#anyways. if youre seeing this and youre in my server. go ping me n hop in vc
ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Insert Spiderman Meme Here
Fandom: Marvel (Twitch Gamer AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Summary: You're livestreaming Among Us for Twitch and you come across another person who's doing the same thing and they also happen to be your favorite gamer??? Whaaaat?
A/N: Based off my post here.
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“Hello everyone!” you greeted your viewers that were hopping onto your livestream. You used your split screen feature to show that you were hopping onto Among Us, but you were also to be seen as well. 
“So like I said on my instagram story, I will be playing Among Us. Soooo let’s see how this goes!” 
You typed in your twitch username as your name for your avatar. You then tapped onto a server with seven people. You were assigned the color cyan and you went to pick out your accessory, “What should I wear, peeps? Should I wear a plunger? Oh, how about the flower? Wait! The cowboy hat! Save a horse, ride a cowboy,” you snickered at your statement. 
“Okay. Let’s do this!” you watched as the countdown started and you were assigned to be a crewmate. 
You looked at your list of tasks and proceeded to head to the admin first to swipe your card. Several other people did the same and you caught sight of a username you know, “Hey! BorkyBarks! i wonder if that’s actually him. Anyway, I’m gonna keep going.” your little cyan character went towards electrical and you found lime green dead. You immediately report and you’re all brought to an emergency meeting. 
Many players immediately ask, “Where?”
And you reply, “In electrical. Went fix wires and found lime. Didn’t see anyone else.”
The yellow character, whose username was MacnCheese, asked, “Wait, are you actually Y/N the twitch streamer?”
You look into your camera and shrugged, “Should I tell them the truth?” you read the chat on the side and saw many people say yes, so you did, “Lol yeah. It’s me. I’m streaming right now. Say hi!”
The users say hi and the supposed BorkyBarks exclaimed, “WAIT. I’M STREAMING TOO!” 
And then you craned your neck, looking at the game chat, “WAIT, YOU’RE REALLY BORKYBARKS?!”
“Lol yeah!”
You quickly pull out your phone and tap onto the twitch app, typing in BorkyBarks and see he’s streaming too. 
You quickly type, “LOL THIS IS WILD!” and then tap on skip since everyone else was doing so. 
“Alright. I’m gonna finish these tasks.” you travelled to electrical to do your long task. You did the wiring there, then moved to admin, then while in the middle of fixing the cafeteria wiring, a meeting is called. 
Black, whose username was sndnoods, said, “I SAW ORANGE VENT!”
To which orange replied, “whaddahex i didnt vent!”
“Hmmmm...,” you pursed you lips and narrowed your eyes, “Should I vote for black or orange?”
You read the chat and got more replies on black than orange, so you voted for black. While waiting for everyone else, you asked, “Hey, Borky, you almost done with tasks?”
He replied, “Yeah. I got two more.”
Then you responded, “Wanna stick together when you’re done?”
So, black got voted off and he wasn’t the imposter. So the game continued. You went to finish the wiring in the cafeteria, and then empty the garbage shoot in O2. Lastly, you had to go to weapons and shoot debris.
While you were in the middle of it, a death was reported. 
Orange was dead, so that meant they weren’t the imposter either. Some people left the game, so it was only five of you now. You and Bucky as Cyan and Blue, then brown, red, and green. 
Brown said that red was looking sus and green agreed. It seemed like there was a consensus so all of you voted for red, but red was taking a while to vote. So in the meantime, you chatted to Bucky.
“Can I just say that you’re one of my favorite twitch gamer?”
To which he replied, “No way! Same here!”
And then he added, “I meant, you’re my favorite twitch gamer too. lol.”
Then you said, “[insert spiderman meme here]”
Your phone started blowing up with notifications from twitter, so you quickly checked it out.
meesaisamessa: wait, ngl, bucky and y/n would make a really cute gamer couple. i ship it.
Meanwhile on Bucky’s end....
“Oh my god, oh my god,” he cups his round, bearded cheeks and stares at his computer screen and then his camera, “I’m Y/N’s favorite gamer? What? How? I-” he pauses to chuckle in disbelief, “This is so crazy, guys. I’ve been following Y/N’s twitch career from the beginning. They’re an awesome player and so cool and I’M their favorite gamer?! So fucking unreal!”
The meeting ends and, obviously, red is voted off, but isn’t the imposter. 
