#anyways this was fun.. but the formatting wasn't omg please
sehtoast · 3 months
Writer Tag
Thanks for the tag @venus-haze <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 29
What's your total AO3 word count? 230k
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tender Threads
Satisfy Me
One Big Wet Spot
Say Please
The Hand That Feeds
(All Homelander fics) ^
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Most of the time, but lately I haven't had the energy or the time. My social battery is pretty fucked, but I do read every single one of them and love them
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? So it's technically unpublished, but it basically ends with Ben (my oc) sentencing himself to die pretty painfully alongside Homelander with that thing that got revealed in Gen V. If you know you know
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Honestly, Envy.
Do you write crossovers? I've done an AU crossover for the same fandom, but not really
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Most of the hate I get is in my tumblr inbox. I haven't really done/said anything about it bc no one really wants to see or hear about it tbh, but I've gotten a fair amount of shit for pairing homie with a guy and then also more for pairing him with a trans guy. I think the only ao3 hate i ever got was barely even hate, more like someone bitching that my tender threads formatting wasn't to their liking bc it's Y/n formatted
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yessir yessir. Honestly just whatever i'm vibin with
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware although i don't think i've written anything steal-worthy
Have you ever had a fic translated? no, but @anon-nee has been my personal jesus christ in helping me make sure my english to german translations in tender threads has been accurate. love you nonnums <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before? technically no, but @homelanderbutbig did a collab with me and made this to pair with a fic i wrote, which i feel like is co-creation so i'm gonna say yes anyway. love you HBB <3
What's your all-time favorite ship? honestly i don't really have one, unless i can count my ocxcanon ship in which case it's benlander
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? i have a depowered homelander fic where ben answers the door one day and ryan, now in his late teens, is there to finally see homie again after all those years went by. i adore the concept but i'm like NEVER in the mindset i need to actually write something like that
What are your writing strengths? yall got strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses? all of them
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i think it's fine so long as there's clarification shortly after for the readers who may not understand, and also that you've somehow gotten it cross checked by someone who actually speaks the langauge so ensure you're not just saying some wild shit. but ultimately do whatever makes you happy idk bro i don't make the rules
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Prometheus! i was am down so bad for david omg
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? astarion/tav. i wanna write something sooooo bad but i just can't get in the headspace for it
What's your favorite fic you've written? probably satisfy me because the role swap was incredibly fun and it's REALLY fucking cool to unbind homelander from his own behavioral patterns and manifest them into a reader's concept. like, of everything i've written, i could most clearly imagine everything that happened in that fic and i'd find myself grinning like a sick fuck while writing about literally eviscerating a man's chest cavity lmao
No pressure tags: @blindmagdalena @hom3landr @irenadel @slasher-smasher and anyone else who wants to participate
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
Begging you for fated mates romances. The immortals after dark drought is killing me
Lol it's ruuuuffff. I'm excited for Rok's novella in March because he's just so fun, but I reeeeally hope she gets Kosmina's book out on schedule this year. (Lothaire literally just losing her remains one of the funniest things in the series to me. And her being this adorable angel princess and his inner monologue going "That's nice. I'm still sending your ass to Louisiana" simply because she's the Sandy to his Rizzo I guess??)
I genuinely want Kosmina's book, for one thing. For another, I NEED. KRISTOFF. AND FURIE'S. BOOK. And a book for Heath MacRieve: Werepire At Large, plsthx. You can't deploy a werepire without giving him someone to FUCK. You can't give me the brother of noted fuck machines Lachlain and Garreth MacRieve without giving me the ACTION.
Anyway, try:
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon. These are obviously like. As RIDIC as you've heard. They are also. DELIGHTFUL! Just broads landing on planet Blue Big Dick (CW: there are bad aliens in the first book and they do rape women largely offpage) and putting these weird little worms in their chests to live and the warms going "la la la" and then the big blue alien men having worms that go "tra la la" and when your worms sing to each other you gotta FUCK and be together forever like it or not??? He'll die for you and your worm???? Listen, I read like 6 in a row last year and then I had to stop and pretty soon I'm gonna read some fucking more.
Favorites include: Barbarian Alien (#2, heroine is all "Jesus Christ I hate this alien guy" and he's all "OMG IT'S HER" and kidnaps her away to his cave, as you do, which is controversial because he's from a noted line of kidnappers and the other aliens are all D: about it but then she teaches him how to fuck, should mention that most of these aliens are hardcore virgins), Barbarian Mine (#4, everyone who reads this is gonna think differently of me because the hero is like Ice Planet Tarzan because he grew up in the wastelands all alone and his dad died when he was young so he didn't even really learn how to talk like an alien, and he doesn't even VAGUELY know what sex is, and she has to.... teach him things........... the heart wants what it wants okay) and Barbarian's Mate (#6, the one where the heroine had an IUD the whole time so her chest worm wasn't working and then her IUD falls out and her chest worm is all "LA LA LA" at the most annoying, dickish alien's chest worm and they're both like "OH FUCK NO" but then they go on adventure together, and it's soooo good)
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson--Fun fact, the arranged marriage fantasy romance I keep recommending is actually a fated mates book! The hero isn't just Elsa But Hot Man, he's also descended from wolves, so he can SCENT her, and when he scents her for the first time it's actually quite aggressive and his friend is present and goes "buddy, please stop touching her nipple this seems like a crime". It's the mating bond!!!
