#apologies for the absolute word vomit of these answers btw. i've been going kind of crazy lately
jeonghoneyss · 9 months
hi honey! i hope the end of the year is treating you well! 4, 5, 23, and 30 for the fic writer's ask game! <3
hi morgan! i've got my exams coming up in early-mid january, so right now i'm just spending a lot of time on maths! i hope to take a brief break afterwards, though. i hope the end of the year is treating you well, too. thanks for the ask! <3
4: What piece of media inspired you the most?
Well! This is a fun question. I'm going to say Disney's Descendants (I don't know if you've watched it?). Completely out of the blue earlier this year, I was struck with an intense bout of love for Descendants that reminded me that I am absolutely obsessed with Descendants, so I then wrote a small fic and rewatched the first move and spent two months being absolutely insane (and also had COVID at the same time). Looking back I think this was brought on by my May-Jun exams, because the same thing is happening now as my Jan exams approach. Such is life, alas.
I'm going to cheat and give you two more answers, too - in the summer, I read Frances Hardinge's Deeplight (an absolutely fantastic book, I definitely recommend it) and then wrote my junhao fic. I also read Garth Nix's Frogkisser! (another brilliant book) and have since been thinking very deeply about my batkisser wip.
5: What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
So! This year I actually wrote for quite a few fandoms! I had to go back and check, but it's actually been quite a good year of writing, and I've managed to post fics for four fandoms in total: I wrote three fics for Stray Kids (one of which Versity and I wrote together), one fic for Miraculous Ladybug, one for Descendants and (finally, as I've been meaning to finish a wip since 2018) one fic for SEVENTEEN.
23: Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
Since I'm in a Descendants mood, I'll share a bit from my Carlos fic - while I was writing this fic, I discovered that all my previous kiss scenes have had a pattern of not saying much about the actual physical kiss itself - it's all stuff like people discovering what other people's smiles feel like against their mouths, which is all well and good, but I wanted to work on that. Originally, this kiss scene was just going to be 'And Carlos discovered that he hadn't read it wrong at all,' which was perfectly serviceable (in fact, I kept it in the fic, in the paragraph right above the following one), but I wanted to write something that wasn't just "and then they maybe kissed." This might be a good time to mention I've never kissed anyone on the lips. Anyway. This paragraph was a bit of a struggle, but I think I did well enough in the end! It was definitely a good start, in any case.
Jay’s fingers find their way into his hair — gently, far more gentle than Carlos thought was possible — and Jay’s tongue is trying to find its way into his mouth, hot and persistent against his lips (it’s a bit much for this kiss, Carlos’ first kiss with asking and explanations and kissing-just-for-kissing, so he keeps his mouth firmly shut until Jay gets the hint, but it’s exhilarating all the same), and Jay’s other hand finds its way from his shoulder to the notch at his waist, and Evil, this might be the best thing to ever happen to him.
30: What's something you want to write in 2024?
Oh, what a question. I'd like to say Every WIP I Have, but I'll start with some of my most recent ones: the junhao batkisser one, the hyunho owls one, the hyunho catboys catfight one, the jeongho mommy issues one, the soonhoon fairies one (and the likely junhao sequel), the junhao where jun keeps leaving and also there's magic and baby seungkwan, the hyunho camera one and, finally, i'd like to iron out the details and actually star my junhao call off your dog one. Gosh. What a long list. Good luck to me. Oh! And the fic I'm writing with Versity, which we have both abandoned for the time being as, unfortunately, we are both very busy.
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