#apologies to my friends who suffer through my simp rants
lun4r-eclipse · 5 months
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So I was taking a literature test the other day and guess what one of the articles was about? The Fibonacci sequence. And guess what they touched on while doing an overview of it (obviously)? The GOLDEN RATIO. The way I had to mentally restrain myself to ensure I'd continue working on the test-
Below is an excerpt from it lmao
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
You And I Have Good Chemistry
Hiya gamers - chapter three has arisen. As always, I love y’all and thank you so much for your supportive messages yesterday, it meant a lot. Anyway, enough of me rambling. Onwards with the chapter.
  “You came back-” Varian said with a tearful smile, cuts littering his face as he sat on the hard oak floor of the library. The very floor Hugo was sprinting across to slide against and pull the younger boy into his arms. He didn’t want to let go of the boy in front of him, not now, not ever. He muttered apologies - for what, he didn’t know - he just knew he’d hurt the raven haired boy he was currently holding in an embrace that was being returned just as passionately.
  “Of course I did, Varian. I’m not..gonna leave you here.” he confessed, his hands fixing Varian’s teal waistcoat, the other gently pushing his hands down to stop him. Loving eyes met his, the crack in his glasses slightly obscuring his vision. That didn’t matter though - at least the younger boy was safe. 
  He wasn’t sure who’d started it, but sure enough they were both leaning in, extremely close. “Hugo…” Varian’s voice was barely a whisper as his hand moved to rest upon the blonde’s cheek. Only a little more-
  “HUGO!” Donella yelled as she opened the door, startling the emerald eyed boy, before he groaned in annoyance and pulled his sheets over his head as Donella opened his curtains, letting in the sunlight which broke him from his VERY riveting dream about an Eternal Library. His brain neglected to remind him of the fact him and Varian were extremely close and how his rude awakening had interrupted a very intimate moment between the two - probably for the best. 
  “Geez, Don. I was getting up.” He muttered as he pulled the covers back to grab his glasses, pushing them up his nose before checking his alarm clock. One glance. Two glances. “It’s 7:15am. I’m not even late. Why are you waking me up?” he moaned and laid back, his head finding comfort in the pillows and his eyes watching the grey haired woman roll her eyes and fold her arms in annoyance, though an exasperated smile on her features said otherwise. 
  “Well, you need to start getting up earlier.” she stated, heading towards the bed. “Besides, your phone alarm has been going off since half six and I’m sick of hearing that hellish ringtone of yours.” Donella used a cold hand to push back his fringe and place a gentle, motherly kiss to his forehead before ruffling his hair gently and heading towards the doorway. The slight click of the heels on her boots created a comforting tempo, syncopated with the ticking of the clock on his wall. “Get ready, okay Hugo?” 
  “Yeah, alright mom. Oh! My study partner is coming over tonight by the way. His name’s Varian. He’s new.” he explained, his voice crescendoing into a shout as his mother descended the stairs. Once he was sure she’d heard him, he began getting dressed, selecting his moss green hoodie, jeans and some random shirt to go with it. Not as if it mattered anyway - he didn’t plan on taking off the hoodie today. After all, the only time he’d take it off was for chemistry, and that was second period. Hugo pulled on his clothes, strolling to the mirror placed on his desk and fixing his hair and glasses.
  The start of the day was a breeze - Donella had dropped him off at the entrance and as he walked down the hall, he could hear the usual gossip. Something about a kid called Leon getting suspended for homophobic slurs against Mr Crick’s kid - oh well, at least it wasn’t him, he noted as he pushed open the door to Room 106, Mrs Crick’s room. “Morning Hugo,” Elora called, not even having to look up from her book to know it was him, “Take your seat, you’re late, as usual.” 
  “Sorry Miss, can’t say it won’t happen again though!” he called as he took his seat before Isla, who was literally bouncing up and down in excitement. His eyes trailed up and down her body in silence, his right eyebrow slowly rising. Wow. She looked happy to say the bare minimum. Hell, she was even wearing her rainbow socks - ones she’d specifically told Hugo she was wearing if she was feeling especially happy. “Uh..hey there, Isla. Are you okay?-”
  “Yes! I asked Nuru out yesterday and she said yes! I honestly can’t believe it!” she giggled in her sing-song voice, each word sounding like a melody to an undiscovered song. A grin moved onto his face. So Nuru and one of his best friend’s were dating, huh? What an interesting revelation, he’d thought as he leaned forward against his desk, propping his head up with his hand. He just knew he could use this for blackmail against Nuru...or some form of teasing. Well, he was gonna have fun. 
