#anyway time to continue with the rest of ep1 lmao
thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
so i had the bright idea of rewatching s1 today whilst im working from home, now knowing what i know about s2, and so i can ruminate a little more on s1 with the additional context. ive barely made it past five minutes
im pretty sure ive gotten most of the frames accurate from this bit, and im sure it might just be a bit of demonstrative cinematography (which ya know, *chefs kiss*) but at the same time i love going into full year 9 english teacher mode about this shit, and i think there is something to comment on (which someone already might have done but w/e). in any case, this bit of dialogue is very noticeably layered with shots of crowley and aziraphale, but intercut with the shots of adam facing down the lion:
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like, i can't help but feel that there is some symmetry in this and either other people have spotted it and im very behind, OR we havent spotted it and s2 spoilers have helped unlock it✨
so who is meant to be who here? for my money it would be that adam is mirroring aziraphale, and eve is mirroring crowley - in so much that at a really shallow level, aziraphale is a platoon leader, a guardian, fought in the war etc. crowley, regardless of his rank, is a starmaker, and let's face it the boy has the structural integrity of a strand of dried linguine. so we could look at it on that level (ignore the lion for the moment ill sort of explain that if it isn't already obvious)
but also we now know that this scene is not their first meeting, and that aziraphale and crowley do in fact remember each other and know that they have met, and in aziraphale's case is probably the teeniest bit shy bc damn heart eyes as an angel, heart eyes as a demon 🥵 but my point is that this is after the fall. after (as far as crowley tells it) crowley fell for 'just ask[ing] questions", and "just hung around the wrong people".
now i have my thoughts on why crowley fell: tldr because it would require another post - both reasons he gave above are bullshit and obvs conflict with each other, so i think that he doesn't actually know why he fell and has just guessed his transgressions so he can rationalise it, that god actually never had an issue with him asking questions, and instead it was actually god's plan to make him fall so he could represent the 'evil' side of free will on earth, as aziraphale's counterpart, and essentially ensure that humankind stays eternally 'in balance'
ANYWAY so the fact that in the lion sequence, 'crowley' is being shielded by 'aziraphale' against an unknown entity; but does this mirror a flashback, or is it foreshadowing? again, id put my bets on the former visually, but the latter... lyrically? idk the word but regardless take the dialogue:
"What if I did the right thing;
with the whole 'eat the apple business'?
A demon can get into a lot of trouble;
for doing the right thing."
so let's rephrase this:
"Was it the right decision to fall;
was I right to choose this for myself?
to choose the right to choose?
Because i feel like i could live to regret it."
so is crowley in essence already asking if aziraphale is on his side? is he asking if falling was the right thing, the good thing, to do (regardless of whether god gave him any choice in the matter)? But was he given the choice, first true free will? did aziraphale try to protect him during the fall, so crowley could get out in time (but ultimately fail? or at least bought Crowley enough time to find a back staircase and fall gently and peacefully, 'saunter vaguely downwards'?), and then get assigned to earth to be the 'good' side of the coin for humanity?
and is crowley asking if aziraphale will continue to be with him? in whatever romantic, platonic, acquaintance context you want - is he asking aziraphale if aziraphale will fight for him again, for them both? aziraphale made his decision, enacted his free will, in giving the humans a sword, and thus brought the concept of war and horror to earth, even if that was never his intention - so now swordless, and now only condemned to watch humanity as it strides out on its own (or was this the plan all along?👀), is aziraphale willing to do it? does he have the power, the strength, the will? would he stretch his finger over the line to fight on their side?
maybe im asking the wrong kind of questions, but all ill say is that in the above sequence? at the end of the dialogue? adam kills the lion.
i think 'their side' began in the job minisode, yes maybe, but also maybe the idea of it, the understanding of it, was planted here.
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murasaki-murasame · 6 years
Now that the manga’s pretty definitively over, I wanna make a more comprehensive post about how I think :re season 2 will be adapted, given that it seems like it will adapt up to the ending. Mostly I want to give an idea of how I think s2 will be structured on an episode by episode basis to show that it can actually work to begin with, without being a huge mess.
And honestly it feels like nobody else wants to seriously consider the logistics of how season 2 will work story-wise so I want to make up for it, lmao.
Anyway, thoughts under the cut.
