#anyway tho.... this is by no means a perfect or neat or tidy informational post about Kazane---
komcrebi-moved · 4 years
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        UA  KIDS  GO  HARD!                   There is NO denying that. Imai Kazane is no exception!
      Please, allow me to go off this time about how Kazane, holder of a CONDUIT type quirk.. can-- and with growth-- WILL go fucking HAM.  Her quirk, briefly described: The ability to ABSORB, (& utilize for her own benefit), and PASS ON energy.   Hence.. Conduit.;;  Energy seems to be drawn to her in some fashion, at times without her even realizing her quirk has activated-- and as such, she sometimes has difficulty controlling her quirk due to it’s somewhat volatile nature. She’s practicing control and restraint everyday.
      Below, I will be talking about how, with proper training and patience (& with help from the one and only one lunged, puppy dog of a teacher-- ahem. Andi Williamson--) Kazane will learn how to not only control, but use and expand on the power that has ruined her life up until now, and caused others to fear her, and write her off as not only dangerous, but as an undesirable.        Kazane has a terrifying power. One capable of true Devastation at it’s peak potential, and only in due time, will she realize  just  how  strong  she  truly  can  be.  And with the expansion of her abilities and potential,  she will... in time.. come to be able to harness the even the very energy from the sun itself.
   Let me preface this by stating... Kazane has been mistreated, without exaggeration, ALL of her life. This is a general CONTENT WARNING for this muse to those who may read it. There will be mention of abuse, of bad home life, and of bullying and mental illness throughout her writing and interactions.  That is part of her, forever.   
   I hold so much love for all of my characters, but let me talk about IMAI KAZANE for a hot second.  My .. little,  precious child.  Who deserves... so much better.  And so,  is going to work to have so much better than she has had.  She can be dark, and frightening, but there’s no mistaking that light in her heart that tells her that SHE CAN BE GOOD. She can be MORE than what others have told her she will be.  More than a destroyer, or a force that only can TAKE.   She’s going to GIVE it her best shot, here at UA, with the help of her friends, and her mentor, VEGAS, a young, mostly retired hero who too, is trying to be better.
   In the past, her quirk has given her a lot of trouble, and it has forced her to become a loner, for fear she may accidentally hurt someone... again.  And out of distrust for others due to her long-time mistreatment and the fear others hold for her ability to turn living things into a husk of what it formerly was. She has never killed anyone,   but she has seriously harmed others on several occasions.  Always by accident.  mostly. 
   Something inside of her flipped like a light switch at the end of middle school.  She found out her quirk was not simply VAMPIRIC, as it was originally assumed. With the discovery that she could, with some effort, RETURN energy she has leeched, she was determined to enter UA high, and to learn how to better understand her quirk as well as how to use it safely, and in a way that is useful.
              ‘ A vampiric quirk like that, where you only steal from                      others--   is something only a villain could have...’
    She is determined to show that she too, someone with a frightening quirk,  can be more than what the world expects of her, or assumes she can and cannot be.   When she discovered by accident one day that her quirk was not what she thought it was (nor what everyone ELSE thought it was)... It opened doors she never even knew existed for her. She was terrified and overjoyed at the same time.  For the first time in her life,                                 . . .   SHE  HAD  HOPE.
   She started on her training, relentlessly practicing,  overworking herself,  overusing her quirk to the point she’s made herself sick on more than one occasion.  Kazane was determined to change how things were for her... Because, she realized, no one else was going to do it for her. So she would not settle for less any longer. And that included her living situation with her current foster family.  Overall,   she will have made a momentous overhaul to her life after passing the entrance exams for UA.  She passed, though just barely. Everyone was much quicker, much stronger, and knew how to use their quirk in creative ways. She wouldn’t be able to show her true strengths until the sports festival, where she will have had much more time and practice with her newfound abilities.
__            *     Kazane is a troubled individual. She has been since childhood--  where most of her problems began.  She has a darkness inside of her heart from her experiences in life, and it comes out most when she’s, of course, having a bad day... Or when she’s fighting.          Given an enemy or opponent,  Kazane has shown that she can be quite ruthless and cruel.  Her hatred and anger is something she will forever carry in her heart, and she uses that to her advantage.  RAGE is her motivation.  Rage at her mistreatment,  abuse,  neglect,  and the general state of the world and the suffering of herself,  and other people.  When she grows,   it  will  evolve  into  OUTRAGE.   Despite her overall quiet,  calm, though melancholy  demeanor--  she holds this anger in her heart like a burning coal, and stokes it to flames when necessary.