  “That's interesting, Isla..tell me more..”
  “He did what?!” Nuru almost yelled, sitting bolt upright in her seat as Varian leant over to shush her. She couldn’t believe it. Hugo motherfucking Atkinson was simping over Varian Ruddiger? This was..a revelation! A hypothesis she just had to explore! The signs were obvious! Staring as Varian while he was talking, actually cuddling him after sharing their deepest traumas..it was just so unlike Hugo that she almost declared that Varian was faking it!
  “Please don’t yell.” Varian begged, sparing a glance over to Zander. The boy was clearly spooked, flinching away from the odd pair in his chair with a black eye on full display to them. Nodding gratefully, the other shuffled back into his prior position as Varian followed suit and sat back down. “But yeah, he was acting really weird and just..hugged me on my bed. It was..kinda nice if I’m being honest.” A slight flush dusted his cheeks, but it disappeared as soon as it came. No. No no. Hugo was his rival. His enemy. None of that.
  “Alright, but it’s almost unheard of that Hugo of all people would act like that. And I’ve known him for years.” she explained, her gaze fixing on Varian, “Trust me Varian, he’s up to something, I can just tell it. He isn’t the ‘good guy’ he makes himself out to be. I would know, okay?” her hand moved to rest on his shoulder, covering the small sun insignia of Eugene’s old Corona High hoodie that he TOTALLY didn’t steal from him. Silently, he nodded in agreement before the bell rang and the hallways flooded with people. “Well then, shall we?” She asked, her arm outstretched. Varian promptly took it and let her guide him through the sea of people in the corridors. 
  First period went way too fast, Varian finding himself standing outside the chemistry labs alone before pushing open the door and entering. Greeting him was Hugo, already standing at their desk and giving him a smug grin and wave as he made his way over. Ah. Back to square one then. “Hey there, hairstripe. It's good to see my favourite nerd after such a long, strenuous day.” Hugo lamented as he threw his arm around the other boy, the steel of his arm feeling like a molten iron poker due to the relentless August heat. 
  “It's only been one lesson.” Varian complained, pushing Hugo’s arm off him (much to the other’s dismay, as evident from the displeased grunt), and pulling on the ivory lab coat along with his own goggles he’d fished out of his bag. They were the last thing he had of his mother’s belongings - apparently she was a legend in the scientific field, making advanced progress for it before her sudden death. He would’ve killed to have been able to meet her. 
  “I know, but one lesson is too much without my beloved hairstripe!” the other whined as Varian’s face took on a frown. Did he always have to be so dramatic? What had happened to the soft, vulnerable man he’d seen yesterday? Still, he sat down and began to listen to Mr Crick as he explained the experiment. It was simple enough - make a compound of your choice - right?
  Well, he was obviously wrong considering who his partner was.
  He thought they’d been fine, Hugo taking the lead and showing Varian what to do. It almost felt like the sweet boy he met yesterday was back, until the compound blew up in his face. His hair scruffed up as Hugo laughed, Varian rapidly moving his hands to fix the absolute rats nest that was his hair as his partner’s cackles sounded in the background. He’d ignored Hugo after that, a frown covering his features as he pushed the boy away and slumped in his chair, pouting and sulking at the embarrassment he’d been put through. 
  Before he knew it, he was beside the blonde haired boy again and walking through town. He let Hugo ramble about something or the other, the blonde’s nimble fingers threading through his own locks as he ranted about some girl he liked. Varian didn’t pay attention, somehow a feeling of disappointment and something akin to jealousy bubbled in his stomach. He didn’t understand why - he hated the boy with his whole heart, so why was he jealous over some girl Hugo was frustrated about? He should be laughing because he was suffering so much, so why wasn’t he? He pushed that thought out of his head as fast as he could, his eyes fixating on the floor in silence.
  “You had your first kiss yet, hairstripe?” Hugo asked, it was an innocent question, but it caught Varian off guard. He didn’t want to admit to Hugo he’d never been kissed, all that would lead to would be relentless bullying about how he was destined to be ‘alone forever’ or how he just seemed to repel every girl in a two mile radius somehow. He pondered his answer for a minute, not even realising he’d stopped in his tracks. “You okay?” the blonde questioned.
