#anyways welcome anon to lesbianism i am so very proud of you and happy for you
a-flickering-soul · 2 years
feel free to ignore this but i recently discovered myself to be a lesbian and i’m a bit confused about femme and butch. is there a specific definition for them? or is it more of something vague like gender?
Hi!! First off--congratulations on realizing you were a lesbian! Welcome! I am so happy for you that you made that discovery! Congrats!!!
I am going to make an obligatory disclaimer here that I am far from the end-all be-all of butch/femme identity--this is all just going to be from my own knowledge/experience, and I'm too sleepy rn to cite my sources.
Femme and butch are in my opinion a little more vague since they are entire identities in and of themselves. Definitely you can approach them as meaning "feminine lesbian" and "masculine lesbian" and just leave it as that, but in my opinion and in my experience I have found both butch and femme to be their own forms of gender, societal, and sexual identities. They are most often seen as identities that pair with each other and compliment each other-- a relationship born out of the beauty of differences.
Certainly there are femmes that are feminine in a conventional, cishetero-white way. There are also femmes that look masculine, femmes that are feminine in decolonized ways, femmes that are genderqueer. The same may be said for butches-- there are butches that are masculine in a conventional way, butches that are feminine, butches that are masculine in a genderfucking way, butches that are masculine in a nonwhite way. There is no one singular way to look femme or butch, but in my experience it is more of a way you carry yourself and a way in which you interact with other femmes and butches. Many may (and have) perceived me in a more masculine sense who were not queer, and I still consider myself femme, because of the way I comport myself and the way I interact with my community.
This is a very long way to answer your question-- my ultimate answer is no! There is no specific definition for them, as far as I know. To me, butch and femme identities are a mix of presentation, genderfucking, deconstruction of the heteropatriarchal society we live in, and red hot lesbian sex. So I guess in that sense they are more like gender identities, where each identity is unique to the person constructing it.
There's many better places to find more about butch/femme identity and culture-- I thoroughly recommend going through @goldxnfemme's wonderful 'sharing the knowledge series' tag, as well as reading 'The Persistent Desire', 'Stone Butch Blues' (mind the warnings for graphic rape, police brutality, homo/transphobia, and racism), and 'Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme', if you're interested in learning more in a better way that's not me exhausted at 7:08pm.
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bylerchoseme · 4 years
lol sorry I just happened to see you on a post where Elsa and Anna are being used to show "loving looks between lesbians“ or w/e and judging by your comment about how Elsa looks at ( HER SISTER WHO IS NOT HER FUCKING LOVE INTEREST) Anna, apparently you are into incest. It’s fine as long as you’re supporting lgbt+ right? sorry but you’re fuckin wack bro. At least find characters that aren’t siblings in their story to ship jfc
Welcome! Thanks for giving me your time. I must be important to you, right? Considering my love for Elsanna interests you, allow me to tell you how it is. I am gonna go ahead and jump right into the part where you said “it’s fine as long as you’re supporting lgbt+ right?” First off, I want you to know I’ve accepted my sexuality since I was 14 years old. I am a bisexual and have been for 13 years or so that’s what I am trying to convince myself. As a matter of fact, I am into girls more. I still struggle with labeling myself as a lesbian even though that’s the truth because my family is homophobic. I don’t need to support LGBT+ because I am a part of the community.
There are PLENTY of LGBT+ ships that I could easily ship in television and movies without the incest component. Do you know why I can’t get into them? Do you want to know the reasons? Most of them lack the things Elsa and Anna have together. There is raw chemistry with Elsanna for just being labeled as sisters. That type of top notch romantic chemistry is very difficult to find in other couples. Elsanna is animated and yet they blow all real LGBT+ couples out of the water. The writers tried desperately to give us a supposed sisterly dynamic where they can’t keep their hands off of each other due to 13 years of separation and failed to make it come across as family.
Often times, I ask myself how in the world did the animators manage to design two hand drawn fictional characters in a way where people need to question why they weren’t girlfriends in the first place? When Frozen came out in 2013, there wasn’t such thing as kids making their Elsa and Anna dolls kiss or asking their parents why don’t they act like sisters or comparing Elsa and Anna to their parents relationship or saying they should marry each other, etc. Even people that hate incest Elsanna were able to admit something was off between them. I won’t forget a comment on Twitter where the user was alluding to the fact because Elsa doesn’t have a romantic love interest is why she has such strong romantic chemistry with Anna. People are pointing stuff out regardless of whether they agree with Elsanna or not and that takes guts.
I am an OG Elsanna shipper. F2 convinced me there is no one else in the world for them. Elsa and Anna are taken with each other. They know it. The animation team didn’t try to hide it. People in general know it. If Anna and Elsa didn’t have romantic tropes and constant touching which is uncommon for normal sisters, I wouldn’t be an Elsanna shipper. I didn’t decide to ship them because I wanted to shove incest in the haters face. That’s where you’re mistaken. Unrelated LGBT+ couples pale in comparison to Elsanna and that’s one opinion of many out there.
