#anyways sentimental talk aside if you're seeing this then this is your cue to go check out tai sui and all of kamatani's works ;)
cinammonelles · 11 months
Tysm for the tag @fivekrystalpetals!!! Sorry it took me forever to answer <\3
First ship ever in you life: Ah this is hard... Most likely a power rangers couple from one of the old seasons? Its been years so I'm afraid I don't remember their names anymore :")
The ultimate three ships: I thought long and hard abt this but I genuinely couldn't think of any 3 in particular. I'm not a very avid shipper and even for ships I do like I just kinda glance at them and go "I like this one" and move on lmao
The first crush (Fictional Character/Fandom): Shiro from K project most likely?(yeah it was the white hair and trauma sorry)
Last Song: parallel hearts <3
Last Movie: The new bunny girl movie?(forgot what it was called lol) My friend and I went to watch it on a whim and I was a little lost initially because I hadn't watched the anime, but my friend didn't mind explaining stuff to me and it was a fun watch overall!! I loved it when the ending song came on and everyone started singing together <3
Favorite Flower: Why must you make me choose😔😔😔 I don't think I have a favourite but baby's breath are really pretty!
Currently Reading (you can add a link): not a lot tbh!! I read Hiratabi a while back as a part of my kamatani binge spree and I'm around halfway through Shounen Note now. Other than that I'm just reading a couple of fics my friend recommended, A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf and beloved Tai Sui ofc <3
Currently Watching: nothing as of now. I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had the time or energy to invest in anything new. I would love to watch Fune wo amu when I get time tho :>
Last thing I wrote- ship/Fandom?: a zhou ying character study that might very well morph into a fic
Currently writing (you can add a link): a little analysis of the portrayal of patriarchy in tai sui, the previously mentioned zy character study, the ph siblings fic I've been working on ever since forever and a vnc fic I'm hoping to complete soon!
Tagging @lepetitloir @kumikko @grassbreads @edowardoelric @bombyixmori @stellarhoxy @despairrow @julysecnd @ruthserbel and anyone else who wants to join!!
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B2:S - Chapter 3
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be Lujanne, Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Bait, and Soren goodness!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
Lujanne having excellent fitness for all her walking around the Moon Nexus, and she's so energetic that Callum has trouble keeping up with her! She seems like those active grandmas who almost never stop moving, who have a lifelong supply of endless stamina. It makes me wonder if Lujanne will need that level of fitness for some upcoming conflict.
Callum feeling really hungry over not eating grubs and then still deciding he'd rather be hungry. It makes me wonder all over again how Lujanne got to the point where she eats grubs, considering that other Moonshadow elves we know of back in the Silvergrove don't. I still love my hc that the giant leech ate all of Lujanne's moonberry bushes and she's taking her revenge. Whatever's going on there, Callum is definitely not at that point yet.
When Lujanne asks Callum how he knows she's real, he thinks to himself that he'd put up with just about anything from someone who was going to teach him magic. That's a great parallel and foreshadowing for Viren's student/master relationship with Aaravos! And it's telling that neither student gets exactly what they hoped to get. Lujanne doesn't actively teach Callum any spells, because she believes he can't learn Moon magic at all. Aaravos does offer Viren power, but it takes him to some very dark places - literally and figuratively - and the cost is terribly high.
Callum sees a moon shape among the ruins, and Lujanne explains that the Moonhenge layout is an intricate rune that uses the structures themselves as part of its symbols and power. That's apparently a thing even with ordinary Moonshadow villages like Hollow Wood in the east, which is the coolest idea I've seen in a while: city planning as magic runes!
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Yes, that's the same shape as the pendants Ethari made for himself and Runaan. Protection? Home? Feelsiness? A sense of safety and belongnig for all cycles and seasons?
Wonder what this Moonhenge rune stands for, then, and how much of this landscape is included in that rune. I bet it's more than we think!
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But it makes sense now, how toppling the stone pillars would disable the spell the druids would cast to connect with the Moon Nexus lake. Breaking the infrastructure of the Moonhenge breaks the rune.
There's a physical sensation involved with the visuals that Historia Viventem brings up! When that one ghostly druid walked through Callum, he felt icy cold. Like in ghost stories. I really wonder about what exactly Historia Viventem is doing when it activates. It shows truth, "what really happened here?", so it must have some kind of time-related element, maybe tied to how the moon always repeats the same cycles or something. But it also seems to draw on the spirits of any living people involved in the flashback, because Callum could physically feel that wispy shape passing through him. So very interesting!
Orrr... is that all wrong, and there's something else at work with this spell than time? Maybe the world beyond life and death can act as an imprint of the things that have happened in the living world, and the spell that Lujanne (and later Callum) casts taps into that place, with perfect recall. I'm looking really hard at the sentence that says "dozens of translucent elf ghosts" and "phantom Moonhenge" and "lost in their own world" here.
