#anyways thats for this weeks ace attorney posting. tune in next week to hear my thoughts on the Klavier Gavin Queerbaiting Discourse
squipdop · 1 year
no but the potential for klavier gavin rpf is so vast. and i dont mean soft and nice in universe klapollo fics. i mean endless gavinners self insert shipping fics. i mean out of 14k works in Gavinners (RPF) on ao3 8453 fics are tagged Klavier Gavin/Daryan Crescend with an e rating (of which a good 17% are omegaverse). the tobaye trial only makes this number explode even more while it also simultaneously produces the most insane discourse imaginable. im talking about "klavier gavin got your mother convicted for your attempted murder and now fosters you because he is so kind and sweet and also teaching you to play the guitar". im talking about trucy with way too many bookmarks of stuff she legally shouldnt be allowed to read and who cringes visibly everytime someone mentions some random word because it references this universes equivalent of the hat fic.
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