#anyways point is they're bffs they should not be separated!!
inhidingxoxo3637 · 1 year
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Grandma's LOVE these kids
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comphetkoncass · 1 year
superboy man of tomorrow 2 liveblog lets GOOOOO
obviously spoilers ahead
the cover is exactly how i feel about this guy. yes. squish him. he is pocket-sized. i will pick him up and squeeze him like a stress toy <3
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every panel of kon getting hurt tbh (and for fellow kon whumpers. its a fucking FEAST.) <3 but also - that post going around that says ttk cant deflect energy, this is delightful acknowledgement of that. all my homies love when the ttk shatters like an old coke bottle.
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obsessed with all the panels about him talking about trying to do this with ~style~, but also getting his ass beat and feeling like this is actually a workout. yes my child. tell me it's difficult. overcome <3
"this is what i wanted. me, on my own, against the scum of the universe" baby no
"no one is coming to save me. not clark, not tim, not cassie, not bart... not even kelex." BABY NO but also. prettiest boy in the galaxy. look at this shit.
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the argument about not letting innocent people get hurt. kon you are . such a good person. i love you. u just never falter
intergalactic cloning lore!!! kon finding people who share shocking similarities with him!! i dont often like random characters but i'll admit i'm a fan of these guys. i'm even bothering to remember their names unlike how i treat most side characters (sorry. im a bad comic fan. however. there are so many fucking side characters. do you really expect me to remember everyones name who stays in a comic for less than 3 issues). anyways go pira! these guys are already bonding, i love them and want the best for them. thats right babes you take down that empire. maybe listen to kon about uhhhhhh not letting everyday civilians die in the property damage though. pls.
also there seem to be similarities with some of starfire's backstory? what is it with these alien races who want to clone, splice dna, and/or genetically alter existing races fr. kon and kory should bond over this i think.
kon has sooo much respect for his friends. i love that he keeps mentioning them :') this boy is a bonafide bff. ALSO. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOUR OWN RESOURCEFULNESS HONEY... YOU GOT THIS!!!
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"they think i'm just a weapon? well, if both sides are looking for a fight, they're in luck -- i'm just itching to show them what the house of el has to offer." YEAH BABY YOU ARE A PROUD PART OF THE HOUSE OF EL. YOU HAVE A FAMILY. <3 <3 <3
his dorky awkward little grin. ohhh my goddddddddddd. hes so fucking proud of himself. hes teaching them :') he thinks hes such a good role model. im going to squeeze him to death.
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"i start to think about what conner kent would do AND ITS INFINITELY COOLER" YOU GO BABY. im so fucking obsessed with this. im having so much goddamn fun with this issue actually. they saw kon stans and they gave us exactly what we wanted. i feel so seen
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whos ready to punch through a space fleet. me. im ready. im ready to watch you have the time of your goddamn life next issue.
overall i REALLY like this issue! i don't usually love the whole, "solo series in space" thing because it seems like an excuse to separate characters from the main cast and isolate them and make any growth happen outside of their friendships on earth, which often ends up pretty meh. however. this is fun and engaging and kon references his friends enough that i'm cautiously optimistic.
i do hope kon runs into other mainline characters at some point in this series though; anything to ground this more into main canon and make sure character development ties back to the main series.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 11 months
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So.... guess who started playing FFXIV... (free trial ofc) which meaaannnsss I have a new OC to be insane over.
Her name is Elysia Vespera, a runaway Au Ra who abandons her noble family in Hingashi to travel the world
Her real name is Akari Shimizu, her older brother, Soma, sits at the head of their family ever since their father died from sickness. Don't worry, she doesn't care lol. She resents her family for pitting her against her brother and ultimately trying to marry her off against her will.
Anyways, kind of not happy with the in game hairstyles so this is how I draw her
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(on my knees begging for SE to have waist length hairstyles)
She's kinda vain lol. She grew up a noble so she very much still has that princess like, "I get everything I want" disposition. Very into fashion and jewelry, she is simply Eorzea's itgirl. She's also a white mage as you can tell by the first image, so she does ofc still care abt other people.
In particular, she's BFFs with @asoundofdrop's OC Saji
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(art by Drop ofc <3)
Timeline's a mess but basically they come as a duo do not separate them plz. They're the best tank and healer duo anyone could ask for :D. They go through the MSQ together (we're both still on A Realm Reborn rn that shit is LONG) and there are timelines where either one of them dies when the Scions get attacked by Livia Junius but we're not getting into that rn <3
Anyways onto character relationships so far:
Drop is whipped as all hell for Thancred so Saji x Thancred is a thing and Elysia is not particularly thrilled about it lol. Her and Thancred don't exactly get along lmao. Elysia just kinda thought he was a fuckboy at first but they begin to get along after they save Thancred from Lahabrea. She still bullies him though.
