#apologies to everyone since I havent given people much time to prepare for this
kaneki-week · 10 months
Kaneki Week Dates!
18/12 - Day 1: Cozy
19/12 - Day 2: Favourite
20/12 - Day 3: Birthday
21/12 - Day 4: Ship/Love
22/12 - Day 5: Soggy
23/12 - Day 6: Domestic
24/12 - Day 7: Christmas
Bonus Days:
25/12 - Crossover
26/12 - New Year/Holiday
If you can’t make it for any of these days you can always post later! Remember that the prompts are only a guideline, so if you have a different idea for any days then you can go ahead with that. Just make sure to tag @kaneki-week and use #kanekiweek23 so we can reblog it here!
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greenteaandwishes · 5 years
what an abortion is really like
because i would have loved to know what was gonna happen when i needed mine!
for reference: i had a surgical (in clinic/aspiration) abortion, i was around 13 weeks, and i didn’t go to planned parenthood, i went to a local womens health center in boulder.
i called the clinic on a thursday, they said they only schedule abortions on fridays and since i wasnt sure how far along i was they’d recommend i get there the next day if at all possible. i scheduled the appointment for that friday, asked how much it would cost and was met with a set price of $600. i asked if there was any way to set up a pyment plan, and they said yep! they also transferred me to their financial aid advisor and my total cost ended up being $500, of which i paid $300 upfront and am payingthe rest $50 weekly.
i got there and checked in, everyone was very welcoming and kind. they had me fill out some paperwork, mostly just typical medical care stuff like insurance, emergency contact, etc. there was a paper with specific abortion related questions like are you comfortable with your decision and who has been your biggest supporter through this, stuff like that. everyone also made sure to ask what my preferred pronouns were, which was really nice because i’m very feminine presenting and i sometimes prefer they/them as opposed to she/her. i went to use the restroom and there was a sign that said that they need a urine sample, so if i havent given that i should wait for the doctors.
i waited for about 10 minutes and then the nurse came out to get me. i went in, they took a urine sample and my vitals and then said that i was good to go ahead and strip from the waist down and the doctor will be in shortly. i asked if i could keep my socks on (i wore my lucky socks lmao). she said yes. anyway, i undressed and the doctor came in, asked how i was feeling and what type of abortion i would be having. i said i was nervous and probably surgical because i think im too far along for a medication. she did a quick pelvic exam and an ultrasound (but not on my belly, it was an ultrasound that went up my vagina.) she confirmed that i was too far along for a medication abortion and that i’d need a surgical one, and that my next step was to go up to counseling.
i went up to counseling and the woman i was with was super nice. i was expecting a “this is why abortion is bad” shpiel because i know that a lot of states have laws that require counselors to tell you things like that. luckily, i didn’t get that (yay colorado!). i got a very supportive woman who answered all my questions and walked me through what was going to happen through the procedure, and just a general place to talk and vent what i’d been feeling. it lasted about an hour, and at this point i started getting kinda hungry and i asked if i was allowed to eat (because some surgeries you cant eat before.) she said that i am but i should be aware that im probably gonna feel a bit nauseous during/after the procedure.
the first step in this whole thing is taking a pill to dilate and soften my cervix, and that takes about 2 hours to fully work, so i took that first. i also was given some anti nausea meds, advil and anti anxiety medicine. my doctors were very kind and asked me what i wanted and felt like i needed, explained to me that i could take two anti anxiety meds or just one, and explained that i had the option to take a narcotic painkiller as well. at first i decided to just take advil and one anti anxiety, but about an hour later i was feeling very anxious and a little in pain, so i took the second anti anxiety and a narcotic (i was skeptical about the narcotic but i talked with the doctors quite a lot about side effects and addiction, before ultimately deciding to take it.) i couldn’t have taken the narcotic if i were to be driving myself home. last but not least, they did a finger poke to check if i was rh negative or positive, because if i was negative i would’ve needed another pill.
after that super mega pill cocktail, i got called back to a room much like the first one with the ultrasound. i undressed and tried to mentally prepare myself. there were three people in the room besides me: my doctor, her assistant, and a trained support person. doctor and assistant were down by my vagina, while the support person was holding my hand and talking me through it. i felt the doctor put a numbing shot in my cervix and then i just felt a lot of pressure and cramps. i had my hand resting on my belly and i could feel my uterus cramping. i started crying, it wasn’t painful exactly, just weird and overwhelming. i squeezed my suppirt persons hand and apologized for crying, all while she was just talking to me and saying its okay and all that stuff. it was over in about 10 minutes. the doctor and assistant left right after that, but my support person stayed. i know it was so that if i fainted or something, i wouldnt be alone, but it was honestly really comforting having her there with me. i lay down for about 5 more minutes before i felt okay to sit up and put on my pants. me and the support person chatted for a bit. i dont really remember what we talked about.
