#anyway yeah I'm gonna make 3 edits with the same 6 shots in the same 3 collections and none of u will mention it
princemick-archive · 2 years
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seb + his teams
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e11 adventures in babysitting (w. adam glass)
when this started i was like. is this... going to be a twilight new moon reference...
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which is my favorite scene in the series, it's my favorite adaptation of how the book did it (a blank page with just the month name for 3 pages in a row), and it's one of my most favorite and memorable usages of music in a movie.
while the circumstances are less permanent, new moon really hit for me with grief. and in fact i made a little parallel thing with this scene in spn s2e3 bloodlust (sera wrote that one) when sam and dean are in the thick of john just dying.
i wrote a little bit (under the cut) about my own parents deaths in the last episode and as ever this show pokes at my dead parents feelings and i'm not sure this episode is gonna go down with me. john dying was rough on me in that stirring up personal grief way, i'm hoping to not have a repeat of that experience.
(minor music rant, i think why it gets to me so much is because i am such a pushover and so easily emotionally manipulated by tv/movie music. *usually* if a show wants me to fell sad, they're gonna hit that button with music if nothing else. and i dislike it when i feel like i'm being manipulated. so to have a show not be able to hit that low bar, when i am already extremely emotionally connected to the show, THAT is notable. and not good. because like i said, i'm a cheap date. like just for a second there i felt that real sadness with this generic sad piano score happening as we go from sam and dean arguing and deciding to work different jobs to sam knocking on the kid's door. it was right there! but it petered out as soon as it came. -- edited to add: not surprisingly, it's a jay gruska ep)
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wolverine, is that you?
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teen wolf s3e8 visionary - madison mclaughlin as paige krasikeva
i thought the kid looked familiar, paige in teen wolf?? baby derek had to mercy kill her
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surely dude would have a scarred up arm by now, with the number of times he's slicing himself. on the same wavelength again, i also suggested this little test back in episode 6 :p
FRANK Do I look like I know? You think it's easy to see this deep into what's real and also be bipolar with delusional ideation? There is no pill for my situation, sweetiepop, so, yeah, best guess – the bigmouths are onto me. Next question.
cue reading the delusional disorder wiki page, i didn't realize delusions could come without other symptoms of psychosis
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so i think i've seen stuff he's been in but nothing jumping out worth grabbing a picture of. but he keeps pinging a) tom sizemore b) that he's somehow related to mark sheppard/crowley c) patton oswalt.
FRANK Got the equipment arranged. Come and get your costume on. We can scoot. DEAN "Costume"? What?
okay, that was cute.
not cute for me, the bumbling around on the cherry picker -_-
SAM (on phone) Dean, hey. So I think this guy was hunting a Vetala. Um, Dad took one down back in the day. Silver knife to the heart, twist, they're done. He says they're maladjusted loner types – like to knock a guy out, drag him home, feed slow. So, if Krissy's dad got grabbed, there's a chance he might still be alive. Be nice to get this girl's dad back home to her, you know? All right, I could use your help. Call me.
hitting us over the head with the point again. GOOD TO GET A DAD BACK TO THEIR KID HUH
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you just said you could use dean's help.. but you went alone anyway and got jumped (very easily i might add) and bitten? great decision making, sam
DEAN How long was I out? FRANK 'Bout 36 hours.
excuse me WHAT. what a cheap way to add a bunch of tension and conflict that's also completely not believable. i don't care how sleep deprived he was, unless there was some medical condition happening there IS NO WAY.
FRANK Did I mention you look awful? DEAN Yes. Maybe because somebody I cared about just got shot in the head. And this is like shoving a rock up a hill. And – screw you. FRANK Here's my advice you didn't ask for – quit. DEAN What? FRANK You want to keep going? DEAN I want Dick Roman on a spit. FRANK But you're gonna drive yourself into the ground first. Good plan. DEAN I'm not gonna quit. It's not even an option. I'm not gonna walk out on my brother.
not totally sure how quitting equates to walking out on sam, but okay. oh wait, was he saying quit hunting altogether? (that totally went over my head, i just am realizing now after finishing the episode and rereading before posting lol)
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KRISSY My dad left, and he didn't come back. Sam left, and he didn't come back. I give you the info, you leave, you don't come back.
she makes a good case and we get awkward roadtrip with kid for dean
DEAN Because I hunted one that turned out to be two a couple years back. KRISSY And you never told Sam? Wow, thanks. How 'bout sharing that with the rest of the class so we don't all get killed? DEAN Sam was away at Stanford, smartass.
okay but what? if sam was at school then john was alive and somehow dean never got that information to john so he'd update his journal? i don't think there's a gap that this could have worked in when john was dead but sam wasn't with dean for long enough to do a hunt/not talk about it. weird.
anyway probably just a segue to bring up college with the kid.
