the abandoned chairs, perching and settling himself comfortably.
You ignored the Demon and went towards the window, seeing the angry outpour outside and the eventual streak of lightning from the sky, followed by the loud boom of the thunder.
"It seems that we have become stranded here for a while." You heard V's low voice as you sensed him walking closer towards you.
You simply nodded, still unable to look the man in the eye. "I hope it stops soon."
"I wish for the opposite."
The very noticeable purr in the man's voice made your heart do flips. You turned around, and as another streak of lightning painted the sky, you saw the unmistakable mischief in those eyes and grin of his.
Suddenly feeling both nervous and giddy, you hastily walked towards one of the chairs near Griffon, sat, and removed your boots.
"Okay, these are getting heavy as hell!" You said, unintentionally making your voice loud due to your nerves. "I'm taking these off!"
"Ew!" Griffon exclaimed as soon as your feet came into view. "Did ya step on a fuckin' corpse or are those yer actual feet, eh sweet pea?!"
You narrowed your eyes at the demonic bird, who started laughing at your pitiful, scarred little feet.
"Hahaha! Ah, haha, eh, well, no offense, sweet pea. Just sayin' the truth."
"Beauty cannot be comprehended by small minds, my Demonic friend." V, who, of course, followed you, fortunately came to your rescue.
You gave Griffon a triumphantly evil grin as you placed your wet boots under the table. "I'm a dancer. It would make perfect sense for me to have ugly feet." You looked up at V and spoke with him instead of the bird who got grumpy. "I got these scars from years of dedicated dancing."
"Hmm,..." V mused as he sat on a chair beside you. "Those scars,... symbolize the true enjoyment and will that you felt doing that special something you adore." He uttered, then leaned closer towards you. With a soft whisper, he said, "Those feet, my Lady,... I would kiss,... over,... and over again,... if I could,... "
"Shoes! Shoes! The floor is cold! I need shoes!" You literally yelled, feeling your traitorous heart triple in heartbeat. With hot cheeks and trembling limbs, you hastily stood up and roamed aimlessly all over the room in search of those shoes you mentioned. As lame as you might have looked then, you knew what's truly going on between you and the poet, you just could not handle your own chaotic feelings. And now, you must have looked like a total mess right before him.
"Yeah, no shit, Shirley!" Griffon sarcastically whispered at V. "Ain't that right, V? I mean, if ya like her, just tell her already! Dangit! Fuckin' stop beatin' 'round the fuckin' bushes! Look at her, ya broke the thing!"
Surely enough, V saw you wandering around the room, muttering something uncomprehensible under your breath.
Taking pity on you and feeling guilty at himself for making you uncomfortable, he stood up and walked to where you were.
You felt the man as he neared you and instinctively halted your silly, panic mumblings. You cleared your throat, bravely faced him, and saw the worried look in those deep green eyes of his.
"Well, I do not exactly enjoy it. Dancing, I mean." You told the man, making yourself as calm as you could. "It was more like a,... survival kind of thing."
"Survival, you say?" V answered, instantly feeling intrigued. How would one consider dancing as survival? But, of course, he had no idea what you've been through as a child. "Can you, please, explain?"
You slightly got nervous, feeling as if you revealed more than what was necessary. You were only talking about your ugly feet, damnit! No need to drag the man further into your own, dark past.
Once again, you looked around for something, anything, that could save you from your blunder. And there, right on the corner, you saw, as the lightning lit up the dark sky, a pair of forgotten ballet shoes. You looked at the thing with much intent, then back at your male companion.
"Shall I just show you how they made us dance, instead?" You offered. Well, since you'd be moving a lot from now on, you might as well have a sort of a warm up.
And what a perfect way to do that than that accursed piece those pale people made you dance for six whole years.
On the other hand, V felt concerned about you. You considered dance as survival, and yet, here you were, offering to open up what must've been a deep wound from the past.
Then, he had an idea.
"If dancing felt like a challenge to you," he said, suddenly offering up a hand. " ... then, would you allow this fool to ease the burden and join you for this dance?"
Thump! Thump!
Went your heartbeat once more. But, this time, escaping and saving your shy self would not do you any good. So, instead, you took a deep breath, nodded, and looked up at him with much resolve. You took his hand and began with the simplest of steps.
Well! The man surely had instruction! He was sensitive enough to know when you'll turn, when you must be lifted, and when you'll change positions. Not to mention his graceful movements! Where the hell did he learn ballet?!
Meanwhile, V only had to thank the endless dance lessons he took when he was only a boy! And not only that, he also had to actually thank his stupid twin for skipping them, for, if not, he would never have received more difficult extra lessons that involved doing a pas des deux ! And who knew it will become useful in the future?!
For a while, it seemed as though nothing could disrupt the little, yet warm environment that engulfed the two of you. Not even the bleak weather. Even the foul - mouthed Demon perched on the chair close by dared not utter any piercing word.
Everything seemed at peace, the steps you made, perfect. The lightning streaked the sky once more, splashing very little light into the cold, studio. You made another pirouette, longing to end the little dance with flourish, until the loud bang of the thunder came booming down, startling you and making you stumble on your feet. V thankfully caught you just in time before you fall.
