#anyway this is your notification: i LOVE the eclipse with my whole heart
sollucets · 2 years
see this is why i was supposed to keep this light and fluffy and about pda because if i start seriously trying to seriously deal with the ramifications of the eclipse’s post e10 plot ill go insane :(
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chewiewrites · 5 years
@bluesrgcnts sent: 📱 + mainik / eric&kc 
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: Hang on to your uwus for this one. I think her ringtone for Nik changes… not constantly but as their relationship grows and changes. Her autonomic ringtone for everyone is definitely the Pokemon theme song. During their time as friends, I can definitely see her having Total Eclipse of the Heart because she really loves the song? Probably sings it too often, #prayfornik’sears. And later she changes it to Something About The Way You Look Tonight; and her final ringtone for him is definitely Can’t Help Falling In Love. Oh, did I mention that all of her ringtones for him are the violin version of the original song? Because that’s canon. 
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: Full disclaimer, Mai changes Nik’s contact photo SO often, it’s ridiculous. 
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: Mailan.. finds it amusing that Nikita texts almost the same way he speaks? She could hear him saying what he sends her and it’s funny yet intimidating at times? Especially considering the way she texts? She sends so many emojis and a sentence at a time whereas I can see Nik sending her one block or line as a response and that’s it? No emojis or uwus or any of that sort of thing. And while at times Mai thinks it sucks, since she has NO idea how to take some things he says, she also loves it. The way he texts is just so him she couldn’t imagine it any other way? Because of how stoic-y he texts, Mai usually asks him questions such as “what do you mean by that?” and such. She feels bad doing so and sometimes avoids asking questions but other times she’s too scared of the meaning of what he says to keep quiet. That being said, I feel like she just grows used to it? To his stoic responses and such? I feel like at one point in their relationship, she no longer needs to ask questions and just feels much more calmer in regards to understanding him and such. Growth™️, I guess. 
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: Is it a surprise to anyone that she responds to him almost immediately? The minute she gets a notification and sees the bunny emoji, she’s unlocking her phone to answer him. Mailan often waits for his response in suspense or simply out of excitement. The only time she doesn't reply to him immediately is if she’s actually busy, think of work, schoolwork, showers, cooking, gardening, and sleep. And even so, there’s been instances were the notification from his text wakes her up and she responds and falls back to sleep (I can’t guarantee that those messages make any sense, some may have been in Vietnamese).
How often our muses text: Often, like I’d say daily. Mai definitely enjoys texting him every day, I can see her sending him good morning and goodnight texts every day without missing a beat. Even if he doesn’t reply to her, she still sends him so many messages? It’s almost a monologue and I’m embarrassed. But she means well with her texts and I’m sure Nik gets used to getting spam almost every day. 
How often our muses call: Depends? I’d say that if they are close to each other, think of school, camp, or wherever—I don’t know what other universes they may meet on, but if they are close and can see each other often or almost every day then the phone calls rarely happen. However, if they are in their perspective homes? The phone calls happen weekly if not more often. I’d like to think Nik is a busy boy considering his career of choice, so that’s why I don’t say daily.. Although if it were up to Mai’s clingy self.. that’s how it would be. But yeah, they probably schedule calls to have weekly. It’s funny to think of these fools as organized but again, Nik is a busy boy. And I’d imagine that when Mai is on break or home she’s doing a million things at once? Getting transfiguration classes plus violin classes. I somehow feel like she would also help her mother with her job? 
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Knowing Mai, no. She doesn’t have it in her to purposefully miss his calls UNLESS they’ve had a misunderstanding or she’s crying over something. I think Mai purposefully not answering his calls is so RARE, like.. I would be shocked when it happens. But I can imagine them having disagreements and she just kind of needs time? So she doesn’t answer his phone call—sometimes she lets him know, like “hey, I don’t think we should talk right now. Can you give me an hour or so?” Once they become.. a couple and have a some bumpy ass experiences she becomes so much more vocal about when she doesn’t understand what he means, or whether she does or doesn’t stand with it, etc? But them as friends? Mai just doesn’t answer his calls and then gives such a Lame excuse about it? Think of “sorry I was feeding my cat” even though Nik called her like five hours ago.. Additionally, Mai would purposefully miss his calls if she’s having a hard time and is crying, she sometimes texts him saying she’s struggling or other times she doesn’t.