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KRISSY So... Guess I'm retiring – one and done. DEAN Really? How you feel about that? KRISSY Who knows? Maybe I'll go to Stanford like Sam. KRISSY We're so lame. DEAN Yeah, we are. Take care of yourself.
that was sweet.
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SAM You know what? Good for them. DEAN Yeah. It's nice to walk away from someone and feel like they could be okay. How about you? How you doing? You all right? SAM No. I'm definitely not. But, you know, I mean, um, I think, maybe... I just want to work. SAM Should I even ask? DEAN I'm fine. SAM "Fine," meaning...? DEAN You're right. We should just... work, right? And figure out a way to kick Dick Roman's ass. Well, hey, we are the professionals.
obstinate as dean can be about some things, he sure will take other people's advice to heart and start implementing it. though faking the smiles for that long while driving was creepy and sad
is it too much to ask for sera gamble to unironically like twilight???
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bryan360 · 3 years
My YCCTEAM'S Wireless Switch Pro Controller - Part 10 (Playtime through Super Mario 3D All-Stars game in Super Mario 64 #1)
Hi guys! Miss me of doing my continue YCCTEAM Controller topic reviewing? After using my controller of testing its buttons, batteries results, and doing gyro/motion controls in check, I decided to bring this for my YCCTEAM Controller topic to finished and give the results for how good was my controller is....almost. For my next one that I said from my April 22nd post, I've recording a video of using my controller during playtime with one of my games I choose. This video I did was back in April 18th; before 5 days later til showing my controller's gyro and motion through 👻Luigi's Mansion 3. Link Here
However though, I actually did 3 or 4 recording clips during the same day and I wanted to merge all 4 to make one video during this month of May 2021; instead of doing one at the time in clips. I can thank for my PicsArt app on my iPad Mini 2 to help me doing video edits and it really works! *thumbs up*
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Those screenshots I took back in May 20th, by the way. ⬆️
However, it seems that I can't remove its tradmark on the right side bottom of the recording video. I'm sorry if I'll just leave it like that cause I don't have some money into my Apple account to purchased the PicsArts membership to help me remove its tradmark. At least knowing its small enough to not bother during this video of me playing games with my YCCTEAM Controller I've recorded. Nevertheless, let's get into my next topic part about using my pro switch controller through playtime I've been saving since April 18th. What better ways to show me playing with my controller with a game that I got from last year of Decemeber 2020 as my late Christmas gift: 🌟Super Mario 3D All-Stars! I've waiting for months to ever get started of my new progress through one of three gaming collection at first look. Just hoping that my buddy 🐰🖌Maxwell and his siblings will be ready to bring their reactions; mostly with Maxwell cause he's a big Mario fan and he'll be looking forward of me having fun with this game's progress I'll be bringing soon. Enough talking, let's-a-go for my latest topic part for today!
By the way, the original video's file size number was much larger so I use other video converter sites to turn down the file size smaller; that way I can uploaded through my tumblr blog just as easy.
0:00 to 0:37
Since now this recording video was actually the merge one with different shots I edited by using my PicsArt app, I'll begin saying the first one I did with my pro switch controller is doing Mario's moves through Super Mario 64. You know from my childhood that I happened to play the original Super Mario 64 since childhood. I remember when using my old N64 controller to play as Mario; jumping, running, and walking was a alright experience to begin my journey exercise to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser. Now years later that I got the 3D All-Stars collection version, I'm using my YCCTEAM Controller to get into Super Mario 64 once again. I still got it remember for the controls after learning from my original N64 game years ago, so here I am doing this to test my modern controller at hands. It looks good for starters when I use the left analog stick to move Mario and pressing the A button to perform jumping. I even do altogether while running and pressing the A button to perform a triple jump move.
0:37 to 0:53
Onto the next clip that I edited was pressing the Y button to perform his punching attack; like if I would be using it more often then doing jumping on enemies. At least knowing I've using it for the first boss battle which I'll get to that on my next video next month, by the way. I did five or more times of him throwing punches and the respond works fine. *thumbs up*
0:53 to 1:05
I quickly get into another part by performing Mario's ground pound move attack. I pressed the A button and ZR button while mid air. Just like my previous ones that it can do well when you gonna use for enemies/bosses and doing switching puzzles.