after i put on my pants my support person led me to a room with recliners and crackers and water and books. there were two other women in there, who met me with a heating pad and a heated blanket. i rested there for about half an hour, drinking water and eating saltines, and reading this book full of other people’s experiences with abortion. i felt so cared for and seen, it was amazing. they had me give one last urine sample and then led me around the back (handicap exit, so no stairs) where my boyfriend was waiting in his car. i think they told him to go wait out there once i was in the recovery room, because that way when i was ready to leave i could.
i got in the car and drove home with my love. we stopped at walgreens to get some pads, because the doctors said i couldnt put anything in my vagina for at least a week, but that i was going to be bleeding a bit. since i use a menstrual cup, i didnt have normal pads at home. i cried a little bit in walgreens, thats around when the pain meds wore off. when i got home i took another advil and laid down with a heating pad and netflix, and eventually i fell asleep.
its about a week after my abortion now, my cramps have gone away entirely. they were bad for the first few days though. im almost done bleeding. i’m no longer experiencing nausea or fatigue or sore boobs. my hormones have been a little crazy, i keep going from very calm and chill to just downright cranky. i can call the clinic back any time for support, and to schedule a follow up appointment if i feel i need one. all in all, it was a very peaceful experience. not once did i feel judged or ashamed at my choice. everyone at the clinic was ridiculously kind and caring. im very grateful i had the experience i had.
feel free to reblog or message me with any questions!
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
(BTS) Golden Lover: Chapter 3
Namjoon x Black!Reader
High Fantasy, Magic, spells, gods and goddesses
Mstrlst in bio!
“Darling daughter?” Mother called.
“Yes?” You replied.
She nodded towards your plate, “Are you not hungry?”
You shook your head and set your utensils down, “Please excuse me. It seems that my sickness lingers. I’ll be turning in early.”
“I’ll walk you to your room, Princess.” Jimin stood from his seat.
“I can--” You began, but Father cut you off. “She’d quite enjoy that. Thank you, Jimin.”
You wanted a shower. You wanted to be alone with your thoughts and smelling salts and a few cats, but no. Jimin chattered excitedly about how beautiful your Egypt was. How warm and humid but irreplaceable it’s beauty was.
“Um, Princess? I couldn’t help but notice how you were during dinner tonight. You didn’t get some bad news, did you?” His voice softened.
The worst, “Of course not. I just...I haven’t had much time to myself today. I’ve been quite busy entertaining the guests, getting to know you all.”
“I wouldn’t lie to your future husband, Princess (Y/N).” He laughed.
You swallowed hard and his smile fell.
He looked down, “I didn’t mean offense, Princess.”
“I don’t wanna marry you. I decided that from the moment I met you.”
“I see.”
You looked at him, “Please don’t be upset.  I just...my father is making me choose a husband within the next two days, before the end of the festival.”
He looked at you, “We leave in three days.”
“Of course.” You sighed. “I just. I don’t wanna lose the throne due to my being stubborn. I want a good king to rule by my side, but I want to love him as well.”
“Marrying for love? You are a special one, princess.”
You scoffed and laughed, “Whatever do you mean?”
“As a royal, I would think that you would have given up marrying for true affections by the time of puberty. Often thinking instead who can help their country or prestige the most. However, you still hold onto the hope.” He looked up at the sky.
“Should I give up hope, though?”
Jimin shook his head, “Never. I believe love is powerful and one of the purest things on Earth. If you were to give up on it, then what would you have left?”
A small smile played no your lips, “You speak our language well.”
“Thank you, Princess. May I ask you a strange question? It’s something both Hobi and I were wondering.”
“You may if you tell me who Hobi is.” You replied with your arms behind you.
He didn’t know you were taking the long way to your room in order to speak to him more, but he spoke curiously. Kind but honest, and you could feel the amount of love he had in his heart. How he gave it to everyone and everything.
“Hobi is our nickname for Prince Hoseok.” Jimin smiled, “Would you like to prepare a dance with us? For the festival send off that is. We’re both proficient in dance, and your father was singing your praises at dinner. It’s ok if you don’t. Even if we cannot work as marriage partners, then I’d at least want to work as friends. Performers.”
“You’d want to dance with me?”
He nodded in ernest. It was true that you were often seen dancing in the square with your body covered in jingling gold. Oftentimes in the middle, you’d stop a robbery or something, but a princess had to know her people to serve them. That was your philosophy at least.
