#anyways this is a mess and i'm not rereading it so yeet but
sayakxmi · 5 months
[Magi reread] Night 73: Rukh's Will
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I feel like this shot looks a little better.
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The only valid reaction at this point ngl.
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Literally never paid enough attention to realize there are human silhouettes
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Well, NOW I can tell
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Cute, and tbh I'm absolutely reading too much into this, but Aladdin looks kinda sad, so I suspect he KNOWS.
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Alibaba thinking about Cassim;;;
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Anise genes are strong af. All Rashid gave Alibaba is hair color, the horn and insecurity.
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That. Smile.
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Love it, but it also makes me think that the pairings go as follows: Alibaba (Amon's a Heat Djinn) + Aladdin (Heat Magician), Kougyoku (Vinea's a Water Djinn) + Judar (Water Magician) and Hakuryuu (Zagan & Belial are both Lfie Djinns) + Titus (Life Magician). Idk, made me think about combos when I read that, and it's kinda funny that all the main KVs have a fitting Magi.
RIP Sinbad
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Alibaba... really tends to get caught by some weird tentacles, huh.
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This action will have severe consequences.
Like, seriously, do you ever think how if Judar hadn't been shown this by Aladdin, he probably wouldn't have left Al-Thamen for real & team up with Hakuryuu? Like, maybe he would've, but he would've been still under Al-Thamen's control in some ways, like, I doubt he would've put his all into supporting Hakuryuu. Before that he was just vibing. Now he has a goal and it's revenge, which is what unites them later on. Not to mention, Judar was kinda Meh magician before (probably cuz Al-Thamen, I recall some extra abt him having to practice magic in secret), so he would've been much weaker.
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Aladdin created his own most powerful adversary, and I think that's neat. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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Enlightened. In the worst way.
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The more you look at these panels, the sadder it gets. And I'm starting to think about them more, and I'm starting to get sadder, too. Like. Lil Judar reaching towards his father. His dad is crying, his mom, too, but she's smiling, probably trying to console him. Do you think lilttle Judar is crying, because he can tell something is wrong? Or maybe he's laughing, because he doesn't fully realize the danger?
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Did he reach him just in time to get killed? Oh my god.
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There's blood on his blanket. His parents' blood. God.
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No shit dude gets immediate breakdown, who wouldn't.
Man, I didn't come here to be sad for Judar.
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THAT'S what I'm here for. Oh man.
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What do I even say
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What a fucking mess, man
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The thing is. I don't think Alibaba's ever suspected that Cassim actually hated him. Least of all that he hated him the most. Their relationship was a mess, and Alibaba knew it was a mess, like, since post-palace Cassim had treated him awfully from what we've seen. There's no way Alibaba didn't understand at least that Cassim was angry with him. But to actually hate him? And what's more...
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...to hate him since they were kids? If it started later, then at least Alibaba could've reasoned it in some way, like after Mariam's death, because Alibaba was gone when they needed him etc, but sinec they were kids? What had Alibaba done to earn this? If it's not something he'd done, then the only thing left is that it was just... him. That Cassim hated him for the way he was.
Which is exactly what it is. I'll never get over their (and also Hakuryuu & Alibaba, bc they share some similarities) mess of a relationship. Because as much as Cassim hates Alibaba, he loves him just as much. It probably infuriates him even more.
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Sorry for sending the entire page, but I'm near photo limit, so I had to make some changes.
The sheer irony is that half of the time it was Cassim keeping him safe. Because the fucker couldn't make up his heart whether he really wanted Alibaba ruined or to remain as pure as possible. God.
Bro's traumatized. Can't blame him. Imagine the last living member of your family who's also been your best friend since forever & you love him more than anything & you spent half of your life confused about him betraying you and then justifying that, because you cannot even consider an idea that he could've actually wanted to hurt you, only for him to just say straight to your face that nah he hates your guys and wants to fuck you up as much as possible.
The root of Cassim's anger is his self-hatred, and that just breaks me a little. His self-loathing is just that bad, and the world made him feel like trash, and so did the trauma, and so did his childhood near Alibaba who'd had an opportunity to be a happy kid unlike him, just reminding him how different they were. Man.
