#anyways if ur thinking about taking a break from ur favorite substance maybe give it a try
forrests-waterfall · 3 years
Hello ! I’d like to request a CG Technoblade and little Tommy 3-5 , if that’s okay! (No pressure to do it :) )
Maybe Tommy is sick and him and tech are home and he wants attention, hes not little at first but he is grumpy and all shouty and being big man Tommy because he’s sick and angry about it but he’s also a bit out of it and can’t do things on his own , Tech just teases him by treating him like a kid and calling him a big baby and saying stuff like “aww is the baby grumpy” giving him head pats not letting him do stuff because “he’s a grumpy baby” and he needs help to do it n because of this Tommy ends up slipping and asking for “techie” and techno ends up full on looking after him , tucking him in , giving him a sippy , medicine (yuck) , a stuffie maybe, if ur okay w pet names could I suggest little one and piglet
Although please have as much creative liberty (think that’s the right word) with it because I think it’ll be more fun that way!
Anyway thank you so much if you do write this up but if not that’s also totally okay! Have a good week !
Little!Tommy and CG!Technoblade
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A / N ;; This is so cute!!! I tried to write it according to DSMP!Techno’s house so hopefully this sounds a bit right! (Also sorry if it’s weirdly written, I’m still getting used to writing oneshots again as I took a long break ^^;;. It’s also kinda short so, apologies!! Also author doesn’t know how to write the skipping process pfft. And sorry if this is kind of, yucky bad pfft)
CW ;; Mentions of being sick
Etc ;; Not proof read
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Tommy felt awful, to say the least.
He had woken up in a sweat from being over heated, his eyes itched, and his nose was all clogged up. The teen had tried to ignore it and go back into his somewhat peaceful sleep but, it hadn't worked. His mind couldn't help but focus on the new found sickness he had been experiencing.
Acknowledging the fact he couldn't go back to bed, he pushed the remaining covers he had on, onto the floor. He stretched his arms behind his back, more or less stalling him getting out of his comfortable bed. Groaning, he rubbed his right eye and pushed himself up.
Thinking of what to do, he decided on bothering Techno. He wouldn’t admit but Techno made him feel better whenever he was sick or upset. Whether it was by making stupid sarcastic jokes or just a comforting silence, the hybrid always made the teen feel some type of comfort.
Tommy climbed up the latter, with each step a squeaking noise made sure to alert the other person in the house that someone was climbing up or down. That always bothered Tommy, but he didn’t care enough to fix the annoying sound. Or figure out how for that matter.
Once to the level he wanted, the teen hopped off the wooden structure and onto the floor.
Techno looked up as the other’s shoes made a sound against the floorboards. “Hullo” The hybrid greeted the other, then continued on working with his brewing stand. Tommy let out a quick exhale as a soft laugh at the other’s usual greeting.
“Hey big man” the blonde’s voice obviously sounded exhausted, which was very different from his normal tone. The piglin hybrid noticed but decided not to question it at first. Maybe the other was just tired.
Tommy walked over to the older and looked at the potions he was working on. “Workin on some nerd shit again?” Techno plopped a spider eye into a bit of liquid. “Nerd stuff that you tend to use—which is why I’m making more in the first place- yes” he placed the glass bottle underneath a set of tubes that would put another substance into the mixture.
The teen rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, he didn’t really like the feeling of them being by his side all the time.
Silence went over the two, Techno focusing on his potions and Tommy watching him. This tended to happen a lot when the two were home alone. Thought it wasn’t always a bad thing, neither really minded the quiet. At least Tommy didn’t sometimes.
The hybrid was still thinking about how calm Tommy was being, or how tired he sounded. It was out of character for the teen. Though maybe he was just overthinking it. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t still curious about it.
“You alright? You seem err-tired to say the least” he finally questioned, not sure if he’d get an actual answer or just Tommy yelling about how he was fine. “I’m fine, I’m a-“ at very bad timing, Tommy proceeded to let out a couple coughs into his elbow.
The older stopped messing with the potions and raised an eyebrow. “You seemed to have sold yourself out there-“ “my throat just felt weird!” The teen tried to refute against the hybrid, though didn’t work as he went into a small fit of coughing once more.
