#ao dropped us some cute pictures today
yootaesowl · 2 years
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la-appel-du-vide · 6 years
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THAILAND 2019 - Day Twelve {Krabi}
Today was another free day for us - meaning we didn’t have anything specifically booked or planned, we just knew we wanted to go visit Ao Nang Beach and Railay Beach! We got up and ready, tried to eat some toast in the hotel lobby but all the bread was gone, and then caught a taxi to Ao Nang Beach.
This is a major tourist area as well. There are a million shops, restaurants, boats for rent, etc. We thought it would be a good idea to eat something before we started our day, so we grabbed something quick, and then went over to the beach.
I suggested we start over on Railay Beach, because that’s the most popular one, and I thought we should get there before it got too crowded. We got to ride on another long-tail boat to get there, and that never gets old. So authentic, so traditional, so fun.(Bring a poncho though - you’re gonna get wet haha.)
We got to Railay Beach, took some photos with the huge line of long-tail boats, and then set out to find a smoothie of course. Mel said she had one of the best smoothies of her life on this beach, so we hoped to find it. (Spoiler - We didn’t.) We each ordered one from a different shop, and they were both much more like drinks instead of thick smoothies which is always a disappointment, but at least they tasted good and were cold!
We set up base camp in a shady spot, and then I went off to wade around the bay. The water temperature is amazing and refreshing, every single time I step into it. This area has a super sandy floor, which was a nice change from so much coral and rocks elsewhere. 
Can’t help but feel like these kinds of days are really what makes life worth living. We get through the mundane, boring routine of normal life for moments like these, and they really are worth it.
I wandered around for awhile, but then noticed some kayaks for rent that I thought would be a fun activity for us. I went back to where Beach was sleeping, and asked her if she thought we’d be capable of kayaking with all our important stuff, and not capsizing and destroying everything haha. We decided to give it a try, so we put all our money and phones in our little waterproof cases, and then wrapped my camera bag in two towels, and put it in Beach’s backpack. Once we were prepared, we went over to the rental area and filled out the paperwork to get one. Only then did we learn that we could leave our bags in the office. All that work for nothing. (;
We had a hard time carrying that heavy thing all the way out to the water, but once we got it in, we were solid. We paddled around the island, and even ran into a live, wild jellyfish! I spotted him, and we circled back to get a closer look. Could hardly believe our eyes. We’ve been up close to so much wildlife here!
We paddled into a couple sea caves (which were sooooo dark), over to a rock that had a gold stripe made out of some sort of tin wrapped all the way around it, and then stopped at a different beach so Beach could take a dip. I waded around behind here, and on the way back in, I got stung by a jellyfish. I went from fine to severe stinging pain on and around my knee. I tried to use water and sand to stop the pain, but nothing worked super well. I learned later that using water can actually release more toxins into your body and make things worth, so that was knowledge that came a little too late. No fun. The swelling took quite awhile to subside, and my freaking knee hurt the rest of the day. Ow ow ow.
I finally sucked it up and got back in the kayak,and we paddled around some more. I enjoyed laying down on the kayak, and just feeling the motion of the waves... it’s one of the most relaxing feelings in the world. UNTIL we hit the rocks. We took a different route going in than we had taken going out, and we regretted everything. We got stuck and high-centered on so many different rocks, and it was nearly impossible to get ourselves backed out of there so we could go in the right direction. Omg so frustrating hahaha.
But we made it. Carrying the wet kayak all the way back was even worse than the first time. My arms were dead. 
We grabbed our stuff and started wandering around the tourist area just off the beach. It’s such a cute little area, surrounded by palm trees, and so many things to see. Such chill vibes. Very island-y. We loved it.
Beach stopped to try a sugar crepe from a food stand we passed, and I would describe the “crepe” as something more like very sweet chips haha. It was so crunchy! Unexpected for sure!
We stopped and had lunch at a small, rooftop restaurant, and it was pretty good. Filled us right up. But not enough that I couldn’t get some more rolled ice cream from a stand we passed on our walk! I’m obsessed! This time I went with plain chocolate and Oreo. So delicious. I need one right outside my hotel tbh. 
We checked out some more of the souvenir shops, and I finally got Aubrey a Buddha statue. She seems to love Buddha lately, so I’ve been looking for a good one for her this whole time. Mission accomplished.
Ended our day at Railay Beach with some more photos in the bay. While we were out there, we came across ANOTHER jellyfish. Took some up-close photos of it (though they aren’t great due to the murky water), and then we got spooked and jetted on out of the water. We warned a nearby family they were there too, and they got out as well. Let me tell you from experience - OUCH. Don’t mess with those things. On our way out of the water, we came across a dead jellyfish floating to shore. Beach dragged it to the water’s edge and marked it with a stick. We hoped people would notice the stick and be careful. But nopeeee, just a few minutes later we noticed a little Asian girl wandering over to it. We were nervous watching her, as she got closer and closer. Finally, it looked like she was bending over to touch it and we couldn’t take it anymore. We jumped up, started running over to her screaming not to touch it, and probably scared her half to death. Her mom didn’t have much reaction down the beach a ways, which is interesting haha. But I also can’t imagine being a little kid and having two strangers start running at me yelling in a different language! We had the best intentions though, truly. Her dad finally understood what we were saying, and he came over to pull her away from the electrocution just waiting to happen. So we were basically superheroes today. Changing the world one potential jellyfish sting at a time.
