#apologies for inconsistent grammar and unclear phrasing im on like my third glass of wine
helloitsbees · 11 months
headcanons for lesbian chainshipping :)
okay so I have so so many thoughts about these dykes (and also im gonna use the canon + names from the last tender place because im fucking obsessed with it and have read it like 20 times) (also this will get nsfw but I'll put that behind a cut):
Lauren has always known she was a lesbian but only came out after graduating from med school because she was afraid her parents wouldn't pay for her education if they knew she was gay. She was semi-wrong about this, her dad was fine with it & loved her unconditionally but she's only on speaking terms with her mom because she and Allison were able to give her a grandchild, and even then their relationship is considerably more chilly than it was before Lauren came out.
Addie is a surprisingly good cook with a natural aptitude for improvising, the only thing standing in her way is her ability to afford good ingredients for the things she cooks. She's pretty edgy about accepting Lauren buying her things (it makes her feel like Lauren's sugar baby [which Lauren is into, privately]) so when Lauren pays for the groceries that Addie picks out, everyone wins because Lauren, Allison, Diana, and Addie get a fucking delicious three-course dinner out of it, and Addie gets to live out her celebrity chef dreams. Diana helps her cook sometimes, and Lauren's phone wallpaper is a picture of the two of them laughing hysterically about some forgotten joke over a boiling pot of homemade spaghetti sauce.
Lauren used to wear a lot of skirts prior to losing her foot, but she doesn't like how her prosthetic attracts attention when it's bare so she mainly sticks to pants post-trap. Addie thinks that's absolute bullshit because if anybody's going to stare, it's because her girlfriend is fucking hot, okay? She's defended this position rigorously in the past when they were walking home from a movie one night and some asshole made a comment on the street, and Lauren had to physically pull Addie off of him before the cops came.
Addie's first kiss with another girl was in the darkroom of the boarding school her parents sent her to when she was 15, on a day when she and her friend were left alone to develop their landscape photography proofs. Her crush on her was the reason she'd gotten into photography to begin with, and even though it ended badly, she's still got the overdeveloped print from that day hidden away in her closet.
Lauren eats pussy like she's drowning and Addie's the air. like she will NOT stop until her girlfriend comes at least 5 times. Addie is EXTREMELY sensitive and it's not uncommon for her to start crying during sex from sheer sensory overload.
Addie doesn't shave and Lauren's kind of an absolute freak about it. She LOVES running her hands over Addie's legs and bush, and Addie jokes that it's like a fidget toy for her.
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