#apparently based on the current foundations there is NO WAY he ever intended to build what he'd been told to build
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
"Wren had begun advising on the repair of the Old St Paul's in 1661, five years before the fire in 1666."
Hrm... bit sus if you ask me. Do we know where he was when that fire started?
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secretsolenoid · 3 years
Gestalt Brain
A belated Secret Solenoid gift for @aethergeologist!
Prowl stared down at his datapad and tried, once again, to focus on the words in front of him. It wasn’t going well for him. His optics were working perfectly, he had settled himself into his seat, he was even topped off on energon. There were no distractions anywhere within the same building as him. He’d made sure of it by sending the Constructicons off to help with rebuilding on the exact opposite side of New Iacon from him. 
It should have been an optimal work environment, and yet he found he still couldn’t concentrate. Calculating defense strategies seemed impossible in the moment. He could focus on the datapad just fine, he could read every word of it. He just seemed unable to retain it. 
With a growl of frustration, Prowl pushed back away from his desk, and kicked the chair for good measure (if he hit the desk, it would disrupt the neat workspace he’d finally managed to organize to his satisfaction, after neatening up all of the corners of it that the Constructicons seemed to thrive in knocking ever so slightly out of place). 
Maybe if he went out for a drive, he would be better able to visualize the city. His autobot friends might still be out, but if he was driving, he could continue on past them without being rude, and if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t sure how to deal with Bumblebee, or Ironhide, or “Orion Pax.” He didn’t know how to deal with the crew of the miraculously-returned Lost Light, either, though in perhaps a more straightforward way. Most of them he didn’t care to bother with in the first place. Ultra Magnus or Ratchet might be a refreshing bastion of sanity, but neither particularly liked him for good reason, and he had plenty of disagreements with them right back (Megatron. phah). 
Maybe a drive along the outskirts of the developing city would help to stop his processor from looping in circles. With that intent in mind, Prowl left his office and made his way down to the street, shifting into his vehicle mode and setting off with a whine of tires.
Seeing the layout of the city helped. It was much easier to focus on the changes that needed to be made when he could see the haphazard clusters of ships that had landed as they came where there was space, and the hasty reconstruction that had sprung up between and around them in the ruins of Iacon. 
The outer wall needed repairing, of course. Although the wilds of Cybertron were slightly less dangerous without aerialbots and dinobots roaming in angry packs, it was still unknown, and even if Megatron was no longer a threat there were plenty of Decepticon forces out there who would not stand down on their leader’s order. The DJD, wherever they were, would be the prime example of that.
Some of the ships needed updates as well, if they were to fly again, or could be taken apart and put to use in more immediately necessary aspects of industry. Engines had all manner of useful parts, and energy shielding, which was a necessary component of any spacefaring vessel, could be repurposed as a solution for their wall problem, even if only as a short-term or emergency measure. And of course the buildings, though solidly constructed and intended to last for eons, all showed the devastating effects of both war and time. 
Today’s construction project was one of the examples that had fared far better through battles both ancient and recent. The constructicons had found the structure to be sound down to the foundation, with no rusting or deterioration on the beams. Their current goal was to strip the other materials, find other uses for them if they could, scrap those they couldn’t, and begin refurbishing the space into actual housing, so that they could begin to permanently settle Cybertron once again. The Constructicons weren’t the only one assisting with the project-- those who wanted a first stake at housing were invited to lend their assistance, and as such several crews from the shoddy rust-bucket ships were there to strip surfacing and cart rubble as needed. 
The building, as far as Prowl could tell, had previously been the headquarters of some sort of shipping company, and contained both space for storage and offices. Both would be easy enough to convert into habitation units, using the offices for the smaller spaces and dividing up the storage into slightly larger shared living units. 
Of course, problems will arise when those present to lend their assistance try to claim the most space, and end up arguing with one another over who gets what, even though the building should be able to hold more than those who showed up to help, but arguing them down will be a simple enough plan, and it’s a trivial matter to allocate spaces based on the preferred grouping assignments of the crews, and then to direct them to the restoration of those sections first--
“Prowl? What are you doing here?” 
Prowl jerked away from the building blueprints and looked up to see a very puzzled-looking Jetfire. 
When he looked around, he was surrounded by the Constructicons, and the construction crew. Which should have been across the city. 
He’d intended to work on plans for the defenses all day, not to be dragged into the Constructicon’s project, and yet, somehow, that was exactly what had happened. 
“I decided to take a break from the defenses,” Prowl said stiffly to Jetfire, who shrugged and deposited several large crates of materials before leaving, apparently unwilling to question Prowl. 
Prowl had some questions of his own, however. The constructicons seemed to sense this, if the way they clumped together when Prowl turned his attention toward them was any indication. 
“I was working on the defenses,” he said, his voice cold. “A vital task for New Iacon. Would you like to explain why it is that I find myself instead drafted into the job of a foreman?” 
“Well, it’s because you are,” Bonecrusher muttered. Mixmaster sneered and elbowed him hard, and Bonecrusher fell silent. Prowl continued to stare at them, and the Constructicons all began to fidget under his stare until--
“Well, it’s the Gestalt brain, of course,” Hook said stiffly. Prowl gave him a look, and he grimaced, but continued. “It comes out for the big problems.”
“It comes out when we are combined,” Prowl said with a frown. 
“Well, sure,” Scavenger said. “Cause that’s a big problem. But the more of us are focused on one big thing, the more it kinda… pulls in everyone else.” 
“All available resources,” Hook said. “And your processor is quite a considerable resource.” 
“What you mean to say is, unless all of us are working on entirely separate projects, I won’t be able to concentrate on my own work?” Prowl said. He could feel the angry tension building an ache in his shoulders and processor both. 
“Well…” Long Haul said slowly. “Not unless you want us to help.” 
“You, to help?” Prowl asked. 
“You know. More processing power,” Long Haul said. “That’s your thing, right? So if the gestalt isn’t focused on dragging around six frames in one body, there’s a lot of extra space for your calculating thing.” 
