#apologies if this post doesn't make sense and if the rules are contradictory. ive had a strange day and im tired
youssefguedira · 1 year
luca marinelli character FIGHT: propaganda submission for the final
we've reached the final round of our tournament, which will be: nicolò di genova vs primo nizzuto. however, as these were both automatic entries and therefore received 0 submissions, the only arguments for either one were provided by me. so, to rectify this, i've opened a new submission form (that will be open for the next couple days) for YOU to submit your arguments for either one of them. the RULES of the hypothetical fight, just so we're all on the same page here, are as follows:
no outside help. this one should be clear but i felt like throwing it in
weapons are not strictly banned but i do recommend considering different possibilities. would the availability of guns change the outcome over a no-weapons cage match. who knows. this is largely because i didn't ban them for the rest of the tournament so i'm not banning them now and also i can't decide which is better
regarding the fact that nicky is literally immortal, the fight would end if primo successfully killed him. primo's not so lucky but for the sake of argument he'll be fine. just to add a fun little constraint here and to avoid that being the determining factor
the above are all actually just guidelines. you can just tell me why you like one over the other. or ignore everything ive said. we're just having fun here
there is ALSO an option to submit bonus rounds. if you have a specific conbimation you think would be funny that's where you put em. we'll do some of those after the final probably.
finally! if you'd like your submission quoted in the post, please let me know in the form itself! if you want me to add your url then put that there too. otherwise enjoy anonymity. depending on how many submissions i get it might be that not all of em are posted or i put them under a readmore. any submissions you DON'T say i can quote may be paraphrased by me but not directly quoted.
form HERE. have fun
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