#anyways i'm disappointed that i've yet to see someone use a wha character with this meme like damn
borkadonk · 9 months
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posting this twitter meme doodle here too cuz i think it's funny
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beevean · 2 years
So after reading "Let Go," I gotta say for a self-proclaimed non-writer you made a story that is on the higher tier of short story I've read. And this is as someone who has a writing major and so read a lot of stories to get that lol.
Like you could have bahsed on Surge since she's not your fav, but instead you actually made her be somewhat sympathetic even if she still lashes out.
It's a very solid and I'd say good piece. Inb4 an anon shows up to blindly go "lol Let Go sucks lmao wht trash like Misery Tastes"
bu-- wha--
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Thank you so much, this means a lot to me 😭
Honestly I was just on a roll the last few days. Usually I have to pull words out of my mouth like teeth, but this time I knew exactly how to convey what I had in mind. It was a fun experience! Especially changing Sonic's behavior so that he'd be more in line to how I imagine he'd behave in the games, kindhearted but still no-nonsense.
Like you could have bahsed on Surge since she's not your fav, but instead you actually made her be somewhat sympathetic even if she still lashes out.
I hate character bashing. Unless you're deliberately writing a parody (and even then some jokes stop being funny, I wouldn't like Yandere Amy even in a parody), I believe in respecting the canon source. Even canon you don't like :P I fixed what for me were the biggest mistakes of #50 (Sonic's whole behavior, Surge's confused traumadump that also makes Sonic's blasé attitude look more callous, Sonic wasting time asking for a truce and not immediately trying to save Surge when she's about to fall), but I re-read many issues to stay as consistent as possible, especially the Imposter Syndrome arc.
I don't like Surge's surface personality, and in IS she made me roll my eyes a lot - she isn't that likeable, and not even in a love-to-hate way. She's a braggart and a bully, and that's really it. I'm also pretty disturbed by how Kit is treated by her, but that's another topic.
However, the fact that her annoying personality is fake? And that it makes sense for it to be this way, because Starline sure doesn't hold Sonic in high regard? That is a clever way to explain it. I was also taken by how self-aware Surge is throughout, she does understand that her hatred comes from nowhere, but still, when she has the confirmation that her thoughts are not her own? ... she doubles down. Because you try to break out of 232 sessions of brainwashing. So you have a rational yet irrational character, and that's what makes her intriguing for me.
Plus, y'know, tying her whole self esteem around Sonic and beating him can't be healthy. I was disappointed that her short appearance in #51 had her bounce back so quickly from failing the one thing she has going for in her life now (although it gave us Surge looking totally lovestruck and that's funny) - I think she should have had at least one temper tantrum :P Also, I've complained a lot about #50 lol, but I really like when Surge comes to the conclusion that nobody cared about her, because she either volunteered to be a guinea pig for Starline, or nobody looked for her if she was kidnapped. Add to this that her "little brother" was brainwashed into not having an identity outside of her, so his unconditional support is fake too, and I'm pretty sure her self esteem is in shatters by now. Or should be. We'll see. I still have my headcanon that her insistence in the first half of IS to be constantly validated for her feats comes from a deep insecurity.
I think that, if we could get a glimpse in Surge's head in the comic, she'd be even more interesting. And if she had one redeeming quality, like for example a violently protective affection towards Kit, I'd genuinely like her :)
Anyway, you made my evening, thank you ^^ I'm glad you liked it!
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