#anyways this is why i love brotherhood so damn much bc it actually follows up on ezio's choices
mimihanyuu · 2 months
behind the scenes.
Tagged by @alienaiver thank u bestie!! These questions are so fun
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Started writing; I started writing stories as a little kid, it was something I liked to do even in like, kindergarten. I loved to make up fairy tales, I loved cartoons and movies with plot, I loved to read. Once I found out I was actually pretty good at writing essays in like 7th or 8th grade, I immediately took creative writing at school when it was offered. It wad my fav class, my best friend took it with me and the teacher was a funny old grouchy guy who roasted us all the time. Plus it was a small class, so everyone got to read their work out loud and get workshopped. Since then I've always wanted to make storytelling in some form my career. I have a uh, thing. That I'm working on. It's a wip. It's called Stardancers and I want it to be like, a Netflix cartoon or something. It's heavily inspired by sailor moon and I'm so passionate about it bc I based my mc on myself so it ended up being a very cathartic story to plot out but I'm gonna shut up now and move in silence lol
Started blogging; 9th grade, ish. I started.....[sigh] don't judge but I started as a Glee, Harry Potter, and BBC Merlin fan blog. Then I watched Soul Eater, which led to Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, which led to Fairy Tail and so on. I started writing on tumblr around 10th grade, but I didn't keep a blog specifically for writing until 2019 with butterflyestate, which I deactivated bc I got too many weird requests.
Followers; 13 haha. Ive deactivated and restarted so many times I don't even care anymore. I do that bc I get weird about the ~aesthetic~ of the blog and wanna start over idk why. I'm trying not to anymore.
Communication; I don't talk to many people on here anymore. I used to be very active in a couple of big social circles and had some bad falling outs in my teens and early 20s. Since then I've started pursuing irl friendships more, but I do enjoy talking to the friends I have on here! The funny thing is, when I was in high school it was ✨️weird✨️ for girls to like anime and reading comics/manga, so it was harder to make friends irl. I turned to tumblr, and I made so many friends, 0 of which I am still in touch with. I even got conned by my "best friend" who lived in my damn home for a year and a half. So I'm more cautious with friendships online recently. But I do have online friends and I do love them <3 and I do reply to ppl most days!
Likes; I am that weird person who's like "I hope [mutual] enjoys this meme" but it doesn't bother me if I don't get a lot of interaction I'm just here 2 goof off
Requests; when I had butterflyestate I was DROWNING in requests and most of them were hard-core nsfw so I deactivated. Since then I get very few. I don't mind.
Writing; being a teacher's assistant in kindergarten, I don't have much energy to write during the school year, but when I do I spit stuff out really quickly, unedited lol. I like writing angst best. Fluff is fun too. I can write nsfw headcanons but not actual stories bc I'm a weenie 😂 anyway. My main fandom is d gray man but I like to write for kimetsu no yaiba and black clover, too!
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loudmound · 2 years
alright. u know what. i shall live my truth.
ezio didn't kill the pope bc he thought he'd stoop to his level of moral depravity. he didn't bc he was fuckoff TIRED. he spent 20 odd years of his life dedicated to this vengeance quest of his that he refused to back down from but realized then and there that he was fucking sick of such a fruitless endeavor. he literally says to rodrigo that killing him won't bring his family back. there was nothing said about morals or anything of the sort. it was simply just that he was tired, and he wanted this all to just... stop.
and also, like, brotherhood exists as a means to say "hey, uh, while it's true that ezio didn't have the full picture, he should have killed rodrigo. he made a huge fucking mistake as an assassin." the narrative doesn't reward him for-- while something of an admirable decision for his development as an individual-- an incredibly shortsighted and selfish decision that endangered the italian city states at large. he was supposed to kill rodrigo! that was his JOB! and he DIDN'T DO IT! while ezio certainly didn't deserve to have his home destroyed and uncle killed, it was still something of a consequence for letting rodrigo live. cesare would've invaded monteriggioni regardless of this choice, yes, but throwing the templars off-balance in such a way then and there would've been HUGE for the assassins!!!! AND EZIO! DIDN'T DO IT!!!!
not every single revenge narrative that ends with the person not killing their biggest assailant is always from the lens of Protecting One's Morals. sometimes it's more complicated than that. sometimes it's for an entirely different reason. ezio's narrative is accutely aware of this choice that he made and followed up by having it bite him in the ass! machiavelli fucking chews him out for it!!!
he also threw cesare off the fuckin burning castle wall in spain at the end of brotherhood. i feel like ppl forget about that a lot, too.