  “Hm? Oh, i’m fine. And uh. Yeah, I’ve totally been kissed. By many, uh, many females.” he stuttered. Curse him for being so awkward. Hugo wasn’t going to believe him at all with a stutter like that. He knew he was a bad liar - but geez, this was REALLY depressing wasn’t it. It seemed Hugo thought the same, a look of suspicion taking over his face. “I swear I have!” he persisted as he jogged to catch up with the taller boy.
  “I never said I didn’t believe you.”
  “Yeah, but your face looked weird so I thought I had to clarify.”   “Your face always looks weird, but I don’t always clarify everything for you.” Hugo quipped, Varian gasping in offence and punching his bicep. Hugo let out a loud laugh before taking Varian’s wrist and guiding him along the street towards a small house. “Here it is. It really isn’t much, me and my ma aren’t exactly the most lucky people in the world.” Hugo added as he unlocked the door and pulled Varian up the stairs and along the hall to his room. “And this is where the magic happens.” He chirped, wiggling his eyebrows in a seductive manner, to which Varian responded with yet another punch to the bicep. 
  The room itself just had such Hugo vibes. Post it notes covered the walls with notes about chemistry along with little reminders on them (ones Varian couldn’t make out due to Hugo’s fancy yet unreadable cursive writing). An unfinished mechanical device looking similar to a mouse laid with his stomach facing upwards on the desk against the right wall with a wardrobe beside it, doors painted green and hiding the true color of the wood underneath. A bed pressed against the back wall sat against the left wall, the also green covers in a bundle on the floor, as though Hugo had fallen out of bed and forgotten to clean it. Slowly, Varian made his way towards the desk, before Hugo abruptly stepped in front of him to block his path. 
  “Ah. No working at the desk. There’s a surgical patient there at the moment called Olivia, so we’re gonna have to work on the bed. Lucky you.” He commented with a grin, taking a seat. Varian hesitated before perching beside him, taking the books out of his bag as Hugo’s eyes followed his every movement. As reassuring as it was to know Hugo was here, the staring was...really putting him off. It was excessive and happening everywhere - his room, the chemistry labs..hell, even the hallway today as they crossed paths while Varian made his way to math with Nuru dragging him along. It was strange and, according to Nuru, out of character for Hugo to be doing. Varian wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what was in character for Hugo, if he was being honest. Carefully he placed the books on the bed and the pair began to work on their presentation. 
  He hadn’t realised it, neither of them had, but by the time they’d decided to finish, Varian’s head rested on Hugo’s shoulder and had subconsciously cuddled against him on the bed. He flushed as Hugo brought this to his attention. “I’m sorry. I’ll just-” Varian apologised, trying to move away before a hand moved to hold him in place. Hugo’s eyes locked with his azure ones in a silent staring match, neither of them wanting to move until Hugo gained the courage. He tilted forward slightly before-
  “Varian! We’re here!” Rapunzel called from downstairs, the noise bringing both the boys back down from whatever alternate universe they’d created where it was just them. Varian moved away, Hugo letting him slide out of his embrace as he packed his books and their work into his backpack, slinging it over his back and rising to his feet. With his voice almost a whisper, he uttered goodbye before rushing out and down the stairs to meet Rapunzel.
  Hugo laid back on his bed, staring at the glow stars on the ceiling set out like constellations as his mind ran over what had just happened. What had gotten into him? What was the other boy doing to him to cause him to just..act like that? He let out a slight gasp at his sudden revelation. Oh no. No way did he have a crush on Varian Ruddiger. Absolutely no way would he have a crush on someone that was far too good for him in every way.
  He thought back to Zander and the rumours of him and his boyfriend. Of course he couldn’t risk that happening to him OR Varian. They had enough going on as it is, so the last thing he needed was for them to deal with that kind of torment at school. However…
  ..he couldn’t stop thinking about the other boy.
  The way that he couldn’t get enough of him. How he explained things so perfectly and not condescending in the slightest. The way he took care of everything around him and was gentle and careful when talking about potentially hurtful things. The way his blue eyes lit up the slightest bit when he smiled. The small snorts when he laughed. He really was falling hard for the other, huh. He was pretty sure his mom could tell too by the way she’d grinned at him from across the table at dinner in a way that told him that she knew whatever he was hiding, even though HE hadn’t known he was hiding anything at that point. 
