#apartments for rent in mississauga
gottarentcom · 9 months
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Dive into GottaRent.com for furnished apartments in London, Ontario. They elevate your search, ensuring you find the perfect home. Trust them for a seamless renting experience tailored to your preferences in the heart of Mississauga. To learn more about apartments for rent in Mississauga, visit the website today.
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thecanadiandiary · 2 years
Renting or Buying: Which Is Better?
There is a reason the word dream for the longest time has been associated with the word home and not with renting because, at the end of the day, no one dreams of being a renter. Renting is more like you practising to be a homeowner, while the journey to owning a home is the endgame. Read More...
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citygatesuites · 1 year
Luxurious Furnished Apartments for Rent in Mississauga
Experience the convenience of furnished apartments for rent in Mississauga near Square One. Enjoy the comforts of home with our temporary furnished apartments that cater to short-term stays.
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 months
hey! would you mind writing a mix of smut, angst & fluff for vince dunn please 😇
never not
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4.5k words
genre: angst, fluff, suggested smut
featuring: vince dunn x female reader
summary: vince is traded and you try to navigate life without him, realizing it isn’t easy, especially when he comes back around
You still remember the day that Vince had been traded like it was yesterday. The two of you had been back in Mississauga for the offseason, enjoying the summer weather out on the boat when he got the call. It wasn’t entirely unexpected, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less.
Vince pulled his arm from round your shoulders as his phone rang from across the boat. Seeing his agent's name displayed on the screen making his heart sink as he quickly answered.
He’d walked to the further point on the boat to ensure you didn’t hear the conversation, knowing in his heart the likely reasoning for it.
“Yup, sounds good. Okay, talk to you later. Bye.”
His expression, though he tried to brave a smile, told you that the call wasn’t some crazy contract extension keeping him in St. Louis, but rather your worst fear.
Vince had been traded.
He sat back down next to you, kissing your head as he pulled you into his side once more. His fingers entangled with yours as he sighed, keeping his eyes locked on the water as he knew the second he’d meet your gaze he’d fall apart.
The conversation didn’t happen right away, which almost made the situation worse in your eyes. But Vince knew that the moment he admitted it, it would only be a matter of time for the two of you.
The idea of a professional athlete was inevitable, hard to avoid if you aren’t a superstar on your team. And even then, those guys sometimes pack up and leave themselves. But this was something you’d always feared, telling Vince you didn’t know how you’d handle the news. Packing up to move across the country was not an easy option for you with work and renting an apartment in downtown St. Louis.
So when Vince had finally told you the news, you knew you couldn’t follow him, long distance not being something you felt prepared for. Nor was it something you wanted. What you wanted was Vince, and for him not to leave. But that wasn’t in the cards.
“So that’s it? You’re just done?”
Vince’s voice echoed throughout the apartment as you sat on your bed, having just told him that you weren’t going to be able to keep things going long distance.
“Vince, what do you want me to say? You want me to lie and stick it out even though I don’t want this? I told you I can’t go with you, and if I can’t go with you then I don’t want to hold you back.”
He rolled his eyes as he continued packing his clothes. With each shirt he folded and placed in his suitcase another piece of your heart was breaking.
“I want you to say you love me! And that you’d do anything to be with me! You don’t think we can make it work? I’ll fly you out on weekends, I’ll be back to play the Blue at some point. You want to throw all of this away over distance?”
“I’m sorry…”
Your voice trailed off as you weren’t sure what else you could say. Nothing was changing your mind. The last thing you needed was a long distance relationship to distract you from work. Constantly wondering how he was doing, going longer periods of time not talking because of the time change, so many minuscule things that you didn’t need weighing on you.
“I wish you’d at least try before you just throw us away.”
And you did try, for Vince. But you both quickly realized that long distance when he played for a different team, wasn’t the same as him traveling with the Blues. Your schedules never aligned, and it was becoming harder and harder to make things work.
Vince finally understood your fears and realized that you were right. Despite how badly he wanted to make this work he knew that neither of you were happy being apart.
The two of you calling it quits before the start of the season. Figuring it was best to let Vince focus on a strong start with his new team. Though you couldn’t lie that you missed him. Missed the excitement of a new season, going to all his home games, getting to wear his number loud and proud. Always being Vince’s biggest support system, and likewise he was yours.
It wasn’t the same not having him around to practice your work presentations with. Bless his heart, he never understood anything you talked about, but he’d always watch you with a smile. In awe of how good you were at your job, the knowledge you had of the systems and data. He’d let you run through things as many times as you needed, never once complaining.
But as you sat at the island in your apartment, typing away at your newest presentation, you missed having Vince look over your shoulder. Constantly asking questions, trying to read through your notes and relate to the topics.
Having him there to remind you to stop and take breaks. To drink water, eat food, and most importantly to sleep. Little things of course, but ones you often would overlook when cramming for a deadline.
You missed him, you needed him.
The sound of your alarm jolted you awake, realizing you’d fallen asleep at your computer. Your notes scattered on the counter as you checked the time. You must have silenced your first few alarms, as it was already 7:30am.
Sprinting to the bathroom your turned on the shower, then hurried to pull an outfit from your closet and have it ready to step into.
Tossing your hair into a bun, no time to bother with wet hair, you jumped in the shower. The fastest one of your life as you couldn’t afford to be late for your presentation.
Light makeup would have to do as you scrambled to cover your dark circles, just hoping to look presentable at this point. Your hair was the next obstacle to tackle, quickly brushing it and opting to pin some of it back and out of your face.
Throwing on the outfit you laid out and looking yourself over in the mirror you told yourself it’ll have to do as you threw on your slides, which you would swap for heels once at the office. Rushing to pack your bag with the scattered paperwork from your island as you made sure to save your presentation before tossing your laptop in your bag.
Cursing yourself on the drive to the office you tried to remember the last time you’d run late for work, especially on the day of a presentation. It not being something you did often, let alone ever did at all really. Always waking up with plenty of time to run through your notes, double check your slides, and of course make sure your makeup and outfit were perfect.
Rushing into the office you made it to your office, slipping on your heels as you planned to use every minute of the available hour before your presentation to prepare. Scanning your notes and slides over and over until you know the entire thing forward and back.
“Just breathe, it’s gonna go great.”
Taking a deep breath you calmed your nerves, feeling confident that things would go fine. You knew your material, you sure as hell knew how to give a presentation, and your boss had full confidence in you. She’d told you plenty of times you could sell ice to an Eskimo. That was why she gave you these difficult sales presentations, because you always got the job done, no matter the client.