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djemsostylist · 4 years
So, I finally finished Le Morte, and it was a ride, let me tell you.  I feel like you can literally feel Malory sitting in the Tower of London, feverish and hallucinating, furiously scribbling this story.  He goes in circles sometimes, he starts stories and doesn’t finish them, and then longest and most drawn out tale he tells is wrapped up in an aside two pages from the end of the entire book after the detour through the Grail Quest.  Since I don’t read Old French and de Troyes only tells bits and pieces of tales that don’t always match up to others (and if Malory was a trip then de Troyes is...there are no words) then the best and most coherent account we have of Arthur is Malory. 
And look, Malory isn’t bad for his time.  His female characters are seriously lacking and his prose is...meandering at best and at times utterly at odds with itself, (to say nothing of the fact that he he categorically refuses to describe anyone) but he establishes a baseline that I think bears following.  
Honestly, the best bits of Malory come in the Book of Tristan of Lyoness (which at least in my version is spelled Tristram), which is not, in fact completely or even mostly about him?  In fact, the biggest part of the story (and frankly the best) is this massive tournament where everyone fights everyone, and also Tristan and Lancelot’s deep and abiding friendship.  Actually, this tale gives us the best of the Round Table, giving us far more backstory and character not only for Lancelot, but other principal knights, including Lamerok, Gareth, Gawain, Paliomedes, and Dynadan.  (Percival, unfortunately, does not really feature heavily in Malory until the Grail Quest, which is both weird and a shame, bc I love Percival).  
TV or movie adaptations (at least prior to 2000) seem to do one of two versions of Arthur.  Either they do T.H. White’s “A Once and Future King” (which I haven’t read but also honestly have no desire to) or Le Morte D’Arthur, which is to say, approximately the first ten and last 20 pages of Malory’s work. (Modern adaptations post 2000 always seem to want to do something ~different, and generally results in, well, a terrible King Arthur story.)
Which, I know endings are hard, but damn does Malory crap out at the end.  Le Morte itself is like an 8th of of the overall story, and is also the least interesting and most contradictory bits.  By the time we get to Le Morte, most of the main crew of important knights are dead (Tristan, Percival, Lamerok), and the ones who aren’t die pretty much right away.  We’re left with Lancelot, Bors, and Gawain to carry the remaining nameless knights, and Modred, who was barely a tertiary character, is suddenly the biggest bad.  It’s not even very consistent internally--Malory makes a point to let us know that Lancelot and Guinevere were lovers for years, but when confronted about seems to pull back and assert that their love was merely courtly, and never quite got physical, but still lead to their shame? 
The point it, that while Le Morte, despite being the thinnest bit of Malory, is the most important bit (Arthur is hardly a tragedy without the betrayals of brotherhood and civil war), without the Book of Tristan or the Tale of Sir Gareth or even the Tale of Sir Lancelot, you don’t get a brotherhood to betray.  Instead, it comes down to Lancelot and Arthur breaking, which is sad I guess except that it’s pretty much only sad for Arthur and Lancelot, and the subsequent civil war seems like it comes out of nowhere.  If Lancelot doesn’t have a huge following of friends (many of whom he knighted personally), then why does civil war break out anyway?  If he doesn’t unwittingly kill Gareth and Gaheris whom he loved, then why does Gawain urge Arthur to fight?  If Gawain isn’t driven by a blood feud, why does Arthur even bother to listen to him to go to France and fight Lancelot?  
I guess what I’m saying is that without the brotherhood inherent in the stories, when all that happens is “Arthur pulls sword, Arthur marries Guinevere, Lancelot and Guinevere fall in love, Arthur dies”, the story itself is, actually, pretty boring.  
