#anywayyyyyyy ahaha
catboyfurina · 11 months
my early childhood education class is really driving home the developmental in developmental disability.... like i knew thats what adhd is classified as but they just keep dropping skill after skill that are standard for Small Children that i do not have D:
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tysegs · 6 years
LMAO i’m sorry i was looking on here to see if you made one but i didn’t see anything but i just assumed you did, my bad oooooops but basically i said 3 times that vgk would beat the kings in 4 games instead of making one 5 or 6 so not good but anywayyyyyyy my bad ahaha
don’t be sorry, i’m just behind i guess lmao i’ve seen a bunch of people post about it!!! but i think i understand what you mean now, and uh oh
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e-cce-homo · 7 years
OMG sienna, I had no idea that you had posted so I never checked the blog, I got so excited when I saw you had written something hahaha. 
Dude, wow, yeah... so much as changed since we first started this blog. I just remember when I was in Copenhagen speaking with you, I think that was the summer when we first started the blog... I was in the basement of the apartment complex we were staying in and I was sitting on a random empty mattress speaking with you about GUESS WHO ... Omg i blanked on his name. 
Right, SAM 
LOL. Yeah, i remember you telling me how much you liked him, how you hadn’t felt that way about someone in a long time (or had never felt that way about someone.. I can’t remember). And I was probably obsessed with some random boy at the time that I can’t even remember the name of now. Lollllllllll. So much has changed man. Sometimes I forget I was even in Copenhagen. It’s crazy because I remember when I initially left, like in the first six months after I left and returned to the States... I was thinking that I would miss that place forever. I didn’t think there would ever be a day that I wouldn’t miss Copenhagen and Iceland. My experiences left such an impression on me, and all I wanted to do was to go back, to visit the cities that I loved so so much...places gave me so much growth and exposed me to so much beauty...the most beautiful things I had ever seen in my life...  
But the crazy thing is, the feeling did pass... and if I’m really honest, I don’t miss Cope/Iceland very often anymore. Of course when I think about it, I miss it, but it’s not like before when I would think about cope/Iceland several times every day and have this longggggingggg to go back. Part of me is like, dang, isn’t that kind of sad? I was so sure that I was utterly in love with these cities, that I would never forget them and never stop missing them. But now, it’s not even something on my mind unless I am reminded of it by some external source. Of course, if I really delve into the memories and read my old journal posts that I wrote while I was studying abroad, some of the feelings will come back... But it’s just not the completely same feeling. It’s not this pure, wide-eyed, perhaps naive love. It’s a love that’s a little more wise. It’s a love that looks back on past Jess with a little cringe. Ahaha. A large part of the reason I loved Cope was because I loved being able to drink on the streets and club and meet blonde-haired boys, but those are all things I either can do legally here now, or things that I don’t have interest in anymore (e.g. blonde-haired boys #canttrustwhitepeople)
So yeah, dat growth doe… lol. It’s a very beautiful thing, and I have to take time to give myself credit. A pat on the back. A tight hug from me to me. Some extra rest, some extra water. Gotta treat my body and mind well, because really, they’ve taken me quite far in life. I am thankful for my legs for carrying me and supporting me, my mind for its wisdom and direction, my heart for its passion and empathy, my body for its relentless work even when I’ve treated it poorly.
Anywayyyyyyy back to #reallife, DUDE WHAT Janae tho?????????????????????? Wtf?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? Like… wat????? I can’t believe she was complaining about you. She called you stupid and mean? Lmao im in such disbelief. She is a terrible roommate and you’ve only listened to her talk about her issues and put up with her annoying ass voice. Lol. Ok jk I know she is going through her own stuff. But yeah, still, she cannot be complaining about you when she never does the dishes. Lol. Wow. What??? Sigh. You deserve so much better.. How much longer do you have to live with her? Def just stay at kyle’s, I’m very glad you at least have somewhere to go. And I’m glad to hear you guys are doing well together J <3 I know you don’t’ like to cause any shit, and honestly it’s not worth it with Janae. so I guess just let it ride out… until you finally have your own place <3 What’s the address on Catherine?
I miss you lots too, I miss all your wisdom and hearing about all the interesting shit that happens in your life hahaha. I think you’d find everything in Taiwan really interesting and cool. I think it’d actually be a good living environment for you because it’s relaxing (has a very chill, non-judgmental vibe) but still exciting, and people are super warm and many of them genuinely care for you.
I am super happy we can talk this way, and I still am always here for you. There’s still so much other stuff to say lol but I kinda just want to post this now so you can read it I will finish it later lol
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