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Can we just talk how Aladdin is in the middle of fighting Judar & he still does everything he can to guide Alibaba?
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Neat image.
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And that's the horrifying part. The fact that these are his real feelings. And it will hurt. But only Alibaba can do something about it now.
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I fucking love this image. And the whole, "You're my candidate to be king!". Like, Aladdin is embracing his role of a Magi, now that he truly understands it, and he chooses Alibaba. Because of course he does. And the contrast between Alibaba and Cassim... Ughh, that's the good stuff.
I could probably talk more, but I have to go now, but anyway, man, I love this series.
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danielxrk · 4 years
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sure, the evaluation proves distracting as always, but daniel needs something different. first, it was putting together the arrangement for the evaluation, but after, all that was left was singing, no dancing required this month, therefore easily skipped. it requires less work than usual, singing coming more easily to him than anything else. no, that’s a lie; what comes easiest is his fingers on strings, fret boards, recording studios, and music so loud and heavy that it shakes the entire stage.
well, he wouldn’t know if that last part comes easily anymore. judging by the state of his band, now officially crushed into a thousand pieces with their lead singer enlisting in the military, it wouldn’t be easy at all. it hurts too much to play any music with the members that remain, and hurts too much not to. everything hurts. 
it’s why he knows he needs something different, and in the end, he always falls back to writing a song, or playing an instrument, or both. bass is where he started, and he wants to think bass is where he’ll finish, if he’s ever done with music. it seems a fitting choice now, when it feels like the end of the world. 
dua lipa’s album is groovy, full of synths and disco beats, but more importantly, bass. he got hooked on it for that reason, such dominant and important bass lines more of a rarity in popular music these days. he managed to listen to it frequently in the early part of april, but since sungwoon’s enlistment, it felt too happy, like salt in wounds that couldn’t heal fast enough. 
he wrote a song, listened to songs about heartbreak, lamented over failing an audition, likely due to the build up of stress from the month. he tells himself it’s time to move on in all meanings of the phrase, even though he knows it’s easier said than done. he doesn’t know if he’ll ever move on from sungwoon, but he also knows he has a tendency to be dramatic. at least it’ll be more fodder for songs he can write-- songs about heartbreak, songs about being in love forever, songs about not moving on, and then eventually, maybe, songs about moving on too. the part of him that loves songwriting almost looks forward to seeing that evolution. 
he wonders what his life will look like in a year. will he still be heartbroken? will he still be a trainee? will he still have the friends he does now? daniel of a year ago-- daniel who just released an album with his band --couldn’t have imagined his life ending up like this. 
worse. it’s so much worse. why did he ruin all of it? why did he insist they sign up for the mgas? why did he put everything on the line for greed? they didn’t need more fans. he would’ve been happy performing their songs to 30 people in underground clubs if he had to; they all would’ve, he knows. they could’ve promoted their album all summer, and started working on more songs, and released another one in two more years. maybe sungwoon would’ve been so happy with them that he wouldn’t have enlisted. maybe, maybe, maybe.
he wonders if he’ll ever forgive himself for it. he wonders, too, if they’ll ever be friends like they were again. sometimes he hears hyunggu’s voice saying maybe it’s a way of the world saying you need to branch out and not only rely on the same four people for your entire life, and then he remembers all of the people he started relying on leaving, hyunggu included, and it all turns bitter.
sometimes he hears woong’s voice saying god never gives you more than you can handle, too, and he has to believe there’s a reason for it all. he remembers the people that are still here: haknyeon, woong, eunwoo-- some of the most important ones, but not the only ones.
he starts writing lists of things he’s thankful for in the back of his notebook, working back to front. one day, the song lyrics and thank you notes will meet, and maybe they’ll combine into a song of gratitude for everything he still has in his life. he doesn’t want to wallow. he knows he’s done too much of it in the past year. 
somehow, this loss isn’t as bad as the loss of empty enigma, even if it brings the mourning back. maybe it’s because he knew for months, and had time to prepare-- time to love sungwoon knowing that time would run out, four months of loving as hard as he could and giving it the very best he had. that was one thing he could never regret. 
it still hurts, but eventually, he can listen to happy music again, and he falls back into the bass lines of the future nostalgia album. he needs something different, and he had absent minded thoughts of covering a song for this album before, so why not all of them? it’ll just be him on the bass, no vocals, no original rap-- a medley of bass, and that’s all. 
his face isn’t even included. it’s just his camera pointed at his bass and and his hands, so the chords he plays are more evident. it’s the names of the song each bass line is from popping up in the closed captioning each time he transitions between them. it’s just him, jamming out on his favorite instrument, not trying to be anything he’s not-- unapologetically the purest form of himself, and the part he likes best.