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blookmallow · 5 years
skyrim misadventures, ft Weird Magic Stuff, a determined spite mission, and some spooky encounters
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still absolutely love this guy 
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[me, the leader of the brotherhood, who just assassinated the fucking emperor a few weeks ago] oh we’re not, huh
sighs i really want to do the thieves guild storyline but i dont want to work with the slimeball scam elixir guy to run a decent dude out of business for no reason... i like brand-shei hes my friend :( 
i might not go through with it on this file, i definitely will with my khajiit though if nothing else 
i know having a khajiit thief character is way obvious lmao but 
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i forget which quest this was but I FOUND A SKELETON DRAGON????? IVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE
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holy SHIT thats so many skeletons
i got SO many skulls in here 
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i also found this spooky hand, but couldnt figure out anything to do with it yet, unless its just here for Ominous Mage Experiments Gone Wrong purposes 
anyway all this was on a quest to find the augur, which nobody wanted to talk about and kept going “ohh yeah.... he Used To Be a student.... until..... The Accident” and i was losing my MIND trying to imagine what kind of horrific thing this guy got turned into but then i finally found him and 
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:/ hes just a big glowy ball
which, i mean, is cool and all, but i was hoping for like, a dude who turned himself inside out or became some eldritch horror or something 
through all these winterhold quests i started finally getting half decent at magic (not like, Good, but acceptably ok) and decided to finally go back for that one disastrous cidnha mine quest ive been avoiding 
you get thrown in the markarth prison mines with nothing and gotta find a way to escape, which can be accomplished without too much trouble if you band together with your fellow inmates, however, they are fucking forsworn and will start murdering everyone near them once they escape with you
 i dont know if that keeps you stuck with a bounty in markarth or not, but i REALLY didnt want to release the forsworn leader out into the world, or be friends with those fuckers, or ruin my reputation, or risk civilian casualties even though theres not really that many people i care particularly about in markarth now that muiri is safe is solitude, so. i had previously just reloaded a save and ignored the quest for ages
because like. i dont think you Can get out on your own and if you try to turn on them and fight once you make your escape its REALLY hard to survive bc they outnumber you and you dont have any armor or anything other than like, shitty prison shivs 
however: the guards cannot take away your magic or your shouts, so
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this time i was fucking ready, i have the ability to summon a FRIEND now to fight with me (i dont know what would’ve happened if i had a companion with me during this mess but like. i can Make one), i learned how to make a magic sword so id at least have some kind of halfway decent weapon, and ive got healing magic 
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cool dragon powers also help (this was from. later on bc i have my stuff in this shot but)
this was still hard as shit, lucien got defeated pretty early on, and with no magicka potions its really hard to keep healing while fighting but i eventually fucking DID IT, i killed every single forsworn prisoner including madanach, and escaped myself (which granted me a pardon and some kind of special ring i dont care about from the silverbloods) 
i mentioned this misadventure to my dad later and he legitimately didnt know it was even possible to do this lmao i was VERY determined not to help the forsworn ever in any way
those guys ruin my day every five minutes when im out anywhere near their camps even if i try to avoid them like the plague i hate them!! 
i kept the shivs though and later discovered 
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you can enchant them
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LOOK at this cavern!!!!!!!
also i ran into a fucking headless horseman ??????