“Knock knock, you ready to crush another presentation?”
Checking the time, your prep hour had gone much faster than you had hoped. Your boss patiently waiting in the doorway of your office, a smile on her face as she watched you gather your things.
“Absolutely, let’s do it!”
“Y/n, that was amazing! I mean, they loved it. I knew you would pull another top notch presentation out once again!”
A slight blush coming over you at the compliments, just shrugging them off as you simply viewed it as another aspect to your job.
“I'm just glad it went well, I’ve been preparing for weeks. So, I’m happy if you’re happy and the client is happy.”
“You know, I’ve been holding off on saying anything. Partly because I wanted to see how this presentation went. But, we are looking to expand our offices, and I’m thinking you’re at the top of my life to get one of the promotion spots.”
Your eyes went wide as you were sure you heard your boss wrong, never expecting to have performed well enough for a promotion on the level of office expansion.
“Promotion? Expansion? As in, relocating?”
She nodded her head as she sipped her coffee, “Precisely, not entirely sure on where that location would be yet, but there’s a couple options. Though I’m gonna need you in the best location where I know you will succeed. Can I send you an email with the details once I’ve finalized things a bit?”
Nodding your head was all you could think to do, speechless at the idea of relocating. Your boss smiling as she mentioned a few more details, your ears not fully catching her words as your mind was already racing.
“But I will send that email sometime this weekend. And, you know what, how about you take the rest of the day? My treat!”
“Wow, thank you so much! I’ll definitely keep an eye out for that email as well! Have a great weekend!”
“I can’t believe she gave you the rest of the day off, that’s so unlike her.”
You laughed at your friend's reaction to the kind gesture of your boss as you took a seat across from her. The two of you meeting for lunch as you opted take advantage of the free time your boss had awarded you.
“The presentation went really well, so she was feeling generous I guess. But, please tell me, when was the last time you knew of me being late for work, especially on the day of a big presentation.”
Her eyes went wide as she looked at you from behind her glass of water, “y/n stop it! How late were you?”
“Not actually late, but running behind for sure.” Your voice trailing off as you scanned the menu, your friend thinking over the last time she’d known you to do such a thing.
“I mean, being honest. I don’t think you’ve done that since before you and Vince called it quits.”
Flashing a glare at her you sighed, the topic of you and Vince being one she occasionally brought up. Saying that she wished you two could’ve made things work, that you were meant for each other. To which you always disagreed, mostly because you were trying to convince yourself she wasn’t right. That you and Vince weren’t meant to be, that the distance would’ve proven to be too big of a challenge.
“Have you talked to him lately?”
Your eyes scanned the menu as you tried to ignore the question, immediately piquing her interest.
“Shut up! You have!”
“I didn’t say anything!”
You playfully laughed as you hoped she couldn’t see the blush on your cheeks as you attempted to hide the fact that you had indeed talked to Vince.
“Fine, he texted me about the presentation. It’s been on my calendar since before we broke up, and you know Vince. He was always putting reminders in his phone to send me a text the morning of to calm my nerves or boost my confidence a bit.”
“You texted back right?”
“I’m not that heartless. I just said thank you, I appreciated him reaching out, and that was it. No fairy tail ending of us getting back together. Sorry to break your heart.”
She playfully frowned as you two ordered your lunch, then circled back to the conversation about your job.
“So you’re gonna be relocating? That’s a nice promotion! But do you know where?”
“No clue.”
Shaking your head as you traced a finger around the rim of your water glass, your mind began racing at the possibilities.
“I honestly just wish she’d tell me now. It’s all I’m gonna think about all weekend.”
Your friend noticing how much the news was already weighing on you, never having been someone that could simply not let things bother them or occupy space in their mind.
“You know what you need?”
A nervous glance came from you as you were unsure what crazy suggestion would come from her. Already thinking of a few ideas you’d turn down in a heartbeat.
“You need to spend your Friday at a Blues game, like good old times! I got 2 tickets for tonight, what do you say?”
You rolled your eyes at the suggestion, not prepared for her to have suggested that of all things she could’ve said.
“Are you kidding? A Blues game?”
“Oh come on don’t tell me you don’t have at least one of Vince’s jersey’s still hiding in your apartment somewhere.”
You tried your best to hide the embarrassed smile that was creeping upon your lips, but she’d noticed almost instantly.
“I knew it! So I’ll pick you up, 6 o’clock. We’ll have drinks, some good food, it’ll be fun!”
Making your way down towards your seats by the glass, the atmosphere couldn’t help but feel familiar. This arena having held such a special place in your heart for the few years Vince called St. Louis home.
You’d dug out an old jean jacket one of the WAGS had made for you a few seasons ago, it was mostly decorated in St. Louis Blues colors and logos, which you preferred. Not wanting to stand out for sporting your ex's name and number.
As you relaxed in your seat, noticing you were on the opposing teams end for warmups, you realized you didn’t even pay attention to who the Blues were playing. But as you watched the white and turquoise blue jerseys hitting the ice, your heart sank.
“You’re kidding right? Is this a joke?”
Your friend tried to laugh it off, but she could tell you weren’t joking. What she failed to tell you was that the Blue were playing the Seattle Kraken, Vince’s new team.
It felt like a set up for some crazy movielike scenario where the guy and girl are reunited after breaking up, only to realize they were meant to be together after all. Except, you weren’t ready for that, you weren’t sure you even wanted to see Vince. The breakup hadn’t been too long ago, but you were still trying your best at life without Vince. Clearly not doing so great with almost being late for your presentation, but you were navigating those things. On your own.
Vince had seen you from the moment he stepped on the ice, taking note of the jean jacket you had on. Bringing a smile to his face knowing that you’d kept it even after the breakup. But as he saw you get up from your seat and head for the stairs, he knew you weren’t thrilled to see him.
“Y/n I get it, I should’ve told you but, I knew you wouldn’t come. I promise this isn’t part of some elaborate plan to get you two back together. It just so happened to pan out this way.”
Your friend ran after you to stop you from leaving, grabbing your arm as she pulled you away from the crowd on the concourse.
“Bullshit it’s not. You didn’t buy these tickets, did you?”
Her eyes fell to the ground, not able to hide the fact that you’d read her like a book.
“Vince bought the tickets, didn’t he? That’s why they are on the Seattle end for warmups.”
