#apparently I'd only ever heard the name lmao never seen him
pomefioredove · 4 months
Hi, congrats on the 500 followers!
Thank you for the event - this is my first time joining such a thing so I apologize in advance for how long this is (if you wish to ignore this - that's fine, I understand, thank you for the chance to participate)
I.. don't really know how to describe my personality anymore but I will try to from both my perspective of myself as well as what I've learned from others' impressions of me (tbh to try and sum it up - I'm an ISFJ personality type, if that helps any)
I'm pretty quiet and reserved. I prefer to be by myself/avoid people mostly due to not being very sociable or not having the energy to engage with others (heavily introverted here lmao). Others have said I seem hard to approach and/or intimidating (which is super funny considering I'm not even 5 ft tall - I am super short so idk how I could be intimidating. Maybe it's the rbf 😂).
Because of this, I'm pretty awkward in social situations though I don't mean to be. I'd like to be a part of things too and have fun but because I never really learned how to/wasn't really socialized enough, I just don't seem to vibe with most. I understand I'm generally pretty different both in terms of looks and personality/mindset too (apparently I stick out like a sore thumb) but it's still discouraging and lonely.
I think people don't really know what to make of me and while they may be polite, it's only because I try to be approachable and friendly to show I'm not someone who should be avoided. Ofc that doesn't always work and if people don't vibe with me there's nothing I can do about it. I'm unfortunately really used to being misunderstood and being projected onto despite the lack of proof of the assumptions people make of me because of this.
I won't go into details (tho I feel like it might be important to mention to give some context) but I experienced a lot of neglect, emotional abuse, and interpersonal relationship trauma while growing up so it has really affected my ability to trust others. I am very wary and guarded so my walls don't come down easily. It'll take a lot of time to get to know me, especially the things that bring me joy. Most people have never seen me be my true authentic self or learned what my favorite things are because it was just too much work to get thru to finally get there (which I understand and don't deny and for the longest time have been trying to work on these issues of mine).
Anyway, for what it's worth - I'm known for being hard working, reliable, and honest. I'm unfortunately a perfectionist and have imposter syndrome too which also means I'm ridiculously humble. It's been brought to my attention that it's much to my detriment lmao (I've also been trying to work on that too)
Though I'm very distant and reserved to most, the very few people I've ever had in my life who were close to me have seen my more playful and affectionate side and that's only because I trusted them and felt safe with showing them this side of me. But again, that's only possible if I've developed a really close bond with someone
My interests include anime/manga, video games, reading/writing, art, nature, and food, to name some. I'm also (embarassingly enough) a hopeless romantic at heart and prefer to collaborate with others instead of compete unless it's friendly and no hard feelings are involved.
Please let me know if I've left anything out accidentally and I also apologize again for the length!
Thank you again for the event, I can't wait to read the matchups you've done for everyone who participated! Please have a great day/night!
I match you with 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚
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I was really close to giving you trey but malmal won again
The First Impression:
Malleus isn't exactly a social butterfly, but he's heard your name once or twice. The other students speak of you as if you're some intimidating, unapproachable thing... which may or may not intrigue him, just a little.
...Of course, when he actually sees you, he's thoroughly unimpressed. This is the person everyone avoids? Why? You're like one of the cute woodland creatures that follows Silver around.
You're not even a powerful mage or feared warrior! You're just standing there awkwardly!
Why He Fell:
It's almost a "last two kids without a partner being forced to work together on the group project" situation. Being constantly left out and avoided has very few positives, but getting to spend time with Malleus is one of them.
There's no real pressure to be social or overly-friendly around him, he's truly just happy to have someone to sulk in the shadows with, though as time goes on and you become more comfortable around one another, conversation will start to blossom.
Hearing him go on and on about his special interests like a little nerd, you might share a similar sentiment: "this is the guy everyone's terrified of?"
There's something quite tender and gentle about two loners finding company within each other, and as your walls come down, you find yourself sharing your vulnerable self with him. Your fun, affectionate side, which Malleus cherishes and protects like a gift given especially to him.
The Relationship:
It's safe. Not boring, mind you, safe. You treat each other gently, which so starkly contrasts how others have treated you in the past, and there's something quite special about that.