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i didnt even know he was there until i heard lucien unsheathing his weapon when he saw it behind me and i looked to see what he was concerned about 
i followed him for ages like halfway across the map but eventually i had so many bandits and wolves and also a dragon chasing after me i lost sight of him after a while :’| WILD though
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not that im ever going to sell it but i cant help noticing the blade of woe is worth 666 gold, 
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cicero’s always mentioning he wants skyforge steel so i bought him a skyforge dagger and enchanted it for him (i think i put silent moons enchantment on it, i forget), finally remembered to give it to him but didnt take back the other dagger i gave him before to see if he’d pick which one he wants to use and here he is using his new one.... baby likes his present im so glad,
granted its probably just like, an automatic npc thing to just use whatever weapon has the best stats but i like to think he likes it
he still says the line all the time he doesn’t have like. special dialogue if you Do give him skyforge steel or anything but still
anyway i also had this mission going for boethiah where i was supposed to. bring her a sacrifice, essentially. which, yeah, ok, obvious bad idea, but im already an assassin, whats the difference at this point right 
my first thought was to go hire a random mercenary at windhelm, since many of the most unpleasant people in skyrim seem to live there, and i figured the chances were pretty good hes racist and insufferable like the others
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but we ended up killing a dragon together and god damn it hes actually a nice guy, i like him :’) so we’re friends now after all
however, boethiah still needed a sacrifice, and. there’s this drunk guy in markarth you can hire after you defeat him in a brawl, and. he doesn’t seem to have a lot going on in his life other than shit tons of mead, so. i figured he’d do :’ ) 
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holy FUCK
i dont regret carrying out this quest bc like... A) it was really cool and B) -
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i eventually got this fuckin SICK armor out of it that ups my stealth while actually being pretty legit defense, and it poisons any enemies that come near me but somehow doesnt poison friendly npcs which is WILD and incredibly convenient for when im getting mobbed but dont want to accidentally murder whatever companion i have with me at the time
i do feel bad about sacrificing cosnach though like. he was little more than a random drunk guy but that doesn’t mean he deserved it, y’know :’ ) i couldn’t find anyone i hated that would also follow me though
also i later discovered on the wiki you can actually marry that guy, and im just like. why, out of all the options you have in skyrim, would you go for “random drunk dude who gets in bar fights” 
i dunno maybe he grows on you if you fight with him for a while but i didnt want to get attached again :’) 
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i found wisps??? i think?????? i couldnt figure out any way to interact with them but they glow and bounce around and i LOVE them
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i. dont remember what was in there but apparently the wisps really wanted me to find it 
(i do remember getting stuck in this room and couldn’t figure out how to get the door to open though so i just kinda backtracked and left the way i came in, dunno if i missed anything important or if it was just an alternate way out that i couldnt figure out) 
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yeolspuppy · 6 years
Chanyeol - ‘’With you’’ (lyrics analysis)
Hi there, everyone who reads my analysis and always waits for my new posts!!!
Today I’m gonna talk about another beautiful song. It’s called ‘’With you’’, is from EXO’s new album (okay why am I saying this, lol everyone knows that).
Anyways, when I’ve read the lyrics of this song, I thought ‘’That’s it. You have to analyze it’’.
So here we will talk about the lyrics of this song. 
As you all know, I have 2 other analyzes about Chanyeol’s self composed song ‘’Heaven’’ and about ‘’Creep’’ (he made a cover of it). We will compare it with ‘’Heaven’’ lyrics as well because to me, ‘’With you’’ is obviously related to it, so I couldn’t ignore it.
There’s so much to say so I don’t even know where to start from but well, LET’S DO IT.
Firstly, befe the album was even released, as we all saw, ‘’With you’’ was the song of Baekhyun’s teaser.
People can come up with many ideas but I, personally, don’t think it’s just a coincidence. After all, light is Baekhyun’s power.
Next, it’s important, so let’s see what Chanyeol actually said about the song and that way we can also see why it’s feels like ‘’Heaven’’ (Part 2).
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‘‘The genre of this song was my favorite type and I felt comfortable when I listened to it. While writing the lyrics of the song, I thought about the people I love, I thought about fans a lot too. I also thought about the times I’ve spent with the members....’‘ - Chanyeol
It was obvious he wrote it for the members when we listened to his self composed song ‘’Hands’’. When you read the lyrics, it’s clear how he expressed his thoughts, his feelings for the members as they always helped him and supported him.
It’s really hilarious how he said he thought about the members, when the whole song is about a man being deeply in love. Clearly, it’s not about friendship or brotherhood.
Well, unless it’s really about Baekhyun, his member mate, what he said makes real sense.
Since I want people to understand how’s this song related to ‘’Heaven’’, let’s do a little throwback.
This is what Chanyeol said about ‘’Heaven’’.
‘’I’ve written the song as If I was really in love. It’s about the lover who fell from the sky’’. 