Last text(s) sent from my muse to yours:
( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) that moment when your day is completely ruined!! ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) i was just about to eat my breakfast right?? as i do everyday ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) and when i go to get peach juice?? there is none left?? like WHO TOUCHED MY PEACH JUICE ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) ..no one did. i had the last of it yesterday, i’m so upset.. it’s not a complete breakfast without peach juice  ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) anyways, i hope your morning is going better… morning or day.. or night. what are time zones drafted! ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) i miss you so much
w/ ERIC & KC
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: I’m so sorry to disappoint everyone but Eric doesn’t bother with ringtones? Like at all. This boy lets his ringtone be the basic af iPhone ringtone.. He doesn’t even change them to the other options it’s the one the phone comes with. 
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: You best believe KC took this photo and added it himself.. because otherwise, he would have no contact picture. Eric doesn’t bother with that either. This demon doesn’t bother with ANYTHING and I hate him for it. 
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: Eric.. has seen people text worse than KC. It’s not that KC texts in a weird way.. it’s just A Lot™️ for Eric? Like he can just cringe at what KC sends him? I don’t know why but I feel like KC is an uwu sort of guy so he would use that and lots of periods or commas, maybe even a lot of line breaks? So that and the memes? And keysmaches? It just feels like a lot to Eric but he can.. see KC’s personality come through? He doesn’t know whether he hates it or is amused by it. Maybe he simultaneously hates it and finds it amusing. (The only bright side of KC texting habits is that it keeps Eric up to date with the memes). 
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: This dumb demon child takes his TIME getting back to KC! Unless it’s about business or it’s leading up to it in which he would reply sooner.. He still doesn’t reply instantly. At the beginning of Eric trying to charm KC, he definitely took a specific amount of time before replying to KC, like yes this demon calculated it. He wanted KC to wait, learn to at least. His goal? For KC to anticipate his response. To see whether KC would send more text messages instead of waiting. But Eric can take days or weeks to get back to KC.. good thing they live in Camp so they can at least see each other and talk then.. yikes. 
How often our muses text: As said previously, Eric is a slow ass texter but they probably have.. somewhat decent conversations. I’d imagine Eric would also text KC, it can’t all be one-sided because it might discourage him and Eric needs KC to still cave into his dumb demonic methods and ways. 
How often our muses call: Not.. that.. often? I feel like there’s different answers to this. When Eric’s manipulation was at its Peak™️ they probably had phone calls often, usually during the night. I can imagine Eric playing Fortnite (because.. he would) and having an hour conversation with KC, leading him on. He probably grows quiet when the match gets hard but.. I kind of works on his favor? You know that whole “let’s fall asleep on the phone” thing? Eric accomplishes it accidentally because he gets quiet id he’s really focused and KC eventually falls asleep. But after Eric calls them off? It’s just.. not a Thing anymore? KC can still call him.. but Eric doesn’t make the effort to have an hour conversation with KC. I imagine Eric and his dumb self calls KC when he’s highly intoxicated though, so good luck with that. 
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Yes, all the time. Though Eric sometimes doesn’t pay attention to his phone? He’s the type to not charge his phone for days because socializing is too much and seeing so many idiots face to face daily is Bad Enough for him. But Eric.. purposefully misses everyone’s calls, he can’t be bothered. If KC is insistent enough he’ll answer I guess or send one of those automatic(?) messages like “I’m busy, call later.” 
Last text sent from my muse to yours: 
( ✉️ – kc ) if you’re awake you should meet me near the entrance of camp in 5. i’m going to get legit chinese food from the city.
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theactor007 · 7 years
101 questions: Answers
Ok since SOMEONE wanted me to answer all 101 questions...( if it's the person I'm thinking it is...just know you suck). It's almost 6 in the morning be grateful. So here we go! Long add post ahead just a fair warning. (I need to stop reblogging this crap.)