[Fake edit: This went on for, uh, several thousand more words than I wanted it to, so I cut a fair bit of it out. I guess if anyone wants my more in-depth thoughts on how they might change or cut certain plot points, they can ask, but I figured I shouldn’t spend thousands of words rambling about stuff, lol. This ended up being kinda long even after editing it, though.]
Yeah this went on for way longer than I wanted, so I’m just gonna be quick and say that my overall speculation for s2 is based upon basically viewing the manga like it’s a novel that I’m being tasked with editing, so I looked back through the story and slowly came up with an idea of what plot points I think could be cut/changed in order to condense things enough that the anime could actually get to the end of the manga in twelve episodes without, like, trying to adapt ten chapters per episode.
I feel pretty confident in my idea of the most major things that basically NEED to be cut to save on time, and to improve the pacing and overall storytelling [like cutting out Furuta taking over the CCG, or having Rize become Dragon instead of Kaneki, etc], but one part that could go either way is definitely the topic of which character the anime will have Kaneki end up dating.
I don’t wanna spend too much time explaining my thoughts on this one since it’d take a fair bit of time, but after having rewatched :Re season 1, I definitely get vibes that they’re intentionally moving away from the idea of having Kaneki and Touka end up together in the anime, and since the manga’s over and there’s presumably no sequel for them to have to set up, they could have the creative freedom to have Kaneki and Hide end up together instead.
But either way it’s something that could go either way and I honestly wouldn’t mind much one way or another. This isn’t really meant as any kind of ship hate, it’s just an observation, lol. For all I know Kaneki could even end up single in the anime, but I think we can all agree that that’s pretty unlikely.
Anyway, below is my basic idea of how I think season 2 could theoretically be structured so that it covers up to the end of the story in twelve episodes. Obviously there’s a lot of different ways it could go, and especially a lot of different ways stuff in the Black Reaper arc can be ordered, but it’s one idea. I’m also gonna kinda glaze over the early stuff because I’m mostly gonna focus on the potential changes the anime might make, and I don’t think they’d change the Black Reaper arc much.
EP1: Basically the second half of volume six, although they might move Eto’s backstory flashback to during episode 2. It’d probably still end on her big press conference, though.
EP2: In general everything leading up to the scene where Eto calls Furuta a clown, plus maybe her aforementioned backstory.
EP3: The early Rushima stuff, mainly the fights involving Suzuya’s squad and Kurona and so on. Plus Furuta explaining his whole deal to Eto, Eto telling Kaneki to kill the one-eyed king, and some of the Cochlea Raid set-up with Ayato and Banjou and co. Probably ending with Kaneki’s flashbacks of how he became Haise, and him triggering the alarms and starting the raid.
EP4: The Mutsuki-Torso subplot in full, plus all of the good guys busting into Cochlea, and Kaneki having his big flashback to the sewers, and rescuing Hinami.
EP5: Lots of the earlier Cochlea fights, like Hinami and Kaneki vs Furuta, and Arima vs the :re crew, and so on, plus some of Yomo’s flashbacks, which they could maybe expand a bit to explain all of Arata’s situation and stuff. Then ending with Kaneki drawing Arima away while everyone else flees further into Cochlea, and Eto eating Shiono’s corpse, and so on.
EP6: More Rushima fight scenes, maybe resolving the Kurona fight, plus maybe the whole Tatara/Houji fight, ending with Amon showing up. Maybe also starting the Kanou lab raid stuff. Then some fights involving the :Re crew and Eto against the CCG and V, plus the Kaneki-Arima fight, and the brain ghost Hide scene, ending with Arima’s suicide.
EP7: Some of the stuff from ep6 could happen here to save on time, but in general this would just be the end of the Cochlea arc, explaining all the stuff to do with Arima and Eto, and Kaneki becoming the OEK, and the whole part where Marude assassinates Yoshitoki. I think this could easily be fleshed out a bit to include a scene where we explicitly see that Scarecrow is Hide.
EP8: Basically just the rest of the Rushima stuff, so the Kanou lab raid stuff, and the big climactic fights involving Akira, Amon, Takizawa, and so on. Some notable changes I’d like to make here would be including a zombie Shirazu fight, having Kanou wind up dead one way or another, and having Amon get rescued by the :re crew along with Akira. It might end on a short scene setting up the Goat arc by showing what Kaneki’s up to after becoming the OEK.