“Don’t act like you don’t want to see him y/n! You said it yourself, this morning you overslept and were late to work. When is the last time you’ve done that? Things have changed since you and Vince broke up, you can’t deny it. What’s wrong with seeing him play tonight? There’s no reason we can’t watch the game. No one is saying you have to see afterwards, unless you choose to. But, he wants to see you. He misses you.”
You tried not being angry with your friend that she’d been keeping this from you, that she’d been talking to Vince behind your back. But this wasn’t how you ever wanted to see him again, being misled to come to the arena with tickets he bought for you. No matter how hard you tried to not be upset by it, you were.
“Things have changed since we broke up, but that’s for me to deal with and get used to! It doesn’t mean that I have to take him back. Maybe I don’t want to see him. Maybe I don’t miss him. Did you ever consider that?”
She could see how upset you were, your voice shaky as you tried to pretend that the words you spoke were true.
“Is that how you really feel?”
Her tone was a bit sarcastic, though she didn’t mean to be. Tears threatening to fall from your eyes at any second as you tried your best to be strong, this not the place to break down over your ex and the feelings you still had for him. The pain of knowing he felt the same, that he’d orchestrated this night in an attempt to simply see you again. No guarantee that you’d even want to see him.
But you couldn’t convince yourself it was that simple. That he just wanted to see you from behind the glass, occasionally stealing glances when he was sitting on the bench. And you weren’t willing to stick around to find out what other surprises or ideas he’d had planned.
“I’m sorry, I can’t be here.”
Without giving your friend the opportunity to stop you, you turned on your heels as you hurried through the crowd. Calling yourself an Uber while you tried to hold it together. Figuring it was better to allow yourself the freedom to cry as much as you needed from the comfort of your apartment versus the busy St. Louis streets.
Once inside you didn’t make it past your living room before you finally had let yourself break down. It was truly the first time you’d let yourself feel the emotions and heartache of losing him. You’d forced yourself into your work, prepping for presentations, distracting yourself from the idea of life without him. That you never really allowed yourself to feel what that was like. And the idea that he was feeling the same, it all hit you like a freight train.
The soft knock at your door jolted you awake, scanning the apartment as you were unaware you’d fallen asleep on the couch. Checking the time you wondered how long you’d been asleep for, 11:45pm.
Slowly making your way to the door you assumed it was your friend, having seen a few missed texts and calls from her. But as you opened the door, you revealed the last person you’d thought to see.
“Vince? What, why are you here?”
Your tone came off a bit cold, though not intentional, as you were still waking up and now this. He took a deep breath as a soft smile crept across his lips.
“I, I needed to see you. You didn’t stay for the game, so I knew this was my only chance.”
He didn’t bother letting you invite him in, in fact it had been your shared apartment at one point in time. His eyes scanning the kitchen, then the living room. Noticing you’d not taken the opportunity to redecorate. Especially paying attention to the pile of picture frames that sat on your dining table, still holding the memories of you and him.
“Why’d you do that?”
Vince looked to you confused, holding tight to a framed photo of the two of you the night he’d won the Stanley Cup.
One of the best nights of both of your lives.
As the clock ticked down to zero, you jumped up and down with the other WAGS. Tears running down your face as you screamed at the top of your lungs. Vince had done it, the Blues had done it. They won the Stanley Cup.
All the times he’d gotten to be proud of you for crushing a presentation at work, for getting a raise, or a promotion. Now it was your turn to be so incredibly proud of him.
The moment you found him on the ice you couldn’t let him go, his arms wrapped around you as the two of you cried. Knowing how hard he’d worked to even get an opportunity on NHL ice, it had all paid off.
“I fucking love you so much.”
You pulled him in for a kiss as he spun you around, careful not to trip over his own skates.
“I’m so proud of you baby!” The compliment spilling from your lips as your hands held his face, never wanting to forget this moment. The pure joy on his face, the look in his eyes knowing he’d done what only a select group of players will ever do in their careers. Wishing you could live in that moment forever.
“Why’d I do what?”
“The tickets, why did you come up with this elaborate plan to get me there?”
Vince set the frame down, walking further into the apartment as he took a seat in the living room.
“Because, I had to see you y/n. From the moment I left, I knew, it’s always been you. And, I couldn’t come back here and just ignore the fact that you exist.”
“Did you consider the idea that maybe I didn’t want to see you?”
Vince laughed at your comment, knowing it was a lie no matter how hard you tried to sound convincing. He could see that you wanted to just hold him, feel close to him again after everything. He could see that you wanted so badly to admit to him that you were glad he’d attempted to see you, because life without him sucked. To put it plainly.
You wanted so badly to tell him that things weren’t the same without him. That you couldn’t sleep, you were running late to work, that you missed him like crazy. But you knew nothing would change. You’d tell him how you felt, and by the morning he’d be off to the next stop on the team’s road-trip. And soon enough, you would be heading off to somewhere new yourself with the promotion coming for your job.
It seemed pointless to even bother him with your emotions and your feelings, despite how much you could see he wanted you to be honest with him.
He stood up from the couch as he closed the distance between the two of you. Noticing the scattered notes on the counter, assuming they were from a late night cram session for today’s presentation.
“How did it go today?”
You noticed him tilt his head in the direction of the kitchen island, letting out a sigh as you tried to look anywhere but his eyes.
“Um, great, actually. Didn’t start out that way. But, I crushed it. And, I’m getting promoted because of how well I did.”
A smile grew on his face at the news, loving to hear that you were still killing it at your job.
“That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you, seriously. But, why did it not start out great?”
Shaking your head you knew you couldn’t lie, Vince knew you too well and would see right through you. Watching as you nervously picked at your nails, searching for the words to say.
“I overslept, and was running late.”
“You overslept? Since when do you oversleep? And run late for a presentation, you’ve never done that.”
“Because I don’t have you Vince!”
You didn’t mean for your words to come out so harsh, your voice a bit louder but not really yelling as you retreated to your bedroom. Not knowing where to go but not wanting to face Vince, not wanting him to see you finally break down and let him know that you did in fact miss him.
“Y/n, talk to me, what do you mean you overslept because you don’t have me?”
Trying to distract yourself by aimlessly folding laundry, you shrugged.
“I don’t know Vince, it’s just, things are not the same without you. I never overslept when you were here. You helped me prepare for all my presentations, made sure I got enough rest. Made sure I was eating, drinking, everything. You were everything. And without you everything is different. But, it doesn’t matter how I feel. Any minute now I’m getting an email from my boss that is going to tell me what new city I’m getting relocated to, and none of this will matter because you’re going back to Seattle. And nothing is going to change. So just forget it, please. It doesn’t matter.”