Back to the matter at hand. This Jimin was interesting, very interesting.
You nodded, “So, whose style would we do. Yours or mine?”
“I was thinking a fusion of our styles. Don’t you think that would be the most fitting?”
You smiled for the first time in hours, “I’d enjoy that very much. I know just where we can practice and teach each other the basics.”
This time, the prince smiled so big that his eyes disappeared, “Yes! Thank you, dear princess! Guide me, and then we can meet after dinner.”
Right, you were supposed to be unwell. You led him to the dancing spot in the garden where a stage would most likely be set up. The grass there was just growing back from last time you turned down a marriage. Then you both went to the door in front of your bedroom. As he returned to the eating hall, you snuck away for a quick swim.
A small meow was heard from the sideline, Qasab Alsukar. You told him to stay where he was and not to jump in. He walked to your pile of clothing and laid down in them. It was a stunning starry night. All your worries drifted away as you floated on your back, your twisted hair fanning out around your face.
You thought about the princes and were glad that you had been honest with them. Even if you wouldn’t be getting married to them, you could still be close to them. Having dueled with Jungkook, showed some artistic landscapes to Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok had become your dance partners, and Yoongi was your fellow animal lover.
He had even asked you if he could take one of the cubs home, and you said yes once they were a bit older. Then there was Namjoon.
Why did your heart do that everytime you thought of him? It pounded in your ears, and you closed your eyes to shut out the sound. It didn’t work. He was gorgeous. His smile made you want to smile. The way he treated a pet that was not his. Qasab Alsukar could’ve been a street cat, but he still showed the kitten the same care as a house cat. Kim Namjoon. (Y/N) Kim. That’d be your name if you were to marry him...or his brother. The way Yoongi talked about his friend, it seemed as though he gave that kindness to everyone.
Mayhaps he’d be a good husband...maybe you did lo--
The splash of a rock to your left startled you, and you turned to see who it was. Your relaxed demeanor turning stern.
“What is the meaning of this?” You ordered before you recognized the person standing there was the man you had just been thinking of.
Kim Namjoon bowed low, “Pardon the intrusion, Princess (Y/N). There was a snake approaching you, and it did not seem you noticed. I threw the rock to hit it or at least scare it off.”
Looking around, you saw a serpent unmoving in the waters nearby. It most certainly would’ve killed you if it had gotten any closer.
You turned to him once more, “Thank...you...”
But he was gone.
Ah! Dinner must’ve been over. You put on your clothing after drying off quickly and then began walking towards the meeting place for you, Hoseok, and Jimin to begin practicing. As you got close to the archway, you realized. Kim Namjoon had seen you naked. Your breasts had been above water. How long had he been standing there silent? You made a note to speak to him the next time you saw him as your cheeks began blazing.
Alsukar mewed at your heels, and you picked him up, “Mayhaps I should get guard dogs since you did nothing to warn me, you little rascal.”
He licked your nose and meowed. Too cute. As you went into the dance room, the three of you and a drummer practiced until morning. None of you wanting to take too long of a break. Wanting to do your best to show unity and friendship and just in awe of how well you worked together and not wanting to break the flow of good energy.
You were woken up by a beautiful serving girl. Bahr. She called your name and said that she was relieved to see you. Groggy, you blinked and wondered what she was talking about. The kingdom had been worried about you and the princes since no one knew where you had gone and they had found a dead poisonous snake in the pool where you were known to sneak off to.
“We were just practicing for the festival. Where’s Iset?” You dismissed her worry with a smile.
“Her room.” Bahr replied.
“I apologize for the worry. Please inform everyone that we are fine. I’m sure father will be happy to hear me interacting with the princes.”
She nodded, “Does that mean you’ll be performing at the festival with them?”
You looked at her, “It does. I’ll be dancing with Princes Jimin and Hoseok. A fusion dance for the occasion.”
She couldn’t help but smile, “Does that mean you’ll be finding a husband this time around?”
“Maybe. I think I’ll have to if I want to be next in line.” You looked down.
Bahr had been here for many years but spoke formally, “Forgive me if I am speaking out of turn, but...I want to see you married. If you do not love your husband, then you can learn how to. Then you and your kingdom will be happy.”
She kissed your forehead and left. Breakfast had been left on a platter by your bedside. You must’ve missed it in order to sleep after dancing for so long. Iset showed up while you were eating and scolded you for disappearing. She called you a cat what with the way you went where you want when you wanted to. She went on and on with her heart on her sleeves and then asked you where you had been after all.
“With the princes…” You said. “We’re planning something for the festival and were practicing all night.”
Iset raised a brow, “For the festival or just for you? Which princes? What?”
