#anyway we joke about “plot relevant babies” but Emory is MY plot relevant baby
Because someone - @capn-twitchery - made me think more about Emory's family, here's the basics before they show up in any further fics:
Roughly a decade after the fall of London, a girl in her late teens left Khan's Shadow. She loved her home and the urchins she had grown up alongside, but had no desire to spy or fight for anyone. Who cared about political allegiances when there were treasures out there to be stolen? Duels to be won? Epic zee-ztories to become a part of? No, she was going to become a pirate on her own terms and no one else's. This girl, Erdene, would go on to gain notoriety and become known as the Gilded Corsair.
Around the same time, two sailors of a similar age came to the Neath, chasing rumors of strange and thrilling sights. Aubrey Hayes, who would become the Exuberant Rogue, settled in easily, pleased that nobody questioned him saying he was a man. His friend, William Delaney (later known as the Taciturn Explorer), wanted to see everything these dark waters had to offer. They found work and started their new lives as zailors.
Before Erdene and Aubrey earned their titles, though, they met in an island's dockside tavern. They got into a friendly fight that turned into a one-night stand and parted ways; they would not cross paths again for over a year.
It eventually became clear that this night had had...consequences. Since Aubrey and Will had fooled around before, there was some concern the child might be his and much relief when it turned out otherwise. Will instead became an honorary uncle, helping out while Aubrey did his best to track down a girl he'd only met once. He figured she deserved to know, at least.
When they did meet again, Erdene could hardly deny Emory was hers; they were practically her spitting image. She was anxious and uncertain, but stepped up to do her best. Between all of them, they managed to raise Emory more or less effectively, though his upbringing and education were a bit unconventional. Over time, Aubrey and Erdene also realized that they did, in fact, get along very well. After a few years of this somewhat backwards courtship, they had a small but raucous wedding.
The Gilded Corsair's husband and their friend remained on her crew up until Emory was somewhere in his mid-20s. The Taciturn Explorer left them to join him on the Aegis for at least a few years, being interested in Lenora's expeditions which were focused more on knowledge than profit.
From time to time, Emory's parents show up, board his ship, and spend some time with the rest of their family. In turn, whenever Emory is away from London for a long period of time, he does his best to track them down for a visit.
Fun facts:
The Gilded Corsair is known as such because she is constantly dripping with jewelry. She has a reputation for being ruthless and strict, which is deserved, but she's not outright cruel or unpleasant. Treat her fairly and she'll do the same - for the most part. If you have something she really wants, not much is going to stop her from taking it.
The Exuberant Rogue loves duelling and sparring. If you befriend him, he'll almost always be eager to test your skills. The fish tattoo on his hip is for Emory, who he fondly refers to as "little fish."
The Taciturn Explorer may not enjoy long conversations (Aubrey befriended him mainly through persistence), but he'll warm up to you if you give him some new study materials. He was the one who taught Emory the majority of their navigational and cartographical skills.
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