“Yeah, you don’t seem very ‘fine’” Techno air quoted with his fingers. “I am!!” The other crossed his arms again, stepping away from Techno.
Tommy huffed as he sat on top of a wooden desk where a couple of old books sat. “Shut up” “I didn’t say anything, T-“ “you thought something!” Techno decided it would be pointless to continue the back and forth.
“You’re being very grumpy for someone that’s okay” The blonde let out a small “Tch” as he looked away from the hybrid.
Techno was and wasn’t one for teasing others, but he saw the opportunity and decided to take it. “You’re being such a grumpy baby, Toms” he stated as he ruffled the teen’s hair. Tommy shook his head after Techno took his hand away.
The blonde felt himself slipping into his headspace at such a short sentence. The nickname that the hybrid used made Tommy feel small, and Techno was somewhat aware of that. Techno knew the other hadn’t regressed in a couple days (to his knowledge) and figured this would help. Especially since Tommy felt sick.
“‘M not!” Tommy argued as he stuck his tongue out at Techno. The hybrid let out a small chuckle, “awww, Is the baby grumpy?” Techno moved some of Tommy’s bangs away from his eyes, he could tell they were bothering the younger.
Tommy, now fully in his headspace let out a small sigh. He stuck his arms out and made grabby hands towards the taller. “Techie” techno smiled at the nickname the little gave him, “you want me to carry you?” Techno could care less if the other was sick, it was just them two. Plus he didn’t get sick much anyway.
The blonde gave a simple nod, with that Techno picked him up and place him on the side of his waist. Tommy laid his head against the hybrid’s shoulder, once Techno knew Tommy was comfortable and safe, he climbed down the latter.
The piglin had to make sure 𝖳𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗒 was securely on him with each step, as he didn’t want Tommy to wiggle out and fall.
“Alright piglet, I’m gonna set you on your bed okay? Then I have to leave to get some stuff, but I’ll be right back” Tommy nodded, “okay Techie”
The hybrid placed the younger onto his bed and put the covers over his legs, not knowing if he would be too over heated.
He placed his hand on Tommy’s forehead to see if he was hot, sighing he took his hand away. He was kind of hot but, not too bad.
Techno left to get some stuff from upstairs and came back rather quickly. He balanced a sippy cup, two different drinks, and some red medicine he found in a cabinet.
“Do you want milk or juice, little one?” Tommy pointed at the Apple juice carton as Techno nodded. He put the stuff down and screwed off the cap of the sippy cup, immediately pouring the liquid into tie empty bottle.
He put the lid back on and handed it to Tommy. “Don’t drink that yet, I know you’re going to hate it but you have to take medicine. And I want you to have something to wash it down with” the little pouted, Tommy hated medicine, big or little.
Techno poured the medicine into a small plastic cup that had small markings of measurements on it. When there was enough he put the medicine down and handed the small clear cup to the other. Tommy refused to take it, why would he want to drink something gross?
“Yuck” “I know I know. How about this” Techno began an offer, “if you take this, we can watch whatever movie you want tomorrow while eating snacks you want” Tommy seemed to think about it for a second, before he nodded excitedly. He took the medicine and quickly swallowed the nasty substance.
He proceeded to drink his apple juice to get rid of the awful taste that was in his mouth. The medicine Techno had tasted horrible.
“Good job piglet. Thank you for taking the medicine” the hybrid ruffled with Tommy’s hair like earlier, messing it up a bit. Techno did a quick look around of Tommy’s room before asking, “do you know where your stuffie is?”
The little pointed towards a chest he had in the corner of his room, “is in there. Made him his own bed w’th blankets” he smiled, seeming proud of himself. “Well why don’t we take him out for a bit? I’m sure he’ll wanna see you”
Tommy agreed as the other opened the chest and took the black and white cow stuffie out. It was one of Tommy’s favorite stuffies, he fed it, talked to it, and basically did everything with it. So if anything would make Tommy feel better, it’d be this.
Techno handed the stuffie over to the blonde as he took it in his hands and hugged it. “T’ank you!” Techno returned a soft smile, “alright well, I’m going to go back upstairs. Call me if you-“ “noo!” Tommy pouted.
