#anzu has a crush on yami for the longest
fat-butch-dyke · 2 years
The implication that yugi will always be second place to atem in everyone's mind makes me aaaaaaa
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Yugi Mutou?
Do I Like Them: I adore Yugi so much. He’s been my favorite male anime character for years. Set the standard, pretty much. 
5 Good Qualities: Empathetic as heck. Selfless as heck. Dedicated to his friends as heck. Strategic as heck – more so than even the Pharaoh, tbh. Forgiving as heck but will END YOU if you try to hurt his friends – inspirational. 
3 Bad Qualities: Sometimes his pacifistic tendencies let people walk over him too much (until they bring his friends into it, THEN he stands up to them – which is good and also relatable, but I wish I’d both he and I would stand up for ourselves more). Not good with telling fangirls ‘No’ to their flirtations. And while he got better, at one point he did deny the importance of his feelings compared to the importance of his friends’ feelings (which is misguided, even if good-intention-ed).
Favorite Episode/Etc.,: One of my all time favorite Yugi moments is the Dungeon Dice Arc in the manga, chapters 134 to 145, which the anime bungled horribly. In it, the Millennium Puzzle is shattered and Yugi is on his own dueling Otogi to win the Millennium Puzzle back. Talk about his time to shine… showing how quickly he can adapt and strategize to an unfamiliar game and dedicate himself to winning because a friend’s on the line. Also he worries about the effects shattering the Millennium Puzzle has on the Pharaoh throughout. Its also an eerily memorable moment that Yami Bakura pops in to encourage him in this weird ‘enemy mine’ kind of moment, saying he’s the true recipient of the Millennium Puzzle (aka kinda validating Yugi’s place in this huge chain of destiny other characters *coughKaibacough* constantly deny or belittle.) Then the fact that it ends with him rebuilding the puzzle in a burning building and SUCCEEDING in the limited time frame he has when it took him EIGHT YEARS to build it the first time. I’m so proud of him. 
OTP: Yugi’s the Launcher of a Thousand Ships, but I usually ship him with either Anzu (Peachshipping) or Heartshipping (Ryou). Anzu and Yugi have childhood friendship going for them, and even with Anzu’s crush on Atem, her bond with Yugi is stronger than most people, even herself, realize. Atem himself ships them, and really what more confirmation do I need? As for Heartshipping, Ryou deserves an extreme amount of support and care from his ordeals and Yugi is in the best position to understand what he went through (to a point) and he and Yugi share so many hobbies that finding common ground to build upon is easy. 
BroTP: Jonouchi and Atem, so much. He’s more or less the freaking light of Jonouchi’s life and holy crap they go 150% on each other’s behalf (manga chapters 11 & 12 when they rescue each other from Hirutani’s gang come to mind.) As for Atem, their brotp is the cornerstone of the show? Their bond is so strong and they reassure each other of their doubts and despite all the detsiny drama they still stay up all night like goofs editing their deck? Effing adorable. Also there’s a lot to be said for the fact that even though the temptation is there for them to shrug responsibilities they have to stay together forever (which can have co-dependent vibes), they acknowledge it and let each other grow in a healthy way until it’s time for them to separate. 
OT3: Anzu/Yugi/Ryou. When conflicted about otps, make it an ot3 as the saying goes. XD Seriously, they work ludicrously well together and make for an extremely supportive ship, both in pushing each other out of their comfort zones at a manageable and healthy pace and also just being happy and adventurous. 
NoTP: Pretty much Yugi with anyone who has ever abused him, belittled him, betrayed him, or hurt him utterly. Namely Insector Haga, Yami Marik, Kaiba, etc., etc.,
Best Quote: “I wish for friends, friends who would never betray me, no matter what… and friends whom I would never betray!” The wish that started it all. It’s my favorite despite all of Yugi’s wisdom and humor because, like, he GOT it. Both in the Pharaoh’s presence and that of his friends. Plus, it kinda gutted me that like, for the longest time, only he and Atem had any idea what the wish was. Then the memory arc happened and Jonouchi, Anzu, and Honda finally realized what Yugi wished for back in the day. And you could argue they didn’t even become friends just because of the wish, but because Jonouchi CHOSE to return the piece of the puzzle he took from Yugi so Yugi could finish it. With or without the wish, Yugi still got what he dearly wanted and needed, but because of it he reached his full potential and became such an amazing character. 