The Sea King by C.L. Wilson--Next book in the series, goes fated mates even harder because the hero is a merman Aquaman type from a matriarchal kingdom who was trained in the seductive arts and meets the heroine and KNOWS lol. And he's determined to wife her up. CW: sexual assault, not from the hero.
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh--I've only read the first two books in this series, but they're good, and they're all following the fated mate format. This one is about a heroine who's from like this Vulcan sort of psychic mind freak society, and her fated mate turns out to be a verrrrrry earthy shapeshifter guy who's like "welp. Sadly it's her".
Laura Thalassa's Four Horsemen series has a very fated mate vibe. It's not explicitly stated, but all of the four horsemen basically get thrown off once they meet Her and then their entire game is ruined lmao. The series has some things.... I find.... Less than great. But I remember really enjoying Pestilence and Death, War and Famine are foggier to me.
The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson is omegaverse but make it a contemporary romcom. Full fated mates shit. He makes her call him alpha while he's plowing her in the woods. They live in a better society.
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dullweapons · 5 months
If you could give a single piece of advice to new people in the roleplay community, what would it be?
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i see you've sent this to a few others nonny : twiliae's post is v good & so is puxrlunae's . i haven't seen others on my dash at the time of writing ( tho i can guess other ppl have been asked but idk lol ) but imma try not to duplicate what they said but / shrug
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i'd recommend learning when you do need to stay in your own lane & have some critical thinking . don't push yourself into drama cause the rpc says you just have to stay informed & don't believe everything you see . i've seen a callout where they screamed that the person the callout was about was transphobic cause they used the wrong pronoun for a muse ..........in a whole roleplay where they than used the correct pronoun & it was simply a mistype in one or two places . but the callout post highlighted the wrong pronoun use to make sure you believed them & not the would-be offender & people are quick to the gun . this wasn't in the zelda rpc nor any connected one & was years ago so i don't remember anything beyond it was so shitty to bend the truth . like maybe english was their second language so they got confused or forgot or maybe someone writes the same muse with different pronouns ?? idk
sometimes it's better to just turn around & go back to writing ur little doll kissing ur friends doll lol
this is why my rules states this :
i do read the callout posts but i reserve the right to my own opinion that may differ from yours . please do not come to me if someone i am writing with has a callout post unless they have done something illegal ( child grooming , abuse , major harm , ect )
it's not so much my own opinion in the way of " oh i don't think what they did was wrong ✨ " & more of " does this callout have any weight ? " & sometimes i find that no , no it does not .
beyond that idk ... write for urself , be nice to others . you don't have to have fancy graphics to special formatting you just need to follow common courtesy . you want fun questions & starters you gotta also send them to others . tag ur triggers . don't reblog threads if they aren't for you & enjoy your time here because its a hobby !! don't stress if you feel like your writing isn't the best ⸺ you will only improve the more you write & soon you'll find yourself writing some really sexy threads with amazing friends <;3
also !!!!! you can find resource blogs that have posts about what you need to know or what might be helpful if you're super new & find xkit weird ( i had such a hard time figuring out xkit vs new xkit vs xkit rewritten omg but resource blogs helped a lot ) or don't get what reblog karma is or other little things like that . some even have templates for free or good prices ! i'll list a few that i follow & use still :
poohsources , rpclefairy , soulrph , & plenty more are here ! just search some tags like rp resources , rph , carrd templates , ect ! you're bound to find the help ur looking for !
anyway this isn't a single thing !!!!!!! i just went off !!!!! i event trimmed some of the advice cause it was repeating what other ppl said but oops lol hope this helps !!!
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crimenight-a · 5 years
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ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED WITH BATMAN is his seemingly uncaring    &    stoic nature.    it’s also one of the generalizations i openly despise;    the more recent batman media has shaped our understanding of his person in the wrong way.    while i agree that he does seem cold at times,    it’s not for the reason most people immediately think.    so,    in this meta,    i’m going to walk you through bruce’s story    &    explain why he is the way he is.
first,    i want to address the general perception concerning his emotional state.    readers/watchers,    alike,    think bruce’s apathetic nature is related to his trauma.    they’re only half right,    for it did indirectly lead him to change his outward expression of self,    but it’s not the direct reason.    even characters in the DC universe comment on bruce’s apparent lack of distress-like emotions:
❝   your ward    &    my daughter are in mortal danger !    indeed,    batman, they may already be dead !   yet you show no signs of agitation–   nor do you exhibit any curiosity concerning my humble self !    have you no feelings ?   ❞                                                                                                                                    -- batman (1940) #232
ra’s al ghul says this upon meeting bruce for the first time    &    enlisting his help in saving his daughter,    talia al ghul.    we see many variations of this repeat with superman,    wonder woman,    green lantern,    the flash,    &   many more.    so,    it’s not only the general public in our world that thinks batman doesn’t feel anything,    that thought process is also preserved in characters from within DC’s universe.    another type of media that’s to blame are the comedic types.    there’s so many cartoons    &    comics that depict a younger bruce to be very stoic    &    cold,    batman’s voice    &    intimidating nature are ridiculed by many heroes   (  i’m looking at you,    mcu tony/peter   ).   i won’t deny that these moments are very funny    (   especially when DC retaliates like in that batman lego movie where batman screams ‘IRON MAN SUCKS!’   ),   but in actuality,    it still adds to this prevailing idea that he really feels nothing.    i won’t lie   &    say i thought differently before i made this blog,    because i didn’t.    much to my surprise,    however,    it only took me a few issues from detective comics/the original batman run to understand that we’ve been wrong all along.