Lujanne says more here than in the show about the world beyond life and death, being her mysterious Moonshadow-mage self. She says that "beyond" and "between" might both apply to where this other plane of existence is, and she doesn't much care which. With all the relativity swirling around this place, and not much in the way of empiricism, it's sounding like perhaps multiple conflicting ideas might actually coexist in such a place, allowing more ideas to fit there than we might normally believe is possible. Which is a fascinating bit of worldbuilding. Basically, every headcanon anyone has ever had about the Moon Nexus could all be true at the same time, for all we know.
Oh oh oh, Callum coming in soft with a secret wish! He takes one look at the Moonhenge and immediately thinks of finding a way to see his mom again! Poor boy, my heart! I'd say that could be another interesting parallel with Viren, but then, who wouldn't hold that sentiment?
Oh my, is this another breath of life into Ye Olde Ley Lines headcanon? Lujanne mentioning the Nexuses again, so soon after talking about the runic design of the entire Moonhenge, makes me wonder if the six nexuses are in fact giant runes. On Earth, the places where ley lines cross are called nexuses, and there are those who believe those points got marked with ancient structures, like Stonehenge and many many others. If Xadia were crossed with magical lines which naturally formed nexus points where they met, and if powerful magical runes were built across those entire areas, well. That would be cool beans, fams. Can I smack a map of Xadia and release a spell like Luz Noceda does? Because ngl that is my first instinct here.
Lujanne has got to be missing some grandkids to spoil, right? The way she's always whipping out cake and ice cream for Callum, and she's so grandma-ish about it. Headcanon about her being Runaan's mom aside, she is canonically lonely and she's very sweet to Allen and Ellis and I think she's missing whatever family she once had in the past. She may never get to have that family back, so she's finding a new one among the humans who live nearby, and I think that's sweet. Found family isn't just for the young.
But Ellis is straight up gonna be her fave, I bet, because she didn't turn up her nose at Lujanne's illusion food!
Ezran and Bait have a lot more to their relationship than was visible in the show, and I'm so excited by it! Ez can tell by looking at Bait's colors that he's not truly jealous of Zym, even if he's really grumpy about the dragonling taking up his favorite human's time.
And Ez thinking a lot about his dad and the things he's taught him. They're soft leadership material, and I love that so much! "Pick your battles" and the importance of encouragement. Ahh, my heart. Ezran, you're going to be such a good king.
But wait a second: both times that Bait gets extra grumpy in Zym's first training session, Ezran has just mentioned something about flying. Guys, I think Bait wishes he could fly, really badly. And that's his biggest problem with Zym, and with Ezran teaching Zym to fly, instead of Bait who doesn't have wings so. Bait is so old that his secrets have secrets, and I'm really curious how flying fits into them now!
Rayla, Dramatic Assassin: "I need to patrol for dark forces." That's what Lujanne called the source of the purple wisps that found them. I wonder if that's an official term all Moonshadows know, or if Rayla is just taking her cue from a veteran Moon mage. And I wonder how far Rayla is falling into the apparent pattern of "one mage, one assassin", since she does spend a lot of her time patrolling without being asked.
When Callum tells Lujanne that he was bad at prince stuff, and she asks if he didn't give up and got good at those things anyway, it's an opportunity for Callum to embrace subverting his parents' expectations in favor of seeking his own path, which is a primary theme of the show. But Lujanne is a couple generations older than Callum, at the very least, and I have to wonder what her upbringing was like. Is her version of success the one she took? Was she bad at magic once too, but she persisted? She is very soft and doesn't want to kill anyone.
Maybe Lujanne had dreams of doing something else with her life, but she felt she had to pursue the destiny that others handed to her, so she studied magic as hard as she could, and she did get good at it, but using it to defend Xadia from humans is not what she wanted to do with her life. Whether there's a parallel between her and Ethari on that point, there's one between Callum and Ethari, I think. How much of your life are you willing to let others direct for you?
This is my new favorite Soren and Claudia moment ever. Soren loves him his bread, okay. Even as earplugs for Claudia's sleep ocarina tune. The fact that it's "super effective" makes me think of a Pokemon defense. The fact that he learned it at camp, where he also learned about Moonshadow Madness, is hilarious. Later on, Corvus doesn't know Soren by name, but I still love the idea of Corvus being a kind of Strider-esque camp instructor, filling the ears of his young charges with all kinds of useful tactics like ear bread for magic spell songs (which actually seemed to work as intended), and warnings about the enemy elves' blood-themed tactics (which may or may not come back around in BH)
I thought they were gonna go in a kind of deep direction when Soren still wanted his ear bread back, but then he just. Eats them. Just noms them. I love this kid. Give Soren all the bread!