You felt the urge to message me because you know deep down I am right. If you didn’t agree with me, you wouldn’t try to guilt trip me. Just for the record, there isn’t any canon couple in Frozen or Frozen 2 that is thoroughly developed or worthy of my time. Besides the parents, KA is the other canon couple. My stance on K*istanna is poor. They’re wrong for each other in a zillion ways and I won’t root for them just because they aren’t Elsanna. I am not obligated to make you or anyone else happy. Go cry tears elsewhere.
I can tell by your last sentence that you would rather me ship E*samaren. Unfortunately, you won’t be getting your wish. I am a proud Elsanna shipper and always will be. Nothing you say is going to change my mind. If you’re so bothered by my incest posts, block me. No one is forcing you to like Elsanna. I could care less if you do or don’t ship them. Elsanna has a massive following anyway. I don’t need you.
Elsa looks at Anna like she is the love of her life and vice versa. She doesn’t have eyes for anyone else. When you accept Elsa doesn’t have a love interest because Anna stole her heart, we can have a different talk. The crew played you. The crew played all of us. Sisters is a label and that was never their intention. Actions speak the loudest. Elsanna is gaining new shippers. The entire Frozen team made sure of that. Open your eyes. The sooner you see the truth, the better.
I could go on and on about Elsanna. My heart is passionate about them. At the end of the day, I don’t need to convince you why I ship them. I have my reasons and that’s enough for me. I don’t owe you an explanation. I won’t pretend to not ship them to satisfy you. It’s a lose, lose situation for you. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
Take care anon.
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alterlifes-a · 6 years
i love u and the psd u have for mirio is beautiful!!! can u rec some bnha blogs? or maybe anime blogs in general, thank u!
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you want blog recs ?! i got blog recs ! also , i did have another anon a few months ago asking for blog recs , so i’ll only be recommending b.nha blogs , since i can do non - b.nha blogs another day ! ALSO , thank you so much for your input on my psd for mirio  !!  i’m so proud of it , as well tbh !  ❤︎ i’m putting this under a read more so i can gush and not clog up peoples’ dashes !! also these are in order of my following list rn , so it’s in no specific order .
@dualbred  /  @soarsun  /  @eletriq  /  sunny’s other blogs  ❤︎  sunny is someone whose name describes what they are perfectly : he’s a ray of sunshine in your day ! he’s very charming, creative, and sweet, and he’s the perfect person to go to if you want to plot and walk out of the conversation just . screaming . whether that’s good or bad , depends .@frogblep  ❤︎  idk if birdie is okay with a lot of people following since they’re really private + super mutuals-exclusive, but they’re so cute and have such a great personality ! 10/10 would chirp .@ichorsun  ❤︎  wow i love hide the canon character . but for real , rye has such a well - crafted oc , and this blog deserves all the attention it can get !@dprssin  /  @quirkgifter  /  @mcka  ❤︎  listen i know nanners is on hiatus cause the fandom sucks ( which is why i also linked his d . va ) , but that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s got one of the best [ and only , from what i’ve seen hsdkfjs ] nanas out there . also , we support n adore his native american mixed aizawa , thank you . @toughfist​  /  @torncape  /  @tailsfur  ❤︎  nora is so so kind and honestly just a huge burst of sunshine in your day ! also sakkun is such a cute oc tbh . it’s obvious she puts a lot of love into her muses , so go check out her blogs !!@knowthem​  /  @inneall​  ❤︎  i haven’t interacted much with jade yet , but honestly if you write iida i already trust you … sfkjs but honestly speaking , jade is a welcome and warm presence on the dash . just having them around is grounds for a good time !@pyrrhe​  /  @spireheart​  ❤︎  ram my love … my buddy in great music taste … she’s your local lesbian who’s here to kick butt and write amazing replies and guess what … she’s all out of butts to kick .@sepiternal​  /  @amariodal​  /  @hwitzr​  /  @solsace​ ( shut up , will’s an anime — )   ❤︎  rory literally made a mirio because i wanted one , what more could you ask out of a son … but really , he’s one of my longest standing friends and no matter rain or shine , i know i can count on them to be vivacious and original @lacquarms​  /  @jetlegs​  ❤︎  if anything happened to theus i will personally manifest in every tumblr user’s room and delete all of their blogs and destroy the entire website myself . but tbh , theus is so amazing and charismatic !! 100% recommendation from me@whiphero​  ❤︎  hansie is just one of those people who , like , you see a new blog followed you and you go to check it out , then you see hansie’s name on there and it’s just an instant follow tbh .