EP9: This is where things would get really changed up and condensed. Basically this would cover the formation of Goat, Kaneki starting off his life as the OEK, Amon reuniting with Akira, etc etc. We’d also get stuff with the CCG and how they’re reacting to stuff like Arima’s death and Kaneki’s betrayal and so on. Kimi could also join the crew here if the writers want, or later on. This would probably end with Amon bringing Hide back into the picture, and us getting out whole Hide-Kaneki reunion, in a way that actually explains what Hide’s entire deal is. If the anime wants to go down the have Kaneki and Hide end up together, then during their reunion Kaneki could just ask Hide why he did so much for him, Hide could directly confess his feelings to Kaneki, and then Kaneki could reciprocate, and that’s basically all they’d need to do. If they want to have Kaneki end up with Touka, I guess they could find a way to fit the scene of them hooking up into here. I don’t know if they’d keep the whole thing of Mutsuki burning down the cafe, though. The episode would probably in general end with everyone deciding to confront and strike peace with the CCG.
EP10: They could maybe fit in something like the Hinami-Akira confrontation at the start, but mostly this episode would be about Goat taking on the CCG, and attempting to strike a peace treaty of sorts with them in order to band together for the greater good and so on. This could give us a lot of conflicts similar to ones from the 24th ward raid and so on, and stuff like Mutsuki confronting Kaneki about how he abandoned the Qs, and so on. And we’d get to see Matsuri get talked to and convinced to change sides on-screen, which would be nice. If Kimi is part of Goat by here, they could probably also have her reason with the CCG about how developments in research could lead to stuff like synthetic food being made for ghouls, and so on, to allow for peace. Then at the end we’d get a whole scene of Furuta forcing a delirious Rize to consume all of the Oggai [which would probably only be shown for the first time in the anime here, but they could be explained easily enough as a consequence of Kanou’s surgery and so on] so that she can become Dragon, and we’d end off with the CCG and Goat deciding to work together to handle this new threat.
EP11: Basically the first half of volume 16, with some details taken from volumes 14 and 15. For the most part it’d just be the CCG and Goat fighting against the dragon orphans, the clowns, and V, while in the background Kaneki and co try and figure out what’s going on and what to do, and he ends up deciding to venture inside Dragon to destroy it’s core, which leads to him confronting Furuta as a cliffhanger. [On the topic of the clowns, they could obviously keep the fights involving Uta and Donato here, but I think they could also shift the fight with Roma and Shikorae here as well, and it’d make a lot of sense. And as a consequence they could also include Kuroiwa’s death and Urie’s big character development moment that happens because of it, and so on]
EP12: Basically the second half of volume 16, starting with the Furuta fight, then going into the Rize stuff, during which they could probably splice in the Kaneki-Rize confrontation from volume 15, which could be quite fitting. Then we’d get some wrap-up to the fight against V, and then the time-skip, and the events of the final chapter, which could go by pretty easily if it’s mostly just Hide narrating while the anime montages through scenes of all the various characters and where they ended up. Then the exact way it ends would I guess depend on which romance route the anime chooses. If they keep Tou//ken in place, then the ending would basically play out exactly the way it did in the manga. If they go down the Hidekane route, it’d mostly play out the same, but just end with Kaneki and Hide being a couple instead, and I guess either they’d be childless, or we’d see that they adopted a daughter, or something. I think it’d be a really neat detail if the epilogue either way also shows Touka continuing/restarting her cafe business. It’d both be a nice ending for her in general, and it’d be a pretty convenient excuse for them to slide in a final shot of a coffee cup, like the manga did.
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mikanrulz · 7 years
shingeki no bahamut: virgin soul ep1-4 impression
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All in all, the four eps are pretty solid in establishing the setup of the story imo. Also, this post is centered around azazel.
About Jeanne
The most surprising thing is the fact that Jeanne had a kid. Like, in the prologue, she didn’t show any sign whatsoever???
But right after Charioce mentioned her kid, Jeanne called Michael’s name.
Charioce wanted the kid killed, and the heaven side wanted the kid found in order to save them. The kid, Mugaro, obviously belongs on the God’s side of power spectrum, not from demon’s side like Azazel thought.
So probably there’s no mistaking Mugaro had something to do with Michael the Archangel. The question left is if Mugaro was Michael’s kid, or the incarnation of Michael himself.
Considering the odd eye, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Michael was the only being shown who had different eyes colors after all.