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feynites · 6 years
If you're still taking prompts, Maibrit and Lela? I miss our space lesbians.
You got it! Have a snippet for a new AU, inspired by the LoL K/DA music video that’s been going the rounds! ^_~
Maibrit slams a hand down on the table in front of her.
“Neon darkspawn!” she exclaims. “Neon blacklight darkspawn!”
“No,” Kel immediately replies, not even looking up from her phone. “That’s tasteless.”
“It’s cheeky,” Maibrit refutes, climbing up to sit on the table.
“I like it,” Lela loyally defends, even though, in all honesty, she doesn’t actually know for certain what Maibrit’s talking about. Still, her girlfriend has good ideas. The best ones for the videos, most of the time - unless Olwyn comes up with something. Olwyn begged off to go sleep an hour ago, though, giving Kel her veto rights, which means they’ve been constantly coming down to draws over everything because Kel and Maibrit have entirely opposed definitions of ‘tasteful’.
Hashing this stuff out themselves is still better than risking another disaster like the Ice-Cream Video, though. Lela swears her horns still smell like that godawful plastic from the costumes, and the video had been a laughingstock, had run the very high risk of turning their group into an actual joke.
“We need something edgy,” Maibrit emphasizes, for the third time.
Kel puts down her phone, and folds her arms. She tilts her head back in her ‘thinking’ pose. Lela wishes Olwyn hadn’t left for the night; she’s good at getting compromises to happen. Not that Kel or Maibrit are actually unreasonable people, but it’s a little like oil and water sometimes.
“You shot down the Dread Wolf idea, and I agreed,” Maibrit reminds her.
“Isn’t this kind of similar?” Kel replies.
“No. Darkspawn fuck things up for everyone. Universally. We all have as much right to turn them into spooky ambient effects for a music video,” Maibrit reasons. Kel’s resolute expression wavers. Seeing that, Maibrit pounces. “Okay, okay, but what about if it’s just me? We can do cool neon effects across the board, but I’ll be the neon darkspawn. Culturally speaking, they’re the historic enemies of Orzammar anyway…”
“Oh!” Lela says. “What if we do that?”
The other two look at her curiously.
“What if we each do something dark, that’s from our own cultural backgrounds?” she expands. Maibrit looks intrigued. Kel looks wary.
“We already agreed no Dread Wolf…”
“Ooh, what about light vs dark?” Maibrit suggests, jostling the table as she bounces in sudden excitement. “I’ve got it! We’ll do night and day. Day costumes, heroes - I can be a Paragon, Lela can be a Fog Warrior, you can be an Emerald Knight, Olwyn can be a champion from the Mage Rebellion. Then, switch off, nighttime scenes. Everything lights up with neon accessories and paint, boom, monsters. I’ll be the darkspawn, and you guys can pick whatever bad guys you want for yourselves! We can make it look cool, I guarantee it!”
Lela nods excitedly, already liking the idea.
It takes Kel a minute.
But after that minute’s gone by, she seems to actually be in favour of it!
“We’ll need costumes,” she decides.
Maibrit dramatically rolls off of the table, and into Lela’s lap.
“Thank fuck,” she exclaims. Lela helps keep her eyepatch straight, and notices some of the telltale signs of a building tension headache.
“Okay. We’ve decided; let’s call it a night,” she suggests.
Maibrit smooshes her face into her stomach.
“Sleep here,” she decides, fully willing to show her exhaustion now that they’re no longer debating. Kel gets up and stretches, and offers to let them stay the night. They’re at her apartment, anyways. Olwyn’s already passed out in the guest room, but Kel just waves it off and gives them her own bed, grabbing some clean sheets and the prescription out of Maibrit’s purse.
Lela thanks her and shuts the door behind her, and listens as Kel goes into the guest room.
“Are she and Olwyn sleeping together or not?” she murmurs.
Maibrit huffs from the end of the bed.
“I don’t know,” she says, exasperated. “If they have sex they do it quietly, I’ve tried to listen in like sixteen times now.”
Lela gives her girlfriend a look.
“For science!” Maibrit insists, popping a couple of pills, and taking off her eyepatch. Her actual eye she took out a few hours ago, which Lela should have seen as a sign. She hums as she makes her way over, kicking aside some stray cushions - they look more like Olwyn’s style than Kel’s, come to that - and dropping onto the other side of the bed.
“C’mere,” she says.