you may now be asking,    ‘if he’s not truly uncaring,    then why does he act like he is ?’    well,    let me point you to this single issue that i wish i could have every one of these new writers that dc hires read,    it’s detective comics’ (1989) second annual issue    (   if you’re interested,    you can read it here !     although,    a quick warning that this issue deals with the K/KK    &   it’s displayed as such on the cover;    be careful if you decide to read   ).   it follows a young bruce,    only seventeen    (   already quite buff    &   skilled,    might i add   ),   who asks to shadow a famous detective in what i believe is rural new jersey.    harvey harris was hailed to be one of the greatest detectives on the east coast,    there was nothing he couldn’t handle.    at that point,    bruce didn’t really know how he was going to go about waging a war on crime    (   he juggled with options like the FBI,    GCPD,    district attorney,    more legal positions   ),   but he knew detective work was something he’d probably have to do no matter what he chose.    so,    he sent a letter to harris,    asking to shadow him under the name frank dixon,    harris accepted with a warning that the case he had on his hands was incredibly violent    &    horrific.    throughout this issue,    we see many instances where bruce lets his emotions get the better of him    &    it ultimately leads to harris’s demise    (    indirectly,    yes,    but this is a pattern in bruce’s story.    if he did just one thing differently,    he could have saved his parents,    harvey harris,    &    COUNTLESS more people.    the fact haunts him to this day    ).   bruce    &    harris eventually track down the person who has been killing people in that small rural town,    &    he sees that he’s in the process of another murder.    i’m sure you can guess what bruce did,    he screamed    &    lunged for the man in a hot flash of rage,    the man pulls a gun.    bruce knocks him out in one swift punch,    but the gun still goes off    &    it, unfortunately,    hits harris.    in his dying moments,    he tells bruce something that sticks with him still to this day:
❝   i never tried to teach you detection.    you already got the mind for it.    but when you let your emotions take control,    you just go blind.    i don’t know where you’re headed from here,    bruce,    but wherever it is,    remember…    you gotta control that anger.    when you get that into your head– really know it– then ol’ harvey will have done right by you.   ❞                                                                                                             -- detective comics (1989) annual #2
harris had been commenting on bruce’s anger for the entire time they’ve been together,    &    we can really see how bruce struggles with understanding his own emotions through his many warnings:
❝   nice spottin’,    by the way.    now,    if we could just do somethin’ about that temper..   ❞ ❝   son,    it’s rare i see a man who carries such rage so close to the surface.   ❞ ❝   harvey was right.    because i was a hothead..  ❞    (   bruce says this   )
the thing is,    bruce had been incredibly polite to mostly everyone.    the only times he lost his cool is when people didn’t cooperate with him    &    harris on the case,    or if they made fun of him for being a “pretty,    city boy.”    most of the time,    harris had to physically hold bruce back from doing something he’d quickly regret,    such as picking a fight with grown men twice his size    (   i would like to proudly add that bruce beat these guys shitless,    but they trashed his fancy red porsche :/   ).   i know i’m spending a lot of time on this single annual,    but it’s SO important when you realize that bruce really does have anger management issues to the point where he can’t hold back his own outbursts.    let’s compare that younger bruce to the one we know today,    there’s quite a stark difference,    isn’t there ?   the batman we’re familiar with would never jump into anything without thinking about it many times over.    that’s because bruce took what harris said to heart,    &    he worked damn hard to implement his advice:
❝   i had a crazy hate,    too.    but unlike carr,    i refused to let it blind me to reality.    to the truth.    i went over the entire case eleven times,    in each instances extracting more    &    more of my emotional involvement.    &    on the twelfth pass through–a coldly logical pass–i saw what had been bothering me.    &    i knew that it wasn’t over.   ❞                                             note: carr is the murderer that bruce lunged at    &    the one that killed harris.
for us,    removing our emotions    &    thinking about something logically can range from being impossible to incredibly difficult.    imagine,    then,    the mental strength bruce,    a boy who had always been obnoxiously transparent with his feelings,    had to exert in order to go through this case without feeling some immense distracting rage    (   this ties into one of his character’s core ideas:    batman’s will/willpower is insurmountable compared to even other superheroes    ).   he eventually found out that carr was nothing more than a human weapon that someone else had been manipulating,    but the point is:    bruce realized through this issue that he wasn’t good at solving cases because he could never separate his own emotions from the victim’s.    from then on,    he tried his best to be “coldly logical” with every case he comes across,    &    he eventually adopted this state of mind when he was in the batsuit regularly.    being batman requires a ridiculously high amount of awareness    &    general perception.    if he’s constantly angry    &    jumping to rash conclusions,    he’s not going to last long.