  Huh. He really was in love. And this time, he didn’t hate it.
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scummy-writes · 4 years
Why do you go by Scum?
It’s just a nickname that I like! I don’t like my real name and would rather not go by it online. If calling me straight up 'Scum' is uncomfortable, you can call me 'Scummy'.
Do you write for ships?
If I like the ships in question, sure! Sometimes I might not if I think one character is too hard to write for, though.
Why don’t you write fantasy themes?
I am, not that creative, to be blunt HAHA. I get that Ikevamp is fantasy technically, but hard fantasy is something I can’t do. 'Realistic' fiction is my strong suit.
Why do you screenshot replies?
Sometimes I'd like to open more discussion on what is being talked about if it's game related, with tumblr's new feature of being able to change which of your blogs can reply to a comment now, I don't need to screenshot replies as often as I used to.
This is a side blog?
Yeah, I don't talk about my 'main' blog often since I'll occasionally reblog horror art or similar uncomfy things, and I honestly don't use it much.
My main is @strawberry-scum, and my likes/follows come from that blog. If you want to block me properly, you'll need to block that blog (and this one!). If you only block my writing blog, I can still interact with your posts from main and I won't be able to realize you have me blocked!
I tagged you in something and you didn't respond...
Sometimes I don't get notifs for tags! I have realized Tumblr has added a feature to where if OP has me blocked, or if I have OP blocked, I don't seem to get notifs when I am tagged on their post and I can't reblog them!
But also, I tend to forget to respond to tags at times. I enjoy them!! I am happy to be tagged! I am just a scatter brain and forget to respond later.
Tags for folks who may wanna blacklist them:
‘Replies’- This is for the posts where I reblog/ screenshot replies to my posts.
‘Comms’- For any discussion about me taking commissions/commission posts. I know it bothers some folks so to avoid folks gettin grumpy, there is that tag to use.
‘Spoilers’- On the off chance I reblog anything containing some spoilers, I’ll be using this tag. It also applies to any recent routes/events that are either ongoing or relatively new, and jp spoilers.
Typically, if it is smth specific, like concerning a brand new route to a game, I will tag it as [game] spoilers or similar. Concerning routes, I like to have a monthlong grace period from the route release to keep tagging spoilers about that route. Otherwise, after that month, I won't tag it as spoilers any longer.
'q' - Is my queue tag! I am too lazy to type out the full word on the rare occasions I load it up.
'Srb' - Means Self ReBlog! For when my q is reblogging older works of mine that you've maybe already seen!
'Scum Simps' - When I am going Feral over any character I am gonna try to tag it as this. 'Scum plays' tag will be paired with this often.
'Scum Plays' - When I post screenies of ikemen games or talk about ongoing game events/routes.
'Scum Talks' - I am trying to tag any talking that is writing updates and similar with this. I forget often and I apologize in advance.
'Gil Posting' - For when I'm talking about Gilbert. I've gotten messages in the past from people who dislike him Greatly, and since I don't want every post I make about him going in official tags, I'll try to use this tag.
'Scum Rants' - once in a while, I'll rant about fandom issues as a whole (not specifically the fandoms I am in, just generalized fandom behavior), or issues with online spaces in general. These posts are never pointed directly at a single person, since I don't enjoy 'vaguing' people who may follow me and similar, these posts are typically me just getting annoyed at awful behaviors being repeated around various social media or bad writing/fandom takes that friends/I have suffered through.
This is the tag I'll use for those rants! If you think it's about you, it's not! I would have uh. Blocked you to be blunt.
'Qotd' - for when I am replying to Questions of The Day, from @ikemen-daily-questions .
It's likely I'll forget to use these tags occasionally, and while I usually don't mind making specific tags for people to block specific content, at the end of the day this is my blog. I'm gonna ramble and talk about what I want. If you don't want the rambling, I suggest just paying attention to my ao3 for fic updates.