We grabbed our stuff and went over to the long-tail boats to catch a ride back over to Ao Nang. For the record, I should mention that this sand is high up on my list of quality sand for the trip! Powder white, so soft, and I’m obsessed that’s all.
We got back over to Ao Nang just as the sun was starting to set. So beautiful to watch the sunset over the ocean, wow wow. We went looking for a smoothie (I know it sounds like we get them all the time but they are literally a dollar so it’s fine I promise), but wandered in and out of souvenir shops on our way. We picked up a couple more things - oops. And every smoothie location we passed had smoothies that looked way more like drinks than smoothies (trust me, there’s a difference - and we are paranoid af). So we eventually gave up and settled for some ice cream we found. I got a scoop of strawberry and a scoop of coconut, but literally right after he handed it to me, I turned around, started licking it, and the top scoop fell RIGHT off. Just like the movies. SAD.
So I had a scoop of strawberry. (;
We finished those as we walked back to the main dock area to get a taxi, and passed hella drag queens on our way, all dressed up and advertising a cabaret show. Very interesting, I’m kind of impressed with how realistically they can make themselves look like women... Like, how?? 
We also made the decision to send it and buy a watermelon smoothie to try, because we’ve seen them everywhere and were intrigued. It was not a good purchase tbh hahaha, not great. Mostly tasted like we were drinking watermelon juice. But we tried it! Now we won’t wonder. (;
The first taxi we tried was a disaster. She drove us like 3 minutes to a La La Moon in Ao Nang, and when we tried to explain that this wasn’t what we wanted, she insisted it was. Finally we got her to understand, and she said Krabi was too far and wanted us to get out, BUT SHE STILL WANTED US TO PAY HER. Like, lady... we could have walked to this point in five minutes. You didn’t take us where we wanted to go at all. Dumb. So we gave her just a little bit and that was that.
Found a community bus that travels from Ao Nang to Krabi for way cheap, so that worked out ok. It dropped us off near Walking Street, and then we were able to catch our own taxi back to the hotel pretty easily. 
Then the typical night routine - Tumblr, checking our phones, editing/posting pictures, travel logs, Beach does homework, we shower, and then bed.
It’s really not a bad life. (;
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aubretia23 · 6 years
BoruSara: cameras and photographs
@kairi-chan The vast difference in the original idea at this prompt and the final product continues to astound me. I hope this is up to your tastes. Inspired by an actual BoruSara cosplay, that poster of Boruto in a tuxedo by SP and Boruto SD. Post-Mujina arc but pre-Ao arc.
“Alright, so tell me again. Why were all three of us hired?” Sarada’s gruntled voice came from behind the doors of one of the vanity rooms in the clothes’ trailer.
“Ah, the designer for this clothing line saw you and Boruto arguing in front of Thunder Burger and immediately picked up on your natural chemistry together. He wanted models for his new clothing line for teenagers and decided that the two of you together would be perfect to showcase his work. I and Sensei, I believe, on the other hand, were hired to prevent the two of you from murdering each other.” Mitsuki explained calmly from his seat outside the door.
The former Land of Whirlpools, now a part of the Land of Fire, was quite a well known tourist spot and it’s beaches were iconic. A paid work trip to this place was a blessing, particularly after the stinging probation imposed on Boruto.
A good thing too. In Konohamaru-Sensei’s opinion, Boruto really needed to get out of Konoha, for at least a little while, where he was simultaneously either being insulted quite audibly for cheating or being drooled and fawned over for being a hero who was instrumental in rescuing the Seventh Hokage. The Chunin Exams was a sobering experience for the entire team, showing them that records and reputations in the shinobi world are as fickle as hell, and this trip was a blessing no matter how one looks at it.
“I know that! And he and I have no chemistry. Ugh…Boruto is going to make fun of me again.” Sarada groaned.
“I don’t think he will. You look quite pleasant in anything you wear.” Mitsuki pointed out.
“He will! I just know it! He told me that cute clothes don’t suit me at all just a few weeks ago!” Sarada’s face flushed up in anger as the memory of the humiliating incident flashed before her eyes.
“Well, considering the clothes you are supposed to showcase are rather……risqué than cute, I sincerely doubt it.” Mitsuki smiled in plain amusement.
“Hey guys! What do you think?”
The doors of a vanity room down the trailer opened up to reveal a grinning Boruto. Dressed sharply in a mahogany tuxedo, Boruto’s beautiful blue eyes sparkled in contrast to his baby pink shirt and strawberry pink tie. His messy golden hair stood up handsomely. The white leather belt and black leather shoes complimented the entire attire beautifully. Boruto looked boyishly handsome.
“You look good.” Mitsuki smiles appreciatively.