however,    this doesn’t mean that bruce doesn’t slip up    &    let his emotions get the best of him even as an adult.    one of the most apparent examples of this is when jason dies.    i think most of us know how terrible that was    &    how bruce blames himself.    in order to keep this meta from getting unnecessarily longer,    all we need to take away from that arc is that bruce quite honestly drowns with guilt because if he had chosen to go after jason instead of go after someone else,    jason would still be alive.    with that anger directed at himself    &    at the world in general,    he recklessly starts to fight anyone he sees while in the batsuit.    even petty criminals would be beaten within an inch of their lives,    he’d make mistakes that he never did before,    &    come home with horrible injuries.    he had no sense of self-preservation,    all he cared about was his anger    &    guilt.    notice how throwing caution to the wind puts bruce in considerably more danger,    thus this supports my point that bruce struggles with his emotions,    but learned to suppress them for the sake of helping    &    saving people.
it actually surprises me when people don’t seem to realize that bruce is empathetic almost to a fault.    he holds onto hope,    &    he always had,    even if it’s foolish to do so.    hope that someone is still alive,    hope that someone still had good in them,    hope in his own abilities.    there was once a case where the entire bat-family understood immediately that a boy had killed his own parents,    but bruce clung to the hope that maybe it wasn’t him,    maybe it was some other greedy politician or hired gun.    bruce knew he was wrong    &    that he was chasing essentially no one,    but the sheer hope that the boy was innocent kept him going in circles.    i wholeheartedly believe that bruce is an empath,    someone who is incredibly sensitive to another’s emotions,    with how quickly he understands how almost everyone feels.    there are times where bruce will show compassion before he shows anything else.    yes,    he aims to scare people with his dramatic antics:
❝   gotham city is hell.    we are all in hell.    &    i am the king of hell !   ❞                                                                                                      -- batman: legends of the dark knight #6
but the purpose of his promise was to make sure nothing like what happened to him ever happens to someone else again.    i’ve said this before,    &    i’ll say it again:    BATMAN IS A GLORIFIED BABYSITTER.    really,    scarecrow said this    &    i stole it from him,    but he wants to care for his city.    that’s why he funds all these free health clinics throughout gotham,    it’s why he opened new soup kitchens    &    funded existing ones.    he revolutionized gotham’s orphanage system,    he forced wayne enterprises to make new jobs,    he single-handedly dropped gotham’s unemployment rate by a substantial amount.    he hands money    &    opportunities to struggling families,    he sits with them    &    helps them through their pain.    he does all of this against his playboy persona,    i remember how most of gotham was confused when he was starting his charity projects since he was immediately said to be ignorant or even uncaring towards gotham’s poverty    &    crime issues.    he started the ‘rebuild gotham’ project(s),    he funded arkham.    he’s in active member of the gotham’s    &    new jersey’s political scene,    influencing massive changes.    his infamous ‘no killing’ rule can be attributed to the fact that bruce doesn’t know what led someone to doing the horrible thing that he’s chasing them for;    HE TRIES TO SEE THE GOOD IN EVERYONE.    i know that comes as a surprise,    mostly because bruce openly despised superman    (    despite clark being one of the kindest people anyone has ever met    )    in that batman v superman movie,    but this blog has never taken any inspiration from those films,    so we’re going to ignore that    &    i ask you to do the same when you’re referencing my portrayal.
bruce would never go to such lengths to bring gotham back from its dark days if it wasn’t for how much he cared for its people.    &    he wouldn’t care at all if he seemingly felt no emotions.    yes,    a part of him doesn’t know how he’d deal with his trauma if he hadn’t passionately pursued something like this,    but that doesn’t take away from the fact that bruce is a fundamentally compassionate man.    the way he takes care of the victims in each case,    personally comforting them    (    hugging, etc.   ),    accommodating them in any way he can.    there’s times where he gets so angry after seeing certain victims,    that he finds it hard to control himself even after decades of training his willpower;    THAT’S how vehement his emotions are.
seeing the good in everyone    &    personally feeling everyone’s pain are both very emotionally taxing traits,    &    he doesn’t suppress these qualities.    he allows himself to feel guilt    &    practice empathy because it keeps him going when all he wants to do is collapse.    bruce has never denied feeling emotions,    he never does it to intimidate his allies,    he just has a harsh way of looking at things because,    again,    he removes his own feelings from the mix.    most other superheroes,    like in the justice league,    sometimes marvel at how bruce almost never gives into his anger during important decisions.    i keep repeating my main points    &    this is all quite the speel,    but it’s INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT that you understand that bruce has never not felt his emotions just as strongly as everyone else,    if not stronger.    to end this off,    let’s see what bruce said in response to ra’s al ghul’s earlier question    (   this is something i find that summarizes what i’ve said in this meta really well    ):
❝   plenty of them !    but it won’t do me any good for me to allow my emotions to gain control…    not while there’s a job ahead !    for years,    i’ve trained myself to concentrate on the thing at hand–    later,    i’ll cry…    if i must !   ❞                                                                                                                                 -- batman (1940) #232
&    because i know how hard tumblr’s tiny font is to read,    here’s a link to this same meta, but on google docs !   read whichever version you want !
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Sometimes moving on is good
Chapter 3&4
The two of you met often for drinks and chatting, while you exchanged a few messages.
You : Hey😝✌️ what is up ? I haven't heard from you today, is everything ok? Btw i finished your recipe but the cake 🍰 was not looking good😭🤣
Diane : hi, sorry i was busy with work. what happened with the cake? Oh i know you must have overcooked it, i used to do that all the time at first. What does btw mean? And why are there little faces on my phone ?
