#anyways im writing something about this beyond this incomprehensible rant
garyfischy · 1 year
24 is a very deeply pathetic character. imagine if you will your coworker comes up to you and he's like today im gonna skip work and go pick up girls. and if you cover for me, I'm gonna make it big as a villain and I'll give you a sweet job as my right-hand man. And you're like oh ok sure whatever because there's no way this douchebag's gonna pull it off , right. But he does. And you're convinced this is your ride outta this hell , but the girl this asshole scored is like, huh, this guy's ugly as fuck. do we have to bring him? and he's like 'oh ok yeah whatever sorry sugarplum' and just bails on you. Eventually you end up having to go grovel at this guy's feet for another job, and you're just another henchman among the crowd. without you he wouldn't even BE in this stupid giant purple armchair. but so for like twennysomething years you work under this guy and you're not even allowed to call him his name. You have to say yes boss ok boss whatever boss. to a guy who was once your fuckin coworker. He can't even be arsed to remember your name.
and then after god knows how much time youve slaved away as a mook you die in this horrible, completely random, extremely violent and painful event because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. limbs and entrails strewn everywhere. your mook coworkers bury what they can find of you in an unmarked grave. It's a quiet event. Think 'six guys in a flat playing WoW and watching movies story' quiet. and they ask the Boss to come to your funeral and he's like "Who the FUCK is that guy? Lol"
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