Tag/F.A.Q. list may be subject to change in the future, yeehaw
(Updated 03112024)
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theuntamedproject · 4 years
"If the face says nothing, listen to the heartbeat" - Lan WangJi, Mo Dao Zu Shi (Weeks 3+4)
... those who have read the novel know the real context of this line in the scene BUT taken out of context and used in a completely different (*cough* our) scenario..."If the face says nothing," translates to "Even if we seem calm on the outside,""listen to the heartbeat." translates to "we're so stressed to the point of ventricular fibrillation." (dunno if that's even a likely story but the overly exaggerated point still stands: we just handed our uni applications in and we're dreading admission tests and awaiting interviews...)
Quick overview
So aside from school work and university prep, TUP has taken up whatever spare moment either one of us has. However since Zara's Physics coursework began (good luck Zara!!) and both of us prepping for our respective admissions tests, we've decided instead of marching onwards with research on architecture and other food science related stuff, to settle on more relaxed Google seshes on MDZS (and totally not using this as an excuse to read the source text again) and beginning to design the buildings on CAD and paper.
So I'm going to introduce to you the barebones framework of what we plan to include in the design: characters, buildings and effects~ apologies in advance for not including the accents/tones in names (I cba tbh ;-; )
Because all these little dudes are just going to be cut out gingerbread men, we could include as many characters as possible (we did say we're making a universe are we not?). Those in italics are "maybe" characters depending on the dough remaining (or whether we like them to be part of the universe or not...) or how much gingerbread we're willing to eat ourselves (though huge shout out to everyone thats offered to eat our spare and broken gingerbread during materials testing - which I will get to a bit later :3)
Gusu Lan (the pretty sect)
Lan XiChen / Lan Huan (Sect Leader - simped so hard for his sworn brothers that both of them ended up dead)
Lan WangJi / Lan Zhan (repressed gay but we love him still)
Lan Yuan / Lan Sizhui (he's part of the Lan sect now goddamnit)
Lan JingYi (the most unLan Lan yet has the highest chance of being the next sect leader lmaoo)
Lan QiRen
Lan Yi / Lan An
QingHeng-Jun (Twin Jades' father)
Madam Lan (Twin Jades' mother)
Yunmeng Jiang (arguably the only "normal" sect here...)
Jiang Cheng / Jiang Wanyin (Sect Leader also an "angry grape" as put by Zara)
Jiang YanLi (OUR QUEEN)
Jiang FengMian (loved Wei Ying more than Jiang Cheng lol jk xd)
Yu ZiYuan (BAMF)
Wei Ying not included here since technically he defected from the Sect (; - ;)
Qinghe Nie (fans and sabers my bros)
Nie HuaiSang (Sect Leader - yeah, I can't believe it either)
Nie MingJue (noooooooooo)
Honestly, I swear this clan is either "big muscles or big brain?". If you have neither, you can't be part of their clique. I mean sect.
Lanling Jin (rich rich rich rich rich)
Jin Ling / Jin RuLan (Sect Leader - totally not named after Wei Ying's crush/ husband's family)
Jin GuangYao / Meng Yao (*smiles*)
Jin ZiXuan (peacock but JYL's husband nonetheless)
Jin GuangShan (gross)
Jin ZiXun (double gross)
Mo XuanYu (literally did not sign up to any of this. He just wanted to end his suffering at Mo Manor)
We decided against including everyone from Mo Manor since they literally died within the first few chapters of the novel / first episode of the drama so were kinda irrelevant. Also, we don't care about them like we care for the Lan Sect members either.
Off topic side rant, Zara has been on my case whenever I bring up Jin GuangYao. I have to say, he's way more lovable in the drama than in the novel (didn't really leave much of an impression on me in the novel, NHS did a better job at that). I'm here to briefly explain why this boy is misunderstood and deserved more than what he got (and also why you should love him because he deserves love).JGY is a poor soul who's goal in life was to please others because no one was ever satisfied with him. His mother wasn't satisfied. His father wasn't satisfied. Hell, even his sworn brother NMJ wasn't satisfied with him eventually. BUT GUESS WHAT Xichen the angel is the only person that showed any love or thanks to JGY that's why he didn't kill him in the end - he wouldn't kill people that actually cared about him. IF ONLY EVERYONE ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION TO HOW CLEVER AND CUNNING THIS MAN WAS, THERE MAY NOT EVEN BE WENS THREATENING THE WORLD. end of brief rant.