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Also, Jeanne might not even carry Mugaro in a pregnancy. Like, Michael could just appear in a baby form in a flash of blinding light or something and Jeanne was thought of as the mother bcs she was simply with baby Mugaro.
Also I guess it’s time I said goodbye to the hope that Mugaro might secretly be Lucifer like I said before orz
About Nina & Azazel
I’ve remarked a little bit about them here.
It’s… probably would be useful to count how many times they have hugged, and  I’m counting 3x so far: Ep1, when he caught her after thinking she was Mugaro and still didn’t drop her even after realizing she was not Mugaro. Ep4, when they rolled down the street together; that was practically a hug. Ep4, when she asked him to hug her (this particular hug won all the awards in my book)
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Also, Azazel already saw her naked 2x: Ep1, presumably after she went back to human form and he carried her to Rita’s place. Ep4, when Rita picked unconscious Nina up.
Fast development is fast: Ep1, she ran in order to catch him, the Rag Demon, for the bounty. Ep3, she ran in order to save him, the Rag Demon, from being killed.
How many pieces of the same clothes do you think Nina have? Considering every time she turned into a dragon she ripped her clothes to shreds.
Also I thought Azazel’s clothes was part of his demon package, like something he would automatically wear whenever he turned into a demon – much like the way Amira had her demon clothes and hair style every time she transformed only to turn back to her human clothes and hair style when she was done.
But apparently Azazel’s clothes were just… clothes… since he could take them off at will like that.
Also idky but I always had the impression his clothes were a one piece, so finding out he wore proper pants and proper upper garment was just. disappointing? I mean, it’s not like demons and angels even need to go to the bathroom right??? So they could probably wear complicated clothes designs that had no such purpose in mind and maybe just leave some room for the wings??? No I mean srsly what a wasted opportunity???? /is shot
Nina and Azazel did not arm wrestle, but I’m pretty sure even if they did, Nina would win hand down. Also, he would give less of a challenge than the glasses turban man. Also, notice how easily she pulled him in the gif below, like, he toally had no chance against her lmao
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Looking at the way he fought, Azazel was not a power fighter; he was more of a speed user, and those wings gave him more range since it meant he could attack from literally any angle.
Azazel & Rita & Kaisar
Kaisar didn’t change at all, in that he didn’t sell out Azazel even though he knew he was the Rag Demon, the way he also didn’t sell out Favaro when he found out Favaro had a demon tail back in s01e02.
Why did he choose to give Azazel the benefit of the doubt tho? I mean, Favaro was his childhood friend, so it was understandable for him to not rat out Favaro. But Azazel didn’t even have such sweet history with him – on the contrary, in fact.
Azazel and Kaisar did have their momentary (?) truce thing in s01e11, but was it enough to make Kaisar trust him that far?
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During this scene, rita would know a calm azazel is a dangerous azazel probably.
Bcs he thought with his logic instead of with his emotion.
His resignation tone is also very alarming bcs he was a sore loser who would hardly accept any defeats, and she had been with him for two years; she recognized him accepting defeat was not him. She froze bcs of it, but she didn't say anything bcs she was not sure of where he was going to take this probably.
Him leaving Mugaro in her care probably clinched it for her: he was not alright or maybe, he was starting to go down the demon part, the bad part, where he used ppl up and disposed of them, again.
Anyway, Rita *cared* about him. Like in that scene where she was berating him and threatening to not attend his wounds if he hurt Nina, she instantly reacted and worriedly admonishing him for getting up despite his wounds.
just what happened in those 2-10 years to make Rita cared that much about Azazel?
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Rita, Bacchus and Hamsa all knew Azazel was the Rag Demon, and none bothered to tell on him; Rita even appointed herself his doctor (sort of), while Bacchus and Hamsa, while happily printing his wanted posters, seemed to discourage ppl to actually *try* to capture him – if the way Hamsa tried to stop Nina in ep1 was anything to go by.
Kaisar himself seemed to at least have suspicions, but never confirmed it until Azazel spoke to him as Rag Demon and Kaisar recognized his voice.
Similarly, Charioce also seemed to have suspicions on the identity of Rag Demon, but never have it confirmed until he saw his naked face.
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He just said ‘it’s you’, not by name, so he was probably only familiar with Azazel’s face from his undertaker job at the arena, and not necessarily bcs he knew Azazel’s identity as former high-ranking demon.
