#anyways shoutout to norrie for placing seam and tsp side by side in my head and inspiring this post <3
everysongineverykey · 2 years
seam deltarune meets the narrator and they sit in solemn silence for like. three days straight just saying nothing until finally one day the narrator meekly asks "do... do you think there's a world outside this one?" and seam says "i know there is. and i also know that if you try and reach out to it, claim it as your own... you'll miss, and you'll lose the world you have, too. but maybe, just maybe... a fate like his would still be better than the one i gave myself up to. hee hee hee... do you believe in hell, my omnipresent friend? i once knew of a man who almost found it... but as you would no doubt agree, it's rude to talk about someone who's always listening..." and then there is more silence as the narrator thinks oh no. Oh No
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