Not wanting to cry in front of him, you attempted to retreat to the bathroom. Vince immediately grabbing your hand to stop you. Seeing that these weren’t emotions or thoughts that didn’t matter, and it was clear that you were feeling the same as him.
“It does matter. All of that matters y/n.”
He tucked your hair behind your ear, his hand resting against your cheek as his eyes scanned your face. Stopping to meet yours as he saw how much you were hurting.
“It matters because I love you, I miss you. So fucking much. And you’re right, things are different. Everyday I wake up and wish I could do anything to go back to the day I got traded and convince you right there to move with me. I would do anything I could to have you with me again.”
His forehead rested on yours as his hands now traveled to your sides, a grip on your hips as your hands played with the hem of his shirt.
“And I know you feel the same way, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself you didn’t want to see me, I can see it on your face you’re fighting with yourself to be strong. But, if this is the only chance I have. If you’re off to somewhere new yourself, and if you truly don’t want to see me after this,”
He closed the distance between you, crashing his lips to yours as your hands instinctively pulling him closer. Missing the feeling of him so close, the feeling of his lips on yours. Not caring that in the morning he’d be gone, and you’d go back to trying to navigate life without him. But for now, it felt right, and you couldn’t let him go.
“Please, just give me one last night to remind you how much I still love you.”
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jackoliverca · 1 month
Finding the Perfect House for Rent in Mississauga
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Finding a house for rent in Mississauga can be a rewarding experience, offering a blend of urban amenities and suburban comfort. Whether you're a family looking for more space, a professional seeking proximity to work, or someone in search of a community vibe, Mississauga's diverse rental market has something to offer everyone.
Overview of the Mississauga Rental Market
Mississauga's rental market is diverse, catering to a wide range of preferences and budgets. As one of the largest cities in Ontario, Mississauga offers a variety of housing options that reflect the city's cultural diversity and economic growth.
Current Market Trends
Explore the current trends in Mississauga's rental market, including demand, pricing, and availability. The city has seen steady growth in its rental market, driven by its proximity to Toronto, a strong local economy, and a high quality of life. Rental prices vary depending on the neighborhood and type of home, with detached houses typically commanding higher rents than townhouses or semi-detached homes.
Types of Houses Available
From detached homes to semi-detached and townhouses, Mississauga offers various rental options to suit different needs. Detached homes provide more space and privacy, while townhouses offer a balance between affordability and comfort. Semi-detached homes are a popular choice for those looking for a community feel with shared walls and lower rental costs.
Benefits of Renting a House in Mississauga
House for Rent in Mississauga comes with several benefits that make it an attractive option for many. The city offers a unique combination of suburban tranquility and urban convenience, making it a desirable location for renters.
Space and Privacy
Houses typically offer more space and privacy compared to apartments, making them ideal for families or those seeking a quieter living environment. With larger living areas, private yards, and multiple bedrooms, renting a house in Mississauga can provide the comfort and space needed for family life or entertaining guests.
Access to Quality Amenities
Many rental homes in Mississauga are located in neighborhoods with excellent amenities, including schools, parks, and shopping centers. Whether you’re looking for top-rated schools for your children, nearby parks for outdoor activities, or convenient shopping and dining options, Mississauga has it all.
Renting provides flexibility, allowing you to experience different neighborhoods or adjust your living situation without the commitment of homeownership. This flexibility is particularly valuable in a city like Mississauga, where each neighborhood offers a unique lifestyle and community.
Popular Neighborhoods for Renting Houses in Mississauga
Choosing the right neighborhood is key to finding a house that fits your lifestyle in Mississauga. The city is home to several vibrant and diverse communities, each with its own charm and appeal.
Port Credit
Port Credit offers a vibrant waterfront community with a mix of charming homes and modern amenities. Known for its scenic views, lively marina, and a variety of restaurants and shops, Port Credit is a popular choice for those who enjoy an active lifestyle by the water.
 Erin Mills
Erin Mills is known for its family-friendly atmosphere, with plenty of parks, schools, and shopping options. This neighborhood is ideal for families looking for a safe, suburban environment with easy access to amenities and excellent schools.
Meadowvale provides a suburban feel with easy access to nature trails and recreational facilities. It’s perfect for those who appreciate outdoor activities and community living, offering a peaceful environment while still being close to the city's core.
 How to Find a House for Rent in Mississauga
Finding the perfect rental home in Mississauga requires a strategic approach. Here are some steps to help you in your search.
Online Listings and Platforms
Start your search by exploring online rental platforms that list houses available in Mississauga. Websites like Realtor.ca, Kijiji, and Zillow offer comprehensive listings with detailed information about rental properties, making it easier to narrow down your options.
Working with a Real Estate Agent
Consider working with a real estate agent who specializes in the Mississauga area to help you navigate the rental market. An experienced agent can provide insights into different neighborhoods, negotiate rental terms on your behalf, and help you find a home that meets your needs and budget.
Viewing and Inspecting Properties
Schedule viewings and thoroughly inspect potential rental houses to ensure they meet your needs and expectations. Pay attention to the condition of the property, the layout, and any potential issues that might affect your comfort or safety.
Tips for a Successful Rental Experience
To have a positive rental experience in Mississauga, keep these tips in mind.
 Budgeting for Rent and Utilities
Make sure to budget for not only the rent but also utilities and other expenses associated with renting a house. This includes water, electricity, heating, and sometimes additional costs like lawn maintenance or snow removal.
Understanding Lease Agreements
Carefully review and understand your lease agreement to avoid any surprises or misunderstandings. Ensure that you are clear on the terms, such as the length of the lease, rent increases, and responsibilities for maintenance and repairs.
Building a Good Relationship with Your Landlord
Maintaining a good relationship with your landlord can lead to a smoother and more pleasant rental experience. Good communication, timely rent payments, and respecting the property can contribute to a positive landlord-tenant relationship.
Mississauga offers a variety of houses for rent, each with its unique advantages, making it an appealing choice for renters of all kinds. Whether you're looking for space, amenities, or flexibility, there's a rental home in Mississauga that can meet your needs.
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realtymississauga · 6 months
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Develop And Sale Real Estate Software Applications In Mississauga
develop And Sale Real Estate Software Applications In Mississauga: If You Have No Choice But To Live With Your Parents, You Will Probably Face A Problem. Which House Is Better To Choose? Luckily, Commercial Real Estate Software Apps Were Created To Help Us Solve This Problem. Remember How Tired You Are Looking For Suitable Accommodation? It Takes Days If Not Weeks.
until Recently, You Had To Get In Touch With Your Estate Agent For Your Apartment That Suited Your Needs. Nowadays, Everything Is Very Easy Because So Many Real Estate Platforms Appeared. Users Only Need An Internet Connection And An Application Themselves.