1:06 to 1:52
Finally now we're getting into the last part I've gotten of doing more of Mario's moveset I recorded. First was the jump kick attack after pressing the jump button then pressing X or Y button to kick in midair. Not bad, but barely if using it during my journey to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser sometimes. After that, I'm now doing the running long jump by moving the left analog stick to make Mario run faster a bit. Meanwhile pressing the Y button at the exact time can perform his long jump that I can feel the vibration on my YCCTEAM Controller; which is unexpected to say at least. I should've turned off the controller's vibration off during my recording, though....Just in case if It'll be little annoying when trying to have my gameplay through Super Mario game. Just saying, though. Anyways, I'm doing one more thing before ending this video and give some results about using my YCCTEAM Controller during playtime at first try. This is for the camera adjustment part as I use the right analog stick to move the camera; which Lakitu holding. It's little bit slow though when I'm trying to move the right analog stick quickly, but it was okay when using it for looking things; except looking into Mario's face cause reasons.
Looks like that's all I can bring you in this recording video of how far using my YCCTEAM Controller for Super Mario 64. Just wishing I could bring more of Mario's moves I haven't gone through it yet; such as crouching and doing backwards jumping. I did happened to perform those while not recording, but let's just say they're works fine as well; even could be useful during this game's progress. 🙂👍🏼
My Thoughts:
To my latest topic post for my YCCTEAM Controller review, it was a good start of using it during my playtime with Super Mario 3D All-Stars game and to the controlling respond as well. Testing with Mario's moves of jumping, ground pound attack, and so on was like taking me back when I'm playing with my original N64 controller, except differently since the N64 Controller had one analog stick in the middle bottom in weird design choice honestly. Nevertheless, it was still a good start.
Now if you we're thinking this will be my last topic review post for my YCCTEAM Controller, but I have other recording videos that I'll love to share for next month. So yeah, I'm still continuing this topic til I decided to finished. That being said, I did have good fun testing my controller; especially using through my first gaming progress of Super Mario 3D All-Stars that I promised to share for my upcoming posts soon.
Let's see how my mains reaction after showing my latest topic post for my YCCTEAM Controller.
🐰🖌Maxwell: It was the amazing thing I ever saw! At least during the begin though. ^^* While I give you applause for trying out Super Mario 64 on Switch in this recording, I'll can also give you a thumbs up about this latest topic post for using your YCCTEAM Controller in new test through playtime a bit. 😉👍🏼With this, I'm sure it can work well for your other games like 👻Luigi's Mansion 3 and 👊Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Though you already have.
🐰👊💥May: Indeed. Still our A-Pal will bringing more video recordings for another day soon. So his YCCTEAM Controller topic will continue, but hoping not to long eventually.
🦊⚽️Sam: Yeah. Besides, we like to see if he'll continue his gaming progress through Super Mario 3D All-Stars to share on his posts soon. That and he'll be doing his next items through upcoming topic reviews.
🐰🖌Maxwell and 🐰👊💥May: Huh?
You heard me right, guys. After I'll be done with my YCCTEAM Controller topic soon, I'll get into the next one for my other items that my family give me through stores or brought me online just in case we're still staying in houses til the pandemic can be over. It happens from months ago, by the way.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Guess you'll be doing your busyness through your upcoming topics, huh? Well at least hoping you'll have plenty of time to take it easy and organize your writing. For now though, you'll should keep going on your YCCTEAM Controller topic to continue; we can wait.
Thanks, Maxwell. Also hoping I'll remember when I can sharing one on my Super Mario 3D All-Stars gaming progress in screenshot pics to my Tumblr blog soon; by any chances I'll get. That's all for now. Hope you'll guys will giving a like to my lastest YCCTEAM Controller topic review post. See ya! 🙂👋
Pervious Posts for my YCCTEAM’s Pro Controller Topic:
Wireless Switch Pro Controller for Nintendo Switch/Switch Lite (Part 1) - Link Here #1
My YCCTEAM’s Wireless Switch Pro Controller for Nintendo Switch/Switch Lite Unboxing (Part 2) - Link Here #2
My YCCTEAM’s Wireless Switch Pro Controller for Nintendo Switch/Switch Lite Comparison with my Xbox One (Part 3) - Link Here #3
My YCCTEAM’s Wireless Switch Pro Controller for Nintendo Switch/Switch Lite Comparison with my Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Cons (Part 4) - Link Here #4
Testing Buttons (Part 5) - Link Here #5
Rumble Feature Testing (Part 6) - Link Here #6
Battery Charging Test (Part 7) - Link Here #7
Playtime Battery Life Results (Part 8) - Link Here #8
Gyro and Motion Controls 1st Half (Part 9) - Link Here #9
Gyro and Motion Controls 2nd Half (Part 9.5) - Link Here #10
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fanforthefics · 5 years
The bachelor au with sidgeno, bennguin or kidline. Idc about the pairing ur I'm starving for headcanons 👏
1) "Next, Tyler Seguin,” the producer says, flipping to the next slide as the team flips over to the next page of their packet, “He’ll probably be good for some drama.” 