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In order to remember the details, I have watched the live video where Chanyeol talked about ‘’Heaven’’ and it was cute to find out how he kept looking to Baekhyun’s direction while explaining the lyrics. Lol.
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Ain’t claiming anything guys, watch the video yourselves, maybe you have another opinion. I just said what I saw.
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Baekhyun pointing at himself while singing ‘’Hello angel, you’re like a painting...’’
Baekhyun saying he likes exactly those lyrics.
I don’t know about you guys but it says a lot to me.
By the way, if anyone wants to read the full analysis about it, here is the link.
Now let’s go back to ‘’With you’’.
No one was surprised anymore when Baekhyun said his favorite song from the album was ‘’With you’’.
Up to now, Chanyeol has always compared his beloved one to the sky, the stars, angels. It’s not what we say, it’s what he says himself in his lyrics.
That’s damn obvious already since we all remember when he was asked to describe Baekhyun with one word, he said ‘’Sky’’, right?
Anyways, to me, ‘’With you’’ is much deeper. This song is much more intimate. It shows how deep, how strong the relationship is with the person he wrote the song about. If you read the lyrics of ‘’Heaven’’, you can see many, really MANY references in the lyrics, so there’s no doubt both songs are about one and the same person. To not assume things, let’s make sure ;)
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Not to go far, guys. The first lyrics of these songs are almost the same. So similar. Chanyeol sees his lover, when he looks to the sky, to the stars.
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The following sentences as well; Chanyeol’s beloved one resembles everything that shines, resembles the light. And in both songs, Chanyeol mentions
‘‘even if the street lights go out and the moon disappears...’‘
‘‘when the night sky thickens..’‘
It’s still bright because his beloved one is the light and is there to shine for him. As if no matter what happens, Baekhyun is always there to make Chanyeol feel better and solve any problems.
‘‘The whole world is tinded with light
You naturally take my hand and
It’s getting tainted by me...’’
I relate this to Baekhyun’s bright personality. Not only his power is the light, but he, himself is a very bright person, like a little sunshine.
All of the EXO members mostly call him ‘’mood maker’’ because of that. Especially Chanyeol.
I find it very interesting that when the members are asked about who’s the mood maker of the group, they all answer Chanyeol or Baekhyun. And Chanyeol always says it’s Baekhyun. He always says Baekhyun is the one who makes the atmosphere around better, makes everyone feel happy. And I think it’s really cute how we can see the reflection of his words in the lyrics of this song.
Chanyeol has been talking about light since 2014. I hope you all guys remember his old profile picture in Instagram. Here it is.
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His most favorite expression I guess.
‘‘Happiness Delight’‘
And what actually is crazy here
If we translate ‘’Happiness De light’’ it basically means ‘’Happiness from light’’.
Think about this.
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And those last sentences are the KEY.
‘‘Sometimes I think that if you look exactly the same as me...’‘
It’s not even a secret for anyone that Baekhyun and Chanyeol are very similar. They have common interests, the same music taste and etc. No wonder that Chanyeol himself said Baekhyun is his soulmate.
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Again here. 
A person so similar with him he feels like that person is his reflection in the mirror.
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A person he sees everyday.
To make it even more clear (though I don’t know how this can get even more obvious lol)
Let’s do another throwback to 2016.
Here’s one of the most popular interviews of Chanyeol and Baekhyun, something very rare, when they talked about each other. Yes, the VIVI MAGAZINE Interview.
Read the lyrics of the song? Now let’s see what Chanyeol said here about Baekhyun.
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‘‘Nothing has changed...’‘ since it’s been long.
‘‘Play games together, work out together, our hobbies go together well...’‘
This just proves it one more time. How close they are and how similar they are, how they do everything together because they match with each other better than with anyone else. And this is what Chanyeol keeps talking about in the lyrics as well.
This is how he talks only about Baekhyun. That says a lot.
To make it as clear as water, let’s see how Chanyeol describes his ideal type.
‘‘Appearance doesn’t matter to me. I prefer someone I can compose with, someone I can cook with, someone who smiles a lot, is honest, someone who has the same music taste as me’‘.
Composing together since decades.
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Chanyeol, who invited Baekhyun to cook together, though Baekhyun is not even good at cooking.