You explained yourself and promised it was for the festival, “I’d never fool around like that...at least with nobles.” A small grin crossed your face from memories.
She sighed, “Well, I’m glad you’re opening your heart. Do you have a favorite? One you could at least learn to love once you get wed?”
Namjoon’s stern and focused face appeared in your mind once more. Ugh why him? You shook your head, ans Iset gasped.
“It’s nobody!” You bit into a slice of bread.
She huffed and crossed her arms.
“Fine, Namjoon! I...he’s kind and he’s the one I’m most interested to learn about. I’m lured to him. When I think about him, my heart races and I think about him when he’s not around. I don’t understand. I’m not interested in anyone but him.” The honest words tumbled out faster than you could hold them back. Your began hitting your head. “What’s wrong with me? Why does he plague my thoughts so?”
Iset couldn’t help but giggle as she held your hands, “My dear, you’re in love with him.”
“I...I could never!”
She grinned, “Whatever you say, (Y/N), but I felt this way when I saw my husband for the first time and for days after. Love at first sight is a rare thing, do not throw it away for your stubborn pride.”
“Anyways, are you doing anything during the festival? You’ll be leaving soon afterwards as well, won’t you?”
Your fellow princess and best friend gave a nod, “I am. We’re planning on having our first child and being more serious about ruling our people as a couple and securing the throne. All that joy.”
You looked out and saw Prince Namjoon and Yoongi on their way to the river behind the rest of the boys just talking. Taehyung had a large smile as he walked backwards with a towel in his clutches.
He noticed you and waved, catching the eyes of the others who turned around and did the same until Namjoon bowed. Then they all followed him by bowing as well. You rolled your eyes trying to ignore the glimpse of Namjoon’s smile and the skipped heartbeat it caused. Iset stood next to you as soon as you turned away. She waved as you missed Namjoon’s smile falling once he could no longer see you.
“Namjoon-hyung.” Taehyung called. “Do you have feelings for the princess?”
“No!” Namjoon blushed as Yoongi replied, “Yep. He sure does.”
Jimin piped up, “ I think she might have feelings for you too.”
The prince’s ears perked up, “What? How?”
He disclosed how while he danced with you and Hoseok last night that you asked about him, what kind of prince he was. You had said that you wanted to spend more time with Namjoon but were nervous to approach him.
Hoseok added, “She wanted to know what plant you were talking about when you first met? Apparently you met her before dinner.”
“Ah, yes. In the market. Her father was quite strict and she was walking around without protection. Her cat followed me and...it’s the catnip.” Namjoon cut himself off when he was met with blank stares. “I brought some because I heard there would be a lot of felines here.”
A black cat with a golden ankh necklace rubbed at Yoongi’s ankles, and he picked her up, “At least you were right. I’m glad, too.”
“I’d be a good husband for her. At least, I’d like to think I would be.” Namjoon continued. “She’s cute and I enjoy her personality. I er...saw her in the pool last night...nude.”
The men all stopped and started to ask overlapping questions.
“I’m not telling you anything! I just noticed someone in the water, looked to see if they were ok. It was the princess, and there was a snake coming towards her, so I stoned it before it reached her.”
Jin replied, “Oh, Namjoon-ah! So heroic!” He laughed.
Jungkook smiled along. The boys all talked about how in love Namjoon was with the princess, and he was shy and blushed all through it. The black cat was nearby the whole time. She bathed in the sun and ate a fish Namjoon caught for her.
As a direct son of the King, Namjoon had a lot of land.  A lot of resources but he was not in line for his own throne. That was Seokjin, but the younger royal was in charge of training warriors. Jin was in charge of money. Taehyung was in charge of agriculture. All of them seemed like they were good friends. Marrying just one of them could ensure so much for your people.
All of them knew this, but only one of them could marry you. It was obvious to them who they wanted it to be. Fishermen were nearby, shirtless and wet with strong arms from constantly casting nets and lifting heavy loads of sea creatures for a living. Prince Jimin watched the tallest of them intently, head in his hand.
“I have an idea!” Said Jungkook when everything was quiet, startling the cat and Jimin.
Yoongi smiled at their reactions, “It’s ok, kitten. You should go home now. I’m sure (Y/N) misses you very much.” His eyes gave a silver glow.
The cat meowed, surprised he knew the truth. Namjoon offered to walk her back to the princess, so he dusted off his shorts, threw on his robe, and held the beautiful cat in his arms.
“What’s your idea, Kookie?” the quiet man asked.
“Well, we all know we’re not getting with her,”
“YA!” Exclaimed Jin. “We haven’t even spent much time together. How do you know--”
Jungkook spoke up, “Why do you think that is?”