Malleus is able to share sides of himself with you he hasn't with anyone else. He treasures your reliability and honesty, and sees you as a safe space in his life, as much as he hopes you see him. It's a very cozy relationship, full of comfortable silences and an unspoken trust shared just between the two of you. Despite his status, the relationship feels very private, if only because you only share these sides of yourself with each other.
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cirquedumoi · 8 months
Howdy! I (finally) did a writing thing! I did this for the LU Discord's weekly prompt (Prompts Done Fast), and thought I'd take a stab at writing something for once. I've not written anything for the Chain before, and have had the idea of them finding a glass beach for a while now, so yeah! There are mistakes, this was timed & I couldn't go back to fix them-
As a lil fun fact: I timed this to the length of a RussianBadger video lmao (it was just over 30 mins). Anyhow, on with the story!
(Ao3 link :D)
"It's so crunchy!" Wind giggled, not rwally used to the shiny pebbles replacing the sand he was used to. The godesses had apparently decided the Chain could do with a break, and thus dumped them somewhere in Wind's world. The island was fairly small but had enough room to run around, and had the most unique beach they'd ever seen. Four dubbed it a 'glass pebble beach', though Wind thought it deserved a better name. Not that he could think of one-
"Hey Four! You know stuff, do you know how this happened?" The one in question jumped, probably not expecting a conversation in his Hylian, but nonetheless strode over, trying to recall if he did, in fact, know.
"I've only heard of these before, but sometimes bits of glass like this wash up on other islands," Wind continued. "The story I know is that bits of glass get in the ocean for whatever reason, but it pokes the gods that live down there, so they make it blunt so it doesn't hurt anyone & send it back up to the surface to be found & reused!"
"That's a nice myth, but I think it's actually the water & sand wearing it down over time," Four explained, picking up a deep purple piece & holding it up to the light.
"Ooh, that makes sense!" Wind looked out over the beach, giggling as he noticed Wild picking up random bits to keep in his slate.
"Wait, you've never seen a beach like this before?" He glanced back to Four, not expecting the question.
"I... don't think so? I mean, we get the occasional bits here and there, but the closest I've seen to this was on an island near the Old Hyrule castle. I guess it came from the old buildings near it, maybe even the castle itself! But even then, it wasn't as crazy as this,"
The two chatted for a bit longer, contemplating how the city from days past may have looked, but it wasn't to long before a mischievous grin found its way onto Wind's face.
"...What is it?" Four asked, knowing far too well what that look meant.
"Wanna see how many pebbles we can sneak into Legend's bag before he realises?" Four sat for a bit, thinking over the offer.
"Sound like a terrible plan, I'm in! Maybe we shouldn't to that to Legend, though-" Four pointed out. The Vet seemed to be actually relaxed for once, so he wasn't particularly willing to ruin that.
"Fair point! How about the Captain?" Four nodded, possibly a bit too eager to finally prank Wars.
Warriors was deep in coversation with Time as Wind shouted out to Four about something or other. He knew enough of the Sailor & Smithy's Hylian to know that it was about the glass, but that was about all he got. He watched as the two drifted off, bouncing questions & ideas off of each other.
"This is quite a view, certainly not one I can say I've seen before," Time said, taking xeir chestpiece off. Xey had taken the rest of xeir armour off already, deeming this a safe enough spot.
"Yeah, it is quite nice, if a bit weird," the Captain agreed. Everyobe seemed to agree, with most euther taking in the sight or collecting some of the pebbles. He did notice Four & Wind had quietened, and glanced over to see the Sailor's signature Chaos Grin. As quietly has he could manage, he strode over to be within earshot of the pair. Keeping an ear out for any words he knew, he picked out a few that signalled he was going to be in for some sort of prank.
"Hey Smithy, Sailor!" The pair jumped, having not noticed his approach.
"Heeey Captain, what's up?" Wind sheepishly replied, Four stifling giggles behind him.
"I think you know what," Wars replied, raisinf an eyebrow in question. "I managed to catch you two talking about me & someone's bag, which paired with the Sailor's grin, makes me think you two were planning some sort of prank." Four dissolved into laughter next to Wind, who was trying (and failing) to keep a straight face.