Prowl crossed his arms over his front bumper. He did not particularly like looking up and discovering that he had already spent half the day on a project completely unrelated to his own, and the feeling of his will slowly succumbing to another’s direction, even a gestalt, sat poorly with him. But, if he could use that processing power… 
His upper limit had always been calculating the trajectory of five hundred moving objects at once. Could he hit six hundred? One thousand?
Prowl looked down at the blueprints and the half-finished list of room assignments, then looked up at the array of Constructicons. “We are finishing this,” he declared. “Then we’re testing this. Understood?” 
Maybe it was the connection between their processors that happened whenever they combined, but Prowl could feel glee rolling off of the Constructicons in waves. “Yes, boss!”
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newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Burned out by the pandemic, 3 in 10 health-care workers consider leaving the profession (Washington Post) It’s been months since Justin Meschler, 48, practiced medicine. And he wonders if he ever will again. He quit his job as an anesthesiologist during the pandemic last spring when fear began seeping into every part of his life. And what began as a few months off has now turned into something much longer. “I feel guilty for leaving. I think about the others who stayed on. I think about the patients I could have helped. I feel like I abandoned them,” Meschler said. “But mostly, I feel relieved.” A year into the pandemic, many others are joining Meschler at the door—an exodus fueled by burnout, trauma and disillusionment. According to a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, roughly 3 in 10 health-care workers have weighed leaving their profession. More than half are burned out. And about 6 in 10 say stress from the pandemic has harmed their mental health. Many traced their disillusionment to how the pandemic exposed and magnified the broken parts of America’s health-care system. “You look at staffing, preparedness, what the priorities were for many hospitals during the crisis, and it’s clear the industry is driven by profits rather than well-being of patients or health workers,” Meschler said from his home in Louisville, Colo. “It makes you question the whole system.”
House Democrats pass D.C. statehood, launching bill into uncharted territory (Washington Post) For the second time in history, the House passed legislation Thursday to make the District of Columbia the nation’s 51st state, bolstering momentum for a once-illusory goal that has become a pivotal tenet of the Democratic Party’s voting rights platform. The bill now heads to the Senate. But the political odds remain formidable. Republicans, who hold 50 seats, have branded the bill as a Democratic power grab because it would create two Senate seats for the deep-blue city. Not even all Senate Democrats have backed the bill as the clock ticks toward the 2022 midterm election. Voting rights groups have described a city of second-class citizens, a plurality of whom are Black, living in the nation’s capital without any say in the nation’s laws.
Bringing Up Baby, And Charging Them For It (NPR) Foster care is a public service that federal law and all 50 state laws require the government to pay for. Foster care agencies are funded through a web of federal and state grants and subsidies, which, again, taxpayers are supposed to pay for. 10% of children in the US foster care system are entitled to Social Security (SS) benefits, either because their parents have died or because they have a physical or mental disability that would leave them in poverty without financial help. This money—typically more than $700 per month—is considered the children’s property under federal law. Congress never intended that the SS benefits owed these children would be a funding stream for their foster care services. The Marshall Project teamed up with NPR to expose how foster care agencies in at least 36 states and Washington, DC have been appropriating money owed to children in foster care to pay for the very services the government is supposed to provide with taxpayer dollars. Agencies do it by combing through their case files to find kids entitled to these benefits, then applying to SS to become each child’s financial representative, a process permitted by federal regulations. Once approved, the agencies take the money, almost always without notifying the children, their loved ones, or their lawyers. Child Trends research shows that state foster care agencies collected more than $165 million from foster children in 2018 alone. And SS data indicates the number is likely much higher.
Biden to recognize Armenian genocide (Foreign Policy) According to multiple reports, U.S. President Joe Biden is to break a long-standing taboo this Saturday by officially recognizing the massacre of 1 million ethnic Armenian by the Ottoman Empire as a genocide. Biden had commemorated the Armenian genocide as a presidential candidate last year, but Saturday’s proclamation would make him the first sitting president to do so. The announcement is certain to anger NATO ally Turkey, which disputes the historical record and the use of the term.
Mexican mobile data law (Foreign Policy) On Tuesday, a judge blocked part of a new Mexican law that requires cellphone users to submit biometric data, such as fingerprints and eye scans. The measure had drawn pushback from privacy and consumer safety advocates. The judge wrote there was no causal relationship between such data gathering and better investigations of crimes—one official justification for the new law. It will now face further examination in the courts.
Human excrement ‘increasingly serious problem’ as Britain opens up but many bathrooms don’t (Washington Post) With Britain slowly easing its way out of its third nationwide lockdown, people across the country are enjoying a return to a sense of normalcy. Shops and gyms have reopened and parks are once again heaving with groups of up to six people—for many, it’s a welcome step forward and a joy to be back socializing outdoors. But what happens when nature calls? The issue of where to relieve oneself in a world where so many facilities have been shut in recent months has long been a concern in Britain. Many public bathrooms, in particular, were closed during the various lockdowns and remain unavailable. Across the country, police patrols have been stepped up in a bid to deter people from urinating in bushes, on beaches and on private allotments. The problem isn’t just in parks, with towns and cities complaining that people spending time outdoors had no choice but to defecate in the street—much to the horror of local residents who said the odor was so bad on certain streets they were unable to open their windows and had to clean up after others with bleach and water. The lack of facilities has also meant people were unable to wash their hands—an instruction the government has repeatedly used in its messaging to curb the spread of infections over the past year.
Many in Western Europe and U.S. Want Economic Changes as Pandemic Continues (Pew Research Center) The coronavirus outbreak has caused, among other things, a debate around how to best rebuild national economies ravaged by the pandemic. Across the United States, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, significant shares believe their economic system needs either major changes or a complete overhaul, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in the late fall of 2020. Few in the four countries say their economy does not need any changes. The desire for change is strongest in France, where seven-in-ten believe the economic system in their country needs either major changes or to be completely reformed. Half share this view in the U.S., UK and Germany, while around four-in-ten in these three nations say minor changes are warranted. Few would opt for no adjustments to the economic system, ranging from 3% in France to 12% in the U.S. Of the five policies tested, the idea of government-sponsored job and skills training for workers garners the highest shares. Sizable shares in these countries also believe it is very important for their government to implement policies targeted at helping those struggling financially, building more public housing, and increasing government benefits to the poor, all three of which are of high import for around four-in-ten or more in each country.