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Proof of Life, part 1
As a followup to this post where I muse about Moonshadow assassins being able to sense all life, I offer a more specific theory borne of recently rereading "Lunabloom" for the first time in a while. It always helps to let things sit for awhile and then return to them.
Heartbeats. I think Moonshadow elves can sense heartbeats.
In "Lunabloom," Runaan hops up a tree to fetch a star plum for Ethari's birthday, and while he's up there, he senses Rayla's pounding little heart.
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He does have big ears, and I bet he also has great hearing, but I think something else is going on here, because there's a lot of evidence in Moonshadow culture that hearts are very important to them in many ways.
When pregnant people visit their doctors, one of the simplest and most reliable diagnostic tests is listening to the baby's heart with a stethoscope. Heartbeats alone can tell someone a lot about their current condition.
Lujanne does something similar with Zym's egg. She reaches toward it and holds her hand there for a while, clearly doing something that gives her the understanding that Zym isn't going to make it unless he can be freed from his egg very soon.
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Which is what the Dragaang already knew, thanks to the animal doctor down in the village. Science and magic agreeing? What kind of progressive show is this? Ahaha, seriously that's pretty cool.
Then we've got Rayla sensing Runaan's presence on the castle battlement. She's absolutely certain he's there, and she's right.
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It seems plausible at this point that an ability to sense a living creature's heartbeat might explain all of this.
But I'm nowhere near done, and here's where it gets angsty.
The real kicker for me isn't whether I think Moonshadow elves can sense heartbeats or not. It's that Viren believes they do!
When a clever antagonist who does his research believes something about a protagonist, they're probably onto something.
Viren's plan to swap Harrow's soul for another came from Claudia, so I assume she knows whatever he knows about how the Moonshadow assassins track targets. And Viren went to Harrow with Claudia's idea. He wouldn't do that unless he was confident in its success! He must know exactly how the Moonshadow assassins track their targets, and he must know that the soul-swap idea will stymie that sense of theirs.
I hadn't really put my finger on this specific detail before. I used to wonder if Moonshadow elves could sense souls. But if they could, and Viren successfully swapped Harrow's soul with someone else's, the assassins would know something was up with who was in whose body when they got close enough to the king, and Viren's swapping idea wouldn't fool them at all. He knows better than to use mere surprise on an enemy. He needs solid tactics.
But if the Moonshadow assassins could sense their target's heartbeat no matter where it was, they could indeed track it wherever their target tried to hide.
If the assassins burst into Harrow's chamber, tracking the king's physical heart by its beat and then Runaan stopped that heart, then it doesn't matter whose soul is inside Harrow's body. Not to the binding ribbon, and not to the assassins' oath. Once that specific heart stops beating, then the binding ribbon believes the assassins oath has been fulfilled and the targeted life has been taken. It turns red and releases the assassin.
Runaan, honey, what is that now, four ways to release? Come on.
If this mission had gone "perfectly," the assassins might have yeeted back home to Xadia and never been the wiser that Viren's soul-swap had spared King Harrow from death by putting his soul into someone else's body--a body with a different heartbeat! Viren's plan would have succeeded. He really could've saved Harrow's soul, and therefore his consciousness and personality. But there was no way to save his body from the assassins' blades. He never bothered to try that. He knew it was fruitless from the start.
If heartbeats are what matter to the oath and the ribbon, then, plotwise, it doesn't matter whether Viren meddled with Harrow's soul with a swap or not. The heart in King Harrow's chest stopped either way.
