#anyway. sorry. 1am stream of consciousness
allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months
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not to go crazy about these tags but you just simply must say more on the thistlesprings as italian i’m obsessed with that
i do mean italian american because that is what i know. and also slightly catholic italian american but. yeah.
alright so it did first strike me with the extended family. i do believe that the vision that the sphinx showed gorgug in the forest had some amount of truth to it– everyone else's did, and wilma and digby are very much the idea of "we don't need anybody but each other! :D"– and so, therefore, what's the reason the extended family isn't in wilma's and digby's lives? misguided kindness on both ends.
the thistlesprings (extended) have prejudice and boy howdy the italian grandparents i know. they try and they cook and they have their laws but also they have their beliefs. my (italian, catholic) grandmother called unitarian christianity a cult and tried to stop my (jewish) aunt from marrying my (catholic) uncle in front of a rabbi (that meme of "i consent" "i consent" "i don't!"). it's giving "all they know is wrong and they must change but you cannot change them without being hurt." We cannot accept people of other beliefs so you cannot let anything else in to prove us wrong, all under the paper-thin veil of wanting to protect.
and wilma and digby are such contradictions. they're so, so self-sacrificing, and yet they'll fight the whole world. they have a tank (wonder what happened to that lawn mower, actually...), for gods sake. they care so much about their boy but they also left their families at the drop of a hat? there simply must be more but also the self-sacrificing and yet horribly defensive... they are trying so hard because they know what they want and they are willing to do anything to get it but they would prefer to not fight extensively. but they do, because they over-corrected from their upbringing, and gorgug doesn't have the solidest of ground at home to rely on.
there's also just the gnomish/orcish culture mashup of focusing so much on food. i love food so much guys. you reach out and share those dishes with others– if you're having an event, you best bet you're getting up crack of dawn and making a multi-course meal that anyone and everyone can enjoy. the frosty fair folk festival being right up w+d's alley– of course it was, it was bonding. especially the as-homemade-as-we-can-get-it. never met an italian american who prefered canned sauce or preshredded cheese over homemade. that shit is as fresh as it gets.
there's also the dramatic family gatherings where everything goes wrong. why did gorgug see basically his entire extended family. i know that. the grandchildren are in the basement playing twister or some shit and the parents/grandparents/in-laws are Hashing Shit Out. there is a veil of politeness until 5 year old is gone and then it's a Shouting Match. gorgug saw "Digby and Wilma [are] having a fight with a lot of other gnomes. [He knows] that [he has] aunts and uncles and grandparents and stuff like that." that was Moonar Yulnear or some shit and stuff Went Down. Everyone was there. the cousins were in a tire swing or something but the extended family was there.
point 5b actually both sides of the family know each other. why do italian americans know either nobody or Everybody In Your Life and Their Life and The World Actually.
they just. they have so much (misguided) care and they mean so much to me. and do you think that any side has tried to reach out or has it just been years and years of blame game, of they'll never accept him and this is just how it is and how could they destroy themselves and how could they destroy something good. it all feels very italian american to me. homegrown experience gone sour because you want to thrive.
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junghelioseok · 6 years
Not sure if ur taking req.This came to me as I read catharsis, I loved their friendship.Ur hired as a choreographer for the group, & ur in Korea on a work visa.JK just gets you like no one else does. You are bff, then it turns romantic.U keep ur relationship secret, & when U travel with the group he always sneaks to ur hotel room. He wants to take the relationship public, but u know the company will fire you, & you need your work visa to stay in Korea (to stay with JK). happy ending please. 😊
so i don’t take requests, sorry! however i have also been thinking about this idea nonstop since i got it so! i’m gonna not ignore it for once and lay out exactly what i would do if i did write it (which i refuse to actually do bc more jk ideas is the absolute last thing i need, lolol).
that being said, if any of my writer friends want to take this on, please do so!!! and tag me in the finished fic bc i would read the hell out of this shit. i fucking love this idea and i need it to come to fruition one way or another. (but like, obviously you should take it in whatever direction you see fit. please don’t feel the need to follow my outline, lmao.)
anyway, without further ado, here is my abbreviated version of this, ft. the frankly absurd, stream-of-consciousness way i plan every fic i write, ahaha. 
let’s get it!!!