"Whatever would give you that idea, Cap?"
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griffsursparker · 2 years
im not going to lie. I had absolutely no idea chris pine looked like that. like idk I was not expecting that hair
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Just wanted to let you know your writing is AMAZING. dunno if you take requests or not but if you do I'd love one of protective kuroo, kind of like the akaashi fic you did! I know you just did a kuroo one (which was also amazing, I loved it) but I'm a kuroo girl so i can't get enough haha
Thank you so much for the kind words! I am taking requests on top of the other stuff I’m writing:) everyone is low key a Kuroo girl and if someone disagrees with that they can fight me lmao just kidding! But here you go! I hope you enjoy the story:)
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You hummed softly to yourself as you watched your legs swing back and forth, the bench you were sitting on kept your feet off the ground.
 You looked around and sighed softly, Kuroo was running late. 
 It had been a long time since you guys had gone on a date, he was busy preparing for the Spring Tournament, and you were busy with your extra college prep courses.
 So when he had suggested going to the amusement park that recently opened up, you definitely couldn’t refuse. 
 You were waiting in front of the entrance for Kuroo to arrive, considering he was the one who had bought the tickets.
 “Y/n!” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend call out. You looked up to see him waving an arm in the air, smiling at you. Behind him you saw Kenma grumbling to himself as he stuffed his hands further into the hoodie he was wearing.
 Your lips twitched in amusement. That was probably why he was late.
 “Hi Kenma!” you said brightly once they reached you, wrapping the second year in a tight hug.
 “Hi Y/n.” he mumbled quietly, softly returning the hug. 
 “Oi! Why does Kenma get a hug before your boyfriend?” Kuroo grumbled, an annoyed expression taking over his features.
 “Because Kenma wasn’t the one who was late.” you retorted, sticking out your tongue. 
 He huffed angrily and reached a hand out to grab you away from the setter, only for you to slap his hand away, continuing to cling to the pudding haired male.
 “Damn you Kenma!” 
 “Be quiet Kuroo.” Kenma sighed. “I didn’t even want to go. You dragged me out of the house.”
 “That’s because if I didn’t you’d be stuck inside all day playing video games. It’s good to have fun once in a while.” Kuroo stated simply, finally pulling you away from his teammate and into his arms.
 “Playing video games is fun Kuroo.” Kenma shot back, taking out his phone. “Besides, isn’t this supposed to be a date? Why would you have me tag along? You and Y/n haven’t spent much time together recently.” he glanced up looking between the two of you.
 You had forgotten about your annoyance towards Kuroo for being late now that you were wrapped up in his arms. Right now you were incredibly content as you leaned against his tall form.
 “It’ll be fun Kenma! I haven’t seen you much either. Let’s go enjoy the park together!” You said happily.
 You had known the two boys since you were in middle school, and quite frankly once you had started dating Kuroo you kind of expected Kenma to be there half the time. They were a package deal, and you honestly didn’t mind, sometimes preferring the quiet second year’s presence more than your boyfriend’s.
 Kenma sighed in defeat and trailed after you guys as you made the way to the counter to hand in your tickets.
 Once you guys were actually inside the park Kenma seemed to have perked up just a bit.
 You talked animatedly towards Kuroo about what you wanted to do for the day. Your hands intertwined together as you spoke.
 You hadn’t noticed the soft gaze that came over the tall third year. Kuroo couldn’t help but to stare at you. It had definitely been too long since the last time you guys got to be together. He missed you terribly. He missed the ridiculous facial expressions that came over your face when you were talking, he missed the way you pouted whenever he teased you, he missed the way you would play with your long hair whenever you were nervous. 
 Fuck, he just missed you entirely. He felt guilty about how busy he was with the volleyball club, feeling like he was being a terrible boyfriend for neglecting you for so long.
 But you understood completely, you knew how important volleyball was to him and you just wanted to be able to give him unconditional love and support. 
 Plus, those extra courses were brutal. While you loved spending time with Kuroo, you also knew how incredibly distracting he was during homework. So you were grateful for the time apart to get everything done.