He wanted Techno to stay. The other made him feel better and forget about whatever sickness he picked up. If he left, then Tommy would feel awful if he was left alone.
“You want me to stay?” Techno raised an eyebrow, usually Tommy was okay if the hybrid had to go do some work for a bit. Though right now, Tommy felt quite the opposite. “Stay, p’ease” he hugged onto his cow stuffie tighter as he looked at the other.
“Fine fine, I’ll stay piglet. If you promise to go to sleep” Tommy agreed and Techno got underneath the blankets along with the little. Techno ran his fingers softly through the blondes hair. He was aware of how much this calmed Tommy down, Tommy would ask and ask for Techno to play with his hair when he was little. It was oddly comforting to the other.
“Night night, little one”
“Ni Ni, Techie”
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
Love letter project ♡
Sooo to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Shining live, I put together a project! I basically got a bunch of people to write a love letter for their favourite boy. Things like, why they like them, how they got to like them and what they like about them were all accepted!
The event was supposed to have 2 fans for each boy but unfortunately I was unable to get two for some of the boys. 
Under the cut will be the love letters for all of Class A!!! Please enjoy~ And thank you for all the people who participated in the event and taking the time to write the love letters out. 
From @ponzu-penzui:
Hello world! My nickname is Yuki, and I’m here to tell you about the sunshine boy that is Otoya Ittoki. The redhead of the series, Otoya is your seemingly a-typical sunshine in a mascot boy character. But, as we all know with these types, the sunshine isn’t as, well, sunshine as they seem. Or, if you didn’t know, well… spoiler alert I guess. Go watch the anime, or play the otome games, then come back here. Anyways, let’s get started on our journey, shall we? Through the rabbithole that got me here in the first place!
Otoya immediately became my best boy the second I saw him. I’m not quite sure what immediately got me at first, whether it be his red hair and eyes, his voice, or his immediate friendliness, but here we are. I should also mention that UtaPri was my first idol anime, so I was completely unaware what was going to hit me later. And, if you’ve watched the entire anime, you know where I’m going.
Season 4 was an emotional wreck. I cried at least twice. Did I have a newfound appreciation for Otoya after all that heartache? Definitely. Without spoilers, it was incredibly painful for me to watch, but I don’t regret it.
After watching the anime, I soon found out about the existence of Shining Live. So, with no other UtaPri content to binge, I started to play SL in late 2018. After playing for a little more than a year, I tiered in my first Otoya event (Heartwarming Snow Festival), and achieved my first top 200. Ever since then, I’ve tiered in every Otoya event, getting top 200, then top 100.
But, why do I like Otoya Ittoki even to this day? Well, I guess this is the time where I say that, after a certain point, I started to see bits of myself in Otoya. This led me to start to RP him, and, as you probably know if you’ve ever roleplayed a character before, I started to look at the miniscule amount of translated game content (many thanks to the Ohayaho Translation Team) for, well, more content. And content I did receive. Long story short, this only served to solidify Otoya as my favorite boy of not only UtaPri, but from all anime/manga/game content I’ve ever seen/watched. His cheerfulness may have been the first thing that got me in this rabbithole, but his backstory and how he managed to grow up pulled me in even further. And, I don’t think I will or want to get out anytime soon.
Next one from; Anon
As much as we all know our Otoya for how sweet and kind he is, there is so much more to him than just a precious smile. He is uplifting, cheerful towards everyone he meets. He has empathy and goes out of his way to make sure his friends are happy. Even so, Otoya has feelings that aren’t always happiness and smiles. He can feel sad and angry just like anyone else.
The reason I care and love Otoya so much is because he has shown me that I don’t have to always put on a smile. It’s nice to show off your pearly whites, but sometimes, it’s okay to be sad too. There are times in everyone’s life when they feel out of place and that they don’t belong. Otoya also felt this way and that’s perfectly okay. He’s still being the best idol he can be: The idol that Otoya loves the most.