You :🤣oh honey...those are smileys you use that to had emotions to texts. AND Btw means by the way, everybody knows that diane.
Diane: haha ! Well I don't, anyways I finally finished the book you handed me last time.
You: OMG ALREADY??? IN 3 DAYS ! did you at least like it?
Diane: i did especially because of Jude’s past. Oh, and then Jude’s present, because sometimes life just keeps knocking people down, even when they’ve already suffered more than anyone ever should.
You: yes ohh it was so sad. I almost shead a tear. Which does not happen often !
Especially when reading... But I'm glad you liked it.😘
Diane: well i did the writing was really good, and the plot was interesting, what do you mean especially when you read ?
You: well... I always have trouble connecting to a book, especially when I have to read it, AND WHEN IT'S LONNNG🤣
In all seriousness I just have a hard time reading for as long as I can remember.
Diane: oh...why is that??
You: well I was diagnosed with An Oral and Written Language Learning Disability with impairment in reading and a specific reading comprehension deficit years ago. So basically my brain don't wORK.
Diane: i apologise that was intrusive of me
You: oh no don't worry I'm fine with talking about it, it's not that big of a deal, it doesn't stop me from messing up your cake🤭😭.
Diane: 😂 you'll do better next time don't worry. Do you know what are the causes ? You don't have to answer. It's just, well medicine interests me a lot.
You: apparently an abnormal cortical development, that occurs before or during the sixth month of fetal brain development, may have Abnormal cell formation known as ectopias, and more rarely, vascular micro-malformations, and microgyrus.
It's all big words but yeah those are the latest studies about dyslexia sais.
Diane: oh okay, i never thought it was actually physical, it's good to know
you: me neither until I searched it ! Even if I had it🤣. Sorry i gotta go I'm gonna be late for work !
Diane : sure, have fun! well Don't have fun...you know what I mean
Goodbye y/n.
When you got back from work you directly went on your phone hoping that diane sent you a message just so you'd have an excuse to talk to her. You had just seen her a few days before but somehow you still missed her, and little did you know she was missing you too.
After a few weeks you grew closer, and she invited you over for lunch or brunch, but tonight, you were going out. Together. You had asked her on a date a few days before.
"Hi Diane ? Yes it's me I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me on Friday ?...mmm...yes well I know a great place next to the cinema... Totally we can go out to the movies and then diner...what do you want to see ? Okay, cool see you then."
Yes, you were neighbors, you could've asked her in person, but you didn't want to be rejected face to face, it seamed easier to do on the phone.
And tonight was the night, the movie didn't start until a few hours, but you had already started getting ready. You picked up a nice outfit, Classy but casual, and put on just a little make up.
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On the other side of the road diane was also starting to prepare, she was -not gonna lie- overall a bit anxious, why did you ask her out? Was it a date ? No it couldn't be, you'd never think of her like this. She was lucky to call you her friend, maybe you didn't even think of her as a friend ? God I'm so silly i got carried away, she probably doesn't even like me back. She was completely overwhelmed with thoughts, her breathing was shallow and she could not get in the right headspace as she put on her outfit.
She didn't notice that it was almost time, and that you were going to show up anytime to pick her up.
She offered to drive but you said you'd like too since you worked from home and didn't drive your car out often.
next thing she knows, her doorbell rings and as she goes down the stairs you hear her say "coming !" in a soft voice.
"I'm so sorry I barely even finished getting ready... Here come in I just have to find my shoes and I'll be right there." She looked so beautiful in her bordeaux dress that you didn't register her words.
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"...o.. okay.." you manage to say while eyeing her up and down. Even if she didn't seem to know, she was beyond beautiful and you were going to make sure she did.
"You look.." you couldn't finish you sentence before she started rambling and letting all of her anxieties taking over her speach.
-" what too much, oh no i should have never put on that, sorry i thought it was cute but I'm too old for this and ugl...
She didn't have time to finish you just cut her off;
-"NO ! No i ment you look beautiful like this"
You couldn't help but feel attracted to her right now, but you put it aside, she didn't like women obviously?
-"Oh...wait really ?" You could feel the shakiness in her tone
"Yes...of course you look cute, and the dress is amazing on you. Don't even worry about it you are a very beautiful women diane."
You said in a firm voice that made her knees go weak.
"Well we should get going sweetie, do you have your shoes?"
"Yes..let's go" she closed the door blushing widely as you opened up the door to your car.
You bowed as you said "Milady" in a formal tone
She giggled softly and it was the most precious sound in the universe.
The car drive went by in a comfortable silence as just the soft music and a bit of humming could be heard.
You invited her to the movies, she offered the popcorn and choose your seats.
It wasn't necessarily a scary movie, but when things got a little tense, you could see her clench the armrest, so you scooted over and offered her your shoulder so she could hold on to you. After a bit of esitaton she accepted your embrace and the two of you cuddled together while the movie played. She gasped and then laughed at herself a few times.
When the credits started to roll none of you wanted to move, but you broke the silence and told her;
"As much as I'd like to stay here and cuddle you... I think the dude standing there with the bucket needs us to leave... Also the reservation is in ten minutes."
She sighed softly in defeat, gathered her bag and started to get up.
