#aph Headcanons
hetalian-veteran · 3 days
Hetalia Headcanon #5
Prussia has built an entire birdhouse for Gilbird. And I'm not talking about a cute little birdhouse you find at the store. I'm talking about a birdhouse with several stories, a balcony, a pool, a hot tub, a porch, a beer cellar, a giant walk-in closet with dozens of cute outfits (all of which were made by both Prussia and Liechtenstein), indoor plumbing, working electricity, etc.
You know, just the essentials.
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anglophile-alfred · 4 months
I love the idea of Alfred knowing every language out there because of how many different types of people live in America—and this is specifically a skill Alfred has, not every nation.
He could also use this skill for chaos, like speaking French whenever he wants to piss off England (who does know French, but you will never get him to speak it. Over his dead body).
Canada would probably forget America knows French and say an insult to him in the language under his breath, just to facepalm when Alfred easily replies with a comeback in not only French but specifically Quebec French.
America speaks only English around Ivan as a power move. He also knows that China is more receptive to him when he speaks Chinese. America somehow knowing every Chinese dialect and the intricacies of the language is the only thing China will admit as impressive about Alfred.
At world meetings when all of the languages are flying as people yell and argue, America gets overwhelmed and has to leave the room to cool off. But no one ever realizes that's why he does that.
And of course, he smiles so much when he talks to his people in their native languages and sees them brighten at being understood in their native tongue. I can also see him giving free classes on ASL and braille to help more people be able to speak with those who are deaf and blind. Probably the only languages he's still working on learning are the different forms of sign language in each country. He knows ASL but not BSL, for instance.
Alfred may be oblivious a lot of the time and also have a childish innocence to him in some ways that can affect his decision-making, but he's still smart under all of that. That's also why you see him suggesting superheroes as a solution to climate change while having archeology and astronomy as hobbies.
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merbear25 · 5 months
cw nsfw
haiiii i forgot if i asked this but maybe e ame with breeding kink :3
an d england too ofc ofc
Hey, hey! I can't deny that I'm a sucker for a breeding kink, so I was happy to write this for you. I went with headcanons, so I hope you like it 💜💜
America and England with a breeding kink
CW: NSFW!! MDNI!! fem!reader, headcanons, mentions of impregnating reader, vaginal creampies
He didn't realize he had this kink before meeting you, but when he sees how good you are around children, something in him just cllicks.
He's a bit embarrassed about talking to you about it mostly due to the fact he has no idea how to bring it up.
Not only did you never discuss wanting to have kids, but you were also extremely careful when having sex: using condoms and birth control were a must. However, the desire to fill you completely with his cum was gnawing at him.
When he asks you about exploring this option, he's fairly surprised that you're willing to indulge him in his fantasies. He's not complaining, though!
Before trying it, you two had a discussion about what you'd do if you got pregnant. You pushed this discussion more than he did.
During your first time having sex without a condom, you're both nervous about the 'what if' situation.
That being said, the chemistry between the two of you overpowered your doubts. Soon you're both lost in the midst of passion and the euphoria.
When he releases in you, shivers are sent down your spine, leaving goosebumps in the wake of your lovemaking.
After the first time, it was hard to go back to using condoms. The more you let him creampie you, the less you wanted to keep to your birth control.
Knowing you are off the pill excites him, and leaves him wanting to see you carry his child.
The thought of his cum dripping out of you, then leading to your swollen belly only makes him want to keep himself between your legs until he makes it a reality.
He comes off as a very prim and proper man and to be fair, he is...to an extent.
He may not flaunt it, but he's got a fair amount of experience under his belt. He's had a lot of time to realize his sexual interests and kinks, and he's more than happy to help you explore yours.
He's raised a few countries, so he's not exactly jumping at the opportunity to get back to parenting.
That being said, when you come to him with that sweet face and doe eyes, he finds it hard not to listen to you wanting to explore your kink to have him breed you.
Now, the thought of him cumming in you so recklessly does send thrills throughout his body, but he's a bit apprehensive. He wants to talk about the possibility of you getting pregnant and if the both of you are ready for it.
After discussing the options, he's happy to satisfy your desires.
Everything leading up to the main event was perfect, leaving you craving for more.
While having your first time throwing caution to the wind, you couldn't get enough of it. The energy you're bringing gives him a massive confidence boost.
You've unleashed a primal urge within him, and he's fully committed to cumming in you as deep as he can.
Watching everything he pulsated into you drip out is one of the most satisfying things for him. Knowing how much you love the feel of it makes it even better.
If you decide that you want children, he's now happy to take that next step with you. He comes across as very gentlemanly when you bring it up.