“Good?!” Boruto grinned cheekily as he appraised himself in a nearby floor length mirror. “I look great!”
Mitsuki chokes back a snicker at Boruto’s enthusiasm. It is good to see him enjoying himself for the first time in a while. But now he had work to do. If he didn’t, Boruto is going to die single and childless in all probability.
“So, I heard you told Sarada that cute clothes don’t suit her.” Mitsuki said, dropping his voice to a low volume and moving away from near Sarada’s vanity room, lest she hears them through the door.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” Boruto, sweating and grinning in chagrin, put up his hands in defence. “That one with it’s frills and bows looked something out of Hima’s wardrobe. That’s not really Sarada’s style. She usually wears preppy and schoolgirl.”
“And risqué as well.” Mitsuki pointed out, appreciating Boruto’s fashion awareness.
“Umm…yeah. That too.” Boruto’s cheeks coloured up a bit. “Her clothes tend to be a bit…tomboyish, that aside. I was just caught off guard that day.”
“I think Sarada would look very good in cute clothes.” Mitsuki complimented his female teammate sincerely.
“I am not saying she won’t-”
“Guys! What do you think?”
The doors of Sarada’s vanity room threw open to reveal their female teammate. An audible gasp left Boruto’s jaw wide open while Mitsuki’s eyes lit up in appreciation. Her long legs were gracefully tipped with black low heeled ballerina shoes. The glossy black leather mini skirt had a black spaghetti top and a black lace overshirt tucked into it. A golden necklace with a crystal pendant hung around her neck while her lips were stained a glossy red. Sarada looked like a picture of allure and innocence simultaneously.
“You look very good.” Mitsuki assured Sarada. “She does, doesn’t she, Boruto?” Mitsuki turned to his ‘sun’, hoping silently that he doesn’t screw up this time. The last time Sarada put in an effort in her appearance, he bluntly told her, on being asked by her whether she looked good, that she looked the same and that girls took a lot of time dressing up. Not that Boruto was wrong. Sarada looked pretty, which she did everyday, but it was clear as day that Sarada had expected a compliment for her extra effort.
But it seemed as though he need not worry. Boruto’s hanging jaw, speechlessness, blushing cheeks, piercing look and sparkling wide eyes seemed to have sent Sarada into a blushing fit. She returned his appreciative glances, appraising him up and down, which in turn sent the boy into a blushing fit of his own.
“You two get along really well.”
“No! We don’t!” Two indignant voices replied back to their teammate simultaneously.
“We should get to the shoot if you two are done.”
“Umm.. yes!”
“Y-Yeah, s-sure!”
“Is that a teen fashion magazine?” Shikamaru raised his eyebrow at Sai.
The group of four - Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru - were taking a rare lunch break at Ichiraku, waiting for their orders to arrive.
“Yes. Our children were quite all over this thing after their Ino-Shika-Cho training today, so I tried to be a little more fun teacher by asking them about what had actually interested them in the magazine. Turns out that there is quite an interesting photoshoot in it. Chocho was generous enough to lend it to me.” Sai answered back with restrained amusement.
“And what would that be?” Sasuke looked frankly unimpressed. Being dragged into a lunch outing with the idiot, his replacement and an old classmate was not his idea of fun. But if this actually gave him some idea about what kids liked these days, it might help him bond with Sarada besides just training. Maybe he could buy her some clothes.
“Ah! Here it is!” Sai flipped to his intended page and slid the magazine towards a curious Naruto. An undignified howl left the Seventh Hokage’s mouth within moments while his eyes threatened to fall out. A curious Sasuke and Shikamaru lent forward to look at the magazine’s contents.
Boruto and Sarada were locked in an intimate spooning at an expensive looking beach resort. Boruto had his arms around Sarada who had her back to Boruto’s chest while gently clutching onto his hands. The couple had their eyes locked into each other’s. The hint of blush on both of their cheeks could be made out even in the pictures. It was not the only picture though. There were others. One had Boruto with his head on Sarada’s lap while sharing an eyelock with her on a beach. Another had Sarada sitting on one of Boruto’s legs and turned inwards towards him while they shared a smile at a restaurant. Another had Sarada happily embracing Boruto from behind in shallow sea waters.
The table had suddenly gone quiet. “Well.” A nervous Shikamaru tried to salvage the situation. “This was their mission, so it can’t be helped.” A chill ran down his spine as he felt the temperature of the air around Sasuke drop inversely proportional to the increasing darkening aura around him.
“Yeah?” A glazy eyed Naruto looked up towards his best friend.
“I need you to give me a training mission with your son for a few weeks. Preferably to a potentially hazardous dimension.”
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ayy-to-zee · 6 years
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masterlist //rules// request
Pairing: Haechan/ Lee Dong Hyuck X Reader
Genre: Fluff, super tiny bit of angst
Word Count: 1.9K +
Summary: 『 Touch seems to be just as essential as sunlight. 』- Diane Ackerman
『 I can’t even remember days without you or times I felt more comfortable alone... 』- NCT 127; TOUCH
☀️⭐✨☀️⭐✨☀️ ⭐✨☀️⭐✨☀️⭐
Lee Dong Hyuck certainly lived up to the name “Haechan.” It was a rather cute nickname that his CEO gave him the day he debuted as a part of NCT. Maybe it was part of because of his job as an idol, but to you, he “shone brightly” wherever he went.