Russia orders troops back to base after buildup near Ukraine (Reuters) Russia announced on Thursday it was ordering troops back to base from the area near the border with Ukraine, apparently calling an end to a buildup of tens of thousands of soldiers that had alarmed the West. A confirmed pullout of the troops brought in on top of the permanent contingent will likely be welcomed by Western countries that had been expressing alarm at the prospect of further Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine. Russian-backed separatists have been fighting the Ukrainian government in the region since 2014. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said he had ordered troops involved in exercises to return to their bases by May 1, as they had completed what he called an “inspection” in the border area.
US troops in Afghanistan begin packing gear in pullout prep (AP) The U.S. military has begun shipping equipment and winding down contracts with local service providers ahead of the May 1 start of the final phase of its military pullout from Afghanistan, a U.S. Defense Department official said Thursday. The pullout under U.S. President Joe Biden marks the end of America’s longest war after a 20-year military engagement. Currently, some 2,500 U.S. soldiers and about 7,000 allied forces are still in Afghanistan. In February last year, the U.S. military began closing its smaller bases. In mid-April, the Biden administration announced that the final phase of the withdrawal would begin May 1 and be completed before Sept. 11. Since then, the military has been shipping equipment and winding down local contracts for services such as trash pickup and maintenance work, the U.S. official told The Associated Press. The Taliban, meanwhile, were non-committal when asked by the AP whether the insurgents would attack departing U.S. and NATO troops. “It’s too early for these issues, nothing can be said about the future,” said Taliban spokesman Mohammad Naeem.
Indian coronavirus cases surge as health system staggers (Reuters) India reported the world’s highest daily tally of coronavirus infections for a second day on Friday, surpassing 330,000 new cases, as it struggles with a health system overwhelmed by patients and plagued by accidents. Deaths in the past 24 hours also jumped to a record 2,263, the health ministry said, while officials across northern and western India, including the capital, New Delhi, warned most hospitals were full and running out of oxygen. The surge in cases came as a fire in a hospital in a suburb of Mumbai treating COVID-19 patients killed 13 people, the latest accident to hit a facility crowded with virus sufferers.
Violence in Jerusalem (Foreign Policy) Dozens were injured in Jerusalem on Thursday night as anti-Arab protests led by far-right Jewish activists turned violent. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported 105 people injured in the clashes as Haaretz reported more than 30 were arrests. The violence follows a week of assaults on Arab Israelis and Palestinians by Jewish Israeli residents. Tensions rose between the communities last week after videos of Palestinians assaulting Jews were posted on TikTok.
Crew Of ‘Ever Given’ Could Be Stuck On The Big Boat For Years (Jalopnik) The news cycle may have moved on from the Ever Given, but the Ever Given still hasn’t moved on from its holding spot in the Great Bitter Lake in the middle of the Suez Canal after almost a month. The crew still stuck on the ship is very concerned about this, as there seems to be no sign that an agreement will be reached between Egypt and the Ever Given’s owners any time soon. Until there is an agreement in place, the crew is stuck there, and they could be for years. Apparently, it isn’t unusual for crew members to get trapped on ships caught in the middle of international shipping disputes. The Guardian details the fate of one sailor who has been the lone guardian of a ship for the last two years in the Gulf of Suez only 50 miles south of where the Ever Given has been held since it was freed back in March. He’s only allowed off the ship for two hour intervals to get food and water. The crew is stuck in the middle of a legal battle between the Suez Canal Authority, which is basically a stand-in for the Egyptian government, the owners of the Ever Given, Japanese company Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd and the operators of the ship, a German company called Bernhard Schulte. The SCA is demanding $916 million in damages due to the blockage while Shoei Kisen disputes those charges. Until the company pays up, the government of Egypt is holding on to the ship. The 26 crew members are reportedly in good spirits, but apprehensive according to representatives from the National Union of Seafarers of India, the trade union representing the Ever Given’s crew.
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
I mean, inevitably, you’ll catch me.
(( Cleaned up set of threads with @absintheabsence ; minor edits for spelling/clarity. This is definitely one of those stories Calleo should not tell @lamentedhope because that poor man is stressed enough as it is.
This would have been mid August, 1990. ))
“Hold still, I’m nearly finished-“ he murmurs it almost crossly, slightly muffled- his fingers twist again twice or so before he is satisfied enough to take the twine from his teeth, and he ties the braid in place with a complex series of knots. “There, now.” He gives the tail of it a gentle tug, before bending his silvered head to kiss the bottom most curl, just once. “Pretty as a rosebud.”
“If I’m any more still, I’ll have to stop breathing and even then parts of me are still going to move.” That was probably a lie but, if nothing else was clear at the moment, it was that Calleo seemed to never really be entirely still.
Something was always moving, at least a little bit.  He did, however, stop talking for a few seconds as that, at least, was likely to keep his head still for the moment.
When there was implicit permission to move again, Calleo turned around and canted his head, “If you somehow weren’t already aware, the only time I tie it back is if I’m expecting a duel.”
“That,” a stupidly playful grin that most definitely reached his voice left no question as to what he was skirting around directly asking, “is something you can interpret as you wish but, for the record: Nothing lethal within twelve hours of a hit, nothing permanently disfiguring, nothing permanently debilitating, anything else I can patch up myself.”
“Don’t humour me, and don’t patronise me, just fuck me up. I want to see how long it takes.”
It begins in a white-hot flash of teeth and anticipation before Calleo hits the floor for the first time, coming down hard on cracked stone. Grindelwald was on his feet faster than he ought to be given his age and the condition Calleo found him in, but then again, he’d been eating better these days.
The cherry wand moved in that gnarled old hand like a whip- of course, of course he would lead with the Cruciatus. Test the defenses with a brutal series of hooks and barbs that fall into a rhythm- short, short, long, short, long, short-
The younger man’s skin is steaming as though he’d been hit by lightning when he hears the Dark wizard speak, his voice barely more than a breath.