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Baekhyun who smiles as much as he talks, Baekhyun who’s sincere, honest than anyone else, that’s why he keeps talking about sensitive topics during broadcasts, concerts and so on, making other members feel nervous and awkward, lol.
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Back to our interview, guys, the last point. Chanyeol said Baekhyun and him have the same music taste, so they talk about music related topics as well.
That’s not even all.
I think some of you will remember once Chanyeol was asked to describe his ideal type and he said ‘’Someone who would laugh at my jokes’’.
In my opinion, Baekhyun is the only person who always laughs at Chanyeol’s jokes, no matter whether they’re really funny or not. It’s like no one understands their inside jokes. Only two of them.
And even if the other members don’t laugh, they always laugh at each other jokes.
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And this is what Baekhyun said about Chanyeol during VIVI MAGAZINE Interview.
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Their words make even more sense once you see what Baekhyun actually said about ‘’With you’’.
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‘‘Love someone so much that you start looking like each other’‘.........?
‘‘Our sense of humor become the same...’‘..........?
This is something I don’t even want to explain in details. Everything is clear for you all I guess. But it is very hilarious that he speaks about people in general AND suddenly switches to ‘’our sense of humor become the same...’’.
As if he’s personally involved in the song.
Another lyrics I could not ignore, guys.
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Let’s say, this is just my opinion BUT
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When I was reading the lyrics, I thought it would be unfair to not mention Chanyeol’s following words from the interview
‘’We chat together with Baekhyun all night till we both forget about time’’.
No comments needed, yeah.
And there it goes.
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‘‘We talked all night....How was your day?
You are the best
I’m more brilliant because of you’’
We can see, Chanyeol finds his inspiration in that person. He thinks that person is the best, someone he can learn from and become a better person every day. 
Gotta put this here, at this point.
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‘‘Be it drama, and music, acting activities, singing with other artists, it’s always perfect no matter what he does...’‘
Once again, his words about Baekhyun find their reflection in the lyrics.
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I don’t know about you guys but the first lines got to my heart so much.
‘‘Find me in your eyes like a habit
Deepening night
I pause for a moment
I want to keep it in my eyes’’.
Through these lyrics we can see it again, the closeness and just how much Chanyeol loves his beloved one. Based on the lyrics, I can say they have been together for a really long time.
Well, 6-7 years is so damn long.
It’s just impossible to write such lyrics without actaully being in love. 
Really beautiful how Chanyeol doesn’t want to let the light disappear, he wants to keep it in his eyes.
Explains why he stares at Baekhyun 24/7.
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Sorry for the pics, I couldn’t help myself.
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Every line, every lyric of this song is so full of love, I can’t miss any of them. Here Chanyeol talks not only about similar characters, hobbies and feelings but also physicial similarities. It is very interesting in my opinion. Because so many people talked about Chanyeol and Baekhyun looking so similar sometimes that when you look at their pics, at some point, it’s hard to understand whether it’s Chanyeol or Baekhyun.
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These lyrics are so important. Chanyeol doesn’t miss anything, he describes his beloved one so well we can literally see that person’s image in our head.
‘‘Even the way you speak, feels like it’s me...’‘
The same lame jokes, the same expressions. We all have seen of that enough, right?
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‘‘Every single small thing was me being like you...’‘
When we read these lyrics, we can see that person is someone Chanyeol respects a lot, someone he admires.
This reminds me of all those moments when Chanyeol and Baekhyun burst in laugh together. 
Baekhyun laughs and Chanyeol follows him.
Chanyeol laughs and Baekhyun follows him.
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Also here.
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They are both on the floor. In their own world. And even here, Chanyeol follows Baekhyun. The moment Baekhyun throws himself on the floor, Chanyeol follows him.
And crazy, but  Chanyeol gets up from the floor as soon as Baekhyun does. (thanks Noel for noticing this).
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Chanyeol always does what Baekhyun does.
I think this what exactly he meant by ‘’ ‘‘Every single small thing was me being like you...’‘
Baekhyun is an example for him. Once again we see it.