That was what you’ve noted, seeing your boyfriend dance in his group’s Japanese debut music video. He definitely stood out to you more in this comeback, seeing him perform with such charisma and confidence. It disappointed you slightly that he didn’t have much of actual lines and mostly back-up vocals. You loved hearing his singing voice; it reminded you of the times he’d sing to himself when he busy cooking or traipsing around the grocery store aisles, looking around for condiments he thought you’d need for your rather bare pantry.
But, oh well, as long as Haechan is happy with his work and is giving his all in Japan at it, you’re happy, too.
You sighed, opening up your Messages app and tapping the first contact you’ve recently messaged:
📱📱[May 22, 2018, 23:45 PM]📱📱
You sent: heeellooooo my bootiful boyfriend ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
hyuckiepoo sent: aaaaaaaand the bootiful boyfriend arrives~
hyuckiepoo sent: and jfc
hyuckiepoo sent: yuta’s taught you to use the kaomoji app, huh? that’s so old-school
You sent: I know but they looked cute! So why not?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hyuckiepoo sent: since you’re up at this time and texting me, you probably just watched the new jap mv even tho it was released 2 weeks ago. you didn’t mention it last time bc you didn’t watch it, right?
You sent: (´⊙ω⊙`)!
hyuckiepoo sent: you’re just that predictable, boo
You sent: (ง •̀_•́)ง Fight me if you dare, poo-
hyuckiepoo sent: calm thyself, boo. I get it, work was probably being an ass to you during that time, right? 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ
You sent: Now, you’re using it? (o`Ao)?
hyuckiepoo sent: It’s cute when I use it (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
You sent: Whatever you makes you sleep at night, hyuckie (∗´꒳`)
hyuckiepoo sent: Well? How was it? Did I charm you all over again? (๑‾̀◡‾́)
You sent: (u v u)
You sent: You looked real cute.
You sent: Like I wanted to pat your head during your center time.
hyuckiepoo sent: YAH. 
hyuckiepoo sent: YOU STILL STUCK IN TOUCH?
☀️⭐✨☀️⭐✨☀️ ⭐✨☀️⭐✨
You laughed aloud in your bedroom, surprised at his quick response to your comment and the sudden lack of kaomojis. You started rolling over on your bed at the thought of him just practicing what his face must have looked like. He probably got advice from either Taeyong or Yuta.
Okay, you admitted, the first half of the time that he appeared, he looked really... really cool, but—
☀️⭐✨☀️⭐✨☀️ ⭐✨☀️⭐✨
hyuckiepoo sent: YOU-
hyuckiepoo sent: U W U
hyuckiepoo sent: Because I am a kind af boyfriend and am just that nice, I will not fly all the way back to Seoul to hit you
You sent: Yes, hyuckie poo, you are the best bf ever u v u
hyuckiepoo sent: But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, boo
You sent: O v O !!
hyuckiepoo sent: Love me tons when I come back, k? We’ll see if I forgive you then. I want 10x the cuddles.
You sent: Yes, yes, the love of my life, I will spoil you rotten ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
hyuckiepoo sent:  y o u b e t t e r (๑◕ㅂ▰)~♥
📱📱[-END CONVO-]📱📱
You smiled at the thought, him being back home. Your playful bickering together, your late night movie dates, your trips to the arcades and amusement parks, your day-long cuddling sessions, you waking up next to him the morning after a sleepover—
You stared at his contact photo in your messages before you looked to your other SNS accounts for pictures of him doing well in Japan. You chuckled bitterly as you scrolled down each feed. He really was a “full sun,” indeed, you thought, dropping your phone weakly onto the bed with a fan camera focused on him playing on the screen. 
Even though you sounded so close to each other, he felt so... unreachable.
Even though you two called yourselves a couple, the both of you were just so far apart from each other nowadays.
Yes, you guys were together for three months, but you barely spend any physical time together. Most of your time was spent online. Those dates where you actually got to be together you had happened only once in every blue moon just because your schedules just happened to give you both time off.
Even with all that, you had no reason to doubt his love for you even when the distance between you was so wide. You knew the trials that came with dating him. You had no reason to think he was being unloyal to you. He proved his love for you every single day and didn’t make you feel unhappy. 
So why did it still hurt you so much?
You felt the back of your eyes sting. You sniffed your nose and wiped your eyes immediately with your sweater sleeve. Nope. You were not going to cry about this again. Yes, it’s been nearly a month since you last saw each other but you knew what would happen if you agreed to date him. Three months ago, when you returned his confession, you figured this would eventually happen once you date someone so untouchable.
Your mind was brought back down to reality once you heard your ringtone blaring off from your phone. You wiped your eyes once again, picking up your phone and checking who was daring to call at nearly one in the morning.