     If, say, during a situation like the attack on UA-- she’s faced with a genuine enemy who wishes to do harm to her or her classmates.. She’ll go all out, and won’t hold back. If someone wants to truly hurt others,  and she is faced with them,  she will treat them as they treat others.    She wouldn’t kill them (if she continues down the Hero route)  But if she allows herself,  she will become.. a rather frightening person to them,  and to anyone unfortunate enough to witness her using them to lash out on.    She believes that those who mistreat or hurt others for their own gain, or simply because... They Can... are truly despicable.  And are deserving of punishment and any justice that may be brought upon them.   She does not... and will not stand for these kinds of people-- some of the same kinds who have made her life a living hell-- to be allowed to continue to ruin the lives of others, or to cause further suffering.
    Despite her frightening anger and self troubles and darkness and all... Kazane, at her core... Is Light.  She has difficulty expressing herself and often sounds cold, or seems shy... But beneath it,  she is kind.  Or... she wants to be.   She’s trying her best to be the best version of herself that she possibly can. She’s angry,  and hurt,  and troubled, yes. But she’s passionate and feels deeply for those who have, or are suffering.  She wants to do good in the world, and to be a source of HOPE to those who need it most. Above all,   she wants to be the hero she wished she had growing up. _     Kazane, while working with Andi, has improved DRASTICALLY. He encourages and supports her in ways that she has never experienced with another person. She gets angry and tired sometimes, and becomes frustrated when she doesn’t improve or understand how she could possibly do something.  But with much patience, and a little help... And a little hard love, when needed...   She’s able to overcome these obstacles.  Andi has helped to teach Kazane to improve her overall abilities, in her quirk and in herself. He has helped improve her critical thinking,  and to see through her emotions when they threaten to cloud her judgement.         He uses his own experiences as examples when needed,  wishing for her not to repeat any mistake that left him with life-altering consequences. 
      AND THEN,  came the discussion that would change everything for her.  It’s been discussed,  analyzed,  and thought through.  And deemed dangerous,  but worth the try... if it can be controlled.  Any signs that it could possibly go haywire and bring their student to harm,  and it would be stopped immediately.     Though some may find it fantastical or ridiculous... The topic of discussion being...                 That the sun,  is sometimes thought of...as a living thing.
Who’s to say that she COULDN’T harness the energy from the sun?  She doesn’t need to TOUCH anything to absorb energy...  So why would solar energy be any different? It’s all molecules, isn’t it?       THIS will be the ultimate test for Kazane, and the ULTIMATE show of the true extent of her power.  She has to meditate, build her tolerance, endurance, and concentration-- and push to the very limits of the CONTROL she holds over her own powers. And then push even beyond that.     Andi has made it very clear to her,  that the sun is an endless well of power she could potentially tap into.  And be that as it may,   it also means that it could endlessly fill her,  and destroy her  if her control slips for even a second.  
     Having too much energy, or more energy than she’s used to carrying in her body causes her great pain.  Extended use of her quirk, and hoarding of excess energy if continued will eventually degrade her soft tissue, and in turn, will cause joint, tendon, and issues related to her internal organs.       Having too much energy, and continuing to fill her cells with it far beyond her limits will essentially turn her into a walking atomic bomb... if she can even walk at that point.    This is her OVERCHARGED state.  And her most dangerous / powerful one,  where if she is still conscious and capable of fighting, she can unleash powerful and devastating attacks that she otherwise would not be able to use.  The downside, aside from.. you know. the sensation of every cell in her body burning,  is the Uncontrolled Damage.  
      Because of her quirk,  she actually suffers from chronic pain.  She has tested her limits more than once,  and it in turn, caused herself lasting damage to her joints.  The issues she has are minimal at this point in her life,  but if she were to continue without the use of any support items, it’s likely she may very well be through with her career by the time she’s forty.. if she can push herself that far.
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