“Pretty little bird- I will do more than that. I am going to tear you apart.”
The first moment Calleo could do anything besides remembering to breathe, he laughed; a breathy, ragged laugh, but still a laugh.
“Do that again, only this time, at the end, turn the hooks around opposite, interlock them, then,” he gestured upward with a slightly shaky hand, “up, and apart. It’s much worse that way.”
He didn’t wait for a second hit, despite knowing it’d be an inevitability. The warding in the rooms may have prevented apparating out of the building (or even the room) but it didn’t stop it from within the room and that was the quickest way to get into a less direct position.
Behind would have been too obvious, and off to either side? Likely expected as well. Instead, he disappeared from the floor in a whirl of black, reappearing instantly directly in front of the older Wizard, “Don’t tell me, show me.”
A quick, vivid flash of red that seemed to be a strangely modified version of a blasting curse came off more as a distraction than an attempt at a point blank hit. Considering the first dumb thing that came out of his mouth, Calleo at least realised he probably ought to–for now–remain defensive, or at least try to dodge by keeping it easy to break line of sight.
Not that it’d do any good.
The wards covering the inside of the room did not seem the least bit pleased at the interaction; several had sprung to life, coiled and waiting to be allowed at what they were guarding, and were…immediately disarmed by Calleo with one gesture, the second wave of his wand killed all of the lighting, including any that might have dared to leak in from one of the windows, leaving the room unnaturally dark. One of Braxford’s spells.
The next cast was aimed partially on sound, partially on memory as to where Gellert had been standing prior, though Calleo didn’t intend to actually hit him, assuming he’d have moved by now. It did, however, tear a path through the stone floor, acting more as magical scattershot.
Grindelwald ducked down with the burst of red heat that flew past, shredding fingernails in its wake, singing hair; it’s knocked aside a split second later, but his knuckles are already smeared and burning. Back in the day, he’d dropped men that stood against him by the dozen without taking a scratch, but who’s to say what he’ll allow now when he needn’t fear shedding a little blood?
A heartbeat passes, words moving through the space between them, and the cell is drained of every last drop of light. The two might as well have been at the bottom of the ocean, might as well have been six feet underground. He can taste the drop in pressure as the warding designed to quell prisoner uprising is snapped apart, can feel it crackling in his ears, the air stinging his insides as he pulls in breath after shuddering, joyful breath.
Then comes the current through the floor like a small earthquake; in the next blink of an eye (unseen, of course) he’s atop the rickety desk, and the hiss of a thought from him is enough to stop it creaking under his weight.
The fellow knows what he’s doing, he’ll give him that much.
Grindelwald is more than disposed to take the clever thing’s advice- he’s a glutton for punishment, naturally, but it’s more than that, he knows, oh yes, does he ever know- but not right away.
(And it’s more than advice, he knows that too; candidly telling a body the things you want, the things you need in these intimate kinds of situations, especially with someone new, is something the importance of which just cannot be overstated.)
Delayed gratification is always the most delicious kind.
A vicious, swift movement of his wand hand like the serrated edge of a knife brings phantom teeth clamping down on the softest parts of the body, the most vulnerable, targeted even as they still lay trembling after the latest Unforgivable- the backs of the knees, the tender points behind the ears, the webbing of the fingers and toes.
-and there, right on the heels of it, right there is something new, something invasive and wrong, slipping in under the skin through the smallest of lacerations and beginning to move.
The desk gave away the other occupant’s position fairly easily, though Calleo knew he wasn’t bound to stay there for long.
Before he had a chance to take another shot–things–began biting at him. A sharp intake of breath was the best Grindelwald was going to get out of him for that. Calleo was rarely loud in any regard, after all.
While one part of him quickly ran through potential counters to whatever magic was biting and clawing at him, Calleo reoriented himself in an attempt to keep tags on where the spells were coming from.
Even spells that didn’t leave a direct trail of light to follow had a direction based on how and where they hit.
The movement under the areas that spell had been chewing, Calleo had to admit, was highly startling. He was also well trained enough not so much in dueling but in fighting to know that if he let it keep him still he was only making himself a bigger target. The things moving, to him, felt more unpleasant and terribly, terribly wrong than they did painful and it took a good amount of mental wherewithal to work on stopping (or worse, removing) whatever was happening while still paying majority attention to the actual duel at hand.
Calleo hadn’t heard any other movement and assumed Grindelwald hadn’t moved from the desk, but he wasn’t about to take that risk. Instead of adding light–and making himself an easier target–to the room, he re-activated and triggered one of the prison’s locating wards and had it do exactly what it was meant to do: Find its prisoner.
The next spell lit the room yellow for the split-second it took it to reach Grindelwald. As it passed the other Wizard, missing only by a fraction of an inch, the locating ward went dead, and the wall behind him simply was gone.
Not quietly, not disappeared, the explosion rocked the entire foundation of the tower and the curse itself didn’t just detonate an explosion, it continued chewing its way through the walls, causing the ceiling and roof they held up to waver and collapse not to rubble, but to a fine dust that laid dead where it fell; not even movement stirred it as it would regular dust, and, seconds later ate its way down to the floor.
The warding it chewed up in its path flared once the curse came close, then were torn apart as it passed.
Interestingly, it didn’t seem to be mindless destruction as the warding that was left dimly lit and crossed the empty air where its walls and floors used to be, filling them back in so escape from the prison still remained an annoying impossibility. Still, the specific negating and defensive warding had been left disarmed. Present, but off for the moment.
When it coiled back around toward Grindelwald, the colour gradually faded from yellow to a red that manifested itself as less a colour and more of a feeling; a vicious, burning cold, in spite of the color. It detonated near him at an angle Calleo was decent enough to make sure would knock him back toward the parts of the room that still had a functioning floor.
In its wake, the curse left a seething, grasping cold that did not dissipate the magic did. Anyone that crossed the path it had taken would be aware of the lingering presence.
Now, Calleo needed some time to put some distance between them and see if he could figure out if there were actual creatures ‘crawling’ in him or if it was an unsettling spell that wasn’t really causing any lasting damage.
The room, despite the violent removal of three walls, most of the roof, and half of the floor, remained dark.