1. I have white walls, blue carpet, black desk, and a variety of colors and hues due to posters, pops, collectables, etc.
2. Probably my drama/ Chorus teacher, Mrs. Monahan. She's the one who taught me the most about my life.
3. Theatre, Kingdom Hearts, learning, laughing, Lilo and Stitch, (wow I'm a dork)
4. Lol I don't drink coffee
5. My so called "dad bod." How I am with women I like.
6. Accept that you have flaws. They are as much a part of you as the good stuff. But don't focus on the bad focus on what makes you strong, unique. You are you and that's beautiful.
7. I do not have stuff animals.
8. Probably drawing.
9. Usually in the fetal position on my right side on the left side of my bed.
10. Being on stage, the imagination of kids, making someone else smile.
11. Small town easily.
12. Two story house on the beach. Hardwood floors, a balcony overlooking the water, and a game room.
13. I'd honestly love like three dogs. A husky/wolf mix, Tibetan Mastiff, and a Shepard.
14. I have not dyed my hair as of now. But I am looking into getting some darker low lights. I'm yet.
15. To each his own. I personally don't have one, but I'm not gonna judge if you do.
16. Look at 15.
17. Art is all around you. Just use what you see and feel to guide your pen/brush/body etc.
18. I was in middle school. I just got off the bus, was in a really good mood bopping along. I walk in the house, didn't even lay my bad down when I saw my sister with tears in her eyes. She looks at me and says We're picking Funeral music now. My Great Grandmother. So yea.
19. Not so much playlists as much in the order they are in my phone.
My best friend, Nate, Kerry, a few others.
21. Honestly as much as I try to, no. My main priority is making Every one else happy. Usually.
22. Usually typos.
23. Demon Hunter if you like metal. Dear Evan Hansen is amazing. I've been listening to Gorillaz recently so them too.
24. Plain.
25. Yea it's worth a shot at least
26. Nah I didn't see the eclipse. Tried to. But nope not really.
27. Nature is peace. Makes you realize you a part of something bigger than you. The birds chirping, the breeze, just beautiful.
28. Well I'm a hardworking, kind-hearted, socially awkward 22 year old. I enjoy theatre, video games, and making people happy. I will do anything and everything for my friends. I'm a proud dork, but with a wise mind.
29. I listen to basically anything. My music goes from Heavy metal to rap To Game music to Broadway to Disney to 80s.
Probably Hot Topic. Most of my wardrobe is graphic tees. And no better place to get it from Hot Topic.
I really don't shop at either. Name brand I guess?
32. What are s.o clothes?
33. I started Tumblr 2-3 years ago..something like that. I made it cause the girl I liked said I should make one. She help me make it and everything.
34. Wash my face every now and then. I really don't have a face care plan tbh
35. I prefer freckles, but both are equally cute!
36. Hate. And peas.
37. I used to have hot wheels cars. I loved organizing them into lines. Drive em around and line em up. Idk I was wierd.
38. Eh depends on the day
39. Games I use. Pops just sit there. I really don't buy a whole lot of expensive things.
40. Standardized testing in schools. Don't get me started.
41. I am constantly asking for advice. Can't learn if you don't know.
42. I mean prefer bras off but anyway!
43. Lol comfy. T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops is where it's at!
44. Honestly one of the better dates I've gone on. We went to the jazz festival and ended up going to a very nice restaurant. Watched the band play for a while. Went to the movies after and then went back to her place and we talked for like 3 hours. It was a good time. (She later went on to break my heart, but moving on!)
45. I am Christianso that should answer it.
46. I don't drink nearly enough water. I should drink more but I don't.
47. I mean it's good. It's unique. My hair naturally makes a nice little swoop so that's nice.
48. It's cloudy but the sun should be rising here soon.
I'd like to think of be a King, but chances are I'd be a Prince. More like the Other Prince in Into the Woods. The one who isn't Charming.