Headcanon: I headcanon that his hair is actually absurdly soft, and as he gets older he starts tying it back more in a low ponytail. Then as he takes over the Kame Game Shop, little kid fans of his adore him and give him hair clips and he’s too nice to not accept them and the next thing you know he’s got like 20 hair clips keeping his bangs out of his eyes and his ponytail in place. His friends think it’s sweet and hilarious. I’ve actually seen this illustrated here and here (go support the artist). I also headcanon that while he still remains to be a bit of a Perky Goth in fashion sense, he does mellow out and start wearing more casual clothing with less accessories as he becomes more confident in who he is and what he wants out of life. 
Hope those answers were good! I didn’t mean for them to get that long, but oh well. XD Can’t expect me not to gush about a favorite, right?
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kelekiahshadya · 8 years
Valentine Fandom Meme
I’m eternally late to the game since Valentine’s Day was a week and a half ago, but I saw this ask meme, and I couldn’t help myself. Since I never get asks, I’ve decided that I’m going to treat it like a meme on its own. Taken from courierhawk’s reblog; original questions from thevirdirthara. Also, apologies in advance. I use a mix of dub/sub names.
Your favorite non-canon ship?
Considering there’s only one, maybe two ACTUAL canon ships, just about any of my ships are valid, though there are slightly more canon ships if you look at the anime instead of the manga. That being said, Polar (MaiXJoey) is probably my favorite non-canon ship. I know, I know, age difference and it’s not present in the manga and blah blah blah, but I don’t care. I love Polar to death.
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Thorn (AnzuXYamiMarik) is a ship I never would’ve considered ever because I don’t ship Yami Marik with anyone, but one fic on fanfiction.net caught my attention, and my secret love for Thorn was born. Honestly, though, it has to be extremely specific circumstances for me to ship this—pretty much only if Yami Marik is human.
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
Probably Timid (SerenityXYugi). I’m not certain I’ve ever seen content for this ship anywhere. I’m surprised I even know its name. But if I think about it too long, it becomes super cute. A close tie might be Soft (SerenityXRyou) because it is also quite cute. I like cute things.
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Death (YamiMarikXRyou) and Puppy (SetoXJoey). As I said before, I can’t pair Yami Marik with anyone (except Anzu under special human circumstances), and even if I did, Ryou would be one of the last people I’d choose. Under certain circumstances, like years later when they’re both adults, I can maybe see Seto and Joey EVENTUALLY getting along, but as far as I’m concerned, Puppy is not a ship that would ever work. Just, no.
What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
With the power of fanfic, I can make any ship fluffy and happy. As far as pure canon is concerned, I don’t think one exists. So, with the power of my fanfic abilities, I declare that the fluffiest and happiest ship I have is Sibling (SerenityXMokuba). There might be a little angst in this relationship just because their brothers don’t get along, BUT! These two are precious fluffy babies.
What is your most angsty ship?
With the power of fanfic, I can make any ship angsty XD AUs are a particular specialty of mine in this case. Combining both canon with possible AUs, I’d have to say Manipula (AnzuXMarik) just because, canonically, there’s a lot of potential bad blood between them because of what Marik did to her and Joey and Yugi, and Marik’s not exactly a goody-two-shoes either.
A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Sibling because I consider Peach (AnzuXYugi) almost canon, and Sibling is almost the next best thing. I mean, I do ship her with Duke and Tristan, both of which are kinda canon if you look at the manga and anime respectively, but I love Sibling too much to ignore it in this question.
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
Peach was my first OTP in the YuGiOh franchise, and I still ship it to this day.
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Peach again. I think the most important part of a romantic relationship is friendship. If you’re not besties with your significant other, then I don’t believe the relationship will work out as well. I want to be able to be myself around my significant other, and I want to be understood by them. I feel like Peach embodies this well.
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
I have never been nor will ever be super comfortable with yaoi and yuri ships, but they’re not so bad as to make my skin crawl, but incest will forever make me sick, and so will pedophilia. NO THANK YOU.
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Surprise, surprise, it’s Joey. Blame it on the lack of female characters available in YuGiOh, but I have only ever shipped him with Mai. The only way Joey gets any love in my writing/headcanons is if there are OCs involved, assuming he’s not already paired with Mai.