That spell neither of them had moved out of the way. Yet.
Calleo knew full well how to end Braxford’s spell, but there was little fun in that. Instead, a swirling movement from his wand produced what would have been a spectacular Fiendfyre–if either of them could have seen it in the darkness. Being what it was, it was a certainty that they could both feel it, however.
Calleo didn’t stick around after the remainder of the room had been turned into a wall of black, magical flame, and disapparated, still running through anything he might know to counter what was, to him, unknown magic. If it weren’t so unsettling, he’d be impressed, but there would be time for being impressed by it later and after it wasn’t doing–whatever it was doing to him.
The door to the cell had, of course, been left opened and disarmed.
Blinded for that fraction of an instant, the old tyrant had fallen through to the stairway below, his shoulder and his hip coming down hard on merciless corners of stone; he bites back a swear now, and, as always, gets right back up again. Reactions not quite what they used to be, but that’s only to be expected.
The tower is broken, the walls are gone-
Not in decades has he breathed the night air without gasping out through the bars on a window narrower than the span of his hand like a man drowning.
They are gone-
Since he has known the bitter tang of this kind of cold, however, this particular taste of red that is more visceral than any mere word could ever tell you- that has been even longer still. The ringing absence that Excidium left in its wake, breathless and profound, was always something that could be felt in the teeth.
He never could have walked out that door of his own free will. Perhaps his new companion knew this. But either way, the choice has been made for him. The Blutmondhaarig have always been deliverers of fortune, good and ill; Grindelwald was all but ravenous with the thought of where this one might lead him, this one who bursts open the world when every way has been shut already.
His own curse is a lingering thing, line of sight or no; he can feel it as it does its good work. In former days, he had used it on hunts, and really this isn’t quite so different. It surges, carrying the sensation of strong fingers with their nails out sliding through muscle, through and through and all the way down to the bones, pressing deep and shoving apart. As it is, it makes movement difficult, but if he breathed another word it would have the power to render the clever Calleo Bricriu into something ready for a spit and a slow…
The Fiendfyre erupted spectacularly over his head, snatching the moisture from the air, from his mouth, from his eyes- but Grindelwald does not turn his face away, does not try to protect those parts of him that have grown so soft and brittle; he instead sets his teeth, seething through the broken gaps.
Lashing the wand whose old master’s handiwork this is, he captured the tail of the crackling, roaring beast, and draws it in. This he forges into coils of scorching rope, lurid and bright. His bony chest is heaving.
“Find him,” he tells it in a low hiss, and sends it firing off in the wake of an arrow that Bricriu ought to consider something of an old friend, if his writings are anything to go by.
The Skincrawl grows greedier, crueler, inner parts twisting and tugging and bleeding- until it finds its mark. Hungry tendrils snap tight around and bind him, ankle to ankle, wrist to waist, and the man is dragged down, down into the dark where Grindelwald stands waiting.
The chance that that fiery curse would harmlessly pass over him if he was dragged to the ground was…about at zero. There was a chaser on it, it would follow until it hit and a hit would be unpleasantly lethal.
Calleo had a split second to decide if he could maybe figure out a quick way out of whatever the unfamiliar spell trying to bind and drag him was or, while he could still move, at last knock the Sagitta Debilitatem off of the Fiendfyre; at that point, it might continue on it the direction it was going–and there was no guarantee he’d get that charm off of it before it had aimed itself properly at him.
Not really a tough decision, all things considered. He couldn’t fully move, but he could move enough to get that charm off the front of the curse and let himself fall to the stone floor as gracefully as possible–which really wasn’t very graceful at all, considering how little he could move.
The Fiendfyre itself hit and spread along one of the walls, burning through the warding and part of the alarm structure there. Wonderful! Except–not particularly.
Leaving that unchecked would be a problem, and was already causing the wards that hadn’t been burned out to regroup and rearm, again, focusing their aim on the prisoner they were designed to subdue.
He still had some movement in his hands, which he probably should have used to try and break himself free but, instead, he aimed it at those stupid wards that kept threatening to end the game as they weren’t quite smart enough to know that it was a game. They were reacting as they were designed, and as they were designed was inconvenient, Calleo shut them off.
They’d have to deal with the fire later as, now. Calleo couldn’t move at all, unless continued questionable decision making landed either of them on the idea of, “Hey, Ashwinders!”
Calleo had figured out, the moment whatever this was started doing what it was doing, that struggling against it would probably make it worse; no reason to think that beyond that was how these sorts of spells generally worked.
Most of them were a lot less unpleasant if you didn’t struggle.
So, he didn’t.
He let himself be dragged back to Grindelwald and, not wanting to let the other Wizard even get the slightest of ideas that this was over, “Too old to chase me, hm? I can slow down, if you’d like.”
Calleo knew damn well that was a stupid thing to say, which is entirely why he said it. He was more than aware that whatever was about to hit him would now likely be even worse than if he’d kept his mouth shut. For as much as the unpleasant spell binding him would let him, he relaxed; these things were always worse if one was tense, after all.
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gothicmagpie · 6 years
Vampire Hunter D: The Northern Castle, part 5
Author’s notes: This piece of fan fiction is written for @vampires-and-dhampirs‘s VHDweek celebration. One section will be posted each day, and the final work will be posted to AO3, if you prefer not to read it serially. Readers should be aware that this work contains violence and cursing, equivalent to a PG-13 film. This work is primarily based on the version of the VHD ‘verse as seen in Kikuchi’s novels. Part 1 can be found here: X
"Well, this one of your crazier ideas," a hoarse voice muttered at D's side as he cantered towards a well-hidden castle beneath technologically-enhanced rock. Anyone who knew his usual appearance as a rough, black-clad drifter would have hardly recognized him when he left the shack beside the waterwheel. Hair braided back revealed the inhumanity of his pale features in full-force, the ragged black coat had been swapped for a velvet one in a shade of blue so deep that it was only a hint brighter than the previous garment, and the rest of his faded garb had been replaced with silk that gleamed and reflected the traces of moonlight despite the numerous, well-constructed patches that demonstrated that these clothes had been worn by plenty of previous owners. Even his scuffed boots had been shined and what had once been a fine scarf had become decorative wraps, hiding the spurs under gauzy trails.