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you weren’t ready
you weren’t ready when the email from bighit came, asking for your help choreographing the dances for love yourself: answer
(you thought it was a joke, tbh)
you weren’t ready to get a korean work visa on such short notice
and you definitely weren’t ready to actually live and work in a different country
two years of college-level korean and a month’s worth of nightly cram classes couldn’t have prepared you for life in seoul
and no amount of researching bts - whether that was binging music videos or going over every dance practice vid or repeatedly listening to the albums - could have prepared you for your first meeting with the boys
tbh you kinda thought they’d be jerks, being so wildly popular and whatnot
but you couldn’t have been more wrong
one month into your time at bighit, and you finally understand the undying adoration army has for the boys
they’re just seven big soft nerds in stupidly handsome bodies
you’ve been subjected to hundreds of dad jokes, courtesy of seokjin, and plenty of clingy hugs from jimin
you’ve grown to love hobi’s screaming laughter and yoongi’s quiet grumpiness
but no matter how well you get along with all of the boys, nothing compares to your budding friendship with jeon jungkook
admittedly it’d taken a while for him to get comfortable enough to speak to you directly, especially when namjoon isn’t around to act as a translator
and likewise, it took a while for you to become accustomed to speaking korean every day
but once you both get past the language barrier, it’s like you’ve known each other your entire lives
you bond over your mutual love of dancing, of music and flow and rhythm
and watching him dance is a dream
every move is the perfect mix of grace and power, and he’s a joy to teach choreo to
hardworking and perseverant and more than a little bit of a perfectionist
but so are you, and that just means that you spend plenty of late nights in the studio together
working through the bits of choreography that just aren’t clicking yet
prepping for the upcoming ly tour
helping him with the choreography for euphoria
you were shocked when he approached you about his solo stage instead of sungdeuk, but you can’t say you weren’t pleased that he trusts you
and the first time you heard him open his mouth and sing euphoria in person, you were blown away
after that, you spend even more time together in the studio, long after the other boys and sungdeuk have left
late night after late night, dancing and laughing and ordering takeout at 1am when you’re both starving and need a break
one night you’re both hanging out in golden closet, snacking on ice cream and fried food you know you’ll regret later, listening to the setlist and talking big picture stuff for the ly tour 
and jungkook suddenly pauses the music and pulls up a new, different audio file
“um, i’ve been working on something and i was wondering if you wanted to listen to it?”
surprise, it’s his mixtape
it’s a work in progress - just a short collection of songs and a few random snippets that he admits he’s been working on for almost a year now
but every single one is so heart-wrenchingly lovely and emotional
your eyes may or may not well up a little during the last song - a soft, sentimental ballad that has you longing for something you didn’t know was missing in your life
“jungkook… this is beautiful”
“… i wrote it for you”
what are you gonna do, not kiss him?
lmao unlikely!
so you kiss him. a lot.
and then you do a lot more than that
you end up straddling him in his chair, your knees on either side of his thighs as his hands curl around your waist and find their way under the hem of your shirt
it’s sweaty and hurried and he tastes like the strawberry ice cream that he was just eating but it’s perfect nonetheless
afterward you are both in a happy haze, your head leaning on his shoulder as he strokes your back fondly
but then reality comes crashing back down
“jungkook, oh my god, we can’t do this!”
