#apparently ITNL is on the first page for word count. just barely but it's there.
orcelito · 9 months
Any trigun fics you do recommend/enjoyed?
oh Positivity, yes. uuuhhhh im kind of bad at bookmarking things ngl but i will share A Few. all vashwood bc that's my shit & all
i feel like everyone knows about Figure Me Out but it was one of the first fics i read in this fandom & honestly tangentially inspiration for writing Sentido (that whole tangible inhumanity kind of idea). i should reread it sometime. im very behind on the sequel but im thinking about working on reading it so i can have smth that has good characterization. genuinely some of the best vash characterization ive seen. Sooooooooooo good
theres kinder, gentler WHICH i actually was absolutely ABSOLUTELY obsessed with a giant haikyuu fic this person wrote back in the day, so seeing them get into trigun was an Absolute gift for me. one of the best trigun longfic there are imo with fun characterizations & WONDERFUL writing. one of my favorite instances of Knives Domestication too, aka he's still very thorny and does not like humans but he is Making An Effort (after centuries and centuries of work). this fic rly embodies the spirit of trigun to me tbh, if it was something... well... kinder and gentler. very silly and very sad at times, but also hopeful. what a fic <3
i was very very very obsessed with Trillium and Ivy. read the entire thing in one day. & honestly shoutout to them for writing such a long fic back b4 the trigun renaissance. Dedication. it's been a bit since ive read it but i remember really enjoying how they wrote Vash's disability in a modern setting. not just handwaving away the prosthetic as some super high-tech thing. and also addressing the utter horror that his recovery from such a serious accident wouldve been. honestly i might reread it sometime, ive forgotten a lot of it and it was SO fucking good. genuinely i was obsessed. highly recommend it.
uhmmmmmmmmmmm the other trigun fics i have bookmarked are smut fics lksdjflsdkfj but i'll share them anyways bc if it's in my bookmarks that means they HIT me enough i wanted to save it for later. and thus they are the kinds of smut fics that have U contemplating life and love and ur very existence
i’m here in search of your glory (there’s been a million before me) (what a long title) uh this one. well this one broke me. first half is just pain pain pain pain and then u get ur happiness and Relief and joy and. well. ya kno lmao. this fic rly did hit me so hard tho. i enjoyed it a lot
a kind heart to haunt rancher (& ex outlaw) vash and cowboy wolfwood. western au, very well done. i read this one all in one morning and felt shrimp feelings (in a good way). and the smut is. Also good. LOVE AND LONGING AND uh. good smut. what more is there to ask for
just a holy fool now i'll admit it's been over 4 months since ive read this so i dont remember a lot. but since it's in my bookmarks that means it Hit me. i remember it being the perfect kind of vashwood longing tho So if ur looking for smut with feelings. this one's Pretty Great
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