His sword still rested on his back, but his weapon belt was strapped to the saddle rather than his waist. He certainly didn't look like a Hunter at the moment. The sound of his mounts hoofbeats changed, and the traces of an old Noble road peered through centuries of dirt. 
He reined his horse in, slowing the pace to a pace that any normal cyborg horse still would have struggled to maintain for this long ride. He studied the passing trees and the occasional rusted ruin of some old roadside tech. The road slowly improved, until the full path was a visible expanse of the self-maintaining surface. He hadn't ridden on this long before there was a loud beep and D's horse shied. The Hunter was thrown against his mount's neck and seized a handful of mane as the horse pranced sideways, kicking out and shaking his head, hoofs clipping sharply against the hard plastic road. When D urged the horse forward again, it snorted and moved only a few steps.
D looked up and out into the woods, eyes blazing red this time as he searched for whatever had frightened the horse so much. This time he sensed something too, a tingling trace of some kind of electric field. One could only imagine how uncomfortable that must have been for the cyborg horse, as it travelled through all its metal circuitry and augmented organs. D bushed a finger across his blue pendent, re-activating it. It immediately lit up, spreading a soft blue glow over the scene. The horse relaxed and happily trotted forwards, resuming their journey.
D didn't spur it to a faster pace though, and if his eyes no longer blazed, they still held a gleam of unnatural light. Apparently he had decided to proceed more cautiously. 
There seemed to be good reason for that, as half an hour later an ornate gate suddenly loomed out of the darkness, blocking his path. He squinted at it, a hint of irritation creasing his elegant features. How had he not seen it as he approached? It had no apparent latch, yet even when he pressed it with his super-human strength, the door did not open. He spied a control panel on one side, corroded like the metal of the gate, yet the cracked screen still glowed with a faint light it would take a Noble's eyes to detect. Dismounting, D examined it. "Handprint activated, I think," he murmured. "Anything we can do about that?"
"Try your credentials first," suggested the face peering from his left palm. "If that fails, see if we can find an override. That'll attract attention though, and probably put a hole in your plan. You'll meet Vasmer as a know enemy."
D reached his right hand over the screen, and pressed it down firmly. "Reading. Please wait," said a calming female voice from the almost invisible speakers. "Welcome to the Northern Castle of Lord Vasmer. Please leave your transport in the garage to the right. It will be attended to. Upon entering, please proceed directly to the entrance hall. You will be greeted there." 
Whatever garage may have been in place once, it was no longer standing, so D waited until the door unlocked, and lead his horse inside behind him. There was an odd feeling as he crossed the threshold and the cyborg mount balked for a second. "What was that?" D asked in the softest possible whisper.
"A dimensional shift, I suspect. No wonder no human ever found this place; it isn't quite here. It was probably pushed even further into an alternate reality until he awoke. Nice escape planning on his part. I wonder if the tech is OSB?"
"I doubt we'll have a chance to examine it." D had tethered his horse to a stout tree, and now peered towards the castle that half-stood, slumped in the rock that formed its foundation. It had seen much better days, and some of the slag-like rock suggested that even if the humans hadn't been able to identify the exact location, high-powered explosives had done some damage. The other option, that the melting has been the work of the multi-dimensional beings the Nobility had warred with, was significantly less encouraging.
The castle had a high, worn flight of spiral stairs to the door, which was several stories up. As soon as D's boot touched the bottom step, there was a faint whir of machinery, the stairs lit with a faint luminescence, and D could feel that the gravity-reduction system had survived the centuries. With that aid, even a frail human could reach the door without being winded. 
As his feet left the stairs, they dimmed and the doors opened automatically. Here was another sign of the castle's neglect, as they swung unevenly, the left door repeatedly sticking with an unhappy groan. The entrance hall was shabby; rotted traces of rugs over the dusty floor, wall hangings slumped, a broken table lay in a tangle of mutual annihilation with the vast painting that had apparently fallen onto it, and there was shattered glass everywhere from the lamps that had once lit the space. Now it was dim enough that even D squinted.
He stood in silence for only a moment before he heard a faint rattle that no human's ears would have detected. He turned to face one doorway just as the door swung open, emitting a ray of bright light and a handsome figure. Lord Vasmer was the picture of Nobility before their fall. His waist-length hair was caught back by glittering gems that matched the rings around his thin, pale fingers and the jewel-encrusted toes of his velvet shoes. His outfit was a blaze of red that matched the shine of his eyes and a deep black that nearly seemed to absorb that light, a spectacular display for his white-blond hair and paper-white skin. He spotted D and smiled, lips parting to reveal fangs that flashed across his currently-pale lips. "Ah! What an unexpected surprise to see you at my gate! I'd not thought my awaking enough to attract the attention of our most esteemed Ancestor. Please, be welcomed." He swept forward with a grace that only the true-born nobility could hope to match. "Ah, you carry his stamp so clearly. Not the usual bastard, are you?" His fingers trailed through D's dark locks. D stood like stone and did not answer the question. "Come with me, let us find somewhere more comfortable to sit, and you can tell me why you are here." 
"Are there areas less damaged?" D's voice was steely.
"Of course, I couldn't very well live here if it all looked like that. Good for keeping away the pests though. I'm very sad to see their bombs penetrated my shielding. Those turrets took decade to build, and melted rock is all but unusable. Eventually I'll track down those fools who did it. Then we'll see who grieves." A small, wicked flush rose in his cheeks as he spoke. 
"Do you even know when the damage was done? You slept for a long time. They and all their relations may be gone." D's quelling tone apparently ended the conversation. They rode the elevator car to Vasmer's dwelling place in silence.