But, when you're in the bedroom, his true feelings towards it come out. He's clearly on a mission to impregnate you, chasing a fantasy of his he'd kept burried.
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lemonerix · 11 days
a spin on a modern day KT (bc I'm delusional and convinced that he's still alive)
cw: scars + fire related injuries
(zoom in if the text ain't readable)
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and a bby boy from when things were alright 🥹
I like that his hc human name his Gabriel bc he can twin with Gilbert, like they're G² lol.
Also like he probably has a hard time walking bc those flames definitely didn't do his legs any good, so I like the hc that he sometimes uses a wheelchair/crutches when it gets too difficult for him to walk.
Ig because of his previous status he doesn't go insane like normal humans do after prolonged exposure to the nations he tolerates, so he's kept his immortality despite not being a personification of any group. Tho he could still get hurt and actually die if he gets a fatal wound so he's just semi-immortal.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 6 months
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Early Appalachian frontiersman Alfred in buckskin circa 1790- 1810s. I’m trying to figure out how to paint like NC Wyeth digitally (so lol the background is Wyeth’s).
Gonna ramble a bit about my nor’easter au and Alfred below the cut
Following the American Revolution, Alfred is immediately sent out to squash any rebellions (like whiskey rebellion) and to partake in wars against Indigenous nations like the Cherokee. I’ll save a discussion about the Cherokee wars for another time because that’ll take a long time to explain + I’m still working on my Cherokee oc and I need to understand Cherokee history and perspective more before I go forward with talking about this topic.
Now the many of the east coast states are older than Alfred, and they mostly supported him during the revolution because they thought he’d be easy to control given at the time of the revolution he wasn’t tied down as any colony or city. However, he was a New Englander and very obviously so
He was once Plymouth colony and he grew up alongside his cousin Henry/Massachusetts, but by the time the revolution occurred, his status was unclear and he was simply living with his cousin (who’s his earliest and most fierce supporter) .
These states operated like countries and part of why the had the revolution was to continue to self-govern and maintain their regional cultures. It’s also part of why the federal government initially was rather weak. Given Alfred’s closeness to his cousin, and his very staunch New England identity, I think the states would be hesitant over a strong New England national control. And so I think they especially Jennie/NY & Rich/Virginia encouraged Alfred to leave his cousin for a while, and partake in military campaigns (+ he was good at battle).
Also Alfred was like 14, and I don’t think he’s ever been the type to sit down and do paperwork. Honestly he was always a bad student, who was far more interested in the outdoors, horses, sailing and hunting. While he won the war, and he was fine with being head of state, he still didn’t 1) have confidence in himself to make non-military related decisions 2) he just wasn’t mentally ready to take on the responsibilities and was fine deferring it to his states like Jennie, Rich, or Henry to figure out matters that weren’t military related. He was irresponsible and it would come back to bite him in the ass during the Civil War.
Alfred on a personal level it was probably good for him to get away from his overly critical cousin who can be overbearing, but also so he would get more experience to deeply get to know his states.
Also Alfred, growing up in New England, he was a little ball of rage as a kid and he has a difficult time managing his emotions. He wasn’t exactly the personable seemingly fun loving Alfred of the present. Not that he couldn’t crack a joke, but ok I’m not from New England, but in the northeast I find we’re rather cynical, un-filtered and sarcastic and tbh kind of asssholes in the way we have fun and in our humor. That’s how he was, which is like fine unless you’re trying to appeal to the rest of the nation lol which he would have to
I think his time spent in Appalachia and the south did help him learn more about his other states especially Maisie/ North Carolina. But also helped him learn more how to let go some of this intense New England rage, and how to better control his emotions. But also let loose in a way that isn’t so dark and cynical. Also I think this helped him slowly learn how to speak with less of a New England specific accent
He was also able to observe states like Rich and Carl/ South Carolina and gain an understanding of how being able to control your emotions, can help control your image and how others perceive you. So these are the origins of how he slowly began to shape and become at least in public this overly friendly happy go lucky Alfred.
I’ll save a discussion about his interactions with the Appalachian states more explicitly another time I’m just tired😴 fr rn
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littleprettyjester · 2 years
FrUk going to bed is literally:
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And we all know who is who
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lady0ctavia · 14 days
Hetalia Headcanons - Their Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O (Axis, Allies, and Nordics)
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Doing something real quick while my hands heal, and to give you guys a little something. You know, keeping you fed and all. <3
Includes: Axis, Allies, and Nordics (except Iceland, see pinned post as to why).