Jamie studies the picture, the stats--6′1, as good looking as all the rest of them, a bartender in Boston. Loves dogs, hockey, and having a good time. He’s grinning in the picture, smirking a little. He looks like every other ex-athlete fuckboy Jamie’s seen come and go over his seasons as a producer on the Bachelor and Bachelorette. 
“Are we thinking villain edit?” another producer asks. Jamie doesn’t have seniority to say it, but he’s already thinking the no as the producer says, 
“No, unless things change. Just some excitement--add some chaos in.” 
Jamie agrees. He’s gotten to be a decent judge of character, or at least figuring out who’s going to be the kind of person who’s insufferable to the producers and always ordering them around and thinking that they’re there to serve the contestants, and who isn’t. Tyler Seguin looks like many things, but there’s no malice in those laughing brown eyes. 
“And next,” the producer goes on, and Jamie flips the page, quickly. So Seguin’s got pretty eyes. He’s seen plenty of pretty eyes come and go. 
2) Tyler goes on the Bachelorette partly on a whim, partly because it seems like fun, partly because his Insta deserves more followers, and partly as a way out of--well, as a change. 
In any case, no one is surprised. “This seems inevitable, yeah,” Brownie told him, with a noise that’s a laugh and a sigh put together.” 
So Tyler goes on the show, and it’s cool. Like, sort of stressful, because of the whole competition thing, but the Bachelorette, Liv, is hot and fun and the rest of the guys seem chill, except for the ones who aren’t but Tyler can ignore them, and getting to hang around a pool all day and drink and hang out and work out is maybe Tyler’s idea of heaven. Or, no--if this was heaven he would have gotten to make out a little with the hot guys around him, but hey, it’s close. 
3) Tyler latches on to Jamie quickly, though. Jamie’s one of the first of the crew he’s introduced to, to herd him around where they need to go, and Tyler is incapable of not trying to make friends with people, so he starts chatting with him or whatever, and Jamie mumbles something back, and Tyler thinks that that’s that--that he doesn’t like Tyler and it’s a pity because Tyler’s into the whole big dude big eyes thing Jamie’s got going on, but Tyler’s not going to force his presence on anyone. 
Then it’s a few days later, and Tyler’s feeling a little tired, already. He loves it, he does, but--it’s a lot, and he’s hungover and the other dudes are getting into a shouting match about something and he’s standing nearby watching and it’s all getting to be a lot, and then he feels someone appearing next to him, which is a feat for how big Jamie is. 
“You can take a sec,” Jamie says, and he’s not mumbling now. 
“What?” Tyler asks, turning and smiling instinctively. Jamie’s watching him, with those big eyes that look...well, kind. 
Jamie glances at his feet, then back up. “Cameras aren’t on you all the time. You can take a break, you know. Go get some sleep or something.” 
Tyler raises his eyebrows, but he’s grinning. “Are you supposed to be saying that? Shouldn’t you be encouraging me to go do shit?” 
Jamie shrugs, doesn’t quite meet Tyler’s eyes. “I’ll make sure the cameras don’t bother you.” 
It could maybe be the producers trying to manipulate Tyler, or some shit like that, but--Tyler doesn’t think so. There’s something about Jamie that makes it impossible to think so. Jamie radiates Good Guy energy, in a way that Tyler doesn’t think he’s ever seen before. 
“Yeah,” Tyler agrees, and punches Jamie’s arm companionably before he goes. “Thanks, bro.” 
Jamie shrugs again, like it’s nothing. 
4) So after that Tyler officially adopts Jamie. Jamie...isn’t quite sure what to do with it, because Tyler should be spending his time with the other contestants, and maybe Jamie is making it up anyway, that Jamie seems to be his favorite producer. Like, sure, Tyler’s always hanging out near him, and chatting with him when he has a chance, and he’s started teasing Jamie in a way that manages to seem fun and not dickish, but he does that to a lot of people. Jamie’s sure it doesn’t mean anything. Tyler makes friends with everyone. Tyler’s one of the favorites to get into the top four or five, though he’s not favored to win. But the bachelorette seems to be charmed and amused by him, so he keeps getting that rose. 
And after he gets it, sometimes he looks up, grins over at where Jamie’s watching, and if Jamie blushes sometimes, well. The lights cover that. 
Tyler just likes Jamie. A lot. The dude’s quiet, and mumbles a lot, but Tyler’s been watching him and he sees how he manages the other producers and crew, how even the contestants fall in line when he starts laying down the law. He sees how once there were kids around for a date and Jamie knelt down to talk to a little girl, folding up that big muscled body to admire the picture she drew. He sees how Jamie never turns Tyler away, when he needs a break from all the filming shit, and Tyler tucks himself into a corner with Jamie to chat about nothing at all, about his dogs and Boston and Toronto and hockey and just--anything. 