 “Do you guys want food?” Kuroo asked, staring at the food stalls. You guys had finished riding the thrill rides, and playing most of the game stalls at the park. 
 You were having a wonderful time, and there were those rare moments where you saw Kenma smiling to himself, he had the most fun playing the stall games, and he was actually pretty good at it. He had won the majority of the prices that were now in your grasp. Much to Kuroo’s distaste. 
 But Kuroo had won you a black cat plushy. Despite the frustration he felt at only being able to win you the small stuffed animal, the look on your face was worth it. 
 He had never seen anything more beautiful; the way your eyes lit up and the wide smile that stretched across your face. It was definitely worth it. Especially when you declared that the cat’s name was going to be Tetsu. 
 While Kuroo went off to go get food, you and Kenma found a place to sit. “You’re really good at those shooting games Kenma.” You stated, sitting across from the quiet male.
 He looked up at you from his phone and smiled slightly. “It’s not that hard, it’s just like some of the video games I play.”
 “I suck at video games.” you sighed, frowning slightly. “Tetsuro always makes fun of me because of it.”
 “I know.”
 “Don’t be mean.” you pouted. Kenma laughed slightly at your expression before closing his phone and standing up. 
“I’m going to the restroom real quick, are you going to be okay by yourself?” Kenma asked.
 You waved him off as you settled down into your seat. You would be fine, this was an amusement park afterall. Nothing bad ever happened at these kinds of places right?
 You were wrong.
 You were definitely wrong about that statement. 
 It had only been a couple of minutes of being alone before an arm draped over your shoulders. 
 You stiffened and looked to see a guy around your age sitting next to you. His friend sitting  across from you.
 “What’s a cute girl like you sitting all alone for? Did your boyfriend leave you?” he teased. 
 You frowned, shifting your body away from the male. “No. He went to go get us food.” 
 “Where? I don’t see him.” his friend said looking around halfheartedly. “Why don’t you come hang out with us?”
 You glanced around to see that people weren’t paying attention to the uncomfortable situation you were in. 
 And Kuroo and Kenma were still gone…
 “No thanks. I suggest you leave before my boyfriend gets here.” you said dryly, crossing your arms over your chest. A hard expression covering your face.
 “Oh come on, don’t be like that.” the one that was sitting next to you cooed, shifting closer to you and grabbing your chin. “We can show you a real good time…”
 You flinched away from his touch, fear and annoyance overtaking your body. 
 While you didn’t tolerate being talked to this way, it was still incredibly scary considering that you were outmatched right now.
You ignored the feeling of dread sinking deep within your stomach and was about to start telling off the two males when a tray full of food was slammed down in front of you, causing you to jump in fright.
 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to my girlfriend?” 
 You had never seen Kuroo so pissed before. His cat-like eyes were piercing as they glared down at the unwelcomed males. His expression was dark and angry. 
 It was a frightening image to behold.
 Behind the angry and towering male was Kenma. His eyes watching the two males with a calculating expression before flickering over to you, walking from around Kuroo he stood next to you, carefully pressing his hand against your elbow and tugging you gently away from the table. 
 Kuroo’s eyes briefly moved to yours checking to make sure you were okay and not hurt before moving back to the males that were beginning to look frightened.
 Kuroo’s confrontation finally brought other eyes to your area, the people around you looking on which made the harassers even more nervous.
 “Do you two losers usually go around touching girls that don’t want to be touched?” Kuroo asked coldly, this caused an eruption of whispers to take place around you guys, older adults getting ready to step into the situation.
 “How about I show you guys a good time…” he said darkly, cracking the knuckles of his right hand.
 You have never seen boys run away as fast as they just did. 
 You released the breath you had apparently been holding during that encounter. You watched Kuroo’s expression go from dark and cold to loving and worried as he turned his attention to you.
 “You okay doll?” he asked gently cupping your face. 
 You nodded softly. “Y-Yeah. Let’s eat. I don’t want this to ruin our day.” you smiled slightly.
Kuroo stared at you for a moment before nodding slowly. He shared a pointed look with Kenma but didn’t press the matter further.
 You were definitely not okay.
 All too soon the day had ended. You and Kuroo found yourselves outside of your house.
 “Do you want to come in? My parents won’t be home until later tonight.” you said quietly.