The last lines of the song are no less sweet than the others. And here I would like to bring ‘’Heaven’’ too
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In ‘’Heaven’’ Chanyeol promises to protect his beloved one, to protect that person’s heart so that it won’t be hurt.
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And what’s really interesting and beautiful, in ‘’With you’’ , this time he asks that person to promise to stay with him.
I think here Chanyeol means their fame, the scene when he talks about ‘’the lights’’ . 
Means when they’re no more young and popular, when they’re not idols anymore, they’d still be together. (Again, thanks to Noel for this. Ugh her mind).
And the last ‘’Love you’’ is so intimate. It is very special and even more personal than all of the lines together.
Also the fact that Chanyeol and Baekhyun finish the song together. 
Chanyeol says ‘’Love you’’ while Baekhyun still sings. So it comes out like
Baekhyun: Shine on me
Chanyeol: Love you
They say these lines at the same time.
It is very important. And obvious.
In my ‘’Heaven’’ analysis, I have also added about the song lines distribution.
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Baekhyun sang the most of the song. (44.5%).
And I think it’s extremely cute because let’s look at ‘’With you’’ ‘s line distribution now.
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Baekhyun sang, ATTENTION, 47.2% of the song!! 
Well, let me finish this analysis here. Please remember that this is my opinion, I’m not forcing anyone to accept it. This is just the way I see and feel these lyrics. To me, it was obvious Chanyeol wrote this song for Baekhyun based on the way they both talk about it. It is fine, if your opinion differs. Thanks again! :)
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keii · 8 years
Okay, while I do absolutely love Final Fantasy XV to bits and pieces, I have several (lmao) complaints about it… Lots of spoilers… and yeah this shit is long so congratulations to those who actually takes the time to read this <3
I do have to say that I’m a bit disappointed with how the end of the game became SO linear. Like, it gave us such an open world to work with, only to have it eventually follow directly from point A to point B in the end. And the ending itself left me very VERY empty… Like so much happened to build up the whole relationship between all of them, and just the fact that we don’t really know what happens to the rest of the guys after Noctis took his duty to be the true king left me in so many broken pieces. To give us such a heartbreaking ambiguous ending like that is just… fuck I hated it… I stay up at night just wondering wth happened. Like I loved the premise of the story line and how Noctis wasn’t your typical prince. But the despite this game being under construction for so many years, the plot became its biggest weakness. Like, besides Noct, the game didn’t do much to really flesh out the other characters such as Gladio, Prompto, and especially Ignis. Which is kind of sad considering that a lot of the emphasis on the game is how we should cherish each other– but we never fully got to know them?? Like I know that the Brotherhood anime did provide some insight to the characters and that we did get a little explanation for Prompto’s past in the game, but honestly– I’m still left in the dark??? This is just my opinion, but you can’t just have a set of great characters and have the story driven by their relationship, and LEAVE out their own backgrounds??? 
Ahh and don’t even get me started with Luna. When I heard that we had the opportunity to finally have Noct and Luna meet, I got so excited and happy because they really did seem to love each other. But right when I finally got to meet her, did the game take her away from us??!! I was so deeply hurt by that because in the game they made it where she apparently did so much for Noct, but we never really got to see and understand that from the few moments that they showed her and it was just really upsetting. Like, from what I remember, they said that Noct and Luna haven’t seen each other for 12 years??? And so the fact that when they finally meet, she freakin’ dies just like that just killed me. Shit, when Noct told her, “I only wanted to save you…” I was like ,”BOI ME TOO, FUCK– LUNA I’M SORRY I COULDN’T SAVE YOU.” I really wanted to know Luna and grow to love her like how I did with the boys, but we never got the opportunity to and I felt a bit betrayed at that point… TT TT
Anyway, also another complaint I have was just the entirety of Chapter 13 itself. Well first of all, I was sad because, the same day that I pimped up my Regalia is the same day that it got fucking ruined. I was so sad… And I didn’t mind the fact that we had to save Prompto, I was looking forward to that and the whole sweet reunion, but that whole chapter was just tedious and a mess. It wasn’t hard, but it was just so ridiculously long and painful that it made me NOT want to replay the game because of that tbh. And not only that, but I wish they went more in-depth with the whole citizens turning into daemons, I thought that was a super interesting concept, but to only bring it up at the end of the game and have all of that information thrown at you just– threw me off. I kind of zoned out by the time Prompto was explaining his past and I was like “Wait what– What’s an MT again? Prompto, my dude are you gonna turn into a daemon too?” Obviously, I was way too focused on getting the hell out of that hellish city (because I was already pissed off at how excruciatingly long that chapter was) rather than to listen to whatever baby Prompto was saying. Sorry. Anyway, when I was finally reunited with all of them AND I got my powers back, I was so fucking happy, bUT RIGHT WHEN WE GOT REUNITED, WE HAD TO BE SEPARATED AGAIN. WHICH BRINGS ME TO FUCKING CHAPTER 14 WITH THE WHOLE DAMN 10 YEAR TIME SKIP. UM WTF.