Also once Jamie gets water on his shirt and has to strip it off to change and Tyler sees all that, too. 
It’s not like Tyler’s obsessed, or anything. He likes a lot of the contestants, even Chad, who’s getting the villain edit but isn’t like, that bad a dude. He likes a bunch of the producers too, and some of the camera people. 
But somehow he always finds himself circling back to Jamie, especially after a date where he’s been charming and drinking and is so wired he feels like he’ll shake out of his skin. Jamie has a way then, of putting a hand on his arm, and Tyler can just--settle. He has a way of listening to Tyler talk about his life back home in a way that doesn’t quite feel judgmental, but does make Tyler feel like--like he’s looking at it from the outside. 
Tyler learns things about Jamie, too. He learns he’s the youngest of three and he’s from Victoria and that he’s been working this job for a couple years now. He learns that he wants to be a director, someday, which he admits with a mumbling blush but Tyler kicks his foot until he looks up and tells him that it makes sense. Jamie’s good at being in charge. 
He does not learn if Jamie is single or not. He tells himself that’s okay. Jamie’s a friend, a good friend, and Tyler’s for sure keeping him after the show, but. Who cares if he’s single or not? Not Tyler, that’s who. 
6) A scene: Tyler, in a confessional setting. He’s wearing a bathing suit and an unbuttoned shirt over it, with a backwards baseball cap on. 
“Yeah, no, I mean, I love Boston,” Tyler says into the camera. “It’s been a lot of fun, you know?” He looks over the camera, to the side. [Not pictured: Jamie, standing there, watching him. Listening]. 
A pause. Someone asks a question. Then, “Is it--do I want to live there forever? I don’t know. I thought so.” A look, to the same side. Steady. “I’ve been thinking recently, though, maybe I need to grow up a little? Start taking things a little more seriously. And I don’t know if I can do that in Boston.” 
Another question. “What? Would I go to Liv in LA?” He chuckles, looks a little surprised. “Yeah, sure, LA sun, what’s not to love?” 
7) Another moment: It’s late out, and Jamie’s waiting out the last of the contestants to go to sleep so he can go home and grab some sleep before being back on set early to prep for the date. Most of them go easily enough, but Tyler lags behind. Jamie's not surprised. He wishes he were a little less pleased. 
“So you have a big night planned?” Tyler asks, leaning against the bar. He’s in his yellow bathing suit, which is maybe the douchiest set; it’s still painfully attractive. “Gonna go out on the town, once you’re rid of all of us?” 
Jamie snorts. “I’m going to get some sleep.” 
Tyler tsks his tongue. “Really? No big date night? Doesn’t all this want to make you fall in love?” he drawls the last words, like he’s mocking them. 
“After running interference on you lot all day, who has the time?” It’s not quite true. Jamie could, probably, if he wanted to. Jordie definitely thinks so, and says so, loudly. But Jamie--he doesn’t want to. It’s hard to feel like he could, after watching all the ridiculously attractive men out there, all day. “Anyway, I’m boring, right? That’s the general opinion.” 
“Boring’s not bad.” Tyler’s watching him again. “Doesn’t mean you have to stay that way, though.” 
Jamie shrugs. “Makes it easier to, though.” 
Tyler hums, then, all at once, he reaches behind himself to grab a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses. “Tyler!” Jamie yelps. “What are you doing?” 
“Let’s do shots,” Tyler says, easy. Like that’s not--
“We can’t drink now, it’s after hours,” Jamie hisses. And then, also, “And I can’t drink anyway, that’s for contestants. And I shouldn’t be drinking with you, I’m not supposed to even fraternize with--” 
“Come on, Jameson.” Tyler grins, and it’s all temptation there, smooth as silk. Wild, Jamie remembers them calling him, way back at the beginning before Jamie started to see what that wildness covered up. “Cameras are off, you’re off the clock. Take a chance.” He holds up a shot glass, smirking a little. 
Jamie hesitates, but he’d like to see the person who’s strong enough to stand up to Tyler’s smile. 
“One,” He says, and takes the glass. Tyler cheers, then he pours the shots, grabs salt and some limes from behind the bar too. 
“You do know how to do this, right?” Tyler asks, setting it out. Jamie rolls his eyes. 
“Yes, I know how to do a tequila shot,” Jamie retorts. Tyler grins again, then licks at his hand to put salt on it. His eyes are very dark, watching Jamie. 
Jamie swallows, does the same. He can’t look away from Tyler, somehow. It feels like no one else exists, not the show, not the bachelorette, not all the rest of it. Just the two of them. 
It’s a long, long moment. Tyler’s tongue flicks out to wet his lips, Jamie--tries not to look. Tyler’s a fun guy, of course he’s going to be fun. It’s not--anything. 