@palmfed​  /  @wuvlite​  /  @dphium​  ❤︎  punpun is always very funny and super multifaceted in his skills … he has so much creative energy , but also he’s the друг friend so like . tread carefully . oh . he’s already there . clicking the follow button . you’re on your own now . godspeed .@amerismash​​  ❤︎  FOSTEEEER [ i yell so loud i break the sound barrier ] follow foster , just trust me on this . you won’t regret it .@tikkvn​  /  @montlady​​  ❤︎  cass radiates big lesbian energy by merely existing and if that’s not the kind of presence you aim to be … but for real , befriending cass is going to be nothing but fun times and a nonstop waterfall of support . they’re so lovely and super valid and just the kind of person you naturally want as a friend !@ohaul​​  ❤︎  i’ve yet to interact much with veggie , but honestly ? i already trust them . sfhjdks but seriously , they seem real cool ! doctors say you need veggies everyday so here’s a perfect chance for you to get your daily dose !@c0py​​  ❤︎  bruno this icon of yours radiates so much chaotic feeling … but honestly , bruno is great and you gotta check out their monoma 10 / 10 say critics ( me )@natsutodoroki​​  /  @ksri​  /  @negativeat​  ❤︎  i’m not over the fact that you managed to get such canon urls but hskfjds clarrie is honestly such a kind and charismatic person , and the way she writes her muses makes it evident they put a lot of thought into how the character is portrayed in canon itself . also natsuo is clarrie’s oc i don’t make the rules .@heartmindcd​​  ❤︎  okay first of all , can i just say : vincent’s art ? [ fans myself … ] but honestly as a fellow artist in the rpc , i love seeing other muns’ art on my dash and vincent is no exception . he has such a distinct style , and this also translates into how he portrays shinsou ! he obviously has a good handle on how shinsou works as a character , and seeing him in my notes or on the dash is always grounds to make me smile !@yunihon​​  ❤︎  endy is the best , eri is the best … but seriously , endy’s eri ( that sounds like a tongue twister ) is amazing . 5/5 best daughter , would adopt and protect from all harm ( please protect eri from all harm )@charistatic​  /  @ofiignition​​  ❤︎  i have so many feelings for gina and tbqh they are all positive . we kind of brushed shoulders with one another in a previous fandom , but now that i’ve gotten to better know her , i can say for sure that i will personally destroy you with both my hands if you make gina upset in any way . but for real , she’s caring and so fun to be around . also we scream about promised neverland together , i mean , what’s not great about that ?!@riteous​​  ❤︎  eulalie has a b.nha verse on this blog so i’m putting them here .  ok ok but thanos is singlehandedly one of my most favourite oc’s in the world . whenever eulalie posts about them i’m just : eyes : : ok_hand : : 100 : … also they look … stunning . seriously , if you’re going to follow eulalie for like the most bare bone reason , follow because their muse is the prettiest but stay because the mun is a wonderful person .@faceplain​​  ❤︎  kit’s sero is iconic … you should check out their blog !! and if not it’s okay , i’m activating my own tape quirk to slingshot you over there right now as i type .@trapsminds​​  ❤︎  i literally look at sunne’s icon on my dash and i immediately light up into a smile , and if that isn’t any indication that this is a shinsou worth following then idk what ever will be .@bgku​  /  @kwurk​​  ❤︎  CLOOOOOOO —- [ i continue this for 3 hours straight until you click clo’s blog ] ok but really i love clo’s headcanons for bakugou so much … even the smallest , two word post will leave me going :D !!@raijima​  /  @slipstep​​  ❤︎  ryou has a b.nha verse so i’m putting him on here too but also vanur is such an imaginative person and i love every single idea that pops out from his head . he writes such amazing and divine original characters , they feel like they’re real and palpable .@tapeties​  /  @exposensei​​  ❤︎  REID I GIVE YOU ALL MY LOVE RIGHT NOW !!! tbh when i think of aizawa , i just think of reid in general … his penmanship with any character is * chef - kisses my fingers *@chargebolted​  /  @noquirk​​  ❤︎  if you’re not following prince i’m going to come into your house and steal all of your left shoes . ok but really , prince is not only inventive and innovative , he puts a unique and loving touch on every single character he writes . literally ! what more can you ask for ?! i actually mix myself up because i’m so accustomed to writing about / with his deck that i forget he isn’t canon , which . hello , hori ? do it . now . puppeteer and analyzer spin off WHEN !?@trickry​​  ❤︎  you’re lucky i’m putting you on here because i literally hovered over your blog just to double check things like i did with everyone else’s and i got met with that stupid header oh my go — ( but follow hunni actually )@thuskindlyiscatter​​  ❤︎  what do you mean ruby isn’t a canon bnha character ( august just ended but i’m extending it . today is august 37th . so you have to follow august during this month . )@rdriots​​  ❤︎  you know how sometimes you just associate a mun or muse with one another ? like , if you thought of the name tooru , a lot of people would think of me ? i think of kiri and one of the first blogs that comes into mind is this one , because leo’s kiri is just that iconic .