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Italy: Lips or nose
Germany: Forehead or cheek
Japan: Cheek
Prussia: Lips
Romano: Temple
America: Lips
England: Hand
France: Lips or neck
Russia: Top of your head
China: Cheek or hand
Canada: Nose or the spot between your eyes
Denmark: Lips, jawline, or shoulder
Sweden: Top of your head or forehead
Norway: Nose
Finland: Nose or cheek
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kumoridoddles · 4 months
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Y’all rate my amazing estonia headcanons or estonia himself in my amazing cool artstyle 🥺🥺🥺
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paikothecateater · 5 days
Norway: Mr. Puffin isn't even cute.
Literally Mr. Puffin:
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I've been laughing at this for like ten minutes. Why he look like that?
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hetalian-veteran · 6 days
Hetalia Headcanon #3
One time to mess with the other nations, America and Canada, who already look very similar to one another, decided to switch outfits, glasses, and hairstyles. They even practiced perfecting each other's accents and speech patterns, including their volume and tone of voice. They decided to do this right before a world meeting. The meeting went along as usual, but everyone had this growing sense of anxiety that something wasn't right, particularly whenever Canada or America spoke. This culminated in England and France freaking out when Mr. Kumajiro walked in, looked at America dressed as Canada, and said, "You are not my father."
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mochisagii · 3 months
welp, that's about it so *cracks knuckles*
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merbear25 · 5 months
Hello again! I had a fun idea:
How would Italy, Romano, and Spain respond to seeing their girlfriend wearing a shirt that said: I'm not clumsy. Just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are BULLIES and the walls get in my way. (I'm wearing this shirt today and had a good laugh)
Hey, hey! I know this ask is old, so I appreciate your patience! That sounds like a shirt that accurately describes my relationship with furniture. Love it 😂
Italy, Romano, and Spain reacting to their s/o wearing a quirky shirt
CW: SFW, fluff, fem!reader in mind but nothing specific mentioned.
The first time you wear it around him, he stops you so he can read it properly.
He laughs and says that it suits you so well.
Wouldn't mind in the slightest if you decide to wear it often. He finds the shirt funny and it reminds him of all your cute clumsy behavior.
If you end up running into any furniture, he'd tell you to add it to the list of bullies.
Playful teasing would be one of his favorite ways of commenting on the shirt.
He's slightly embarrassed by how specific your shirt is.
Dating you, he knows it's all too accurate.
Would hide his face when you come into the room wearing it in hopes of concealing his burning cheeks.
This being said, he would never tell you not to wear it. It's yours, it makes you giggle, but just know he's rolling his eyes at your silliness.
If you're ever clumsy when wearing that shirt, he'll tell you that it's bad luck.
Sure, he's just joking...maybe
When he first sees you in the shirt he can't help but laugh. Of course, he's not laughing at you. He's just recalling all of those 'bullies' you've run into.
He jokes that wearing it might bring you some trouble, making the furniture and walls want to sneak up on you.
If any clumsiness occurs when you wear it, he'd tease that he warned you that you were making yourself a target.
Of course, he adores you and will leave a soft kiss on your forehead after the chuckles subside.
He'd probably buy you some other quirky shirts or mugs that seem to have been made specifically for you.
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Headcanon: Matthew has written n several awards for axe and knife throwing. While his brother is good with guns, he’s good with old fashioned knives and axes.
Headcanon: Both Matthew and Alfred have impeccable aim. Even before Arthur scooped them up. It was just another thing they bonded over.
Headcanon: Because of Canada and America’s great aim England used it against them. Often fighting with France saying that they are more like him because of their aim.
Headcanon: While England’s comments about aim didn’t affect America much, in fact America used it against him. Canada stopped throwing knives and axes for a long time. Only starting again after gaining independence.
Headcanon: Canada still hides that he has several awards from knife and axe throwing from England, and swore France to secrecy.
Headcanon: After France and America found out about the competitions, they never miss a single one. They always cheer Canada on.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 1 month
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During these Olympics, I learned that Australia has one-sided beef with the United States especially over swimming. I find this beef weird cause lol Aussies are just American different font & idk most Americans love Aussies 😭.
Anyways, I imagine Kyle/ Australia (I’m using my friend Mel’s interpretation) & Alfred did bring that competitive spirit to the Olympics these games. Also just to note, these two are 1000% friends, and whenever they’re together they get into stupid levels of trouble together.
My Alfred grew up in Massachusetts (he once represented Plymouth colony) so he def knows how to swim. He’s a New England boy at heart even if he now lives in DC.
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
Hey there! Can I have a headcanons request of Germany, England and France who have darlings that are quite, calm, introverted and composed most of the time but during their game/fight. Their darling can be very intimidating and dangerous as their rival would be afraid of them (If you know KNB. They are like Akashi Seijuro)
Ludwig Beilschmidt:
-He is so surprised. Like, shocked.