The room the elevator opened to was lush and well-cared for by a robotic maid, which lurched forward to take Vasmer's cape. D declined to part with his coat, but Vasmer insisted that he give the robot his sword. D did so without argument, and wandered over to a vast panel of computers, half-hidden by a red and silver drape embroidered with flowers, which repeated throughout the decor. The screens appeared to show a vast network of surveillance machines across the Frontier sector, and a great deal of tech that was still active. D had only looked it over for a moment before the screens went suddenly dark. Vasmer had flipped a switch at one end, and was staring sternly at D. "I hope you aren't here merely to spy. If he wants to know what I do, then he will have to come himself. I won't tolerate insubordination from the likes of you, no matter how much alike you look."
"I'm not here to spy, I promise you that. But I do have questions about your actions recently. You have been preying on the travelers in this sector. Why? Surely in this mecca of technology, you have a blood synthesizer."
Lord Vasmer laughed. "That's why you were sent here? A poaching concern? My apologies, I never intended to hunt territory held by your family. I had noticed the mark on one of the men, but it was faint enough I had assumed it was no longer valid. Now that I meet you, it did carry a trace of your power. And I haven't seen any other Nobles on my scanners, although I suppose they are a bit antiquated now." He sat, beckoning D towards the seat across from him. "Let us sit down, have a drink, and we shall settle the new boundaries of this land. I've been out of this world for a while, and clearly if your family has need of this land, we can find a way to share."
"You've been out of the world for much longer than you think, Lord Vasmer. The world has changed in ways you can hardly comprehend." There was something melancholy in D's tone as he stared at the dark screens in front of him. 
"Then it is good I had a young, vital messenger bringing me that news, is it not? Come, tell me about these grim changes. If you continue to resist my hospitality, I am liable to take offense, and I hardly think that was the task your father sent you on."
"No, but his tasks and my responses have not always been in step." D turned away from the computers and made a circuit of the room, finally taking a single anemone bloom from the vase above the crackling fireplace and accepting the glass of red liquid Lord Vasmer held out.
Vasmer laughed again. "A bit of a rebel, eh? Well, I won't tell if you won't. So, tell me about these changes. The reasons you think I have an imperfect understanding of the local politics."
"How long have you slept, Lord Vasmer?" D didn't sit, but leaned against the table, staring down at the amused Noble.
"For a very long time. Centuries, at least. Perhaps a few millennia. The technology I had relied on was faulty. It failed to take into account the differences in time on either side of my dimensional barrier."
"Then you missed a rather important point; the fall of the Nobility happened while you slumbered."
Vasmer again laughed, but then stopped, eying D. "Sure you don't think me as gullible as that. Who are we supposed to have fallen to? The OSB were in retreat when last I heard from the Capital."
"Which was, as you pointed out, a long time ago. But no, the victors were the humans. They rule this earth once again."
"Impossible! They were our slaves, our playthings, far too weak to fight us, and too grateful for our protection to try."
"Can you truly not imagine how they felt? Why their fury might overthrow even so mighty a civilization?"
"They never would have succeeded."
"Perhaps not, if the Nobility were actually as prefect as many claimed. But the Nobility's power came with its own weaknesses too. Who can explain those? A genetic flaw? Or merely the universe's sense of humor."
"I don't believe you. You are one of his sons, that much is obvious, and I can't imagine he would allow that to happen, even with his weakness for certain aspects of humanity. Prove it to me."
D leaned forwards, extending the flower he had plucked from the vase. In one smooth motion, he tucked it into Vasmer's pocket, curled a finger under his cuff to touch a hidden trigger, and a blade sprung from hiding at his wrist, sinking into Vasmer's throat.
With a choking cry, Vasmer shoving himself backward, tipping his chair and thrusting a jeweled fist at D. D blocked the blow, letting Vasmer pull himself free of the knife, then dove for him again. Vasmer twisted, attempting to get to his feet before D could strike, but failed. D's second blow was to his chest, puncturing a lung, but missing the heart. Vasmer's throat had healed enough for him to scream, and his long, claw-like nails raked at D's face, drawing blood as they grappled. D dodged wildly snapping fangs and flailing fists, diverting them just enough to avoid real injury until he thrust his knife into the base of Vasmer's skull. 
His opponent dropped, spinal cord severed. It wouldn't be a fatal blow for a Noble of his strength, but he also couldn't heal it until the blade was removed. Without a need to breathe, Vasmer could survive in this state for quite a while.
D lifted the near-corpse to the chair, righted with a swift kick. He crouched in front of the immobile Noble and stared into his face with eyes that glowed as brightly as the full vampire before him. "You tortured and killed humans, not only for your sustenance, but for sport. The last man you slowly slaughtered was a friend of mine. By rights, I should return the favor."
If it was possible for that bloodless face to grow paler, it did. There was a moment of rasping, choking noises before Vasmer gagged out a intelligible reply, fighting use the few muscles he still had control over. "Please, I already told you. I didn't know he was yours."
"But he wasn't mine. Not in the way you mean. Those ways are obsolete, and those who follow them will join them in the dust of the past." D's eyes darkened, as he let his bloodlust fade. "It is the current rule of the earth."
"You won't dare," Vasmer spat. "Do it, and that precious village will be ended, half-breed. Don't you think I have enough wits to prevent an uprising?"
"How?" D's voice was cold as ice, and his stare was just as cold.
Vasmer only smirked, a horrible expression as severed muscles spasmed, trying to obey his will. D's expression didn't change, but he gripped the vampire's forehead with his left hand. The Noble's eyes dimmed, and his eyelids drooped before he suddenly screamed, trying futilely to struggle. "I won't tell you! Ah!" Another shriek. "You never found the other victims, let that be a hint! Stop!" 
D did, lifting his hand away. He stared at the pathetic man before him for a moment, before approaching the robot, claiming his sword, and removing Vasmer's head in a single, swift stroke. He plucked it up, and threw it into the fireplace, which would soon render it harmless ash.
Then, with a look of uncharacteristic rage, D plunged the knife that been freed by the decapitation into Vasmer's torso, slicing several swift, vicious cuts and seizing the still faintly-twitching heart from his chest. "D, I think that's enough." The hoarse voice from his left hand sounded a bit worried. "You're taking this too far. We need to go and deal with the other victims."
D dropped the organ, stooped, and thrust the knife into its center, pinning it to the floor. "I know," he said, voice soft as if he was speaking to someone else than his usual companion. He  stripped off the dark velvet coat, now ripped by Vasmer's struggles and soaked with both their blood, and dropped it as he made his way back to the elevator.