📞📞“ hyuckiepoo is calling ”📞📞
What a fucking scare, you thought. It’s been quite a while since your last phone call with him. You sniffed again, clearing your sinuses to make sure your voice sounded at least normal enough and tapped the the green icon.
“No, this is your social security service...” you rose a brow at the rather polite tone going off through the phone. “Yah! Of course it’s me, haha! Who else would be calling you?” You giggled at the sound of his voice. It’s been so long since you heard him laugh so heartily like that through the phone.
“Hm... Maybe Jeno? He said he’s going to call to check up on me since my boyfriend isn’t in Seoul to do that, anyway,” you mused, biting your bottom lip in expectation.
You heard him mock a scoff on the other side of the line. “‘Scuse me?!” you lightly snorted at his tone, disbelief laced into his voice. “Are you seriously talking to Jeno of all people behind my back?”
“W-Well...! What’s wrong with Jeno? He’s nice, isn’t he?” you asked, feigning innocence as you scooched over to grab the stuffed toy Dong Hyuck gave you on your first date on your drawer before you let your back rest comfortably on the pillows.
It wasn’t all untrue. Jeno did keep you some company but it was mostly limited to meme-sending and you asking if your boyfriend will ever return, which he is honestly tired of hearing because:
📱📱[May 21, 2018, 20:45 PM]📱📱
jeno my child sent: why don’t you ask him yourself?? you text him all the time smh;;; now lemme sleep early today. being an mc tomo = tons of work
📱📱[-END CONVO-]📱📱
“Boo. News flash, if you don’t remember. He’s called Je-no fun for a reason,” you scoffed at his mockery. “But you could have called me during this week, I wanted to hear your voice even for a little bit...”
“Boy, he’s not that bad. His memes are practically golden, I guess,” you huffed, trying to play it away. You froze for a bit there at his statement, biting your lip nervously. Even if you did, you’d probably be too busy to answer my phone calls, anyway, said the anxiety and insecurity bubbling up in the back of your throat. You had so much excuses to give to make up for the fear of him getting tired of you eating you up during the past month.
“Fossilized gold, probably. I send you the best memes and you know it, boo,” Donghyuck huffed through the phone. “When did that guy ever send you anything that actually made you laugh? That’s right. Never, haha!”
“Sure you do, bub,” you said in rather light agreement as if to tease him just a bit more. You could already hear him tapping his foot in frustration on the bedroom floor of his hotel suite. The thought made you giggle a bit. You could imagine him walking around the entire dorm room just trying to look for reasons why you shouldn’t be talking to Jeno. 
After a few seconds of silence on the other side of the line, you expected him to start to talk about what the members did today, complain about his how tiring his performance was in the showcases they held, maybe ask you how you were doing at work, talk about what he saw in Japan that reminded him of you, or ask if you were sleeping enough at night. 
Instead you were caught off-guard by the next three words his voice emitted: “I miss you...” 
You didn’t know if you held your breath or not but that seriously took your breath away. “Hyuck...” you tried to speak in an attempt to try to play if off like you would usually do but he just interrupted you, beginning to voice himself out.
“Hear me out. It’s been a month by now since we last spent time together. I know I may have said that I’ve been okay in our texts. Well, I technically am but...” he continued, the cheery tone in his voice disappearing. You swore, it sounded like he wanted to cry.
“I couldn’t get my head off the thought of you... I keep trying to focus but I keep thinking back to the days when we would stay in each others arms all day... I want to hold your hand, hug you, kiss you... And when I think about you not being next to me, it hurts a lot...God, it’s cringy, what the hell, but I seriously can’t take it... I know our schedules suck like shit but I really really want to be with you so so bad... I want to see you...” 
All this time about you silently worrying about yourself being a burden and you failed to even see if your boyfriend felt the same. What a great partner you were, you bitterly thought to yourself. You bit your lip as it quivered, finding it hard to breathe as he continued to speak.
“Hey...?” As much as you wanted to quickly respond to him to assure that you were fine and not going to cry, you couldn’t. All this time of feeling so alone without him just pent up within you and finally let loose.
“Me, too, Dong Hyuck...” You  finally replied, your voice trembling with every second. “I miss you so so much...” you hiccuped, wiping your tears away. “It felt so lonely without you... I wanted to fly to you so bad but I didn’t want to get in your way... I didn’t want to feel like I was being a burden to you... I didn’t want you to get tired of me and not love me anymore...”
“Who said I’d stop loving you?”
Your eyes widened, hearing his voice simultaneously from different places, one from your phone and the other as if he was in the ... same room...
You whipped your head to see the very same Lee Dong Hyuck you fell in love with, roller bag handle in one hand, his phone in the other one. You remembered buying him the jacket and shirt he donned for his birthday. He pulled down the hood and pulled his black mask down, his eyes looking at you with such a loving gaze as he flashed you that grin that made you melt a thousand times over. 
“Surprise, I guess?” he said, shrugging his shoulders. A small laugh escaping his lips when he saw that you drop your phone on the bed. 