“Cheers,” Jamie says at last, to break--this. 
“Cheers,” Tyler replies, and tosses back the shot. Jamie does too. It burns, but maybe in a good way. 
8) Tyler falls in love on a Tuesday. 
He’d been feeling a little--not homesick, really, but dog sick; he misses his boys more than anything else. And he must have mentioned it to Jamie, or maybe he just talked about his boys more, or something, because he comes downstairs one day and there’s just a dog there, a few of the other guys who are up huddling around him and petting him. 
Tyler follows the leash up to Jamie’s hands, blinks. “Are they yours?” he asks, a little dumbstruck. 
Jamie shrugs, glances away, and blushes a little, like he’s been doing more of since that night Tyler had talked him into taking a shot. “He’s my brother’s, technically, but he said I could borrow him. I thought it might do you some good--all of you,” he adds, too quickly, but Tyler knows that’s not what he meant. Jamie brought in the dog, for Tyler, because Tyler had been feeling shitty; like he’d always done the little things to make Tyler feel better, like he’d known what Tyler needed. 
“Um, thanks,” Tyler mutters, because he doesn’t know what else to say, and crouches down to greet the dog--Juice, Jamie tells him--properly. It’s easier than looking at Jamie. Jamie is--it’s too much. Tyler hadn’t come on the show to find love. 
9) Tyler makes it to hometowns, brings the show to meet his family and his dogs, and actually insists that Jamie come along to. Jamie doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes when another producer mentions it. It’s--fine. 
He continues to be fine as Tyler is lovely and sweet with his mom and sisters, as Tyler is adorable with his dogs, as he introduces Liv to each of them in turn. The cameras go on Liv and Tyler’s mom for a little, so then Tyler drags Jamie over, introduces him to each of the dogs too. All of them--humans and dogs alike--clearly love him. 
Jamie gets the feeling. 
10) Tyler’s eliminated after home towns. 
Liv pulls him aside, after. “Sorry,” she says, and Tyler shrugs. He likes her, but he can’t really pretend that he’s cut up about this. He’s pretty bummed about how going home means he can’t hang out with Jamie anymore, but he’ll get his phone back, so they can talk. 
“No hard feelings,” he tells her. “I hope you’ll be happy.” 
She grins, a little knowing. “You too, Tyler,” she says, all sincerity, and glances over his shoulder, where the producers are standing. “I’m pretty sure fraternization rules are over once you’re eliminated, you know.” 
Tyler smirks. Of course everyone knew. He’s not capable of being subtle.  “You are honestly an amazing woman,” he informs her, and kisses her goodbye. 
11) Jamie’s not surprised that Tyler stops by to say good-bye before he leaves. He’s probably doing it for everyone. He’s a little concerned--Tyler hadn’t seemed too devastated by being eliminated, but you never know. Tyler’s decent at hiding what he’s feeling for the cameras. 
He’s ready to express that, when Tyler knocks on his hotel room door. Except Tyler doesn’t look devastated. He looks--nervous. 
“Everything okay?” Jamie asks, as he lets Tyler into his room. Tyler turns around a little, looking at it--he’s never been here, Jamie guesses. Contestants wouldn’t. But Tyler doesn’t look like a contestant anymore, in just sweatpants and a tank top, his hair a little messy. It’s too messy for TV, but it’s a good look. Somehow, it makes him look older. 
“Yeah. Or, I think so.” 
“I’m sorry, about the elimination--” 
“Don’t be.” Tyler turns to face him. “Look, tell me if I’m off base here, but--” 
Jamie’s about to ask him about what, but then Tyler’s kissing him. 
It takes Jamie a second to get on board, then of course he kisses back. How could he not? Tyler is wild in his arms, pushing, devouring, and Jamie feels wild too, his hands in Tyler’s hair, on his hips. 
They break apart infinitely later. Tyler’s definitely messy now. “Fuck, yeah,” Tyler says, and looks like he’s about to fist pump. “I knew you’d be awesome at that.” 
Jamie’s too dazed to give him shit for that. “What--really?” he asks, and Tyler snorts. 
“You had to have guessed. I’m not subtle, man.” 
“I--I didn’t think you could--there’s all the contestants, and Liv, and--” 
“And you,” Tyler cuts off, and slides his arms around Jamie’s shoulders. “You’re just as hot as the rest of them, you know.” 
“I’m really not.” Jamie’s okay with that. 
“You are.” Tyler smirks then. “Want me to prove it?” 
Jamie really, really does. 
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araminthe-ispwitch · 8 years
I'm in love with a fairytale
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Yuri on Ice
Rating: K+
Pairing/s: past-Georgi Popovich/Anya
Once upon a time, there was a man named Georgi Popovich. Somehow, his story is trying to compete for the title of "Greatest Romantic Tragicomedy of All Time."