@viperot​​  ❤︎  don’t follow if you don’t want madoka to release 10 , 000 snakes into your muse’s house . actually it doesn’t matter , they’re going to do it anyway . i hear their reviews on yelp are awful , though :(  in all seriousness , lemon is one of the best muns i know out there . they’re naturally just a great person . #geminisolidarity@scartar​​  ❤︎  i would kill for zander . like . literally . i would kill for zander . seeing zander on my dash brings me so much unbridled joy … also they’re the person who likes every single one of your posts , get THAT kind of support in your life tbh .@quirkedit​  /  @heartslight​​  ❤︎  sparky log onto your monoma . sparky log onto your monoma . log onto your monoma , sparky . sp@ondespair​​  /  @onfaith​  ❤︎  who is this man i don’t know him he just randomly appeared on this blog rec and definitely does not have a super well - thought out and developed oc .@killslove​​  ❤︎  rose logged onto his himiko yesterday and i am still screaming about it more than 24 hours later … but honestly , rose puts SOOOOOO SO SO SO SO much thought into how himiko works as a character , and that makes me happy because i also wrote / psychoanalyzed her for a brief moment and tbh rose ? articulates all of that research into a well fleshed out and believable interpretation of her .@creatied​​  ❤︎  i went to type in the url but then just typed in ‘ maddy ’ like an idiot . but yeah . maddy . she’s beauty she’s grace she loves momo so much and you can very much tell . she isn’t super active rn and that’s understandable but whenever she does post i am heart eyes !@implosiveexplosive​​  ❤︎  HONESTLY JUST LOOK AT JAY’S WRITING AND TELL ME YOU WOULDN’T FOLLOW OH MY GOD IT’S GORGEOUS@boydazzle​​  ❤︎  egg est un auteur magnifique ! aussi … voulez-vous du fromage ? :)@keiuu​​  ❤︎  QUEENIE IS LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE this isn’t even my opinion it’s literally a FACT  thank you goodBYE@aerve​​  ❤︎  can you tell i’m writing so much i’m running out of things to say without just repeating 20239 times that everyone is amazing ( which they are ) anyway coral is one of said people who i can use a billion adjectives to describe positively and yet my brain is churning out none . but coral ? valid . so valid . also gr8 art amazing beautiful wondrous@halfher​​  ❤︎  i think out of everyone here , kaien is the person who has known me the longest … honestly kaien has the skill to be a full - fledged published author at this point and you can’t convince me otherwise . i’ve seen them improve and grow in the 3 or so years between when we first interacted and now … i’m so proud of them tbh !@juuheart​​  ❤︎  i love notay the canon bleach character bUT ALSO NIQUE STOP HURTING HER !! >:((( but also follow nique so you can become attached to notay and yell every time nique hurts her — KJSFFNSDJK@negatiiv​​  ❤︎  hands down one of the most well - done / well - executed oc’s on here . there’s so much development that’s gone on with emi , it’s unbelievable . but also [ naruto vc ] believe it@anquished​​  ❤︎  jihoon is my son and izuku is tooru’s son need i say more i mean really … but also jihoon writes such a unique take on izuku and i love his portrayal so much @faulterd  ❤︎   rOWAN’S MOMO IS SO AMAZING IT’S LIKE I’M READING EVERY INTERACTION STRAIGHT FROM THE MANGA ITSELF !!!@quirkthief  ❤︎  oh my god i’m posting all of these blogs in the reverse order that i followed them from and i literally had to go through 700 followers to finally find connor all the way in the first few hundred i followed after making the blog … how long … is that … how lONG HAVE I KNOWN CONNOR ?! but existential crisis aside , connor’s afo is like … the one canon afo for me lmao . i could write a huge tangent on how much i appreciate him but honestly if you follow him and talk to him you’ll know already . but also be warned cause you’re basically already going to be placed in the afo cult and there’s no escaping please help me i—@greaterhero  /  @conhnhaketon  ❤︎   i literally had to find an excuse to put ro on this because they’re not even an anime blog and they hate the b.nha fandom ( hecking valid if you ask me ) but i want to put them here anyway because you need to follow ro … how are you following me but not them … okay but for real , they’re smart n kind n super fun to talk to ! love forever … and also huge respect tbh …@mightyfrail  ❤︎   a wonderful wonderful all might honestly hsdfjs i’ve been following this blog for soooo long it’s literally … illegal that we’ve yet to interact what the heckie … but yeah , all might is a trans icon there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise 
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