(srsly where’s the rest of high ranking demons anyway)
Kaisar recognizing some soldiers didn’t actually like the current king all that much in ep1.
In S1, the king’s name is Charioce XIII, so how did in just 10 years XIII became XVII??? Did the current Charioce kill them all after they had been appointed a king, and therefore the title number continued on??? That seemed… excessive… like wouldn’t it better to just kill them all before they got the King title???
Alessand just how much did you like Kaisar anyway? Your fanboying was kinda showing.
Also anyone notice how Dias’ ears were a bit pointed? Was he possibly of the demon kind perhaps? Or maybe that was just random character design.
Azazel and Mugaro
Current speculation about Mugaro: Michael’s offspring and/or Michael himself, mothered by Jeanne D’Arc
Azazel picking up Jeanne’s kid is reaaaaally interesting, and not only bcs picking up a kid at all is already surprising for him.
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As of S1, things Jeanne did to Azazel: 1. destroyed his gregor castle 2. killed his subordinates 3. shot him and wounded him heavily, helped by Michael’s blessing 4. cut his bigger horns too while she was at it (5. cut his two smaller wings too maybe? I’m not sure but by the time he appeared injured in ep8 his wings were only two, and his smaller wings were never seen again.)
I’m looking forward to the moment Azazel finally met Jeanne again.
I’m even more looking forward to the moment Azazel found out Mugaro was actually Jeanne’s kid.
Bacchus and Hamsa knew Mugaro had different eyes color, and thanks to Sofiel searching for Mugaro, they probably suspected Mugaro had some heaven power or something.
So technically Azazel was the only one who didn’t know that both Heaven and Charioce were searching for Mugaro, and also the only one not suspecting even in the slightest the extent of Mugaro’s powers.
Mugaro himself (herself?) didn’t even seem inclined to show this powers to Azazel and letting Azazel think he had to protect Mugaro, even though ep2 was probably not even the first time Mugaro saved Azazel.
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Mugaro’s powers so far: 1. sending off prayers??? Life force absorbing??? Whatever he did to those dying demons to make them disappear in a rain of sparkles. (ep1 - 2) 2. magic force/seal breaking (ep2) 3. making things float (ep2) [Michael showed the same ability in s1] 4. premonition??? (ep4)(this is just a speculation bcs how else would Mugaro knew where to wait in order to catch Azazel?)
IF Mugaro was really Michael and Jeanne’s kid instead of Michael’s incarnation, I really hope she/he would keep staying on Azazel’s side, bcs it would be really interesting to see a kid from a successful angel/human relationship ending up with an angel that became a fallen bcs he loved a daughter of man.
Also orz Belphegor was actually stronger than Azazel in the game, but here she was lower ranked.
Not counting Mugaro, Azazel had a flag with Nina, and possibly Bel as well, since once again he would end up saving a cornered Bel later according to the 3rd pv….
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But back to Mugaro, do you think Azazel took that Undertaker job bcs he needed it to stay legitimate in town, or did he do it to spy on Charioce?
He was a demon, his horns were showing through his hat, yet he still didn’t wear the necklace controller thing.
Also, if he had Mugaro with him, didn’t that mean he had to provide a proper house with proper room and bed, proper clothes, proper *human* food, proper… everything?
Considering Rita and Bacchus’s chosen garment wear, probably Azazel was also the one who chose the clothes for Mugaro, meaning his taste ran more for the upper class side.
Mugaro also had those candies that he shared with the demon kids in ep2, meaning Azazel probably bought them for him, or at the very least gave him the money to buy them.
When he talked to Mugaro, Azazel also tended to use gentler voice. He shouted at Nina a few times, but he never raised his voice when talking to Mugaro.
He also probably often patted Mugaro’s head.
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Considering Mugaro was mute and couldn’t tell him his/her name, Azazel was probably the one who *named* him/her Mugaro
He so obviously *cared* so much for Mugaro I’m in pain???? Help???
He went to the capital city, fully aware and fully prepared to lose his life, for the sake of what? Saving several demons, alone? Atone for sins we don’t know about??? What??? Why alone???
I’ve commented before how Azazel might as well be the season’s protag since things are kinda centered around him as of now.
But thinking about it now, he looks more like a damsel in distress bcs he keeps getting saved one way or another, and he always seems to be in distress way too often.
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