-You have always been so cute and nice…totally didn’t expect that and at first, he thinks it is a joke.
-But Ludwig can’t say he isn’t intrigued by this new side of your personality…unless you get violent. That is a big no-no for him.
-He’ll try to bring that side of you out, not often, but mostly to understand when and with whom it comes out.
-Yeah, he will study you lol. A way to understand every shade of you.
Arthur Kirkland:
-He worries a lot!
-Not for you, for the rival obviously.
-He can recognize the aura around his partner, he and Francis often get it when they meet.
-Gonna kiss your forehead after you destroy your rival and go back home.
-He had to reprimand you in front of others because he is a gentleman, but his true self is so proud of you.
Françis Bonnefoy:
-As Arthur, he recognized the aura around you immediately.
-He has to admit that he prefers your nice and more introverted side of personality.
-Mostly because he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
-Like, it is hot how good you kick ass, but please don’t get hurt, Françis likes to wear his nurse outfit for entirely different motivations.
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lady0ctavia · 27 days
Hetalia Kiss Headcanons (Allies)
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Headcanons on how the Hetalia characters would kiss their S/O, as well as who I think would initiate your first kiss as a couple~
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America: Alfred is the kind of guy who gets all giddy and smiles whenever you kiss. You can feel his lips curling into a goofy grin upon yours. His kisses are a little more forceful and abrupt from being fueled by his impulsive "do or die" mentality, causing you to feel a little lightheaded, needing a moment to register what just happened/what is happening. Because of his mentality, your first kiss was 100% initiated by him. He probably kissed you when you were going about your day and the thought of kissing you just came to his mind. He's also not opposed to attacking you with kisses as soon as the two of you are alone.
England: Arthur is a gentleman, alright? As such, PDA is kept to a minimum, and this includes kissing. There's a difference between how he kisses you in public vs. in private. Kisses in public are restricted to kisses on the hand, typically as a form of greeting or just when the mood strikes him (the latter of which is rare). Kisses in private are far more casual but are still sweet and gentlemanly. His kisses take place at random moments throughout the day, such as a peck on the cheek when you're making breakfast. Depending on his mood, his kisses on your lips can range from tender and chaste to firey and intense. There's no in-between. I think he'd be the one to initiate your first kiss, but he'd respectfully ask to do so beforehand.
France: Do I really have to write anything here? Francis is the personification of one of the most romantic places on earth. You can bet your life his kisses are nothing less than the best. Romantic, emotional, passionate, and, depending on his mood, full of desire. Kisses from Francis always manage to leave you breathless and lightheaded. He'd hold you in his arms or hold your hands as he kisses you, doing so as if no one is watching. Shockingly enough, he'd wait for you to initiate your first kiss as a couple. Sure, he's flirted with the idea of surprising you with a passionate kiss for your first. But he wants to make sure you're comfortable.
Russia: Ivan's a great big teddy bear of a man, so of course his kisses are going to reflect that same level of warmth. His kisses are soft, almost barely there, as if afraid he'll accidentally hurt you. He'll kiss you on the top of your head or forehead more often than on the lips or cheek. And when he does kiss your lips, it's so gentle you swear he's barely touching you. Because of his size, he's afraid of accidentally hurting you, so you'd have to reassure him that everything's fine. Because of his shyness, you'll be the one to initiate the first kiss. However, you'll have to stand on your tiptoes to do so.
China: He may seem young on the outside, but internally he's an old man. Yao would resign him to mere kisses on the cheek to show affection. Kisses on the lips are reserved for when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night. His kisses are usually quick but never underestimate the meaning or emotion behind them. He's fairly reserved with affection, so these gestures, while small to others, mean a lot to him. These small kisses are full of affection and love. Despite being more reserved, the first kiss was initiated by him. Being around for so long has allowed him the ability to easily read other people, so he'd be able to figure out if you wanted to kiss him or not.
Canada: Matthieu is, as we all know, exceptionally shy and soft-spoken in public, and so his kisses reflect this. And, much like England, his kisses will differ depending on whether or not the two of you are out in public or not. In public, he'd be the kind of guy to give you a kiss on the cheek or side of your head. But in private... Let's be real here, this guy was raised by Francis. Now, I'm not saying his kisses in private are to the intensity of his father, but he will show an uncharacteristic display of passion and love, holding you tight as he ravishes your mouth (when he's more comfortable with you, anyway). But, regardless, you'll have to be the one to initiate. He's too afraid of messing something up.
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Kiss HCs for the Axis can be found here!
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