I like to think her and Y'shtola get along very well, like just two girlies that could kill you <3. Except ik Y'shtola becomes a black mage later on so she would not be thrilled about the whole sitting inside AOEs thing... (i am kinda playing with making them a thing bc Y'shtola is kinda 👀 and would put Elysia in her place...)
Now, Elysia's egotistical ass LOVES a man that is absolutely down bad for her. Thus, Haurchefant. I'm not gonna lie to you I am ashamed to admit that I am quite down bad for Haurchefant after seeing him for all of five minutes in ARR. To the point where I spoiled (some) of the story for myself so shut up I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS ;-;. They're kinda knight x princess dynamic and I am so insane abt them you don't understand. You should see my discord messages. Anyways uh Haurchefant falls first but Elysia falls harder that is all you need to know. Also, size difference.
Anyways I'm having lots of fun with FFXIV and my new child <3. I love her to bits and I can't wait to lewd and/or traumatize her.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
Heyy ^^ i found ur blog yesterday and ive been ADDICTED to ur BFF!Bill stories!! they're so so good! I was wondering if you could write something about them both being on a plane, and when turbulence starts to happen tiger is just freaking out and bill has to calm and comfort her. omg that would be so adorable. also maybe them being cute at the airport before the flight, because tiger is all sleepy and soft. as you can tell, i've been desperate for some fluff hahah xx
First of all, welcome bubs. Welcome welcome welcome to my crazy little corner of the interweb universe, I’m so happy that you stopped by and I’m so happy that you enjoy my insane babbles! do you have a favourite? I love hearing about your favourites.
Second of all, it’s strange to me that the people who are only starting to follow me now--ya’ll know a really special side of me. You know a weird, out of normal side of me. Because my job--I don’t talk about it--but normally, my job is 90% travel. Before this zombie virus hit, for years I was away for about 250-300 days a year. In 2019, I visited LA, Egypt, Iceland, London, Paris, Stockholm, Hong Kong, Japan, Cyprus, Ghana, Colombia, Phuket, Qatar, Milan, Bali, Stockholm, Abu Dhabi, Denmark, Norway--and that’s just to name a few. I was never home. I lived my life at 35,000 feet, in hotel rooms, never quite sure what continent I was on or what time zone I was in--and I loved it. That was the life for me.
And then 2020 hit and I just haven’t been the same since. In fact--because I think it’s important to talk about these things--this has hit me really hard lately, this nostalgia, this longing. And the main topic of my therapy sessions these days has been allowing myself to grieve for a life that I loved, that I may never get back. It’s rough, it’s really intense, and therapy has left me totally drained lately.
I have a few airport-comfort pieces on my #vacation bill tag on my Masterlist, because it meant so much to me at one point in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I was always treated very well when I flew and I had a lot of perks--but sometimes, sometimes it was hard too. When I was on malaria pills and only a few weeks out of a yellow fever vaccine, suffering from an insanely sensitive stomach in Ghana? I was curled up at the airport as my boss slowly gave me carbonated water, and I wanted to die. Curling up and just wanting to pass out on my 5th flight that was trying to get me to Vietnam, when I had no idea what day or what time it was, and all I wanted was to sleep--knowing that when I landed, I had 28 working hours ahead of me. That trip was hard. It was a lot of planes rides for short periods--so right as I started to drift off my seat would be slammed back into upright position, we were landing, and I had to shuffle out and shuffle onto another plane.
In any case, please let me indulge a moment in this because I am always here for Bill comforting tiger in all scenarios.
Bill flies a lot, so he’s used to all of it. He knows airports are chilly, and airplanes are often even more chilly. He knows that tiger errs on the side of cold always anyway, so he packs a few extra sweaters just because he knows that like...she doesn’t. She doesn’t think of it. And make no mistake, the extra sweaters are for him--because he always gives her the sweater off his back. She’s more comforted that way, it’s warm and it smells like him and she always huddles into it. 
And it’s not that travelling stresses tiger out--she quite enjoys it actually--but it’s all just so thrilling, that sometimes she has a hard time focusing. Bill is a high roller, man he has access to all the lounges and always either flies business class, or is ballin’ enough to be bumped to business class just when the airline agents see how many points he has. And tiger is just taking it all in--the wine in the lounge, the fanciness of it all, the prestige. She’s all up in ends and Bill has to help kind of ground her--just be that steady presence that keeps her in check, tells her to eat. He fixes a plate for her always, because tiger is like a kid in a candy store and there’s just so much to be amazed about. He thinks it’s adorable, god she makes his heart skip a few beats, but he knows she’s also looking for a bit of stability, some anchor that she can hold onto amidst all the excitement--and that’s what he is. 