You immediately jumped off the bed, rushing over to pull him into your arms, feeling his warmth envelope you as he returned the favour with just as much fervor, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
Gods, he couldn’t recall the last time he ever brought you into his arms like this. Did you always feel this soft and warm? He didn’t remember your hair getting longer either. Did you forget to trim your hair? Whatever, he didn’t care anymore.
“I missed you so much, Hyuck...” you murmured, your tears dampening that precious jacket you got him. Dong Hyuck could care less, anyway. You were here. Right beside him. That was all that mattered to him.
“... I missed me, too, haha,” you laughed softly against his chest, lightly hitting his shoulder before he pulled you away from him. “But I missed you more...” he breathes out, his voice shaky and desperate.
“I love you so so much, (Y/N)...” he whined softly, resting his forehead against your own before cupping his hands over your cheeks and leaning over to graciously plant kisses on your forehead, each of your cheeks, your nose, and each area at the side of your lips before pulling away to take a good look at your face, as if implanting the image of you into the very back of his head. Every crease, wrinkle and imperfection you had on you and were insecure about just made you seem so... so... you and Dong Hyuck wouldn’t have you any other way.
Being Haechan, the idol who “shone brightly” beyond your grasp, was definitely a huge part of his life. But you definitely cannot ignore the fact that behind the light shining brightly was the shadow of Lee Dong Hyuck, the witty, mischievous, brusque, yet soft-hearted man who declared he’d love you like there was no tomorrow.
Yes, your relationship was rather complicated and there was no telling if you both would last long. There will definitely come days where you’re forced to do nothing but watch him from afar and bask as he shines on stage like the star he was born to be.
All that mattered to you, though, were moments like these, where his touch was just as important as sunlight.
☀️⭐✨☀️⭐✨☀️ ⭐✨☀️⭐✨
A/N: Hello! This is my first time to post up or show any of my written works so comments/critiques/feedback of any sort is super helpful! >v<!!
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tren-fraszka · 7 years
Tren’s anime roundup: Winter 2017
So I figured that as a horrible otaku that I am, I may as well do some roundup of anime I watched this season and give some recommendations... or not.
It will only contain shows I watched, but hey. It’s better than nothing. Also, I promise I will make some fun categories, so it’s not boring!
Best RPG team shenaningans
Konosuba 2 - if you love making fun of classic jRPG tropes and you haven’t seen the first season yet, you should totally go and see first season. Konosuba is basically a story of a REALLY powerful, but at the same time VERY dysfunctional 4-man party that is trying to save the world from demon king... or avoid the responsibilities for destruction they caused. Usually both.
Second season takes those shenanigans even further, featuring some really interesting ways of using the party members with high aggro (as we discover that priests have tendency to aggro undead if they are powerful and when you have a goddess in your party, well...). We also learn that masochistic paladins are literally the worst people to get possessed by the demon. For all parties involved. Except the paladin, herself. She had a blast.
The high comedic value continues to shine and while visuals dropped slightly during this season, I don’t think it was detrimental for the overall score of the series. The jokes were still great, the interactions between characters lively and the facial expressions remained top-notch.
I need 3rd season in my life.
Thank you for not blowing up the adaptation of manga I like THIS TIME A1 Pictures
Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Arc - I have... strong opinions about A1 Pictures and they all come from their first adaptation of Ao no Exorcist manga. I really like this manga, okay. It’s all I want from a shounen series. Likeable hero, interesting side characters, conspiracies, overarching plot, cool fighting scenes. All the good stuff.
And then A1 Pictures came and after about 15 episodes of getting it right, they decided to do their own ending. And it was terrible. It’s the main reasons why I now have deep trust issues when it comes to adaptations of things I like.
So many years since the first Ao no Exorcist anime that made me into the salty person I am today, A1 Pictures returns with the adaptation that mercifully ignores their shitty original ending and rolls with the good stuff from manga.
It doesn’t mean I forgive you, A1 Pictures, but damn it’s the good stuff from manga. I may hate you a bit less now. At least until you try to desecrate another shounen I like, because I know this will happen sooner or later...
Sweetest coup d'état
ACCA - I’ve come, I’ve eaten the bread for 10 episode, I’ve took part in the biggest political turnover in the last two, because I couldn’t eat my bread in peace.
If you feel you need a series centering on a political intrigue with a mature lead and some nice food porn as a bonus, this is what you’ve been looking for. The initial development is rather slow, as the intrigue unfolds slowly, while the story centers more on worldbuilding, but the final payoff is satisfying enough to warrant a recommendation.
As long as you like this sort of stories, of course.
The most mature show
Demi-chan wa Kataritai - I didn’t initially plan watching this, because I thought it was one of those “cute girls doing cute things:, except the cute girls are demi humans (so like vampire, dullahan, yuki onna, etc.). Boy, was I mistaken.
Because this is a show about people with disabilities. Like, it’s not even subtle. This a show tackling the topic of difficulties that people who don’t fit the standard face. And it’s BRILLIANT.
