#apollo thinks klav looks dazzling 👀
fandomaddict505 · 8 months
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ethereousdelirious · 1 year
Would you consider writing Klapollo? 👀 While I love some Apollo whump I'm a big fan of bullying Klavier, maybe he's allergic to flowers his adoring fans have sent him, or he's so burnt out from a recent tour his voice is all wrecked, and a blossoming cold isn't helping matters, both of which Apollo (somewhat begrudgingly) would help him with 💖 Klav is such a show off but his usually perfect appearance being ruined by circumstances outside of his control, maybe his hair is down, or in a ponytail or messy bun instead of its usual drill, avoiding Apollo when he usually /loves/ to tease him. Anyway. I'm rambling sorry 💀
🙇 bully klav gav pls
Wow wow my first time ever writing Kl.apollo :0 Thank you for being my guinea pig!
Wordcount: 1.5k
Warnings: A lil touch of mess? Not very messy, but like. It's not NOT there. (Kl.av sneezes into Ap.ollo's [clothed] chest lmao)
Notes: This is post AJ, presumably before DD. I didn't clarify bc it distracted from the snz, but I imagine this taking place at like. a community cente theater thing, like for a charity fundraiser or smth. Hence why Kl.av is performing solo.
Pre-slash, a lil heavy on the UST. Apollo may be on the cusp of learning something new about himself (👃🏼)
N-E-way, I hope you like it! My first time writing for a pairing is always a challenge, so I'd definitely like to revisit these 2 in the future (maybe even this same concept bc. there's so much K.lavier-wrecking that can be done 👀)
Klavier's sneeze announced his presence before anything else. The sudden "hk'TCHEH!" punched the air, scaring Apollo's disordered thoughts back to darker corners of his brain.
He was being silly.
He looked around the dressing room, straightening his shirt despite himself. Klavier had arranged his belongings into orderly piles, though the room still felt cramped. There was no glamor, no mystique in the white walls and humming yellow fluorescents.
He'd waited in Klavier's dressing rooms before. It wasn't that strange.
The door creaked open a crack, then a little more. Klavier's blond head peered in, and the smile on his face looked strained, somehow. "Herr Forehea— Hhheehh—" He wrinkled tje bridge of his nose and something about it made Apollo relax all at once. "I— Ach…" He wiggled his nose like a rabbit, tears sparkling in his lashes, then stopped abruptly. "Could you help me with the door, please?"
"Right!" Apollo leapt up and grabbed it, swinging it open so Klavier could come in. "Are you okay?"
The answer was obvious now. Klavier held a crystal vase in both his hands. Flowers exploded from the top of it, out to the sides, in all variety of colors and shapes. Yellow pollen floated in the water and dusted Klavier's face where the stamens had rubbed against his skin.
Klavier's nose wrinkled again, the delicate skin creasing up in straight little lines. Like a maze only Apollo could solve. His gleaming lips parted, wafting the smell of cherry lip gloss over the fragrance of flower's for a fleeting moment. "Ahh… hhk'kTSCH!" His body rocked forward, sloshing water up toward the edge of the vase.
The force of his exhalation sent a great plume of pollen into the air and Apollo winced. "Uh, Gesundheit?"
"Vielen Dank," Klavier said drily, and Apollo tried not to shudder. "What, ah…" He smiled at Apollo, blinking tears out of his eyes. This dulled some of the resplendent dazzle of him, but none of the charm, and Apollo bit his lip. Klavier sniffled. "What did you think of the show?"
"Too loud," Apollo said bluntly. He held out his hands for the vase. "Here, let me take that."
"'Too loud,'" Klavier repeated. "You're one to t-tal—" He froze for a split second too long, mouth hanging open. "KkH'TSCH! Ugh…"
Apollo hefted the vase and forced himself not to stare at Klavier. "Maybe I should throw these out…" He stared at the pristine flowers and the pollen dusting the leaves. It was all over his hands now.
Klavier shook his head and motioned for Apollo to set them down. "They, hhh— They were a gift," he explained breathlessly, artfully arranging himself in a chair. "From the event organizers." He scrunched up his nose between words like it itched.
Apollo couldn't help but stare. "Well, yeah, but—"
Klavier smiled again, that spotlight grin that made Apollo feel like the center of the universe. How he could help but cringe away from it? How could he help but lower his eyes? "They're lovely flowers, Herr Justice. I'm keeping th— ahK'TSCHEH!" 
"Mm." Klavier was still for a moment, perfectly still. The lights made his lips glimmer, and his eyes, and his nose. His cheeks had broken out in a flush.
Apollo licked his lips.
The sight before him was unreal, a weeping Madonna in gold, in purple, in delicate pink and gorgeous brown. Here was Klavier Gavin as few had seen him.
This last sneeze had caused his hair to come loose and fall around his shoulders in ringlets and smears of pollen made lines upon his cheeks.
He was still perfect.
Klavier blinked hard and touched his fingertips beneath one eye. They came away black with eyeliner. He closed off all at once, his posture stiffening. When he laughed, the sound was stiff and humorless. "I must look frightening right now," he said.
The gentle self-deprecation rang too true. Apollo swallowed hard. And even worse than that, Klavier's shoulders now shook.
"Hhk'TSCHF! Ahk'TSHEH!" He bent double in the chair, aiming his desperate, breathy sneezes at the floor between his legs. "Kk'KSTSXH! EkH'TSCH!"
A moment stretched out between them.
Klavier hid his eyes behind his hand, his breathing wet and unsteady.
"...you done?" Apollo asked feebly. When Klavier didn't move, he half-rose. "Hey, Kl‐ Gavin?