"I'm fine, thank you." You reassured the man, at the same time getting back up on your feet with his help. "You know, my body's condition was not how it used to be compared to when I was a bit younger."
The man smiled gently at you as he took your hands once more, pulling you closer. "Age matters not, as long as you enjoy dancing."
You sheepishly smiled back at him. "Now that you mentioned it, yes. I enjoyed this dance."
The man may not have chosen to mention it to you but, he definitely enjoyed the little performance with you. Much more so than you did. For you were there with him, smiling, and forgetting the chaos of this world.
For at least a few minutes, it felt intimate for V.
However, he saw the smile on your face slowly vanish as you let go of his hands. The man looked at you in confusion, then you told him, "There is, was, only one person in the world who could outdance me in the past."
The man's face fell, seeing the sadness that was creeping up on those (E/C) eyes he had come to adore.
With glistening eyes, you simply uttered, "My sister."
"I'm so sorry." V whispered achingly at you. "It must be,... "
"She was," you went on, managing a smile despite the hurt that suddenly made its way onto your chest at the reminder of your lost, beloved sibling. " ... how to put this? She was perfect in every way. She was the most beautiful girl in the world, and everybody adored her. She,... died,... to save me, V."
V looked away from her. He had,... someone,... very special whom he lost a very long time ago. Hearing you tell your own tale regarding the person you lost brought back those hurtful memories of the one he loved above all else,...
... her,...
He took a deep breath and faced you once more, not wanting you to worry about him.
"What matters is that you still have precious people around you, my Lady." He said, his voice hoarse and raw with untold emotions and unshed tears. "You must focus on not losing them, as well."
You smiled at him, aware of the melancholic feeling you had evoked in the already cold and lonely atmosphere. You took both his hands and guided him to sit on the floor.
Confused, V glanced at you as you positioned yourself in the middle of the empty dance floor. Griffon noticed this change and flew towards his master, settling himself right beside him.
"V," you began. "... let me tell you the story of a man who regrets the loss of a loved one and the woman who loves him the most. The love of his life. Whom he could no longer be with."
You took a deep breath and began a slow movement that gradually turned into a series of steps that seemed to tell a story, like what you mentioned.
Every turn, every gesture, every sweet and graceful hand movement told V some numerous, little words forming into silent sentences that seemed to whisper directly at his heart. The steps to the very raw yet beautiful dance you performed honestly moved him, feeling a different kind of an ache within his own heart. The steps turned more radiant as it came to the heart of the story,...
... of a very graceful woman,...
... and the man,...
... who was foolish enough to let her go.
And when you finished, he was both speechless and mesmerized. You looked at him with concern, confused by his uncharacteristic silence.
That was when you saw it,...
... genuine tears falling down his face.
"Ah!" You stuttered, not knowing what to do upon the realization that you just made V cry. "I'm so sorry! I would never do this again! I - "
You were immediately silenced as V stood and gave you a hug so tight, yet so gentle, that you felt that he did not want to let go of you.
Like he did not want to ever lose you.
You knew he was still crying, so you took the initiative to wrap your arms around him and pull him closer.
"Hey, it's okay." You gently whispered at him, calming him down with your caress. "I'll never leave you. I promise."
And just when things were getting more and more cozy between the two of you, Griffon, who seemed to get touched by your performance, as well, flew towards you with large, melancholic eyes. How strange for a brazen creature such as him!
"Hey, do ya know any more stories that won't make ya cry?" The bird asked in a sad and weird tone.
"Okay! Let's see,... "
V smiled as he let go of you, wanting to hear what you were about to say. He just could not help but become excited for your story.
"There was a warrior who was protected by three Goddesses." You began. "However, he mysteriously vanished, making the Goddesses scatter all over the world in search of a temporary vessel until he returns. They found her and dwelled within her for a hundred years.
"Then, one day, he returned and two of his Goddesses returned to him. Aside from the last one who got attached to the woman. But, to gain complete power, the man must have all three with him. So, he took the third Goddess from the woman by force."
"What happened?!"
"Ah,... she died."
You became nervous as cold sweat trickled down your forehead. "I made it up,... "
"Hush, you Demon,..." V chuckled as he watched the two of you argue,...
But, the fun and peace of mind you had didn't last long,...
For, only after a few hours, Griffon, who was rendered useless by the Diabolical Amalgam, was screaming your name as you made your way towards the frightening creature, unarmed, wounded, vulnerable, and above all, stripped naked.
"SWEET PEA!" Griffon pleaded as he tried once more to attack, only to fail yet again. "YOU WILL FUCKIN' DIE! STOP!"
But you only looked back at him, winked, and held up a slender finger to your bloody lips.
Note: That's Simone Cameresi for you! A very graceful dancer. I imagine her as the Reader in that very sweet and heartfelt moment as she danced for V. So, I hope you followed my instruction and watched her before reading the next paragraph. πŸ–€
Another Note: The title of the song is Turning Page by Sleeping At Last. πŸ–€
P.S.: In ballet, a pas de deux is a dance duet in which two dancers, typically a male and a female, perform ballet steps together. The pas de deux is characteristic of classical ballet and can be found in many well - known ballets, including Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, and Giselle. Yeah, the more you know. πŸ–€
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