Real Estate Software Development
before You Get Started With Application Development, You Must Think Through All The Business Processes You Will Encounter. If We Are Talking About A Real Estate Application, It Is Very Important To Fill It With Rent And Sale Offers.
read more... https://realtymississauga.com/develop-and-sale-real-estate-software-applications-in-mississauga/
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fesyvei · 11 months
Expected avg income in a city
A national Canadian newspaper posed the question "is $100k annual salary enough to live comfortably?" and as per Betteridge's Law Of Headlines and as per the "upsetting readers increases profit" rule, the answer they probably insist is "no." I can't tell because they're paywalled and they stopped making print newspapers a long time ago. I have a hypothesis that the author is a stereotypical Toronto inhabitant that believes there is no Canada outside that megacity, so I wonder: is $100k enough OUTSIDE of Toronto?
I'm going to use two tools here: the rule-of-thumb that a person shouldn't spend more than 1/3rd of their income on housing, and the national rent report from the company that ate most of the nation's apartment want-ads. Also, I want to count take-home income after taxes, so I'm using Canada Revenue's broad-strokes rule for tax brackets, so the rent is paid from net income not gross.
$100k annual income becomes $82,250 after federal taxes. That's $6,854.17 per month. 1/3rd of that, which is what the rule-of-thumb tells us to expect to pay for housing, is $2,284.72. That's enough to get a 1-person apartment in Etobicoke or Guelph, but not Toronto nor Vancouver.
We can invert the ratio of rule-of-thumb rent to annual income, and it ends up being 43.769x -- we can use this to figure out what the rule-of-thumb income is for each of the cities listed in the national rent report.
Vancouver, BC $130,256.66
Burnaby, BC $118,176.41
Toronto, ON $114,412.27
Oakville, ON $109,510.14
Mississauga, ON $103,207.40
Markham, ON $101,719.25
Richmond Hill, ON $100,581.25
Etobicoke, ON $99,662.10
Guelph, ON $97,079.73
Victoria, BC $92,834.13
Ottawa, ON $89,945.38
Hamilton, ON $82,329.56 ("I have Toronto tastes but Hamilton income" is a local joke.)
Halifax, NS $81,935.64
Montréal, QC $78,083.97
Calgary, AB $75,720.44
Windsor, ON $66,922.86 (aka suburb of Detroit)
Edmonton, AB $55,980.60
Winnipeg, MB $53,485.77
Québec City, QC $53,223.15 (seulement si vous parlez français)
Saskatoon, SK $46,832.87
This is only accounting for rent; a nit-picker will point out cost of groceries and heating is different in each city, and a savvy & resilient person could do better than the average for renting an apartment. It's a nifty list, meant to give an idea what you're expected to earn at at a job in each city.
To nit-pick myself, this list will be out-of-synch not long after November 2023; look at the month-to-month (M/M) and year-to-year (Y/Y) changes on that rent report and you can see prices are still moving at a ridiculous pace, sometimes +10% or even +27% change in merely one year.
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Barrie condos
Welcome to Torontohomesearch, Get here Vaughan condo in Toronto, we provide you to buy Mississauga condos in Toronto.
TorontoHomeSearch - Searching for North york condos in Toronto, We have a lot of spots to call home - purchase, rent, or lease a condos in Oakville and Barrie.
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John Di Flaviano is a previous townhouse examiner and Presently Real estate agent who spends significant time in the deals of condos in Ontario Canada. As a townhouse trained professional, I center around Toronto condominiums as well as new apartment suite improvements in York Locale, Vaughan, Barrie and North York. The keys to purchasing an apartment suite could be translated in my 10 Stage Apartment suite Purchasing Plan. Obviously, my client's spending plan will direct whether they will purchase a new or a re-deal townhouse however financial plan will likewise assume a part in the geological area of a condominium, conveniences in a condominium and age of an apartment suite. As a previous townhouse examiner, my broad data of information base will assist my clients with pinpointing the condominium that is ideal for them. Not all apartment suites are made or overseen similarly yet in particular two condominiums might look the very same yet that is the main thing that they will share practically speaking. I assist my clients with staying away from "purchasing a lemon" yet I'm fanatical about tracking down my clients "a reasonable plan" and there are many variables engaged with tracking down condominiums in this class. The vast majority would agree to me that purchasing an apartment suite in view of a lower sticker cost will ensure that I found a townhouse which is a "reasonable plan" however that could be so further from reality. On the off chance that somebody doesn't have the foggiest idea about the issues, the future commitments, the monetary preview of the townhouse than how might they know whether purchasing that townhouse will convert into a "reasonable plan". Whether you are thinking about purchasing or leasing a York Locale Townhouse, North York Condominium, Barrie Condominium, Vaughan Apartment suite or a Toronto Apartment suite, the right exhortation is looking straight at you. My proverb is, I could never propose my clients purchase a Townhouse except if it's something that I had confidence in and would hence get myself.
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Vaughan condos - John Di Flaviano is a former condo auditor turned REALTOR. Condo expertise, value hunting and results oriented is what I strive for working on behalf of my clients. North york condos, vaughan condos, york region condos and barrie condos comprise my geographical specializations. For all your buying, selling, renting and assignment condo needs, look no further. READ MY CONDO BUYING NEWSLETTER.
Barrie condos - TorontoHomeSearch - Searching for North york condominiums in Toronto, We have a lot of spots to call home - purchase, rent, or lease a condominium in Oakville and Barrie.
North york condos- Welcome to Torontohomesearch, Get here Vaughan condo in Toronto, we provide you to buy Mississauga condos in Toronto.
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honoor-co-uk · 1 year
Vaughan condos
Welcome to Torontohomesearch, Get here Vaughan condo in Toronto, we provide you to buy Mississauga condos in Toronto.
TorontoHomeSearch - Searching for North york condos in Toronto, We have a lot of spots to call home - purchase, rent, or lease a condos in Oakville and Barrie.