“but noona”
“but nothing! i’m only here temporarily, and if word gets out that we’re dating i’ll be fired!”
it’s so hard to tear your gaze from those pretty doe eyes when they’re staring up at you so beseechingly, but somehow you find the strength to wrench away from him and out of golden closet
you can still hear him calling for you as you run away, but you don’t turn back and he doesn’t chase you
needless to say, things are a little awkward from that point forward
you still see him every day at rehearsals
but you stop having one-on-one sessions with him late at night and tell yourself that it’s for the best
the other boys aren’t dumb; they notice that something is amiss straight away
but they don’t press too hard and you’re grateful for that
just days later, the international part of the ly tour starts and you are all jetting off to north america
by that point, it’s been almost a week and a half since you’ve spoken more than two sentences to jungkook
and you have no intention of changing that anytime soon
you can feel his eyes boring into you on the plane and in the car on the way to the hotel
but you escape to your hotel room and don’t see him again until dress rehearsal later that night
they’re running through the setlist, and you can’t help but admire how he looks in casual clothes
no one else could pull off a matching gray puma tracksuit, tbh
but he can, and he’s got the sleeves of his gray sweatshirt rolled up to his elbows to expose the rolex on his wrist
and his sweatpants are juuuust tight enough to show off the definition of his thighs
but! you’re a professional, and you can’t be looking at him with anything more than a critical eye so that’s what you do
even when he keeps glancing your way during euphoria
and stares right into your eyes as he nails the high note
afterward, you go onstage to give the boys your notes
you have a lot to say to hobi about just dance, and you can just feel jungkook’s hot gaze lingering on you the entire time
and then…
(thanks a lot for this shit, @puellaigmotum istg i have fucking nightmares about this bit of dialogue and it’s 10000% your fault)
… he corners you backstage
“noona, why are you paying so much attention to hobi-hyung… when i’m right here and ready to be on my knees for you”
he’s so close you can’t even fucking breathe by this point, his lips right at your ear and ruffling your hair with every word he speaks
when he begins kissing a trail along your jawline you finally regain control of your lungs 
and all you can manage is a shaky “jungkook, not here”
and you press the second copy of your hotel key into his hand
he comes over that night, of course
(and just like he promised, he does end up on his knees)
(head nestled between your thighs, one of your legs thrown over his shoulder to keep you spread open for him)
but a n y w a y
when you wake up in the morning, jarred awake by your alarm at far too early an hour, he is curled around you with one arm draped over your waist
he’s bleary and a little dazed and has the cutest bedhead you’ve ever seen
but when he sees you still in bed with him, his entire face splits into the brightest bunny smile
he pulls you in for a kiss and you could happily spend the rest of your life tucked away under the blankets there with him
but he’s got a concert to get ready for and both of you know it
the last rehearsal before the concert goes off without a hitch, and if anyone notices how you and jungkook are on good terms again, no one says anything about it
the concert is incredible. the boys smash it.
you are beaming when jungkook comes off the stage after his solo, ready with a bottle of water and a towel and plenty of congratulatory words
he beams right back, scooping you off your feet and twirling you in a full circle before putting you back down again
(his stylists are a little dismayed by the rumpled state of his clothes, but they can’t say much when namjoon destroys everyone’s outfits daily. they’re used to it.)
besides, all the staff can see just how happy he is around you
afterward, you all go out for a celebratory dinner, toasting to a successful tour kickoff
jungkook sits beside you and cracks inane jokes the entire time, and you spend the entire evening laughing your ass off with him
naturally, he finds his way back to your hotel room that night
and pretty much every night after, from la to hamilton to london
you’re in berlin when he first broaches the topic of taking your relationship public
“jungkook, we can’t! i’ll be fired!”
“no you won’t”
“how can you be so sure?”
“i’m negotiating my contract renewal right now, and i’m making sure that nothing prohibits me from dating. i want to be with you, noona.”
“but jungkook…”
“don’t you want to be with me?”
“yes, of course i do-”
“then that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?”
he kisses you before you can speak again, and all your protests and arguments fly out of your head the moment his lips meet yours
the very next morning you agree to gradually make your relationship public, first to the other boys and then bang pd and the rest of the bighit staff
(most of them already knew though)
everyone’s happy for you, even the company higher-ups, because it’s so easy to see how happy jungkook is these days
(and like, lowkey, sungdeuk has already decided to spoil rotten any kids you may have in the future)
but no one is happier than you and jungkook
as soon as the tour ends, you extend your visa so that you can stay in korea longer with him
jungkook is yours and you are his, and life is good ♡
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