She rose too quickly and felt dizzy as her legs started to buckle. But you cought her hips before she could fall.
"It's okay...I got you", you said softly in her ear.
"Are you good? Can you walk" you asked as you still held her hips firmly. Which send a shiver down her spine, and a tingle down further to the both of you.
"Yeah.. I'm good thank you I just got up too fast".
You both went to the restaurant, the waiter took your orders and you both started to chat about anything and everything, the movies, life, cake, and even your delicious pastries.
"I was NOT scared !?"
-"YES you totally were ! you clang on to me the whole time I heard you whimper at Thé screen everytime there was something scary on."
-"sorry about that..."
-"why are you apologizing ? If it had bothered me i would have told you so..."
-"oh..okay, but I wasn't scared, just sometimes the movie was making me anxious ! I mean like that part in the stairs...brr..gave me chills."
-"alright alright fine..you weren't scared...I'll give it to you.. just because your cute"
She nearly choked at your comment and became as red as your wine.
"It's okay you don't have to be shy with me."
-"Do you really think I'm cute?"
-"Yeah, already told you you were cute today; and well not just tonight"
-"thank you y/n"
"Anytime diane, you are beautiful i want you to know that"
She didn't want to cry in front of you but you saw the tear she was desperately trying to hide run down her cheek, and got worried.
"Oh diane...are you okay ? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... please look at me" you moved closer to wipe the tears off of her face, and gently stroked her cheek.
"I'm fine y/n, just it's been a long time since anybody called me beautiful"
-"Well that's a shame then, and I'll make sure you hear it a lot more."
"You don't have to do that... I don't need to hear it"
-"You do. And you should be hearing it, i don't know why it stopped but I'll make sure it doesn't ever again"
She sobbed at your words again
"Oh No...sweet girl don't cry.. please... you're okay diane, I'm here always, I'm your friend"
She calmed down a bit, and felt butterflies in her stomach at what you said.
-"You are? You mean you actually want to be ?"
"OF course silly, i wouldn't have invited you to diner if I didn't at least like you diane."
Just after that sentence left your mouth the waiter arrived to pick up your plates, you breathed out 'thank you' as he left.
"You know, I don't understand why you didn't think I liked you, at leaaaast a little ?"
You joked as you took a sip of your glass.
"Well.. I've been alone for so long now...I don't know...i thought you were just hanging out with me because you didn't have a choice...".
You were saddened by her words
"Diane..I... if I had known you felt that way I would have said something a long time ago ! I don't want you to think for a second that i am here out of pity or because I got nothing better to do. I'm here cause I wanted to have a nice evening out with you."
You said as you put your hand on top of hers, when she didn't draw back you started to gently stroke it.
"Would you two like some dessert ?"
You pulled away to take the menu form the waitress.
"Do you want some dessert diane? They have apple pie, and tiramisu?"
-"i don't know...I'm not that hungry for both but i don't want to choose."
-"we can share you know"
-"huh? What do you mean"
-"well, i take the apple pie, you take the tiramisu, and we split"
-"are you sure? I wouldn't want to bother y..."
You cut her off before she could go any further.
"Yes I'm sure diane"
"..o..okay then"
"Are YOU sure??" You asked in a funny tone
She giggled and nodded.
You asked the waiter for both and shared when they arrived. After fighting a bit over who would pay you told diane that you had asked her out and therefore you should pay, "and if you want to pay so bad... you'll pay next time."
Both of you were full, you had spent an incredible night, it was dark but you offered diane a quick walk around the park, and she agreed. The two of you made your way back to the car after laughing your asses of and getting even closer than before.
You drove her back to your...her house. And before she entered her home you softly said;
"Well diane, i had an amazing night, we have to do that again sometime."
-"yes we do, i had so much fun too"
-"And I ment everything i said tonight,.."
For a few moments you just looked at each other, your gaze met her lips and she thought about how sweet they would taste before thinking 'who am i kidding she'll never kiss me, get those thoughts out of your head diane'
Before you could process what was happening, both of your bodies grew closer and your eyes shifted between both of your lips you kissed her, softly. it was a calm and quiet kiss. You broke off for air and looked into her eyes. You caressed her cheeks and put your hand on the small of her back before kissing her again, she moaned inside your lips and you took the chance to put your tongue in her mouth. Her hands flew to your neck and she kissed you back.
After a few minutes of making out you pulled away, you didn't really want to break the moment but you asked
"Diane... it's late i should go back home..."
She looked a hurt and a bit sad while she let you go.
"No don't.. I don't regret kissing you Diane don't worry. I just want to take this slow"
"Oh alright I thought you didn't... nevermind. Go home y/n, it's getting cold out here" she looked down at her hands and
"..you don't regret it don't you?"
"No i enjoyed it" she said blushing slightly.
"Good... I'll see you tomorrow then... Good night diane"
you kissed her sweetly again before leaving and you both smiled like teenagers who just had their first date.
-"Sweet dreams y/n"
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Notes: Hi lyric and I guess Naomi, so for this story I basically tried to make it like tutor sessions but I wanted to put my own twist on it to make it like some of the other stories that I have been reading here’s a little disclaimer basically Lyric is the main character and Naomi is her best friends or her side character or whatever and there is a brief mention of hawks but the love interest or whatever is Dabi yeah. I wrote it on here cause like no one knows that I have tumbler I didn’t want to do it on wattpad. Hopefully you like this 😐
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It was the first day back to school and over the summer you had gone through a horrible break up which wasn't the best way to spend summer but your entire focus was gonna be on school this year no more relationships. You thought to yourself.