Qishan Wen (too hot, hot damn)
Wen RuoHan (Sect Leader - could have taken over the world if his children weren't incompetent)
Wen Qing (half the reason why included this sect)
Wen Ning / Wen QiongLin (the other half of the reason)
Wen Chao (questionable)
Wen ZhuLiu (also questionable but less annoying than Wen Chao)
Rogue cultivators (including people we didn't really know where to put)
Wei WuXian / Wei Ying (Can work out how to cultivate resentful energy, fight against the biggest cultivation clans in the world and gain a formidable reputation as the Yiling Patriarch yet can't figure out that Lan Zhan has a crush on him. Makes it look like cultivating resentful energy is easy as pie.)
CangSe SanRen (Wei Ying's mother)
Wei ChangZe (Wei Ying's father)
Xiao XingChen (honestly, the nicest guy ever. Could rival Xichen in terms of kindness. But then again... where did that kindness lead either of them? Moral of story: screw kindness)
Song Lan (Wen Ning's dead buddy~)
Xue Yang (he was cool in the novel, a bit questionable in the drama ngl)
A-Qing (didn't report her situation to the police...)
Baoshan Sanren (without knowledge of her existence, Jiang Cheng may have given up on life after he lost his golden core)
Ouyang ZiZhen (I didn't know who he was at all from the novel (ie he left no impression) but since he's technically part of the juniors, we have to include him)
Wang Ling Jiao / Jiao Jiao (just so Wen Chao has a friend perhaps... I don't know if we're that kind)
Su She (ew. just. He's not our favourite. The whole thing could have gone smoother if he didn't exist)
Luo Qingyang / Mian Mian (that one girl that made Wei Ying think Lan Zhan was straight)
Whew! That's all the character's we've considered! We have yet to come up with individual designs for the clothes and what not but at least we know there are going to be straight up cutting them out using the gingerbread man cutters.
Also! let's not forget:
Li'l Apple (didn't sign up for any of this either)
Fairy (gift from JGY to JL, also good doggo)
All the bunnies in Gusu (yes.)
All the fans and sabers in Qinghe (it's part of their aesthetic)
Locations and Buildings
This section's going to be MUCH shorter than the previous one haha since we've basically come up with 5 main buildings and in 7 locations. We're planning these buildings to be architectural masterpieces (okay, that's a slight exaggeration but that's the point). These buildings will take SIGNIFICANTLY more time than the gingerbread characters and is the reason we've put so much effort into researching what would make the most stable type of building. This is because we've planned to mirror the buildings as close as possible to the drama. We haven't yet drawn 2D sketches as I've left that job mostly to Zara (sorry!) so it's sort of hard to describe in words but by next post, we hope to have these down~ (though please see the mood boards from Zara's post previously)~
Gusu Lan - Cloud Recesses
The Wall of Discipline
The Courtyard
The Orchid Room (the main classroom/hall)
Yunmeng Jiang - Lotus Pier
The Main Pier
Lotus Pod Lake
Qinghe Nie - The Unclean Realm
The Main Courtyard and stairs
Lanling Jin - Koi Tower
Koi Tower
Qishan Wen - Nightless City
Main building and stairs
Yiling - Burial Grounds
The Mountains (and farms/Wen settlements)
Demon-Slaughtering Cave
And of course, Yi City.
We don't know if we want to include any more places but we'll let you know if there are any changes to this list. Plus the effects of LEDs and other arts and craft jazz besides gingerbread, we plan to make sure each Sect get's their own spotlight~
Please enjoy our baby Cloud Recesses, they're going to grow up and be a fine specimen of society worthy of the Lan name :D
The plan going forward
Although unfortunately, things haven't gone totally to plan due to fairly busy circumstances, we still have some major events along the way before starting to build the whole thing (which would probably be around mid-to-end of December) which have indeed started preparing for. Including:
Material testing gingerbread and icing (ie finally, bringing our research to the real world) - a lot of gingerbread will be made, so thank you to the willing volunteers who wanted to eat our failed experiments!
Finding / creating a suitable recipe for the gingerbread people
2D and 3D sketches of the buildings
Designing costumes for the gingerbread people
Another thing that we kinda want to do is to make this project benefit the wider community (we wanted to set up a GoFundMe at some point and raise some money for charity~). But we don't know how to do that as of yet T-T . Any ideas, feel free to contact us and let us know! We want to help others through this project (if at all possible haha)!
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