#apart from tte fact that Zionists themselves are hilariously antisemitic but that's a topic I won't dive into right now
inazuma-fulgur · 4 months
"nooooo don't dissolve the violently racist settler colonial stste of Israel, because the jews would get displaced, lose their homeland and that's bad"
Are there bad ways to dissolve it that would actually cause displacement? Sure but that's not the point of doing it. Israelis (then former Israelis) can stay there and don't need to be violently expulsed, but the state of Israel cannot not do its current politics. Even if they could not do it, why not do them in a Palestinian state instead? Where's the harm?
Look I know Centrists and Right Wingers that point to Africa and talk about how white settlers got to keep living there, just without their previous colonial privileges, why do I see stuff like the above from leftist complaining about leftists being antisemitic?
I have talked about leftist antisemitism and how it hides before as well, it's an important topic, but this ain't it.
Furthermore upon checking, the people that cry antisemitism about the call from leftists to dissolve the SETTLER COLONIAL STATE OF ISRAEL are always Israelis and Zionists with very clear agendas
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