#anyways I think thas all for now gbye
kakyogay · 4 months
what having a drawing tablet all day at school does to a mf
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trash-with-cookies · 7 years
a p ri el pt 1
he has been acting weird? or is just me overthinking again
idk but i gota remember last tiime i thought it was bc of me it wasnt and that when i have done bad it really sticks around sigh
is it worth it? i mean i love em but idk if i risked a lot for the smol hope of having em in my arms forever
i hope it does bc i truly believe my love is pure but if they dont wana c it when the time goes well ill cry but thats lifei really really hope its reciprocrated.
bc like there r too many hints but at the same time idk i tend to b the type of wanting the spotlight mayb im just playing w me ageing w fake hints.
i also have mixed feelings abt her, i heard she got into depression or mayb not but its kinda sad, no i dont feel sorry for her kind of sad, but a i did mistakes n she did n we hurt ourselvs n things went rough in the end for doing so  n not everybody misses her kind of sad.
i still dont kno if i miss her or not im still too angry to think abt it.
mayb im the mean one, in that case i guess it was for the best i cut her out before mayb idk geting into a fight or somthing where one of us is the victim again.
i kno this all sound like an update n if some stranger made it up to here well thas weird but yea its update for me.
to see wathehekie is goin tru my brain n how it progresses, and with itgo on w desicions like speraking more of idk geting a terapist lol.
Anyways back to it, im kinda getin scared towards Os actitudes, i love him  a lot he has helped me more than other people before this mess and i have listened n helped him too we r best buddies but still sometimes i believe that geniouses have smol mental stuff if u r O n ur reading this sorry i ddnt meant that in a bad way haha ily, but sometime i see u being agressive and idk w a lost sight i believe u might have symptoms of an ocd due to the abusive” idk how to call it relationship w u kno who, i call it like that bc on both sides it was but watvr i actually dont kno shit abt that or psychology why am i even writing anymore haha.
nOw last thing, the package has beeni n my room for the whole week omg i cant wait to c his faceeeee when we give it to him he gon die n if he nots im gon kick his ass jk.
well now if i do say so myself yes am gbye next post is gon b more hm abt so me one? nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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