 “Oya? Are you trying to seduce me Y/n-chan?” Kuroo smirked leaning down towards you.
 You flushed brightly, slapping his chest. “Shut up Tetsuro. Do you want to come in or not?”
 He laughed loudly at your embarrassed face. “Fine. Fine.”
 You rolled your eyes as you guys stepped into your house. It wasn’t the first time Kuroo had been to your home, he immediately made himself comfortable as he went upstairs to your bedroom.
 “I feel gross. Will you be fine out here if I go shower?” you asked, setting down the prizes you had gotten at the park.
 Kuroo dismissed you as he picked up one of your comics you had laying around, making himself comfortable on top of your bed. You rolled your eyes as you left to the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.
 Kuroo felt his phone buzz in his pocket. 
 Don’t leave Y/n alone tonight. She definitely wasn’t okay after what had happened. Kenma texted.
 Kuroo frowned and glanced towards the closed bedroom door, he knew that you weren’t okay. If he was being honest, the rest of the day he was waiting for you to break down crying.
 Kuroo knew that you were a strong person, that was one of the many things he loved about you. But a situation like that, would leave anyone frightened. He noticed that too, the way you would jump slightly at his sudden touch, and the way that you would glance around worriedly.
 Of course he wasn’t going to leave you alone tonight. Before that had happened he had planned on coming over anyway, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible, and considering that tomorrow was the weekend, he thought it was the perfect time. 
 Kuroo didn’t notice you walk in until you plopped yourself on the bed, drying your damp hair.
 He smirked slightly as he took in your clothes, your soft legs were exposed due to the shorts you opted to wear to bed, and his familiar volleyball shirt hung down your body.
 “Did you steal that?” he teased, setting down the comic book. “I was wondering where that shirt went.”
 “Nooo…” you said, averting your eyes. “You left it here.”
 “Lying doesn’t suit your sweet face doll,” Kuroo drawled out, sitting up from the many pillows on your bed and clasping warm fingers around your wrist. “Who knew that my girlfriend was a thief.” he smirked and yanked you into his lap.
 You fell into him with a loud ‘oomph,’ your face squishing against his hard chest, and then you melted against him.
 Sighing softly to yourself, you shifted against him comfortably, straddling his hips as you wrapped your arms around his muscular shoulders, your head laying against his chest.
 Kuroo’s hands rested on your upper thighs carefully, thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the skin.
 You both were quiet for a moment, just appreciating the comfort and warmth of being in each other’s arms.
 “You know, you don’t have to act tough around me right?” he said suddenly. “I know what happened earlier freaked you out.”
You stiffened and relaxed against his chest. Kuroo just knew you too well.
 “Yeah.” you said quietly. “I just didn’t want you to worry… and I didn’t want to ruin the day…”
 You remembered the way that guy had touched you so casually, and despite the shower you had taken, and the way you had all but scrubbed your skin raw, you still felt gross.
 Kuroo sighed, pushing you back slightly so he could stare at your face. “I already know that you’re a crybaby. Kenma does too. You’re forgetting that we’ve known each other since we were kids.” he said bluntly.
 You huffed angrily at his statement and whacked his chest with your palm, causing a wide smirk to appear on his face. “I’m not a crybaby!”
 “If you’re not feeling okay, it’s okay to tell us,” he finished, ignoring you completely. “It’s okay to tell me, because I’m always going to take care of you. Yeah?”
 The sincerity in his voice and the gentle expression on his handsome face caused you to blush. Your eyes moved away from his and settled on staring at his chin as you tried to get your racing heart under control.
 Your fingers played with his hair at the nape of his neck. The way you felt about Kuroo was indescribable, the admiration and adoration you had for the third year volleyball captain was too much. It felt like your heart was about to explode from how much you just loved him.
 “Thank you Tetsuro.” You said finally meeting his gaze. “I love you a lot.” you confessed.
 He smiled gently at you, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. “I love you too.”
 It was quiet for a moment as you rested your head against his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent.
 “If you want to thank me properly, you should take off your shirt. Well actually it’s my shirt.”
 “Shut up Tetsuro or I’ll tell Kenma."
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