“I know it’s cliche, but I actually have a headache…” Maibrit says, sounding genuinely remorseful about it. She scooches closer anyway, though, already knowing what kind of thing to expect. Lela sinks her fingers into her curls. They’re a little sweaty from the long day, but she doesn’t actually mind, as her fingers press towards familiar spots on her girlfriend’s skull. She massages carefully, listening for sounds of pain. Maibrit just sighs, though, and leans into the touch. Curling up against her front, and then stretching out even more as one of Lela’s hands starts to press carefully at the base of her neck.
“Mm,” she hums. The sound deepens into a throaty moan as Lela summons up a little bit of electrical magic, and some of the very minimal healing craft she’s managed to scrape together. It’s a combination that works especially well on Maibrit’s chronic pain, though it only lasts while she does it.
“We could have picked things up again tomorrow,” she mentions.
“Was taking too long,” Maibrit murmurs.
Lela kisses the top of her head. Mostly it gets her a mouthful of hair, but the sentiment is there.
“You don’t always have to try so hard to get things done. Another day wouldn’t have hurt,” she opines. “I like your idea, though.”
“Your idea,” Maibrit counters.
“I only had one part of it.”
“Still counts.”
The conversation trails off. Lela can tell when Maibrit’s painkillers have kicked in by the way the tension eases in her neck. A minute later she scooches even closer, and presses her face up towards Lela’s breasts. Settling a hand on her hip, and rubbing her thumb slowly back and forth.
“You have a headache,” Lela reminds her.
“Feeling better now, though…” Maibrit says, wriggling a little as Lela brushes some curls away from her face.
“Well, in that case, let’s keep the good feelings going…”
Before Maibrit can counter, she rolls her short, dwarven girlfriend over onto her back, and moves down to press a kiss to her lips. Maibrit’s store of mischief seems to be depleted, though, so she just sighs and leans up into it. Chasing her lips as Lela peppers her with a few more. The heat rises up in her own cheeks, and she feels the telltale flicker of excitement bringing her magic to the surface.
But it’s easy, right now, to subsume it in affection instead. She brushes a thumb over her girlfriend’s cheekbone, and then rubs slow circles over the temple next to her bad eye. Maibrit gets her hands onto her shoulders. As Lela’s kisses trail down to her neck, and chest, those hands move to rub at the sensitive skin along the base of her horns.
“Sparkplug,” she sighs. “You’re an angel. A goddess.”
Lela responds by sucking one of her breasts into her mouth, and watching the blush in Maibrit’s cheeks spread down past her collarbones. She whirls her tongue over a hardening nipple, and teases the other with her fingers. Indulging a while before she finally moves down to kiss her bellybutton instead.
“Should I keep going?” she checks, just in case.
Maibrit spreads her legs invitingly, and tugs at one of her curls in mock reproach.
“If you stop now I’ll never recover,” she declares.
“Dental dam?” Lela asks.
“Back pocket, where are my jeans…?”
The jeans are beside the bed, so as it happens, it only takes a minute for Lela to fish out what they need. She unwraps the little latex square, and then sets it between her mouth and the inviting heat of Maibrit’s sex. Brushing her fingers over it first, gently teasing, before she sets about forgetting the little barrier is even there, as her tongue moves over the smooth surface, and she tastes the scent of her girlfriend’s arousal.
It’s not the fervent, passionate, grinding-and-demanding kind of sex they sometimes have, but she wouldn’t want it to be right now anyway. She keeps a steady pace, holding Maibrit’s thighs while Maibrit’s fingers rub at the base of her horns, and send pleasant little sensations down her spine in return. Her hips twist a bit as her own arousal grows, spiking with every encouraging move her girlfriend makes. Maibrit arches into her mouth, and pants a few times as Lela reads the cues and picks up the pace, licking and sucking and pressing her tongue more firmly to her clit. Until finally her girlfriend shudders and comes, slippery enough that the latex nearly slides out of place.
Lela stops it, of course, and then kisses her fluttering entrance for good measure, before pulling it away and crumpling it back into the wrapper.
Maibrit tugs her insistently back up for another kiss.
“Your turn,” she says.
“I’ve got it,” Lela counters. She kisses her nose, after, and winds an arm around her. “You can pay me back tomorrow.”
“Baby I’m going to pay you back a hundred times tomorrow…”
Maibrit’s voice is sleepy, though. Finally relaxed and sated. She slides one leg between Lela’s and keeps close, as Lela moves a hand to take care of herself. Relishing the heat of their skin against skin, the soft feeling of her rumpled nightshirt, and the way Maibrit’s hands keep rubbing across whatever part of her they can reach, as she finishes off. Then she lets out a deep sigh of her own, and just tangles them more thoroughly together.
“It’s gonna be so awesome,” Maibrit murmurs sleepily. “I’ll get you shades. Glowy lightning shades. We’ll make you a giant succubus. So sexy.”
Lela has no idea what she’s talking about. Again.
But as usual, she still thinks she likes the sound of it.
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