Alright, here we go, my late birthday fic for my stupid emo son! (Still can't believe they made his b-day the 26th.)
As I've mentioned in The Accursed Tale of Viktor Nikiforov, Georgi's oneshot is the literal side of the song "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak (y'all should really watch his live performance of this seriously you won't regret that handsome man). Whereas I've waxed lyrical on the life that Viktor had to choose for the career he has taken, I've... uh... pretty much just did a short play on Georgi and the disaster that was his love life during the anime.
But no worries. Remember that woman he went on a date with in Ep. 10? :D
Cross-posted in: AO3 (don’t bother with the FFNet version because FFNet rejects songfics so I had to edit out this poetic fiction of mine there—but as if that’ll make me stop writing them because of the music industries’ logic)
Important Stuff to Note: 1) This is a song fic, in which I've closely followed the lyrics to portray Georgi's life. Which means you really should watch/listen to "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak. (not just because it's the greatest song of 2009 what are talking about)
2) Envision the structure and flow of this fic as an AMV about Georgi. Makes better sense considering how short this is compared to Viktor's oneshot, right?
3) Those lines centered, bolded, and italicized all together are the lyrics... and other stuff. ;D
4) A lot of short flashbacks in here, too.
5) This is not my usual writing style, oh no. But nevertheless, hope you enjoy and appreciate this minimalist approach I did for this oneshot.
6) Did you listen to the song yet? :v
I'm in love with a fairytale
Part 2 of the Two Sides of a Fairytale series
Once upon a time, there was a little boy who dreamed of romance.
He dreamed so hard.
Like, really, so damn hard.
All his life.
Oh, god, this boy...
Years ago, when I was younger
I kinda liked a girl I knew
Georgi adjusted his collar for the fifteenth time, straightening the lapels as he stood in front of his floor-length mirror. Everything must be perfect today.
It was just another date with his beloved, most precious Anya—their 13th date, actually!—but everything must still be perfect.
Georgi Popovich wouldn’t settle for anything less when it came to his one true love.
She was mine and we were sweethearts
That was then, but then it’s true
Georgi’s jaw fell and so did the bouquet he bought on the way to his date.
His Anya—his precious, most beautiful Anya—was in the arms of an interloper!
This cannot bE—
He was about to hit the stranger where it really hurts, but then suddenly, his angelic Anya—
“Let go, you idiot!"
Three seconds on the leaf-covered ground later, Georgi looked up at his girlfriend with a flabbergasted look on his slapped face.
“A-Anya, my love, why are you—!”
“We’re through, Georgi.”
I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Georgi stared at his fallen bouquet. It hadn’t been trampled in the wake of the chaos that happened in the last few minutes, but Anya might as well have trampled on them the same way she trampled on his tender heart.
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
I’m already cursed
Every day we started fighting
Every night, we fell in love
Groaning, Georgi crossed out Procedure Number 16 on his list. He looked back at the tabs of articles open on his laptop as he repositioned the ice pack on his head.
Surely there was a way to get Anya back? She couldn’t possibly be satisfied with that oaf!
There must be a way.
No one else could make me sadder
But no one else could lift me high above
“Anya, my love, I—!”
I don’t know what I was doing
When suddenly, we fell apart
“His theme is what?”
“Coach, don’t you think he’s getting way into this…?”
Georgi ignored the others as he repeated his routine on the rink. He knew they were all watching him and pitying him—largely because he’s been crying non-stop while practicing—but he won’t let their opinions get to him.
He’ll show that wretched woman!
Nowadays, I cannot find her
But when I do, we’ll get a brand new start
Georgi practiced with renewed vigor after hearing Yakov’s news. Viktor was gone! He was now the top skater they have and he has a shot at reaching the Grand Prix Finals!
Finally, he can show the world the fruits of his labor!
And he’ll get to rub his victory at stupid Anya’s face, too! Now she’ll regret dumping him!
I’m in love with a fairytale
The setting couldn’t be more perfect. Anya will also be competing here in China! What a marvelous way to display his intrinsically artistic program to the world!
Just she wait... He'll prove that those... those... stupid Instagram photos of her and him kissing don't mean a thing to him...!
Even though it hurts
I’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth, and I’ll find you! I will cast an eternal curse on you!
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
Never mind! I’ll save you with a kiss right now, my princess!
I’m already cursed
Never mind… I will… take a break for… now…
She’s a fairytale, yeah
Georgi watched as Mickey landed another flawless jump. There was so much more emotion in his performance now that it wasn’t hard to deduce what he was skating for.
The scene tugged at his cold heartstrings and he had to smother a sob.