The oldest stayed silent at that and pouted. So the youngest explained a plan on how to get the two royals together. It would happen the day of the festival. It sounded like a good plan to the other princes. Jin was a bit downtrodden that the princess hadn’t gotten any one on one time with him, but he hadn’t really gotten the chance. He’d try to know her true feelings and from there decide if he’d be a part of Jungkook’s plan.
As Namjoon got closer to the palace, the black cat stayed close to his chest. She was adorable and the Prince thought about asking to keep her as Yoongi had done with the lion cub. Then the cat looked around and began to freak out as RapMon (affectionately called Mon-ie) ran up to his owner. The cat jumped out of his arms and ran as Monie barked and chased her into the Princess’s room!
“Mon-ie, NO!”
A strange flash of light came from the room, and Mon-ie ran out of the room and into his owner’s arms with his tail between his legs. Namjoon then worried for (Y/N) and ran into her room.
“Princess!” He called as he entered.
She looked at him. Princess Iset was there as well. The prince bowed, “Sorry for the intrusion, princesses. I just thought I saw...um. Did a cat come in here? I was trying to return her. Yoongi said she belonged to you, so I came from the beach, I mean river, to--”
“Yes, she ran out the window.” Iset replied, “She’s quite an outdoor cat. Can’t stay in one place for too long.”
She took a slight glance at you, and you blinked and looked around as if you had just returned to your own body, “Namjoon?”
“Yes, princess?”
“Please prepare something for tomorrow’s festival. I want you to show off your talents yourself instead of hearing about them from your friends.”
He blushed, “W-What would you like me to prepare?”
You looked at him, “Do whatever you think will win me over, Princey.”
The man bowed, “Yes, Princess. I do hope you feel better.” He then moved to leave, stopping mid turn. “Oh, right. Catnip.”
“What is it?”
The prince motioned to the plant in the windowsill that had cats swarming around it and soon lying down here and there.
“Cats really like it. The plant that I brought for you.”
“Oh…” You said, looking at the plant then back at him. “Thank you.”
He gave a flash of his dimples as he smiled, “You’re welcome, Princess.”
“I seem to be thanking you a lot.”
“Your presence is all the thanks I need.”
With that, the Korean prince left and closed the door behind him. Namjoon was worried. What could he do to impress the Princess in just over 24 hours? He went to the room that was prepared for his stay. Several cats had fallen asleep on his now relaxed white dog. At least they seemed to have figured each other out.
The prince stood on his balcony and looked out upon the scene before him. Sandy browns and tans that matched his golden skin helped to contrast the green of trees and blue of the ocean. Darker browns of people dressed in whites and gold popped out here and there. Namjoon wanted to write. He grabbed a notebook from his luggage and began writing, his hand struggling to keep up with his mind.
He wrote about Princess (Y/N). Her black twists like snakes around his heart. Snakes he loved, the tail of a cat. The ears as well, perking up to every creature. No. No. It was so messy. So unclear. It matched his mind. He was never good at showing his feelings towards those he was attracted to. Then again, it was a rare occasion. The last time he fell in love with Princess Wheein, and she was married off and sent away without him knowing.
They spoke through letters until she had her first child. That was years ago, but it still stung from time to time. Her sister was currently pursuing Taehyung, but everything had been put on hold for this trip, this chance to marry a foreign Princess. More beautiful than any of the words people had used to describe her.
Namjoon took a deep breath and remembered her in the market. That tattoo on her list. Remembered her at dinner that same night. He wasn’t sure why his heart hurt when he saw her conversing with his friends. Like when she and Taehyung were leaving to go on what he later found out what was a boat ride on the nearby river. It was for his little brother’s artistic inspiration. The deepthinking Prince recalled how his heart soared when, one by one the boys announced that she had only wanted friendship from them.
The word was on the tip of his tongue. The only logical explanation for his feelings. Love. But it couldn’t be. There was Wheein. There were all the girls at home and...he didn’t feel like this towards any of them. Not since he had seen (Y/N).
Before his eyes flashed the woman floating in the pool after she excused herself from dinner. She had seen so upset during the meal, so he was glad that she was smiling with her face towards the stars. His heart did a funny little tingle.
Prince Namjoon began to write once more.
Is this love Is this love Sometimes I know Sometimes I don’t The next line What should I write? So many words are circling me But I don’t like a single one I just feel it Like the moon always rising after the sun Like nails growing, like trees shedding their leaves When winter comes You’re the one To turn my recollections into memories Before I knew you My heart was only in linear motion
Yeah. That was a good start. It was the truth about his feelings. This was what he’d perform for the Princess at tomorrow’s festival.
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