#anyways Quintas probably needs therapy
nmelos · 2 years
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Touchstarved oc time <33 Their name is Quintas and I was partially inspired by kintsugi (since the mc has golden cracks on their skin, pretty cool!!)
Background is from @redspringstudio
: More art below :
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chromatic-static · 5 years
Playing Catch up
Got pretty bad about keeping up with this. Honestly not sure why that is. I would be on my phone or computer and think about writing something but something in me was so resistant. Probably just entropy. That bitch is ruining my life. Anyways. 
May 28th: Most of this remembering is going to come from context clues from my texts to Jesse. This was the day that I began my music migration to Spotify. Didn’t get a damn thing done at work. Did some preparatory camping shopping at Marshalls. 
May 29th: Crammed in all my work stuff before taking off for vacation. Left that night and stayed in a La Quinta in Virginia Beach. Listened to Harry Potter on the way down.
May 30th: Arrived at Ocracoke after many setbacks. Spent the afternoon on the beach with the dogs. The stake worked perfectly for the dogs. Read a bunch of LOTR and went to sleep.
May 31st: Spent the morning on the beach. The dogs loved the sand. As the rainstorm started around the afternoon we headed back. The ferry ride was quite eerie. We got back at 3am but instead of collapsing right in bed we washed ourselves, the dogs, and set up the bed.
June 1st: Slept of the travel fatigue. Felt terribly depressed the whole day but forced myself to go out with Alena and Alex to Ottobar. It was new wave night and they played all my jams. Had a lot of fun and felt a lot better.
June 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: all I remember about these days is feeling really sick, going to therapy on wednesday
June 6th: Dentist. No cavities! Stopped by mom and dads to pick up rug and had a nice cup of tea with dad
June 7th: Naked yoga and liked it. Met up at sugarvale with Jenny, Alena, and alex. Taylor said I looked pretty. Jenny introduced us to Chris. Came back to the apartment and got really high. 
June 8th: Went to homegoods and got an awesome office chair. Picked up Villagio and brought it home for lunch. Went to the Averbukh’s for Danny’s birthday. Wasn’t great but wasn’t the worst. Jack was there which got Jesse excited about babies. We broke up briefly but neither of us wanted to go through it. We need to go to therapy.
June 9th: Met up with Alena and Alex at the farmers market. Didn’t plan on it but before I knew it I was seriously cleaning the apartment. Got the closet cleaned out, all my clothes washed, the kitchen cleaned, and my desk set up.
June 10th: Back at work. Not much to say. Went grocery shopping
June 11th: Rug came in! It looks great but when we pulled up the old one there was serious damage from the dog urine on the hardwood :/ We’ll deal with this as it comes. Went to yoga. It felt good to force myself to go, but it wasn’t my best day.
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