#anyways i want chinese food anyone wanna get general tsos chicken w/ me or what
officialcameronfrye · 6 years
15 questions tag
thank you for tagging me @draxla !!!!!
1) are you named after anyone?
fun facts abt me: my dad (hopefully jokingly) said we should name me magnum (after magnum pi lmao) if i was a boy and my mum was like 'the closest we're getting is megan'
and my middle name is amanda after canadian folk pop singer amanda marshall (we stan)
2) when was the last time you 😢?
i dont remember but probably like last week tbh
3) do you have kids?
no way lol im not kid ready and if i was id adopt childbirth scares me
4) do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah lol
5) what’s the first thing you notice about people?
probably the way they carry themself
6) what’s your eye colour?
green and i will fight anyone that says my eyes are brown
7) scary movie or happy ending?
both are good depending on my mood but ive been very into spooky season so let's say scary rn
8) any special talents?
i am a talentless husk of a human
wait okay if you put on an oldies (70s, 80s, 90s) station there's a good chance i can name whichever song is playing and the artist within 10 seconds of the song starting
9) where were you born?
small city in southern canada (love how im vague about it despite actively screaming about my location at all times in my tags lmao)
10) what are your hobbies?
reading, listening to music, letter writing, film photography, thrift shopping
11) do you have any pets?
my dog echo!!!!!
12) what sports do you play/have you played?
uh im a loser face all i do is ski lol i used to swim and do martial arts
13) how tall are you?
14) favourite subject in school?
i loved music (band and strings) and english
15) dream job?
i think im obligated to go 'paralegal' cuz that's what im taking but also law clerk, legal assistant, and in a dream world i could do acting or something. i did a play after a longgggg time of not doing drama stuff and i missed it so much. i also did a bit of acting in short films and i had a BLAST
uh i tag @ahorsenamedcoldair @saifey and @pidgiebread hell yeah
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