Klavier gestured vaguely with his free hand, shooing Apollo away. "Don't look at me."
In any other situation, it might have been a joke. Vain Prosecutor Gavin, rockstar, unable to stomach the idea of being seen in any state of dishevelment. As it was, his voice trembled and fell flat.
"Hey, it's just me." Spying a box of tissues on the vanity, Apollo grabbed a handful and nudged Klavier's knee. "Here, blow your nose."
Klavier took the tissues and scrubbed at his face with them and blew his nose with an airy hiss that didn't sound at all satisfying.
"D'you really want me to leave?" Apollo asked, trying hard not to sound half as crushed as he felt.
"I just..." Klavier sounded very young when he spoke. "I can't imagine I'm very pleasant company right— heh…" He sniffled hard behind the tissues. "Right now."
"I'm still here, aren't I?"
Klavier peered at him over the tissues. His eyeliner had run and smudged, drawing black moons beneath the pink rims of his irritated eyes. He blinked and a few more tears streamed past, landing in the tissues. "Don't I look like a mess?" he asked, searching Apollo's face.
"I mean." Apollo considered him again. Watery pink eyes, messy makeup, hair falling around his shoulders like some kind of Norse god. "A little I guess? So what?"
A hint of pink surged up Klavier's cheeks, bypassing the tissues. It didn't stand out much against the gentle brown of his skin, but Apollo's sharp eyes picked it up anyway. "Doesn't it bother y— hhHK'TSHEH!"
Apollo sighed and stood up. "Not as much as those sneezes do."
They were big, roaring things that bent Klavier double every time. As befitting a rockstar, but they sounded painful.
Klavier answered with another gasp behind the tissues. "Heh—! Hehk'schCH!"
"C'mon, sit up." Apollo snatched up and handful of tissues and tilted Klavier's chin upward. Startled, watering eyes blinked at him, the fluorescents making bright rectangles across deep blue irises. Apollo dabbed at Klavier's eyes and cheeks, bringing up black eyeliner and yellow pollen in irregular splotches. Folding the tissues, he moved downward to Klavier's nose, careful not to irritate the delicate skin.
Still, Klavier twitched and scrunched up his nose. "Careful, A-Apoll—" His chest hitched with stuttering gasps, the skin beneath either nostril gleaming. His breath left his mouth in one brief exhale. "Gah—"
Apollo bit his lip. His fist had clenched around the tissues, ripping them beneath the blunt ends of his nails. "Sorry," he breathed.
Klavier tucked his hair behind his ears and looked around.
"What do you need?" Apollo asked. Seeing Klavier like this— sheepish, exposed— had stirred something in him. He couldn't let Klavier feel so ashamed of something he couldn't help.
"A hair tie, if you can find one." Still, Klavier kept his face turned away, eyes down.
Apollo found one on the vanity and brought it over. At the kast second, he also grabbed a package of makeup wipes. "Here, Ga— Uh." His face warmed. "Klavier."
He watched Klavier tie his hair back in a messy bun, golden locks framing his face. But when Klavier looked inquiringly at the makeup wipes, Apollo shook his head. "Let me help."
Klavier's mouth twitched. "Herr Forehead thinks he's a pro at taking off makeup?"
"Wh— N-no, of course not!" Apollo stammered. The sudden reappearance of Klavier's easy smile calmed him for once instead of riling him up further and he exhaled. "I just want to help."
"Oh?" Klavier spread his legs, sinking down a little in the chair, and all the smudged makeup blurring his features could not censor the brief, lascivious look that flashed across his face. "Then come help."
There was the confidence that Apollo loathed and loved in equal measure. But was it real? Or was Klavier merely posturing because he felt ashamed?
Apollo's cheeks burned regardless and he had to make a conscious effort to unclench the muscles in his thighs before he could take his position in front of Klavier.
He took Klavier's chin in his hand. "Hold still."
As with the tissues, he started with the eyes. Stubborn lines of black still clung to Klavier's lash lines, intensifying his gaze. His eyes were deep blue, mottled with lighter and darker shades closer to his pupils.
Apollo swallowed and moved on to the cheeks, but found no salvation there. The light layer of foundation rubbed away to reveal gentle lines where Klavier smiled, where he wrinkled his nose, and little brown freckles scattered down the bridge of his nose.
Apollo swiped the makeup wipe down Klavier's nose like he could mop them up and Klavier gasped a little. "Careful there—!"
Ah, yes. Prosecutor Gavin and his sensitive nose.
"Sorry," Apollo said, swiping away one last smear of pollen that had clung to the outer edge of Klavier's nostril.
"Apollo!" was all he managed before a sneeze rammed his head solidly into Apollo's chest. "Hhk'KSCH! " The sudden expulsion of breath warmed the skin of Apollo's chest, though not as much as the delayed realization that Klavier was shaking his head a little, rubbing his nose against Apollo's dress shirt. "Kk'tsXch!" Another burst of warmth.
Of their own accord, Apollo's hands found the back of Klavier's head. He rested them there gently, tracing things line of soft hair leading up toward Klavier's bun.
"Get me out of here," Klavier mumbled into Apollo's dress shirt. A moment later, he stiffened and pulled back, staring at Apollo's chest with wide eyes. "I— Your shirt—"
"It's okay." Apollo didn't bother to look down and assess the damage. "Let's get you home."
How could be even a little upset when Klavier was staring at him with those wide, wide eyes? When the strands of hair that had freed themselves from his bun sparkled in the lights? When cheeks burned pink with exertion and embarrassment? How could Apollo ever, ever hold a grudge?
Even if his shirt felt a little clammy now, well… He'd deal with it later.
For now, he had a Prosecutor to look after.
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