About us -
John Di Flaviano is a previous townhouse examiner and Presently Real estate agent who spends significant time in the deals of condos in Ontario Canada. As a townhouse trained professional, I center around Toronto condominiums as well as new apartment suite improvements in York Locale, Vaughan, Barrie and North York. The keys to purchasing an apartment suite could be translated in my 10 Stage Apartment suite Purchasing Plan. Obviously, my client's spending plan will direct whether they will purchase a new or a re-deal townhouse however financial plan will likewise assume a part in the geological area of a condominium, conveniences in a condominium and age of an apartment suite. As a previous townhouse examiner, my broad data of information base will assist my clients with pinpointing the condominium that is ideal for them. Not all apartment suites are made or overseen similarly yet in particular two condominiums might look the very same yet that is the main thing that they will share practically speaking. I assist my clients with staying away from "purchasing a lemon" yet I'm fanatical about tracking down my clients "a reasonable plan" and there are many variables engaged with tracking down condominiums in this class. The vast majority would agree to me that purchasing an apartment suite in view of a lower sticker cost will ensure that I found a townhouse which is a "reasonable plan" however that could be so further from reality. On the off chance that somebody doesn't have the foggiest idea about the issues, the future commitments, the monetary preview of the townhouse than how might they know whether purchasing that townhouse will convert into a "reasonable plan". Whether you are thinking about purchasing or leasing a York Locale Townhouse, North York Condominium, Barrie Condominium, Vaughan Apartment suite or a Toronto Apartment suite, the right exhortation is looking straight at you. My proverb is, I could never propose my clients purchase a Townhouse except if it's something that I had confidence in and would hence get myself.
Get services –
Vaughan condos - John Di Flaviano is a former condo auditor turned REALTOR. Condo expertise, value hunting and results oriented is what I strive for working on behalf of my clients. North york condos, vaughan condos, york region condos and barrie condos comprise my geographical specializations. For all your buying, selling, renting and assignment condo needs, look no further. READ MY CONDO BUYING NEWSLETTER.
Barrie condos - TorontoHomeSearch - Searching for North york condominiums in Toronto, We have a lot of spots to call home - purchase, rent, or lease a condominium in Oakville and Barrie.
North york condos- Welcome to Torontohomesearch, Get here Vaughan condo in Toronto, we provide you to buy Mississauga condos in Toronto.
North york condos - For years Belfield Realty Limited has provided the seller guide to condominium for sale North York and Toronto. We help you to know how you can sell a house and choose a real estate agent. know more!
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
A Toronto-area woman is facing an eviction hearing after she aired her concerns about her building's maintenance publicly to CBC Toronto.
Last October, CBC News told the story of April Johnston and the complaints she and several of her neighbours had about their apartment complex on Rathburn Road East in Mississauga, west of Toronto. They spoke about routine repairs that they said were left undone for weeks or months at a time, piles of garbage and pests like mice and roaches.
Just before Christmas, Johnston received a notice from the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) warning that she could be subject to an eviction application because, according to the complex's owners, her accusations were untrue.
The notice said airing the complaints publicly hindered the landlord's reasonable enjoyment of the residential complex.
Then, on Feb. 23, she received a letter informing her that the landlord was applying for an eviction order.
Johnston and other tenants in the low-rise complex, located near Central Parkway East and Highway 403, told CBC Toronto the problems had existed since the beginning of 2020 when the first superintendent and property manager took over.
In the CBC story, several tenants complained about plumbing problems, repairs that hadn't been carried out by the owners, Toronto-based Solmor Builders Ltd., for weeks at a time, as well as ongoing battles with mice and insects.
Hawkes emailed a statement about the ongoing eviction battle in response to questions from CBC Toronto.
A date for a hearing has been set, according to the LTB said the complaints she and other tenants aired in October were legitimate, and some have still not been resolved.
Johnston also says she's worried about the chilling effect that threats of eviction can have on tenants who might otherwise speak out against landlords who neglect their properties.
Geordie Dent, of the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations, who's not involved in the Johnston case, told CBC Toronto that it's not at all uncommon for landlords to initiate eviction proceedings when tenants speak out, and the practice seems to be on the rise.
He said with such high rents, it's in a landlord's interests to get current tenants out and bring new tenants in, so more rent can be charged.
Paralegal Barrington Lue Sang, who specializes in landlord-tenant cases, said it's not uncommon for tenants to accuse landlords of shoddy maintenance. But it's unlikely a landlord could win an eviction based on those complaints.
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maxcareproperties · 2 years
Houses for Rent in Mississauga - Maxcare Properties
Are you looking for Houses for Rent in Mississauga? Look no further than Maxcare Properties, we have covered all types of apartments to complete your requirements.
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movertoronto · 2 years
What to Expect When Moving to Mississauga
The Greater Toronto Area is incredibly popular and draws people from all over the world. One of the most popular places for people to settle is Mississauga. For new residents, especially those who haven’t spent much time in the area, you may be wondering what to expect when moving to Mississauga. Let’s take a look at the ins and outs of this community.
Mississauga has a population of over 720,000, making it the sixth most populous area in Canada and third most populous in Ontario. Located a short drive from downtown Toronto, Mississauga is a thriving suburb located on the lake.
It is also home to an extensive business presence. As the home of Toronto’s international airport, it is no surprise that Mississauga houses Honeywell Aerospace and Magellan Aerospace. However, it also is home to more than 60 Canadian offices for Fortune 500 companies including Walmart and Hewlett Packard.
Housing Market
Everyone knows about the expensive housing market in Toronto. Mississauga’s housing market is also quite popular; however, you’ll find much more affordable prices in this city. The median home price is currently $1,490,000, which represents a 27% increase over the prior year. If you would prefer to opt for a condo instead, you’ll pay a median of $595,000, which has increased 18% over the prior year.
If you are looking to rent, you’ll find the average one-bedroom apartment to be $1,800, which has stayed relatively stable over the prior year. While this may seem steep, it is 13% cheaper than living in Toronto. There are also areas where you’ll find cheaper options depending upon your flexibility with location.
For families with children, an important consideration is schools. While the typical notion is that the more expensive areas have the better schools, this is not necessarily true in Mississauga. In fact, there are areas in Mississauga at virtually every price point that have very good schools, making it a great place to live with a family.
Culture & Recreation
Mississauga is very popular for young professionals and young families. One of the reasons for this is because the city has many things to do. The city is filled with green spaces with one of the most preeminent ones being Celebration Square. This area if ground zero for a variety of community events.
Meanwhile, Mississauga is great for the nature lover. One of the most popular areas is Rattray Marsh Conservation Area, which is home to gorgeous scenic waterfront trails. This area is popular for bird watching and hosts local farmer’s markets.