Like that whole time that Noct was in that 10 year time skip just made me so confused– was he absorbed in the crystal the entire time and he somehow just ended up on that island with a conveniently located boat??? Not only that, but the fact that when you go onto the gear menu to see Noct’s awkwardly aged face on his adolescent 20 year old body made me laugh so hard. Like it just didn’t fit– aND WHY THE HELL DOES NOCT LOOK SO OLD FOR A 30 YEAR OLD. It said that in the beginning of the game he’s 20 years old, but why the hell does my boy look like he’s 48 or something. Shit my parents are in their 50s and they look younger than he does. But I must say that both Gladio and Ignis aged so well, they look hella good… Prompto… on the other hand… looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo with that goatee… but I still love you Prompto. ANYWAY, chapter 14 made me upset too because, as I said, the game became super linear by this time, so rather than having such a fulfilling reunion, it’s kinda falls flat to me. It’s just like “Oh hey what’s up Noct? Buy some potions, and gear up bc we’re heading straight to the final battle okay???” Like I WANTED TO SEE WHAT CINDY LOOKED LIKE TBH??? SINCE THEY KEPT MENTIONING HER, BUT WE NEVER GOT TO SEE THE OLDER CINDY GREET US. And then once we get to the fucking Crown City, the map did an absolutely terrible fucking job in telling us where to go. I fucking wasted so many potions and exlirs on myself and my team, running around in circles trying to find out where the hell to go, while at the same time trying to avoid the ridiculously strong ass monsters, ONLY to find out that we had to go underground. Seriously??? I think I wasted 20-30 minutes until I turned to my bro who finished the game to tell me where the fuck to go because I was already so pissed off. And with the end game bosses… It didn’t feel all that great beating that Fire God and beating Ardyn because of the expected cut scenes you unlock after draining their lives down to a certain point. Shit, I mean, I felt more satisfied after defeating a coeurl leopard or finally obtaining a helixhorn from the Duplicorns tbh. And just… well as I said, the ending left me so empty with Noctis’ death and the ambiguity of whatever happened to the rest of the guys. 
I honestly wish they could re-do the ending where Noct and Luna actually do get married with the boys and everyone else there celebrating the beautiful wedding in Altissia. Now that would be such a fulfilling ending because it would feel as if, everything that I’ve worked for paid off. From building the bonds between Noct and his comrades, to defeating the imperials and taking back the throne, to finally being able to be reunited with Luna and have the wedding that they’ve always wanted. That’s what I wanted and expected, but instead, they really just took everything away from us haha. It just didn’t feel right you know? Like I understand that with the way that the story was developing, and the growth of Noctis’ character, it was set up that he was finally able to learn what it meant to be a true king who sacrificed everything for all those who gave everything up for him… but come on… he could’ve done that AND have had an happy ending. 
Like the game did an AMAZING job with building such an extensive world that the players could be immersed in, the side quest and hunts were repetitive, but they were never boring for me, not only that, but the characters were so very lovable. But the fact that the game made me love the side quests and want to just focus on the side quests MORE than the actual story is really… telling you something about the actual plot itself.
I have other complaints about the game and the mechanics, but I’ll just keep this rant mainly about the plot lool. Thank you for reading.
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