What is your favorite canon ship?
Rose (CeceliaXPegasus). I’m super sad that it ended so badly in canon because they are adorable, and one of my ultimate favorite YGO pairing fanarts is for this ship.
Name a ship that deserved more content.
Peach if only because I want to see them actually get together. I think that because friendship is a super focus of YuGiOh as a whole, we got a lot less romantic content than we otherwise might have liked, but that’s okay with me. That’s why fanfiction/fanart exists XD
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
Depends on what corner of the fandom you’re in. I personally hate it when people hate on Anzu, no matter the ship she might be in, especially when they hate on her in favor of their yaoi pairings. That’s super unfair to Anzu as a character since she’s awesome and one of my favorite female characters of all time.
What is the first ship you had?
I already mentioned this in the oldest ship question, but I’ll say it again—Peach.
Is there a ship that made you realize something about yourself?
I don’t know if I can cite a specific ship, but shipping in YuGiOh is what made me realize that I like character/ship potential almost more than I like ships themselves, hence why I multiship. Because of this realization and multishipping in YuGiOh, I’ve been able to extend that to other fandoms, especially Harry Potter.
Is there a type of ship you always go for?
Depends on the situation. I’m a sucker for strong female characters who could be paired with lots of guys because I’m such a multishipper, and I love cute fluffy pairings. I do like ships with interesting conflict, but the fluffy ones always get me.
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
Not that I can think of. I mean, almost no ships are canon in YuGiOh, so rather than “ruining” ships, it’s mostly just unknown for the various potential ships.
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?
Not really. I already had my reasons for not shipping certain ships, and I’ve never been turned away from a ship I already shipped. I will say, though, that I wish people would tag their freakin’ ships so that I don’t have to see stuff on my dash that I don’t ship.
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
Yes. I’ve never drawn any of my YuGiOh ships, but I have written a couple oneshots for Peach and one for Polar. I’ve also referenced/included the following ships in stories focused on OC ships: Peach, Polar, Ardent (SerenityXTristan), Kiddy (RebeccaXMokuba), Half (MihoXRyou), Tie (MihoXTristan), Azure (AnzuXSeto), and Sedate (SerenityXMarik).
Favorite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Do children count? Or grandchildren? My YuGiOh OC story has an entire second and third generation to follow. I have children/grandchildren for the following ships: Peach, Polar, Ardent, Kiddy, and Half.
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
No. I’m not ashamed of my ships. I admit that I don’t talk about some of them as much, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ship them or that I’m afraid to admit it.
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans?
Yes. It wasn’t until fandom hit really hard in recent years that Sibling joined my roster of ships.
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
A proposal. Is that cliché? I don’t care XD
Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed? 
Any incest ships. I don’t know why they exist or if there are people who ship them, but I wish they’d never been conceived (the ships, not the people).
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to.
Considering both canon ships ended in death, I’m gonna say none of them. All my ships end nicely in my head.
Name a ship that deserved better in the end.
Rose and Mizu (KisaraXSeth). Both of these ships ended in tragedy, and it makes me so sad. I NEED THEM TO BE HAPPY.
Is there a character you have several ships for?
Oh yes. Many of them. I’m a multishipper XD I have Anzu in the most ships. My Anzu ships are Azure, Host (AnzuXRyou), Manipula, Peach, Persevere (AnzuXDuke), Thorn, and Vex (AnzuXYamiBakura).
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?
I don’t ignore canon, I bend canon *coughAUISMYFRIENDcough* Okay, okay, maybe my two Miho pairings, Half and Tie. Not much info is given in the manga except that Tristan/Honda has a crush on her and that she’s kinda shy, and she doesn’t exist in DM. I ignore season 0 super hardcore when it comes to Miho. To be perfectly honest, she almost feels more like an OC most days.
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
Not really. It’s usually the other way around ’cause I love my YuGiOh friends, but most of them ship stuff I don’t.
If you’re curious about the bajillion other ships I ship that I haven’t mentioned, or if you’re wondering what het ships I don’t ship (since I’ve already ruled out all yaoi, yuri, and incest), or if you want to rant about ships we share, feel free to drop me an ask! I enjoy talking about my ships~
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