The city is also rich in museums, sporting facilities, and other attractions. You can find many shopping areas from trendy small businesses to large shopping centres. The area also has a wide array of restaurants from upscale to dive bars. Here, you’ll find cuisine from around the world as well including restaurants featuring food from China, Malaysia, Trinidad, and many other places.
For the arts lover, the Mississauga Arts Council is definitely worth checking out. They sponsor a wide variety of events throughout the year including the annual MARTY awards that celebrates local artists. The city also hosts many annual festivals including a Canada Day Celebration, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Rotary Ribfest, and an annual festival of cultures that occurs in May.
Things to Do
In addition to festivals and other fun, there are many interesting sights to see when you move to Mississauga. Here are some of our favourites.
Art Gallery of Mississauga. This museum first opened in 1987 and features four major gallery areas. In addition to a permanent collection of roughly 500 works, it features rotating displays that tend to highlight regional artists. Additionally, the museum hosts many events such as workshops and children’s art classes.
Playdium. If you enjoy arcade games, you’ll love Playdium. With over 12,000 square meters of games and rides, there is something for the whole family. A visit to this attraction can include playing modern and classic arcade games, miniature golf, batting cages, or racing on one of Canada’s largest go kart tracks.
Alpine Indoor Ski. Why wait for winter to hit the slopes when you can ski anytime at Canada’s only indoor ski center. This is a great and affordable place to learn to ski or snowboard and is also perfect for those wanting to get in some off-season practice.
Wahoosh Falls. If you are a nature lover, be sure to head to the ravine behind the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus. Here you’ll find a nice place for a stroll that leads to the waterfalls. While not massive, they present a relaxing place to be surrounded by nature. The falls empty into the Credit River, which is popular for canoeing.
Lakeview Village Complex. Art lovers will enjoy a visit to Lakeview Village where you’ll find the walls covered in various murals. Artscape Atelier works to organize these exhibits which focus on local heritage and building community. It is definitely a colourful place to visit.
Final Thoughts
While you may be wondering what to expect when moving to Mississauga, you can rest assured that you will find a vibrant, welcoming community with plenty to do. There are plenty of reasons why Mississauga is a popular place. Join the many others who have decided to call this community their home. Whether you prefer to explore Streetsville, Port Credit, or anywhere in between, you’ll be happy you decided to move to Mississauga.
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jackoliverca · 2 months
Apartments for Rent in Mississauga: A Comprehensive Guide
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Searching for apartments for rent in Mississauga, Canada, can be an exciting yet daunting task given the city’s diverse options and vibrant communities. This blog post will guide you through the essentials of finding the perfect rental in Mississauga, from popular neighborhoods to tips for apartment hunting.
Why Choose Mississauga?
Overview of the City
Mississauga, located just west of Toronto, is a bustling city known for its multicultural population and economic opportunities. As one of Canada’s largest cities, it offers a dynamic blend of urban amenities and suburban charm, making it an attractive destination for renters.
Quality of Life
With excellent public services, green spaces, and a variety of cultural events, Mississauga offers a high quality of life for its residents. The city’s commitment to community well-being is evident in its well-maintained parks, recreational facilities, and a robust public transit system.
Proximity to Toronto
Its proximity to Toronto makes Mississauga an attractive place to live for those who work in the city but prefer a quieter home environment. With convenient access to major highways and public transit, commuting to Toronto is straightforward and hassle-free.
Popular Neighborhoods for Renters
City Centre
City Centre is the heart of Mississauga, offering a vibrant urban lifestyle with numerous amenities and entertainment options. Home to Square One Shopping Centre, one of the largest malls in Canada, and the Living Arts Centre, this neighborhood is ideal for those who enjoy a lively, fast-paced environment.
Port Credit
Known for its scenic waterfront and charming village feel, Port Credit is a favorite among those seeking a picturesque and lively community. With its marina, beautiful parks, and an array of restaurants and shops, Port Credit provides a unique blend of relaxation and activity.
Erin Mills
Erin Mills is a family-friendly neighborhood known for its excellent schools, parks, and suburban tranquility. This area is perfect for families looking for spacious homes and a strong sense of community, with ample green spaces and convenient shopping centers like Erin Mills Town Centre.
Clarkson combines historic charm with modern conveniences, making it a desirable location for renters who appreciate a mix of old and new. With its heritage homes, contemporary condos, and easy access to the Clarkson GO Station, this neighborhood offers the best of both worlds.
Types of Apartments Available
High-Rise Apartments
High-rise Apartments for Rent in Mississauga offer stunning views and modern amenities, catering to those who enjoy a contemporary living environment. These buildings often feature state-of-the-art facilities such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and rooftop terraces.
Low-Rise and Mid-Rise Apartments
For a more intimate setting, low-rise and mid-rise apartments provide a cozy atmosphere while still offering essential amenities. These buildings are typically found in quieter neighborhoods and offer a more relaxed living experience.
Townhomes and Loft Apartments
Townhomes and loft apartments offer unique living spaces with the benefits of additional privacy and often, more spacious layouts. These options are perfect for those who need extra room or prefer a home-like feel within a rental property.
What to Consider When Renting
Establishing a clear budget is crucial in narrowing down your apartment search and avoiding financial strain. Consider all costs, including rent, utilities, parking, and any additional fees, to ensure the apartment fits within your financial plan.
Lease Terms
Understanding lease terms and conditions is essential to ensure there are no surprises after you move in. Pay attention to the length of the lease, renewal policies, and any clauses related to rent increases or maintenance responsibilities.
Amenities and Services
Consider what amenities and services are important to you, such as parking, in-unit laundry, or access to fitness facilities. Make a list of your must-haves and nice-to-haves to help prioritize your search.
Proximity to Work and Public Transit
Location is key, so think about your commute to work and the accessibility of public transit when choosing an apartment. A convenient location can save you time and reduce daily stress.
Tips for Apartment Hunting in Mississauga
Start Early
Beginning your apartment search early gives you more options and reduces the stress of finding a place last minute. The more time you give yourself, the more likely you are to find a place that meets all your criteria.
Visit Potential Apartments
Schedule visits to potential apartments to get a feel for the space, neighborhood, and overall environment. Seeing a place in person can reveal details that photos and descriptions might not capture.
Ask the Right Questions
Prepare a list of questions to ask landlords or property managers to ensure the apartment meets your needs. Inquire about utilities, maintenance, parking, and any other concerns you might have.
