#anyways: watch the ultimatum queer love for MESSY lesbian drama
ikosburneraccount · 1 year
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May 26: Fic Planning and Reality TV Watching
I'm so sleepy. Going to sleep soon.
I got a coffee and did some planning after work and it was really fun. I love planning fic so much. Writing it, eh, maybe I can do without that. Just plan things, and when they're all outlined, move on to the next thing.
I'm at a place with my Blake Siblings piece where I have almost nothing else I need to do other than start writing. I want to immerse myself in some more inspiration, and I want to do a bit of additional outlining/pre-writing for scene one: just make sure I know exactly what I need to include. And I suppose I should re-write my outline since a lot has changed since I wrote the original one and I use outlines to help me mark progress etc. I realize that sounds like sort of a long list but it really isn't. And writing this fic... should not be scary because I'm the only one who will ever read it, probably, and so it shouldn't matter how it turns out as long as it's fun for me--but it absolutely is scary because I really don't know...what the style/tone of it is going to be or how to balance the elements of the fusion.
Anyway. I have a 3-day weekend so I should maybe be able to find some time for writing or at least writing-related work, right?
Since coming home, I've been doing nothing but browsing tumblr and watching The Ultimatum: Queer Love. Impressions so far: what it lacks in reality show Drama and messiness it makes up for in generally likeable characters (except Vanessa who is growing real old real fast). Also I'm in love with Xander a little. Just like a smidge.
I do wish the show had more... I'm going to say queer social issues or queer history in it, for lack of better terms. It has probably the least amount of Specifically Lesbian Culture it can get away with and still be a show with a cast full of lesbians and queer people. Like they cannot tone it down any more for the straights or make it any more "broadly relatable." There was about .04 seconds where one person talked about their complex relationship with the concept of marriage because of how long they'd been shut out of the institution and I was like YES MORE OF THIS but then they just went on to other topics nearly immediately. Like, I want to hear discussions about societal expectations, about gender roles and presentations, about children (there is some of this but mostly in the context of people who want kids talking logistics), about non-traditional relationship structures--if they've never been in them, they know people who have, I am positive of that. It's too obviously, consciously made to be palatable to heteros.
But it's enjoyable and I already like it more than the hetero-version (plagued by the toxicity of a lot of its cast and the inevitability of its outcomes) and I'll continue watching.
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