As you entered you first period, you see your friend Naomi... she called you over "hey Lyric! come sit by me" you then walked over to your seat and set everything down while the rest of the kids came into the classroom.
As the class began your teacher projects "welcome back to school students my name is Mr.Jean and this year you will be taking AP history or in other words advanced history". "This year we have two students who are sophomores but were allowed to take this upper class because of their high GPA."
"Their names are Lyric and Naomi if you turn and look back they are sitting in the corner" Everyone turned to look back at you guys for about 5 seconds and for the most part you thought nothing of it, but this one guys with black hair and burn marks who was quite cute in your eyes stared a little longer. The guy sitting next to him with blonde hair grabbed him and said "dude turn around don't be a creep".
The teacher sighs, "Hawks and Dabi please don't forget that you guys are retaking this class because you goofed off last year, you're seniors get it together."
They both looked embarrassed and you kinda felt bad for them, you look over to see Naomi not even paying attention to them though, that made you a little upset since her and the blonde would definitely look good together.
As class ended you went to your other 5 courses, and thank god that you didn't have to see your ex since you guys didn't have any periods together. That made you super relieved, it was about 6:00 and you were done with cheer practice. You headed back to your dorm where Naomi already had been since she didn't do much after school. You were able to stay on campus in high school because of dual enrolment.
You dropped your things and plopped on your bed, you weren't planning on going to sleep because you wanted to shower but Naomi forgot to wake you up even though you told her 10 times to wake you up!. It was the next day 8:00 Am to be specific and class started at 7:45 you were late...or at least you were gonna be REALLY late ! You jumped up and quickly yelled "Naomi ! Wake up ! ....we are so late you didn't wake me up last night or set an alarm ! UHHH!"
"Lyric calm down, I fell asleep and couldn't wake you it's just class." "You are only mad cause you might see Your ex Todoroki in the halls because he's usually late to class too. You reply "uhh okay yeah maybe, anyways wait for me until I get out the shower we might as well be really late cause I don't wanna go to class smelly" You both got ready and headed to your first period where you saw Dabi and Hawks, something about Dabi had you so intrigued but uu didn’t know what it was. The entire class period you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
When class ended you quickly snapped out of it and thought about the promise you made to yourself after what you went through with Todoroki, boys would not be something that distracted you. At lunch you sat with Naomi and told her that she should definitely get with Hawks cause they would look so good together. She responded “don’t think that I didn’t notice the way you were looking at Dabi the whole class, let’s talk about that.
You looked confused and responded “no he’s not my type”.... “Who’s not your type?” said a deep voice coming from behind you, “oh um hi ! You responded “you’re in my first period right” “yeah my name is Dabi and this is Hawks, can we sit here?” Naomi nodded “yeah definitely, we weren’t talking about anything serious.”
He smirks “oh okay...that’s good to hear ladies”
Hawks turns and starts to have a conversation with Naomi while Dabi turns and faces towards you. He laughs “so I mean I can hear pretty good, who is this guy that’s not really your type”.....you blush “oh um that was just a little inside joke I promise , it’s nothing to dwell on. He says “hmm okay whatever you say, so how are you liking Mr jeans class Lyric, it must be so easy because you were able to get in because of your high GPA.”
You respond “to be honest the work seems kind of hard, harder than I expected” Dabi says “oh so “smartie” can’t even get that mans work done he’s such a pain in the ass.” You think to yourself wow this guy is pretty funny...maybe I shouldn’t push him away.
He says in his monotone voice “well since we both seem to be struggling...maybe we could have a study sesh, ya know for the upcoming quiz next week”. You respond “uhm yeah this Saturday right after the football game I can come to your dorm” his face lights up “yeah that’s perfect since I’m playing in the game, and your a cheerleader right”? “yeah, uh yeah I am”you responded.
Fast forward to Saturday you and Naomi head to the field and she wishes you good luck. You start to get in formation while you see Dabi warming up, he smiles at you. You turn around quickly because the game is starting. You and your squad are about to go on, you see Dabi from the corner of your eye looking your way...omg why does he have to be so hot it’s making me nervous you think to yourself. Uh I’m gonna forget the routine.
Luckily you didn’t forget and everything went just as planned. When the game ended it was around 8:00 Pm, You and Naomi headed away from the bleachers when you heard that same deep voice of Dabi yell “Hey! Lyric and Naomi” you both turn around to see him and Hawks running . Hawks says “hey Naomi we are still on for hanging out ?” She reply’s “uh yeah totally”, Dabi says “yeah Lyric we are still on too right?” You responded yes and then He hugged you goodbye that gave you butterflies.
You and Naomi make it back to the dorms, she smirks “I didn’t know you and Dabi had a little thing going onnnn...” you rolled your eyes “we are just studying, plus I’m pretty sure you and Hawks will be doing way more stuff than us tonight .She replied “yeah okay whatever you say I knew I was right, don’t let Todoroki hold you back, not everyone is like him” you ignored her and you guys proceeded to each get in the shower and then get ready.