Navigating the Rental Process
Application Process
Be prepared with all necessary documentation, such as proof of income, references, and identification, to streamline the application process. Having these documents ready can speed up the approval process and increase your chances of securing the apartment.
Signing the Lease
Carefully review the lease agreement and make sure you understand all terms before signing. It’s important to clarify any doubts and ensure you agree with all the conditions set by the landlord.
Moving In
Plan your move-in day carefully, including scheduling movers if necessary and setting up utilities in advance. A well-organized move can help you settle into your new home smoothly.
Making Your Apartment a Home
Decorating Tips
Personalize your space with decorations and furnishings that reflect your style and make your apartment feel like home. Small touches like artwork, plants, and cozy textiles can transform your new place.
Getting to Know Your Neighborhood
Spend time exploring your new neighborhood to discover local amenities, parks, restaurants, and community events. Familiarizing yourself with the area can make you feel more connected and at home.
Establishing a Routine
Establishing a daily routine can help you settle into your new home and make the transition smoother. Whether it’s a morning jog in a nearby park or a weekly visit to a local café, routines can create a sense of normalcy.
Renting an apartment in Mississauga offers a blend of urban convenience and suburban comfort, making it a fantastic choice for anyone looking to enjoy the best of both worlds. With its diverse neighborhoods, quality of life, and proximity to Toronto, Mississauga is an ideal place to call home. By following these tips and considering your needs and preferences, you can find the perfect apartment that suits your lifestyle.
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
Ontario announces sweeping housing changes that allow three units on one property
The Ontario government announced sweeping housing changes that will allow up to three units on each residential lot.
The Ontario government announced sweeping housing changes on Tuesday that will override municipal zoning laws in some situations and allow for the construction of up to three units on each residential lot.
Elements of the new legislation were first presented publicly at a ticketed Toronto Region Board of Trade event attended by Premier Doug Ford and Municipal Affairs Minister Steve Clarke.
Speaking to the crowd, Ford said the third installment of his government’s housing action plan will include “new solutions” that will allow the next generation of Ontarians to own a home.
“There’s no time to waste,” he said. “Previous governments saw the problem coming, but they totally ignored it.”
“You need to have a backbone to go out there and make those tough decisions. Our government will never ignore the many Ontario families who want a place to call home.”
The government tabled a bill Tuesday--called the More Homes, Built Faster Act--including several legislative changes and proposals they say will help “build housing faster and bring costs down,” allowing the Progressive Conservatives to meet their goal of building 1.5 million homes in 10 years.
As part of this plan, the PCs will be overriding municipal zoning laws to allow more “missing middle” homes to be built without further planning approvals.
Under the legislation, up to three units will be allowed on a single residential lot without any bylaw amendments or municipal permissions. An example provided by the government shows a basement apartment and garden or laneway house could be built on a property and rented out to tenants. Duplexes and triplexes could also be built on single residential lots, regardless of municipal zoning laws.
The legislation would make it so municipalities can’t set restrictions on unit sizes or require more than one parking space per unit.
A graphic provided to reporters by the Ontario government shows how its "missing middle" homes legislation can be used.
These units would be exempt from development charges and parkland dedication fees under the new legislation.
Development charges are fees collected from developers that help pay for the cost of municipal services or impacted infrastructure such as roads and transit.
Officials hope this will create a “broader mix of rental housing.”
The Ontario government has also said it will be assigning housing targets to 29 large municipalities based on population size and growth.
As part of the housing legislation, the City of Toronto will be on the hook for the creation of 285,000 new homes by 2031.
Ottawa has been assigned a housing target of 161,000 while Mississauga has a target of 120,000 and Brampton has a goal of 113,000 homes.
Each city will have to develop “pledges” outlining how they will meet the targets. Clarke would not expand on what would happen if municipalities do not meet their housing goals, saying only that he hopes municipalities will be up to the challenge.
"We'll work collaboratively with those largest communities that we've initiated a housing pledge," he said, adding that housing was a major issue throughout the municipal elections across the province.
As it stands, there are no additional financial investments announced Tuesday to help these municipalities make their goals or to make up the difference lost by the reduction of development charges and fees.
Ontario will also scrap fees—including development charges, parkland dedication levies and community benefit charges—for affordable housing, non-profit housing and “inclusionary zoning units.” This is in addition to reducing development charges up to 25 per cent for family-sized rental units.
Conservation authority fees for development permits will be temporarily frozen.
Government officials said conservation authorities will no longer need to consider factors such as pollution or land conservation when approving permit requirements. Instead development regulations will be streamlined to focus on natural hazards such as flooding and erosion.
They will also streamline the province’s 36 conservation authorities into one agency.
Several proposals that would allow the government to “streamline processes” to get housing built, including removing the requirement for municipalities to hold public meetings for every development draft plan, focusing site plan reviews on health and safety issues rather than landscaping details, and allowing ministry staff to make certain decisions on aggregate development applications rather than waiting for a minister’s approval.
The province says it will also limit third-party appeals at the Ontario Land Tribunal for official plan amendments, zoning bylaw amendments, as well as “minor variances and consents.” This includes appeals made by individuals or community groups not directly involved in the development case.
The government says this will speed up approvals and reduce caseloads at the tribunal.
Clarke said residential associations or environmental groups can still make appeals through city council.
"We're past the point of NIMBYs," he said. "We're no in 'not in my backyard.'"
"You can't continue to do the same thing."
While the PCs are reducing the number of fees, they are also increasing fines for “bad actors” who terminate contracts or cancel projects such as pre-construction homes.
If approved, this proposal would increase the maximum penalties from $25,000 to $50,000 and allow the proceeds to be directed to consumers adversely affected by the decision.
These new changes come on the same day the government raised the non-resident speculation tax on homes purchased by foreign nationals from 20 percent to 25 percent—the highest tax rate in Canada.
The tax hike goes into effect today.
The New Democratic Party, meanwhile, said they were concerned about whether the legislation tabled will build enough affordable housing compared to what the province is calling "attainable housing."
"It does seem like this bill is good for building new homes. We have some questions about whether this bill will build affordable homes," MPP Jessica Bell told reporters.
"We have some questions about whether this bill will enable municipalities to provide the services that are necessary when new developments come online. And we've got a lot of concerns about what this bill will mean for renters as well as people who are struggling with homelessness"
The housing legislation would go into effect by the summer of 2023 if it passes, the government says.
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citygatesuites · 4 years
Extended stay Mississauga offers long term accommodation for guests. The stay rentals are useful in a number of scenarios, from vacation to business travel and many life moments in between.
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