50. If I'm dressing up it's my black button up, blue jeans, and whatever the nicest pair of sneakers is. (I don't dress up a lot)
51. My hair, my kind-heart, my ethics,
52. I'd like to think I'm open minded.
53. I don't judge. Come as you are. Everyone's got stuff that has made them who they are. If I can be one person who they can talk to about that stuff then I've done my job.
I like to plan ahead as much as I can, but I have ADD so you do the math.
Love learning, Hate the education system.
German Shepard/Sharpei mix named Stitch. He's about 70 pounds of fluff and is as much a dork as I am. He's all bark no bite. Hes loves whoever comes in.
57. I don't like milk.
58. Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Overwatch, LOZ, Assassins Creed, oh and Lilo and Stitch.
59. Pandora.
60. Brave.
62. (I'm getting my questions from my gallery cause I'm on mobile and I didn't get 62 so yea)
63. Once I get the notification that it needs to be updated it takes me like two weeks of ignoring it to actually update. Once I get tired of the notifications like 20 min.
64. I'm in mobile so it's this stupid question list. I still hate you.
65. Lilo and Stitch probably. STITCH and I have a lot in common. The themes, soundtrack, artwork absotuly beautiful. The jokes are still funny. The characters still amaze me. Just amazing.
66. I've seen one Studio Ghibli movie, Princess Monoke and I enjoyed it.
If I'm playing games headphones are off. If music it's cranking loud as it can get!
68. All the time if by doing small things even If I don't say it verbally.
69. Kingdom Hearts, pops, Lilo and Stitch, I feel like I've answered this question a couple times.
70. God I want a partner. Someone to cuddle with, talk about life with, someone who will listen to me and support me. Someone I can be me around with.
71. Dr. Pepper
72. I'll talk to anyone who will listen. But the person who knew me the best and most intimately was the reason I created this Tumblr. Hope your doing well kid.
73. Ok let's see. Thomas Sanders' personal blog, FuckyeahKingdomHearts, the few mutuals I have, y'all know who you are,
74. To be truly happy with the one I'm supposed to spend forever with.
75. Of course! Is there any other place to sing?
76. I shave like once a week maybe. Mostly the cheeks. I trim my mustache and goatee if needed.
77. Over worrying.
78. Sometimes.
79. There are good and bad days. I try to.
80. It was like freshman year ( maybe 8th grade.) But I went with some friends around a riche part of town. Lol I went as Joseph from the Bible, like no joke. Got a lot of candy. It was good time.
81. It was the last day of third grade. I went to climb the monkey bars. I got to the first bar and fell cause my hands were sweaty. Bit my head on all three rungs to the ladder on the way down. Busted my head open and went home early. I think I still have the scar.
82. I'm tired man it's late for me. Long night at work.
83. My stupid ass had to reblog this. And I was expecting like answer like a few questions. No big deal. NOPE!! Some anon was like hey do All of em! So here I am on mobile, without Wi-Fi, I've been working all night, I've had to take pictures of this just so I can get it done. And I've been going at this now for like 2 hours. It's past my bedtime! I'm pretty sure I know who asked me this, because they have a habit of asking this type stuff. And if it is just know you suck so much. Ok end rant.
84. I say i don't care what people think, but I do. A lot. I worry that I'm being annoying or that I'm being that kid that everyone says hi to out of pity. I worry that I may bother some people. When in a relationship i constantly worry that I'm not doing my job right. That I've made her unhappy or something. It's a bad habit.
85. If both parties are working at it yes. Long distance can work. You gotta have a lot of trust. If there's the slightest bit of mistrust it can crumble in an instant.
86. Depending on how much younger. And yea if date someone older. I went on a date with a 35 year old once. Granted didn't know she was 35 till the date but she still had a great time.
87. Jim Carrey, the late Robin Williams, my great-grandfather whom I was named after, Obama, Hayley Joel Is many, the voice of Stitch.
88. I honestly don't remember.
89. 21st. I got my tattoo on the day before. Then me and my friends went to Disney Springs for the day and had a great time. A lot of laughs. I didn't drink but still had a great time!
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