#anyway. freaked me the fuck out bc of course i'm always like 'home invader!!!' even tho that's honestly deeply unlikely here
aeide-thea · 1 year
sudden LOUD clatter in the night: nefret cat & i both jerk up in bed & stare at the door of my room & then at each other like '…so are you gonna check it out or'
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thewhumperinwhite · 4 years
I'm sorry I don't know your OCs very well but I absolutely adore tma so I'll ask: slaughter, buried and desolation (my favourite entities) for any OC of your choosing :) -S
🔪 the slaughter - what’s the most violent thing your character has ever done? how did they feel about it? have they ever killed anyone? what would/does it take to get them to act violently, or take a life?
I'm gonna answer this for Art because in a very bleak way I think his answer is the funniest?
So Art and Karim met when Karim was on his initiation meeting for the Coven (i.e., Bring Me Back Proof That You Killed Someone) and Art happened to be on the same deserted part of the city docks For The Purposes Of Killing Himself, and Karim was like ‘.…..there’s a mutually beneficial arrangement in here somewhere,’ but then can’t actually go through with it because he’s, you know, Not Actually A Murderer, so after they sleep together he just drains about a pint of Art’s blood to maybe give to Micah later and let’s Art sleep it off.
So Art wakes up miserable and dizzy and not dead, and draws the conclusion that Karim was lying to get Art in bed. And he really expected not to wake up-- was kind of depending on it, in fact.
So, the most violent thing Art has ever done was throw a heavy ceramic lamp at Karim’s head the morning after they had sex for the first time. Which could have done some real damage, if it’d hit him. Thankfully he was too dizzy from blood loss to have good aim :)
⚰ the buried - when had your character felt the most trapped? How well do they handle confinement?
Sol Michaelis Does Not Handle Confinement Well.
This is my official assurance that the problems Sol has with his father are not in any way related to him being trans. Vic Michaelis didn’t.... necessarily seem to hear Sol when he told came out? But he certainly wasn’t mad. It’s just that Sol’s dad is, uh... a mad scientist strict about his work hours and unwilling to be interrupted during them, even by his children. And Sol was a rambunctious kid, and probably too neuroatypical to reliably remember to be quiet, even when he was punished for making noise. 
So, partly as a punishment and partly as a way of Keeping Him Quiet, Vic would routinely shut Sol in the hall closet for increasing increments of time.
Which is... bad, admittedly. He always hated it, every time; by the time he was moving up into the sixty-minute range he would often be in tears by the time his dad unlocked the cupboard and let him out. But it’s also bearable. And it also Doesn’t Fucking Work, because Sol doesn’t usually realize he’s being loud until he gets yelled at for it. It almost feels like routine after a while.
Then, when Sol is 11 and his sister is 9, Vic has an important breakthrough in his home lab and runs off to tell his colleagues about it, forgetting that Sol is locked in a very small storage closet and the key is in Vic’s pocket.
Sol’s in the dark for over six hours, him screaming and crying inside the closet, his sister Karine and their nanny apologizing and trying to jimmy the lock on the outside, and Sol has an extended panic attack when he realizes it doesn’t matter if he begs or if everybody forgives him, the key just isn’t here.
When he gets home, Victor Michaelis unlocks the door, apologizes distractedly, and shuts himself back in his lap, and Sol never really forgives him.
🔥 the desolation - what’s the most precious thing your character has ever lost?
ggggg this is why I hate the desolation nothing freaks me out more than Losing Things That Can’t Be Replaced ANYWAY,
This might be obvious and kind of an easy out, BUT.
Andry has been learning to fence since he was eight years old.
His fencing master was a brittle, stick-thin old man named Toryn who taught with a heavy oak stick in his hand, which he would rap sharply against Andry’s knuckles or ankles when his form was poor. Asher, years later, would balk at the old man’s harshness and leave several lessons in a huff, but Andry appreciated his firmness. He rarely hit hard enough to bruise, just sharp quick jabs that were grounding more than painful. And when Andry could go a week without earning a single blow, the old man traded the stick for a foil and beat Andry mercilessly in every bout, holding nothing back, until Andry’s first victory, when he was fourteen, made him so proud and overwhelmed he had to shut himself in an empty room and cry for a few minutes afterward. 
By the time Andry was fifteen, he was routinely winning the fencing tournament at Colomur’s yearly festival, and by the time he was fairly certain the other contestants weren’t letting him win because he was the prince--but even then, he never won easily against Old Toryn, who sent him stumbling to the dust on the training room floor more often than not, and was the only man in Colomur whose smiles Andry felt he ever truly earned.
The old man was frail by the time the siege of Colomur House was really underway; he couldn’t survive on the decreased rations the blockade brought and he refused the food Andry tried to sneak him, sneering at the stolen bread and meeting Andry’s eyes to say that he was no longer the swordsman Colomur needed to survive these Northern invaders--and that Andry had better watch his footwork.
There is a moment, near the end of the siege-breaking battle, when Andry is surrounded by corpses, when he wonders if he’s made the old man proud, yet. That is, of course, before they cut off his hand.
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