When you both were finished you realized that it worked perfectly because while Hawks went to you and Naomi’s dorm you would be gone, and while you were at Dabi’s dorm Hawks would be gone. You saw the blonde approaching you...he asked “so Lyric is Naomi ready?, Dabi is ready for you and our dorm is 5b2 just in case you forgot. You reply “uh yeah Naomi is ready, okay bye”
You knocked on Dabi’s dorm and he hugged you again, everything was surprisingly neat and it smelled really, really good. He says “uhm you can sit at the desk I’ll be there in a minute I have to get my books” he came running back and sat right next you. “Okay so we are just taking notes for the study guide” you said he responded “yeah”.
He then wrote his name on the paper [dabi ackerman] your eyes quickly opened wide you thought... no, no way AKERMAN!? the same last name as Todoroki ? You asked “um akerman..that’s your last name don’t tell me you have a brother named Todoroki?”
He responded “uh yeah I do actually he’s in the same grade as you right..how do you know him?” You sigh “we dated last year and ended things over the summer” he looks shocked “ohhh you were the girl he was talking about, yeah my brother is a total piece of shit when it comes to relationships” he puts his hand on your thighs and reassures you “but i promise I’m nothing like him”
He slowly moves his fingers up your thigh “hey Lyric, tell me did you really come here to just study” you responded “well...that was my intention bu-
He cuts of your sentence and kisses you, “I know you didn’t, you can’t be as innocent as you look”. He grabs your hips and lays you down on the bed as he starts to unbuckle his belt, You could see how hard he was through his pants. You gave in, even though he was Todoroki’s brother you wanted to have some fun so you entertained the situation.
You pulled off his black tank top and put your hands in his pants, you then pulled him on the bed and got on top of him. You could see that he was very turned on and the mood was set because of course he already had music playing. You started to kiss his stomach all the way down to his dick.
You put your lips on the tip and his head titled back in pleasure “uh yeah fuck just like that” he then stood up over you and put his hands around your neck “be a good girl like you claim to be, and put the whole thing in your mouth” you did as he said, he still had his head tilted back as tears were running down your face and black eyeliner was dripping, you pulled yourself back and only focused on tip knowing that was his most sensitive place.
He said “oh so your being a bad girl, looks like I’ll have to punish you”. He pulled you up by your hair and pushed you on the bed, he groaned “panties off NOW” you looked away and thought “damn I didn’t wear any” he smirked “oh so you must wanna get torn up” he proceeded to start licking his way down your stomach then he pulled your sweats off with his mouth.
“Oh so no panties, your such a slut baby girl” he pulled your sweats off and kept eye contact with you. As he spit on your cunt, he stuck out his tongue and licked up and down your clit, the metal from his tongue piercing felt so good...you moaned..“uh- yea- !” He whispered “shhh other people will hear you”.
You moaned “uhhh I’- im cumming Dabi, you came in his mouth he smirked “does that turn you on..the thought that other people could hear you being a whore?” ..without warning he put 2 fingers in you moving in and out fast. “Dabi please! I- I can’t anymore... he laughed “yeah you can and you will, this tight little pussy needs stretching Lyric. He put his hand on your thighs and pulled your legs over his neck while he destroyed your cunt. You put your hand around his hands for support as you felt yourself coming close to your edge.
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Dabi notices you tighten around his fingers and says “we can’t have my bad little slut cumming 2 times in a row” he gets up off his knees and turns you around so your ass is up. He takes your shirt off and fondles your titties, you move back pressing yourself on his dick “you’re so needy, you just can’t wait to have my cock inside you darling..huh?”
He teases your pussy by rubbing up against you, you sigh “please Dabi put it in I can’t take it anymore I want you inside of me !” He waste no time and starts ramming into your cunt. Dabi groans “your so fucking tight I’m gonna give you my baby” you cry “it feels so good DEEPER! please” not knowing what you got yourself into he puts his full length in you.
It was so big and thick that you couldn’t feel your legs, Dabi notices and pulls you up by putting one arm around your waist and the other on your neck. He turns your head around and presses his lips against yours...while saliva is dripping from both of your mouths.
You feel his cock twitching inside you, he knows your legs are giving out but he turns on his back and says “ride” you did as he said and started to bounce on his dick, he moans “f- fuck yeah baby girl cum on my dick” you kept riding until you couldn’t do it anymore you felt yourself coming close to an orgasm again but you fell on his chest.
He grabbed your ass and started to thrust hard into your cunt, you could feel it so deep in your stomach. You moaned “d- Dabi I’m cumming please give me your baby” you felt his dick twitching inside you and he released his load while his blue eyes were staring into yours.
You both exhale and lay on your backs he laughs “damn we just did that” you laugh “yeah...give me your number, I kinda like you. He says “yeah I like you too Lyric”. You guys exchange numbers and then you guys put back on your clothes..he notices that your legs are still shaking.
He giggles “I’m gonna carry you back to your dorm” you said okay... you got onto his back and you guys made it to the dorm where Naomi and Hawks were together. Dabi knocked and said “hey open up” !nobody answered so yall figured that they must’ve went to sleep together.
Dabi then carried you back to his dorm and said “well I guess you can sleep here tonight” you got into his bed and he cuddled you . Not knowing that you were awake, he whispered “I hope we can do this again soon, I know you’re the one.” You smiled and fell asleep with him.
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