I really love how the show approaches it, because it is not about dealing with bullies (there is like one episode with such plotline), but about problems with fitting into the world that does nor always take your needs into the account. It’s about small problems, like classmates not being sure if they can joke about the fact that dullahan’s head is separate from her body. Or the fact that dullahan needs a backpack, because a one-shoulder bag is inconvenient when you also need to carry your head.
It’s about accepting people who are different, but also being aware of their needs. It’s about learning of those differences and how they affect the life of such people. It’s about expanding the world.
It’s also a great comedy and one of the characters is a teacher who is succubus and she is really hot. Like seriously. She’s smoking hot while wearing a tracksuit. 10/10 would be seduced.
Best atheist versus god story in a World War I sauce
Youjo Senki - this series is many things and yet it never loses sight of what it truly is. A struggle of a very pissed off atheist against a god. Or Being X, as he lacks to call it. Or she. It gets confusing when the said atheist used to be a middle aged japanese salarymen, but now has been reincarnated as a girl into a XX century Europe. Except, in this world magic exists.
Yeah, as I mentioned, it’s a layered story.
While most of the story centers around the struggles of main hero(ine) as a soldier taking part in this worlds First World War, the core of the plot is the argument between the hero and the god. The main hero is not smart enough to realize that arguing with god right as he dies about the source of faith may be a stupid move. And he especially doesn’t seem to realize how stupid it is to present hypothetical situations to a being that can make them a reality.
(This is why you should read Bible kids. You can learn at least some basic mistakes to avoid when it comes to interacting with a powerful god. Shinto never prepares you properly for that.)
It’s an entertaining series with some over the top moments, but also a ruthless lead that makes sure we never stray from the goal. Hoping for 2nd season in the future.
Tren has a big soft spot for fantasy
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari  - it’s no joke. I’m weak when it comes to jrpg settings. As long, as the series is not a storm of cliches with idiot hero and a girl falling from the sky (yes, I’m looking at you Granblue Fantasy), I will happily eat it.
Then again, Chain Chronicles is one of the better contenders that came recently. With it’s polished visuals and refreshing take on classic stories, it’s actually a series I can recommend.
The thing I liked the most was the fact that the series actually starts when most would usually end - on the battle with the evil overlord, where the main hero and his party fight together with the allies they have gathered....
...except they lose the battle. Now the hero has to figure out how to turn the situation around, while the chaos spreads through the world.... preferably before the evil curse takes over his body and turns him into a demon. I’ve seen people complaining that underneath this exterior it’s the same “friendship wins” type of story, but personally I have nothing against it. It was still refreshing to see a hero who has to face a failure and the toll it takes on him.
If you liked my ranting let me know! I’ve been thinking about posting more thoughts about the stuff I watch. I’m currently considering some analysis about Tanya being quiet literally a Satan and why Re:Creators is shaping out to be one of the best series of this season. Or I can make short roundup of what I’m watching in spring anime season. I’m easily influenced, so your voice counts.
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theroamingpear · 8 years
The old town of Hoi An feels like a museum of well preserved buildings; a unique blend of architectural style drawing on influences from China and Japan, with just the right dash of Europe. The wooden houses are painted in bright colors and decorated with hand-made lanterns in a myriad of colors, shapes and sizes. Old-style communist speakers hoisted along the main road play soft french music during late afternoons, transporting you to a bygone era. Open store fronts are flanked with smiling faces of local girls dressed in elegant Ao Dai made of flowing silk fabric in soft pastel colors…
Hoi An is the best shopping destination for custom clothing and shoes, gorgeous ceramic pottery, embroidered linens and bags, and beautiful artwork! More on this later…but first we must start on our self guided tour of the old town :)
The ancient town of Hoi An is one of the finest examples of a well preserved South East Asian trading port dating from the 15th – 19th century. This is largely due to its status of a UNESCO world heritage site since 1999, and a required entrance ticket costing ~120,000 VND for a foreign visitor (roughly USD 6). The ticket comes with 5 coupons that can be used to view any of the sites such as museums, old houses, temples, Japanese bridge, and night market. While the ticket is really valid for 24 hours, the guard told us that we could use it over a couple of days in case we were not able to see it all in one day…
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While there are so many sights to pick from, we chose the top locations from the following list: (choose at least one from each for this tour)
Structures: Japanese Covered Bridge
Assembly halls: Quang Trieu; Trieu Chau; Phuc Kien
Old houses: Tan Ky; Duc An; Quan Thang; Phung Hung
Communal houses: Cam Pho; Minh Huong; Quan Cong Temple
Museums: Museum of Trade Ceramics; Museum of Sa Huynh Culture; Museum of Folk Culture; Museum of Hoi An
Traditional arts: Handicraft workshop
Let’s start walking, shall we? :)
1. Japanese Covered Bridge
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The image of this Japanese Bridge has become the iconic symbol of Hoi An over time; stop here for an obligatory photo! The bridge is free to cross, so don’t get this stamped unless you plan to visit the shrine located on the bridge.
This will seem like a small bridge in comparison to other cities but is a pretty sight for its architectural details, and a perfect reflection in the river. It was built by the Japanese community in early 1600s, and also holds a shrine to the Taoist deity of storms and weather.