Runaan may believe that he killed Harrow properly. And maybe he actually did. Or maybe he saw something in that chamber that told him dark magic had messed with his target, and yet his binding and his vaunted honor compelled him to stop that particular heart anyway. Maybe Runaan realized exactly what he had to do to an innocent soul and how wrong it was. Maybe he realized it and still really wanted to stab Harrow's body for what he'd done to Avizandum. One day, one day, I believe we'll finally know what really went down in that royal chamber, and it's all I'm gonna talk about for the next week. Can't wait, man.
Until then, though, we're all getting the Moonshadow treatment regarding whether Harrow's soul is in Pip or not. Because, once again, it doesn't matter either way to the binding ribbon, and that binding ribbon has a plot-critical job to do. It's telling elves, humans, and dragons alike that Harrow is dead, and the plot is moving forward accordingly. If that's what really happened, then it's a straightforward development. If it's not what happened, then the more consistently everyone has reacted to the misdirection, the more exciting it's gonna be when Suddenly Boom, Harrow!
You know I'm voting for Dadbird, right? Dadbird. It's angstily delicious.
part 2, because image limit
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kkulmoon · 4 years
I'm sure you did well on those exams 😤 you're amai!! Ofc you would do well!!
As for me... i caught covid over the winter break LOL thought i might die, but! I've recovered and is alive and kicking. Other than that, i just kinda spend like 90% of my times on genshin impact over the break so nothing really happened LOL
And I lived in the United State, what new year??? It's still December 46th 2020, there were a coup not too long ago so that was fun, i hate it here. I have half a mind to learn every languages in Europe so i can yeet myself out of this country.
On a brighter note... GOT7 IS FREE!!! my bby is free and i'm happy. Also BTS new samsung pic 😍😍😍 i----- boi they should be illegal.... AND JK WENT BLONDE HMMMMM SIS I NEARLY HAD A STROKE WHEN I SAW IT
How about you, lovely? Anything interesting or you wanna rant about?
Question of the day is... if you have 1 week left to live, how would you spend it?
let’s hope so, I’ll keep your enthusiasm and hopefully it all goes well, I’m only really nervous about one of the tests the rest went quite well, you believe in me wayyyy to much but i’m flattered lol 
ohhhh no bub, i’m so sorry about that ;(( but i’m so glad to hear that you’re doing better now and I hope that you soon recover fully 🥺
i had to google “genshin impact” like the non gamer that I am 😓, it seems like cool game though, love the visuals, is it your favourite game? i haven’t played a video game in probably 4 -5 years or so 👀 i honestly feel like i’ve forgotten how to play lol
“DECEMBER 46TH 2020″ I AM SHRIEKING T^T, no but honestly the situation in the us is a real mess, just thinking about it makes me drained, i hope that people don’t gloss over the whole thing and sweep it under rug like it never happened because it benefits a certain group of people 👀
hun we don’t talk about samsung adverts here like it’s actually sick!!!, did you see how big joon was 😳, i nearly pulled a “learnado dicaprio bites his hand”, the phone was barely visible ksjsksjl and even it were visible we would still have been looking at bts anyway
if we don’t talk about bts x samsung then we don’t THINK about blonde jk. NOT. ONE. BIT. NO NO NO like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i’m having a big revelation soon so you’ll understand why i’m at the end of my wits when it comes to jeon jungkook, that on performance with the blonde hair and the harness, I WAS LEFT DEDDDDDDD even while watching on like 480 def 🤡
hmmm the only think I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is what I want to gif now that I am back, honestly feel like I lost the little skill I had 😭and my idea bank is literally empty but I’ll hopefully manage *sigh*. also i am really curious if netflix’s “sweet home” and “the school nurse files” will have a second season cause I am OBSESSED!!!! the first one is just horror and straight up gore and the other one is just a really quirky and interesting series imo, other than that not much to rant about. any rant material on your end?
oofff 1 week?! huhhhhh, I mean I would probably try things I have yet to do, like adrenaline inducing things, most of which involves jumping 🤪otherwise I think I would be quite chill, reread as many of my favourite books, watch my favourite movies and then spend time with my family 🥰 and maybe write about my last days cause why not. 
i’m coming in with the generic question but I feel like it needs to be asked, do you have any new year’s resolutions for 2021 👀??
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