From Anon: 
Masato Hijirikawa. Why do I like Masato Hijirikawa? I like him to the point that it feels weird for me to even question why I do. He's just- a good boy. A great boy. I love him. As a joke, I'd usually say that it was his weirdly pretty, bowl-cut hairstyle that drew me to him, or I'd say that he caught my interest when I read that he was "very good with his hands" (wink wonk) in his Shining Live description, and while both of these reasons are still true, it wasn't until I started role playing him in an old server that I really started to appreciate his character more.
Masato, despite his aloof and almost "perfect" initial image, is a very relatable character. When he first arrived at Saotome (in-game) he wasn't necessarily seen as someone with a lot of talent to become an idol, which he acknowledged with grace and worked hard to make up for. He's humble despite his privileged upbringing and is incredibly self-aware of his flaws, which are sources of insecurity for him sometimes (a lot of times). Though it should be said that most of this insecurity stems from not having a lot of control over his early life, which is why it felt so gratifying to see him break free of his metaphorical chains to pursue his happiness without any doubts. He's a hard worker and is willing to accept criticism with open arms, not only for himself but for the people around him. Despite his traditional upbringing and nature, he's very receptive to change as long as it benefits both him and STARISH. He values the people he cares about more than anything, which is why he constantly strives to be a better version of himself every day, not only for himself but for the people around him.
Though his stoicism sometimes makes him seem plain or even "boring" to some people, he hides a warm, hidden passion within that's just as bright as everyone else's. Like the springtime bloom of cherry blossoms after winter, Masato shows his passion and love with no restraint to anyone who takes the time to understand him, and I can very much attest to this. I love him a lot and I hope to see more content of him, STARISH, and the others for more years to come.
From uh....me:
HELLO I’m Z~ also known as the mod of the mikaze-discord/utapri-hcs tumblrs, as well as the organiser for the event! But enough about myself, let's talk about Natsuki Shinomiya.
When I first watched the anime as a youngin, I had already known about the games and their plots but had decided to try out the anime as well since I had nothing better to do.
Natsuki was actually one of my least favourite characters in the anime just because of how they presented him. I just...didn't care for him at all. He was just some random tall guy who loved hugs and almost murder…. Yeah.
I’m sure like most, I had a changing point. Originally, I was a Tokiya rper but...I was just unhappy with how my Tokiya was, I wasn't as experienced in rping with that server being my first rp server i was ever in. I didn't feel like I matched up with the others. I felt my Tokiya was just lacking something, substance maybe. Another person actually had a similar feeling and had changed their character from Camus to Syo and since we already had an Ai, I had just decided to go with the flow and complete the rest of the cute team. Best decision of my life. I’m so grateful for Natsuki and everything I associate him with. Without him, I probably wouldn't have made my tumblrs, I wouldn't have stayed in that server, I wouldn't have gone looking for other servers to rp in. I don't think I would be the same without Natsuki. I just find him so endearing now, he is just a lovable giant who happens to be able to be a disney princess. He is just so darn cute damn it. , just look at his Christmas card, his King card, quite literally just half his Shining live URs. Also, just like his songs just slap. Natsuki to me, is just serotonin. He gave me so many opportunities that I could have missed. I don't even think I would have started this love letter project without him if I’m being completely honest. I genuinely enjoyed all the memories I made as Natsuki. Thank you to Natsuki and to the Mikaze-discord for basically starting me off.
From Luke:
Natsuki was actually the very first character I encountered before I got into utapri. A friend showed a photo of him and told me that I'd probably be into this guy. She sure was right! After installing shining live for the first time and having a familiar face on the screen, I grew curious of him each day and just had to find out why was so attracted to him. The fact that I've seen him so many times in the past was haunting me, telling me that this man actually watched me grow up from a distance without even knowing his name. It sounds weird but I find it rather comforting for someone who doesn't want to be protected but isn't strong enough to defend myself alone.
The thought of having him there was enough to get me through the day and gave me enough reason to wake up to the next. I admit I may have adapted some of his habits after looking after his account for a year but that isn't a bad thing if it means that it would turn me into a much better person than I am now. I guess you could say we've grown together now in a sense, preserving the feelings and just living through the moment no matter how happy or sad it is. What's important is that we're not alone in all things we do and in everything we feel, there will always be someone there to keep us moving when we feel like giving up.
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