They, obviously, always sit together on the plane. She always gets lots of head scritchies to help her relax and fall asleep. And listen, if turbulence should hit? He’s all over it. I, low key, really love turbulence--man that shit will just rock you right to sleep. I’ve been on a few flights where I have legitimately been scared--I’ve been on flights where an engine blew out after take off and we had to emergency land, or a flight where the tail of the aircraft split clean in half about 3,000 ft above ground and we had a crash landing, I’ve been on flights where the back wheels hit the runway and then the pilot had to take off again at almost a 90 degree angle because an aircraft was too close in front of him and I’ve nearly passed out from the G force. And actually the flight to Bali from Qatar was very turbulent--but I’ve mostly been able to retain my calm. No plane in history has ever been downed by turbulence alone. 
Bill knows that. He’s used to it. But tiger? Tiger has all of her claws dug into his forearm the minute the plane starts to shake even just slightly. It rouses him from a deep sleep--his goofy eye mask on and all--and he lifts it and squints at her. He’s a little grumpy, but the minute he sees the pure panic etched on her face, he morphs into caretaker mode immediately.
“It’s okay kid,” he says, “It’s just a rough patch.”
Sure enough, the seatbelt sign dings and the announcement from the captain comes on.
“Bill...” she says, and there’s a hint of a whine in her voice. He wishes he could just squeeze in close to her, just envelop her in his arms but the centre console between their seats separates them. He reaches his arm around her anyway, cranes so he can kiss her temple.
“We’re okay tiger,” he says into her ear, “Turbulence is normal. Nothing to worry about.”
She whines again, reaching a hand and she balls it into his t-shirt. He moves his hand to her hair, scritching lightly.
“Just breathe kid,” he says, “It’s okay.”
He can’t ding the flight attendant because they can’t move during turbulence anyway, so instead he reaches for his water bottle and uncaps it, offers it to her.
“Drink,” he instructs. She takes a small sip, but she tenses the minute the plane starts to rock again.
“We’re okay, I promise,” he says, “Turbulence isn’t dangerous kid. Not in the slightest.”
She looks unsure, everything about her is tense and worried.
“Hey,” he says and he taps her nose “You trust me?”
“Of course I trust you.”
“And you know how much I fly?”
“It’s nothing kid,” he reassures, “Try and relax. Come here, I’ll rub your tummy.”
“I don’t need my--”
But listen, he manages to combine their blankets and creates a cocoon around the two of them. He reaches over and reclines her seat back a bit, boosts up the foot rest so she’s comfortable, and then under the blanket he lifts her shirt a little--and his warm hand just rubs back and forth, massages on her lower stomach just how she likes. He puts a pillow on the centre console, pulls the blanket up a little and pulls her over so she can lean across it--and then he rests his thumb on her lips.
“Billy--” she mumbles, but he hushes her.
“No one can see kid,” he kisses her nose softly, “I promise. Go on.”
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sunmoonchanlix · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if there are any other groups that you are into other than skz and if so I'm curious if are there any other idols that have tingled your senses per se 🤔 either couples or just individuals
Anyway I love your videos thank you so much for posting them and sharing your thoughts 🥰
Hello! Thank you so much for your support and kind words!
Nothing below should be taken as absolute fact and they are just one single person's thoughts. But let me just say that this list is way longer than we all assume, and if enough idols came out on the same day, it would rock the world, but it would not be a scandal. It would be a historic moment in the long term. Just sayin'. 🤷‍♂️ And International K-Pop fans will not let anyone tank in sales because of it.🌈
Stray Kids:
Bang Chan + Felix (100% confidence in coupling)
Lee Know
Changbin? (I'll look into it)
Jimin + Jungkook (100% confidence in coupling)
Moonbyul+Solar (100% confidence in coupling)
Jeongyeon? (maybe? -> probably not)
Soobin? (I don't know if Yeonjun's powers are working or not)
New + Younghoon (separately for sure, but I cannot tell if they're a couple or gay BFFs)
BTOB (not as familiar):
SHINee (not as familiar):
ATEEZ (not as familiar):
All of them except for Mingi and Jongho (trust me, I was just as surprised to get vibes from the majority of the group!)
NCT (not as familiar):
Ten + Johnny (separately for sure, not as familiar to give confidence that they're a couple)
Doyoung? (not enough confidence as an individual, but I got weird couple vibes from him and Jungwoo at one point)
Red Velvet (not as familiar):
AB6IX (not as familiar):
GOT7 (not as familiar):
Chan has made some really awesome friends and company!
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