He promised himself that his Free Skate at the Cup of China was the last time he’d cry for her.
Even though it hurts
“And you are…?”
“Georgi! Georgi Popovich! You looked beautiful out there, Anya!”
“… Why, thank you~!”
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
“Y-Yes! My treat!”
“Hm… Why not?”
I’m already cursed
“Will… Will you be my girlfriend?!”
“Georgi! I’m so sorry!”
Teal-colored eyes blinked into focus as a familiar blonde woman came running towards him. “Ekaterina, are you alright?!” he asked, standing up with hands outstretched, ready to steady her if she wasn’t.
Ekaterina sat down on the park bench with an exhausted huff and flashed him an apologetic smile. “I didn’t think… it would take me so long…”
“You didn’t really have to hurry so much… I could have waited,” said Georgi with concern as he sat back down. Try as he might, he was too busy guiltily reminiscing what happened a year ago at this very same park anyway.
But Ekaterina just waved him off with a chuckle. “But I didn’t want you to wait.” When she peered up at his face with those sparkling gray eyes of hers, Georgi couldn’t find it in himself to chastise her any further—not when she looks so happy.
Why was she looking so happy?
“Here…” She then passed the small box she had brought to him.
“Hm? What’s this?”
Georgi’s eyes widened when he found a variety of sumptuous-looking cupcakes inside. “Try one,” Ekaterina urged.
He chose a cream-colored one and took a bite. “Oh, wow, these are delicious, Ekaterina! Where’d you buy them?”
“… I made them…”
Georgi had to thump his chest to avoid choking, but when he finally calmed down, he looked at Ekaterina like she had revealed herself to be an angel.
“Y-You did?! Really?!”    
The blonde looked down at her lap, but she was glowing red with pride and joy. “W-Well, I… I didn’t want to not bring anything for you like last time so…”
Georgi blinked in confusion. “Oh, you didn’t have to. I mean, I’m fine without anythi—”
“But it’s our date and I wanna bake something for you!” she cut him off loudly—before turning even redder as she realized what she had just squeaked.
Georgi, on the other hand, tried to still his thundering heart and chant to himself that he ought to take this new relationship slow. Because… Because…
He glanced at the beautiful woman next to him, fiddling with her bag’s zipper as she avoided his adoring gaze. Because this time, I want her to want to stay with me.
But it seems… he won’t need to worry much about that, he thought in awe as he took another cupcake.
“Thank you, Ekaterina… They’re really good!”
“O-Oh! Y-You’re welcome!”
“I guess this means you’d make a great housewife, then!”
“Ack! Sorry! I-I… F-Forget I said anything!”
“N-No! It’s… It’s fine…”
“… Maybe I can make you some Stroganoff next time…”
“…! E-Ekaterina…!”
“Eh?! G-Georgi?! Are you alright?!”
… Crap, I’ve been cursed again.
The End. . . ?
Perhaps not.
But at least this little boy is still dreaming with all his heart.
Okay, so unlike the other oneshot, this doesn't need much explanation 'cause, well... it's literally the song itself.
We can say that Georgi's been in love the fairytale that is Anya herself, yes. But my preferred symbolism here is that Georgi's been in love with the idea of love and romance itself. Honestly, I actually believe that the situation with Anya with hadn't been the first one. (Perhaps he had a crush that didn't do so well back then) With this, the chorus makes so much more sense: that even though Georgi's been hurt, he just loves it and wants it so much--almost like he's cursed--that he doesn't mind trying again, even if it means he might get hurt again. In conclusion, my son is a gutsy risk-taker and I just love him so much. (which is why i sprinkled this with comedy because he just inspires my funny bone so much)
I've taken the liberty of calling that blonde woman in Ep. 10 "Ekaterina" as a placeholder name, and I've gone ahead and interpreted a possible persona for her. I already have so many headcanons for her... Crossing my fingers that she's finally The One in S2... >~<
Also, if we'll compare my two oneshots in this series, Viktor's is more about his whole life while Georgi's is just specifically about his love life. AND Disclaimer: Just because Viktor's is longer doesn't mean he's my fave between the two, okay? :v
I'm gonna go ahead and announce this: if I do oneshots about these two again, Georgi will have more because he hasn't gotten his happy-ever-after yet (while Viktor already has Yuuri in canon lol). Also, why did I try to compare them with this songfic series? When Georgi has enough trouble being in Viktor's shadow? Simple. Georgi is supposed to be Viktor's foil in their story. By exposing Viktor's flaws and "ordinariness", Georgi shines more as a likeable and relatable character. Either way, I just hope what I wrote made you guys root for him more.
Belated happy birthday, my stupid son. Easy with the romancing, alright? :v
And with that, Two Sides of a Fairytale is finished. :)
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