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Hoi An is best experienced by foot; walking along wide and clean roads, you are likely stop quite frequently to take pictures of colorful house fronts like this one…
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And another with cascading bright pink bougainvillea flowers…
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2. Hoi An Central Market (Food Market) 
Located on the banks of the Thu Bon River, the Central Market of Hoi An is certainly worth a look to get a slice of Vietnamese life. And you know, we have to stop by a local food market to find out the true flavors of the cusine!
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The market is busy throughout the day with locals buying fresh food and wares in the morning. The negotiating over fish usually starts early as the fishermen drop their catch  and the market vendors and local buyers dive in to get the best fish.
The market can get very messy, and don’t be surprised by the sight! (fresh chicken below)
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Inside the market there is plenty of live ducks and chickens tied together and ready for sale along rows of Vietnamese cooking ingredients.
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Next, walk over to the more pleasant side (east) to see the flowers, fruits and souvenirs.
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3. Phuc Kien – Assembly Hall 
Merchants generally built some fine assembly houses in this region; they needed a place to get together and do business, and of course a shrine for good luck in travel and making money!
Phuc Kien hall was built by the Chinese (Fujian) in late 1600s, and is dedicated to Thien Hau – the goddess of the sea and protector of sailors.
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Most of the Assembly Halls in the area are similar in terms of overall architecture, with an ornate entrance, central courtyard, colorful reliefs, and a temple or shrine at the back. The differences are in the finer details depending on who built (or restored) the building in terms of the colorful bas reliefs and shrines.
And each one of these halls is decorated with hundreds of tiny candles and spirals of incense that hang from the ceiling, creating a memorable sight and heavenly smell :)
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The spirals of incense with prayers written for good luck?
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The hall at Phuc Kien was definitely a feast for the senses; incredible colors, sweet smell of incense and light music in the background. If you only have time for one assembly hall, let it be this one!
4. Duc An – Old House
The old houses in the historical town were built by wealthy merchants several hundred years ago, and most of these doubled as shopfronts. Several of the merchants’ families still live in them and you get a ticket to take a tour of the old house (and, of course buy some of their wares while you’re there). However, the houses are really very interesting in terms of the architecture and use of space – take at least one tour!
We stopped by Duc An that once served as a traditional chinese medicine shop and also a bookstore. By the end of the early 20th century, at the time of the anti-French revolts, it also became a popular meeting place for patriotic intellectuals – can you imagine all the conversations and secret meetings that took place here?
Today, the house has wonderful pieces of old medicine cabinets and carved wooden furniture on the ground floor.
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Another intersting feature in the old houses were the water markings of prior floods. The old town of Hoi An is prone to annual floods, as the town sits on low grounds and is surrounded by waterways, between mountain ranges. The water is known to rise upto two meters high in the town and ultimately the houses – so the residents would move all the furniture to the higher floors to protect during the flooding season. This regular feature led the houses having developed strategic pulley systems up the floor to quickly move the big items!
5. Quan Cong Temple – Communal House
The communal houses or temples were mostly built in the mid-17th century by both the Vietnamese and Chinese people living in Hoi An.
Quan Cong was an outstanding Chinese general at the time and was renowned for his loyalty and sacrifice to the country. This temple was then built as a symbol integrity and justice.
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The temple had a pretty miniature bonsai garden with figurines and lotus flowers.
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    The place seemed so serene and beautiful, I made a small donation and got a good luck charm; and a picture with the temple keeper who had shown us around :)
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6. Museum of Trade Ceramics
Definitely stop by this museum on your walking tour, the house was even prettier than the relics inside!
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The beautiful building is constructed in the traditional Vietnamese architectural style; and is a two storey building with a courtyard and an anteroom.
Since the town of Hoi An was a big trade hub, the main items that were exported were pottery and, traded pottery from different nations, including China, Thailand and Japan.
The counrtyard has a lovely ceramic fountain of bright colors.
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Walk up the narrow stairs to the top floor
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And you will enter a room with cute windows, pretty lanterns and a balcony with a street view :) a great picture spot!
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7. Traditional Arts – a little bit of shopping! 
And finally, a bit of shopping!
The Handicraft Workshop a must visit, and trust us! you will want to buy everything!
The workshop is set in a 200-year-old building with an interior that is mostly a souvenir shop.
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Walk in and you’re likely to see actual artisans at work.
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The quality of the goods is quite high and the pieces here are worth the price that you won’t find elsewhere in town. There’s intricate work in metal, porcelain and soapstone, as well as larger terracotta pots and sculptures, quilts and embroidery on silk!
8. Don’t forget to eat! 
End the tour with the best and most perfect Banh mi!!!!! yummmmm
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Now, off to the hotel to rest our aching feet…(foot massage!)
Hope you enjoyed the tour!! xo
~A&A <3
A walk through colorful Hoi An The old town of Hoi An feels like a museum of well preserved buildings; a unique blend of architectural style drawing on influences from China and Japan, with just the right dash of Europe.
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