#anywayssss that's all for tonight i'm off to bed gn gn!
it has been a long day and a longer week and i would like to say that if I hear another person saying something along the lines of "ugh i hate men" "ugh men suck" "i can't believe i'm attracted to men" etc I will be fighting them ON SIGHT
men are not bad. masculinity is not bad. THEY ARE NOT BAD. men and masculinity are a gift to this world actually.
"i hate all men except queer men-" and i'm gonna stop you right there. still fucking awful to say. you think you can tell who's queer or not? what if they are straight passing? or cis passing? or allo passing? what then? AND EVEN IF THEY ARE CISALLOHET THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM ANY WORSE
seriously there's this stupid idea that cis/allo/het people are somehow "worse" than everyone else and it doesn't make any sense. like come on, just because someone isn't in your community makes them not as good as you? just because they might not immediately understand that makes them bad?
trans men are good. cis men are good. hetero men are good. gay men are good. mspec men are good. allo men are good. aro men are good. ace men are good. we are not "predatory" or "evil" or "bad." we're just existing.
i love masculinity for myself and i love it for other people and I LOVE MEN. MEN ARE GOOD AND THEY DESERVE JUST AS MUCH LOVE AS ANYONE ELSE.
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hotpinkstars · 9 days
hello hello! for the reqs, how about helping kafka get ready for one of those fancier missions? just some sweet intimacy (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
FANCY! - kafka x reader
- helping kafka get ready for a more fancy mission.
- I LOVE TJIS GN. i'm so crazy about kafka i need her to have a rerun rn!!!!! anywayssss this request is so fluffy i love it sm. thank u anon, and enjoy!!
- slight mentions of murder and theft, besides that pure fluff. wc 970
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It was, once again, time for Kafka to leave off for a mission.
You’ve gotten used to this schedule, but you got to keep her a little later today. She didn’t have to be at the banquet hall until 9:00 at night, giving you two the whole day. When the clock hit around 8:00, she hurried into your shared room to put on her dress of choice. 
It was a plum colored dress, very similar to her hair. Instead of the updo her hair was usually in, she decided to leave it down, but she wanted help styling it while she did her makeup.
“Dearest, would you come here?” She called, your footsteps taking you from the other room into the bedroom.
“Yeah? What's up?” You asked, tossing your phone onto the plush bed before standing behind her. “That dress is gorgeous. Suits you well.”
She smiled. “Thank you. I just need help styling my hair for tonight. I don’t know if it should be flat-ironed or curled.”
You hummed, going into the bathroom to grab some supplies. You grabbed both the curling iron and the flat iron, taking some heat protectant so her luscious hair doesn’t fry. 
“How does flat ironing sound? I think it’ll look nice with the dress style. Pair it with some gold eyeshadow and gold jewelry, too,” you stated, running your hands through her hair, applying heat protectant.
She nodded, applying a light coat of foundation while keeping her eye on the time. “Straightening it sounds fine. I barely do it, anyways.”
So you got to work, taking fine care of each strand and going over them a couple times to make the look perfect. She was applying makeup, occasionally chatting with you about little things, or joking about her look. 
You were going over her hair a second time, making sure that all ends and pieces were not missed. 
“So, what's this mission even about anyways? Or is it top-secret?” You smiled, lightly prying. “I won’t tell a soul about it, I swear on my whole life.”
She giggled, looking at you through the mirror. “Jail worthy, as usual. But I won’t get caught. It’s to steal a jewel that Elio needs and wrote in the script. I know exactly how to be successful.”
You nodded. “As long as you don’t kill too many people… but anyways, who’s going with you this time? This seems too nice to have Silver Wolf assist you. Is it solo, or is Blade going with you?”
“Just Bladie. He’s going to be there for a distraction, anyways. I’ll throw him in the middle so everyone will pay attention to him,” she joked, pulling a laugh from you. “But, in all seriousness, he’s necessary to complete the job.”
You were still paying attention to her hair, careful not to leave any strand under the heat for too long. 
“Which gold would look better? The one from this pallet, or this one?” She held out two pallets, one with a more glittery gold, and one that’s a lighter, more toned down version that doesn’t have all of the sparkles. You took another look at her dress before picking which one would look the nicest. 
She nodded, applying the shade of choice. You liked times like this- times where you both could be with each other without conflict waiting to arise, times where she’s not trying to keep away from bounty hunters, and times where there's no tension or anxiety coursing through her veins. This was a moment of peace, where you could both drop your worries and relax for even just a few minutes (in this case, a system hour). 
“Finished! How do you like your hair?” You stepped back, shutting the flat iron off and unplugging it from the side of the wall. She ran her hands through the strands, nodding in approval before smiling at herself through the mirror. 
“It looks nice. It goes well with the dress style. Good call.”
You smiled, happy that she likes the look. You put everything back, allowing her to finish up her makeup. 
When you re-entered the room, you pulled out a couple pairs of high heels for her to pick from. There were varieties of colors- white, nude, silver, gold, black, you name it. She stood up, looking over the selection.
“If you’re going to wear gold jewelry, and you have gold eye makeup on, wear the gold pair of heels. Trust me, it will balance out everything just perfectly!” You advised. You sounded so passionate, leaving a gentle smile painted on the stellaron hunters face. She picked the heels up and put them on, spinning around in the mirror to make sure they fit nicely and feel good to walk in. 
You took some jewelry out of the jewelry box, presenting her with a couple of nice gold necklaces and rings, topped off with a pair of pretty earrings that match the same theme. She chose one of the necklaces and two rings, sliding the rings on and having you put the necklace on. She put the earrings on before toying with her hair, throwing it over her shoulders to hang off her head, spilling onto her back. 
“You’re beautiful, Kafka,” you mumbled, in slight awe of how gorgeous she looked right now. She giggled. “Thank you, dear. I wish you could come with, but it’s too dangerous. I wouldn’t want to risk you being kidnapped, hurt, or killed.”
You nodded, sitting down on the bed. The time hit 8:45, and she walked over to you.
“I better head out now, but I should be back by tomorrow morning,” She said, smiling. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Kafka,” you replied, giving her a long kiss on the lips before escorting her out the door.
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