Bucky’s finished with his tasks, so he goes to follow you to watch you finish your tasks. He wipes his hands on his tshirt that hugs his round belly, “I’m suddenly nervous and I don’t even know why. I’m not, like, actually meeting Y/N, so I don’t know why my hands are super sweaty now. Heh.”
You finish in weapons and he thinks that’s your last task since you start just roaming around. When you get to storage, the doors suddenly shut in front of Bucky and he’s freaking out, “Oh no! Y/N!” he starts running around in circles waiting for the doors to open and when they do, he rushes inside to find your dead body, “OH NO! Y/N!” he reports your body and then types, “I WILL AVENGE YOU Y/N!” and then added, “also they were found in storage. I was with them, but got locked out and when the doors opened, they were dead.”
“It’s gotta be brown.” Green said and Brown immediately defended themselves, “No! It’s Green! They’ve been faking tasks!”
Bucky groaned, “Shit, I don’t know who to choose. Guys, help.”
The chat started blowing up with different people saying Brown or Green, but a lot of people were saying green. 
“Alright, I’m trusting you guys!” he votes green and then the Victory screen appears. 
“Aaayyee! We did it!” when he’s back in the lobby, he immediately goes into the chat, “Y/N, I AVENGED YOU!”
You replied, “lmao! thank you! green was a punk for that!”
He smiled at the screen and then checked the chatbox:
greenmeansgtfo: tell them you love them! lol!
thatspideyguy: Dude, go for it. Message them!
He snorts, “We don’t even know each other, guys! I don’t wanna be creepy and shit!”
He reads the incoming messages of encouragement and then throws his hands up in the air, “Fine!” he picks up his phone and pulls up his twitter. He knows you two are mutuals, so he goes into your DMs and types up, “Hi. I know we’ve been following each other for a while, but I figured I’d give a proper greeting, not on the livestream.” when he’s done typing, he looks at his camera, “There, I did it, guys. I don’t think they’ll-”
He looks down at his phone to see that you replied and his eyes widened, “I stand corrected!”
The two of you proceed to make your own Among Us server. Bucky is the host and he sends you the code. As soon as you’re in, he opens it up to the public and people start pouring in. You two play for another hour before you have to go. 
You leave him a DM saying, “That was fun! We should play again sometime! Let me know! xxx-xxx-xxxx”
And it was the start of a beautiful friendship. 
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markleespitsbars · 5 years
Three Years
Written for: Anon
Pairing: Johnny x Reader
Includes: Fluff, fluff, and more fluff; Johnny is handsy but in the best way; shameless displays of affection
Word Count:1.4k
Summary: After two—now three—years of being together, Y/N would expect their boyfriend to make some time for them on their anniversary. But, because of his busy schedule, they always tend to find themselves alone on this most important day. Johnny, however, isn’t going to let it stand any longer.
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You rolled over in bed, sighing at the time that displayed on your small alarm clock. It was nearly evening, and you still had not received a single word from Johnny since the quick “happy anniversary” text he had sent you at midnight.
It wasn’t that he had forgotten, he just... couldn’t participate due to his schedule. And, while you understood that, it did nothing to help the pricking of pain at your heart as the time ticked on while you sat in bed alone.
But, just as all hope seemed to be lost, a quiet ping started a thrumming in your heart as you scrambled to grab your phone from your nightstand.
Johnny: Be ready in ten <3
You couldn’t hold back the excited squeal that burst out of you at seeing the text. Just those four words had shoved the light back inside you, had caused you to hop out of bed with a pep in your step as you bounded to your closet to find something to wear.
Johnny had said to be ready in ten, so it wasn’t as if he expected you to look spectacular. Being short on time, you opted for something more comfortable, nuzzling yourself into the soft fabric of your favorite hoodie. You were just finishing up brushing your teeth when you heard keys jingle in your front door.
You quickly spat out the water you were rinsing with, drying your face and meeting Johnny in the living room. “What hit you on the way here?” you asked, stepping close to him and observing the way that his dark hair fell over his face in thick bundles, how his forehead was beaded with a thin line of sweat.
“I ran, Y/N,” he admitted, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “You know I’m never too far away, and my car’s been here all day so I couldn’t take it.”
You smiled. He never ceased to amaze you with how much care he put into being by your side, even with the pressures of his group on his shoulders. “You told me to get ready,” you said, grabbing onto his sleeves and trying to gently wrestle his hands out of his pockets. “What’s that about?”
