#apologies in advance cos I’m gonna be promoting the hell out of this come November
neitherabaron · 9 months
Hey, I haven’t posted much about it on here yet (but that’s gonna change) but…
Small Saga, an indie RPG about angry rodents developed my friend Darya, is coming out real soon. Like, next month soon. We’re probably gonna stream it on Twitch but you should totally play it, too! https://steamcommunity.com/app/1320140
I did a few tracks for the soundtrack! I’m also (kind of) an NPC (or at least, there’s a dickhead rat called Kofi in the game who sings with my voice).
The ep with just my songs has already been out a while already over on my Bandcamp, but it’s now gonna be heading to Spotify/Apple on Nov 16 to coincide with the launch!
Plus, the rest of the soundtrack kicks ass. Darya’s written some of the coolest music I’ve ever heard in a game, seriously. So go check out the game and its soundtrack when it launches!
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