“It’s our anniversary, baby,” he replied. “I want to spend time with you.”
“And no one cared that you left practice early?”
He grinned, looking up in thought. “I might have had to convince Taeyong to cover for me, but they won’t miss me. I only have two lines in this song, anyways.”
You hummed in disbelief, finally managing to get his hands out of his pockets as you held onto them tightly. “SM doesn’t know what they’re missing,” you say, squeezing his hands. “More for me, though.”
He leaned down to press a quick kiss on your forehead, his hands snaking their way out of yours to reach back into his pockets and grab his keys. “Come on. I want to make it before they close,” he said, cocking his head to the side for you to follow him as he turned and walked back to the door.
“They?” you asked, intrigued. “Who’s they?”
He opened the front door, letting you leave first with a grand gesture of his arm. “You’ll see. It’s nothing crazy.”
You weren’t quite sure what Johnny had meant by “nothing crazy.” The building he had pulled up to—in his car, this time—was nothing short of palace-like. Without even giving you time to process it, he had gotten out of his side of the car and was walking around the hood to open the door for you.
“Aren’t we a bit underdressed?” you asked, stepping out and marveling at the glass windows, marble walls, and wooden furnishings inside. Surely, you and Johnny were meant to be more upscale.
He shrugged, closing the car door and grabbing your hand to walk you inside. “I don’t think there’s a dress code.”
“If I had known it was this fancy, Johnny...”
He shushed you, tugging you closer to his body as you approached the door of the too-grandiose café. “Quiet, Y/N. You’re beautiful.”
The two of you walked inside, and Johnny happily greeted the workers as they gathered up their menus, plates, and utensils to bring to the table you chose.
You fiddled with the sleeves of your hoodie as he ordered for the both of you, your favorite drink already a staple in the back of his mind. “Hey,” he said, grabbing your attention. “Three years, huh?”
You smiled lightly, your lips quirking upwards at the idea. “Three years,” you repeated breathlessly.
Johnny chuckled, tugging you into his side. “Best three years of my life.”
“Really? I would have figured your years as a rookie were far better,” you teased, gazing up at him with admiration. Even after a full day of rehearsal, Johnny never once let the work of the day bother him. He was bright, chipper, calm, and collected, and he never failed to make you feel your happiest.
“Are you kidding?” Johnny asked incredulously, dramatically holding you as if his life depended on it. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You know that.”
It was hard to hear those words come out of Johnny’s mouth. All of the wonderful things that had happened to him in the past decade, and he considered you to be the best thing? He must have noticed your hesitation, quickly releasing you and instead choosing to hold your hands in his. “Y/N,” he started, tightening his grip on you and looking at you intensely, “you’re all I want.”
You smiled at the kind gesture, giving his hands a squeeze in response. Over his shoulder, you noticed one of the servers walking over with a warm cup of coffee and a steaming cappuccino. She set them down in front of you, bowing politely and making her way back to the kitchen to give you space. Mouth watering, you quickly picked up the cappuccino and blew on the steam to cool it down, bringing it to your lips. “It’s good,” you marveled, savoring the taste of the coffee.
Johnny started giggling, eyes curling and teeth shining in a bright smile. You stared at him, confused. “You have—” He couldn’t even get the words out through his heavy laughter. “There’s foam on your mouth.”
Your eyes widened as you scrambled to smudge it off, but you just managed to smear it all over the corners of your lips. Johnny kept cackling, your panic too adorable for him to handle. He gently rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie, licking his thumb and reaching out to wipe the cream from your mouth. “Did you get it?” you asked him as he cleaned his finger off on the napkin beside his coffee cup.
He glanced at you with a flirtatious glint in his eye. “If I say no, do I get to kiss you?”
“It’s been three years. You can kiss me whenever you’d like,” you say to him, and he brought you closer to him, swiftly cutting off the distance between your lips in a single move. Your lips moved with his like they were made for each other, and you couldn’t help the smile that rose on your face as he held you softly against him. “Thank you, Johnny,” you murmured against his lips, eyes still shut. It was still quite hard to believe that the man in front of you was yours, especially when he did things like this: simple acts of affection that, no matter how much you would protest, always came before his responsibilities in NCT.
“Anything for you,” he whispered back, clutching the side of your face in his hand. “I love you, Y/N.”
“And I love you, Johnny.”
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