Part 6 is here: X
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cristinagooge · 4 years
The Options For Vital Details Of Law School
The 25-Second Trick For 5 Ways To Prepare For Law School In Undergrad - Collegexpress
While helpful outside partnerships are invaluable for new law trainees, a negative partnership is mosting likely to be a massive drainpipe on your psychological as well as emotional power. If you know things aren't going so well, make a clean break (as well as avoid being in the 1L betting pool for "connections that will be over by Thanksgiving").
Utilize this summer to hang out with good friends and also family members, hang around with your youngsters or better half, and financial institution some excellent will before you're extremely hectic as well as worried out at all times. 4. Place healthy and balanced practices in position Any kind of excellent behavior takes time to develop, as well as the summer season is a good time to service healthy and balanced consuming, workout, and also so on.
So, take some "me time" this summer to make sure you're as healthy as you can be prior to orientation. (As well as don't forget your psychological health a couple of sessions with a therapist or train can assist you begin solid, as well as have a resource to fall back on when points obtain challenging (Greg Neinstein).) 5.
However you do desire to think seriously about how law school works, and also what you're going to be anticipated to do there. Jeffrey Neinstein. And it can not harm to get a dive start on some of the abilities you'll need to survive in law school. You can speak to attorneys you understand about their experiences, have a look at books on the topic (your neighborhood library likely has a great deal of choices), or listen to these podcast episodes for inbound 1Ls.
How How To Best Prepare For Law School As A 0l - Above The Law can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Accumulate your analysis stamina Particularly if you have actually run out school for numerous years, consider utilizing the summertime to accumulate your stamina for reviewing hard material, so the volume of reviewing you'll be doing as soon as the semester begins isn't so stunning. Pick a couple of challenging non-fiction books, as well as invest an hour or 2 every day reading them.
Any kind of serious book you tackle will help you develop your endurance and also emphasis, so law school reading won't be fairly as much of a shock to the system. Best of luck in law school, and enjoy your last summer season before classes start!.
The most effective prep work for law school is a tough undergraduate program. Regulation colleges are searching for trainees with varied scholastic backgrounds that can For details from the ABA on planning for law school. There are many methods beyond your undergraduate coursework that can prepare you for law school. Talk with attorneys practicing in an area of interest as well as inquire what background is useful.
Work experience is also a good means of finding out if legal work will fit your personality as well as passions. Joining campus or neighborhood activities that are meaningful to you might permit a possibility to examine or check out functions that interest you. Such experience can boost abilities (company, research study, public speaking, or functioning with the general public) and build self-confidence in your choice of whether or not to pursue a lawful career.
The Best Strategy To Use For How To Prepare For Law School Over The Summer: Pre-law ...
Go through the Pre-Law Overview for more details on preparing for law school! The pre-law suggesting workplace works together with numerous workplaces on school to use a broad range of events for pre-law students, including Junior as well as Senior course meetings, admitted pupil panels, alumni talks, workshops, etc. . Regulation Day is an annual event held each fall term that generates ABA-approved regulation colleges from across the nation.
Visit this site for a full listing of upcoming occasions. Students are motivated to participate in pre-law pupil organizations, such as: Trainees will certainly complete a strenuous research study project on a legal problem chosen by the Instructor. Each pupil will be appointed to a party on the initial day of the summertime term as well as is anticipated to defend his or her plan based study paper.
Get In Touch With Andreina Rosa at [email protected]!.?.! for additional information. Student voices matter! The Committee's objectives are:1. To improve pupil shows as well as Pre-Law encouraging offices by brainstorming workshop and occasion concepts 2. To cultivate a solid connection with current pre-law trainees as well as the pre-law Encouraging Office3. To boost Pre-law experience at Binghamton University There are numerous internships provided with the Fleishman Center for Job and also Expert Growth that will help prepare you for an occupation in regulation. An on the internet system linking Binghamton students with graduates assisting to prepare them for a successful future, navigate their occupations and, maybe, check out brand-new profession courses. Click below to learn more. This web page lists the scholarships as well as awards that are readily available with Binghamton University, SUNY and also country wide. 509 Needed Disclosures -Give comprehensive info about yearly's inbound course at each ABA-accredited law school, consisting of LSAT and also Grade Point Average quartiles, acceptance price, race and also ethnic background, tuition fees, living expenses, and also scholarships, attrition, and also transfers. Call Number: KF298.T46 2018ISBN: 9780804799256Publication Date: Aug 2018Flint,.
Michigan's water dilemma, the New Jersey" Bridgegate" detraction, Enron: all these events are instances of various kinds of management failure. Much more particularly, each stands for significant failures among leaders with lawful training. When we look better at one profession from which we typically attract our political, business, and organizational leaders-- the legal profession-- we discover a deep chasm in between what Legislation Schools educate as well as what the globe anticipates. Harmful Leaders exposes the threats and results of leaving attorneys unprepared to lead.
Some Known Factual Statements About How To Prepare For Law School - Lexisnexis
It provides Regulation Schools, law students, and also the legal occupation with the management tools as well as designs to develop a far better foundation of management acumen. Anthony C. Thompson draws from his twenty years of experience in international executive education and learning for Ton of money 100 firms as well as his experience as a law professor to chart a path forward for better management instruction within the legal academy. He preserves that these techniques are persistent management failings that might have been prevented. In examining these patterns of failings, it becomes apparent that legal education and learning has fundamentally misread its job. Thompson suggests a fundamental reassessing of lawful education and learning, based upon intersectional management, to prepare legal representatives to assume the sorts of roles that our progressively fast-paced globe calls for. Whether students are considering going to law school from their undergraduate researches or after getting specialist work experience, getting ready for law school is important.
The earlier you intend for law school demands, the much better. Although there are many different situations and also instructional backgrounds among every trainee, in this blog, we will discuss just how to get ready for law school as a student in their basic studies. With Thanksgiving right around the edge, you may be brainstorming possible response to Auntie Linda's preferred inquiry:" What are you mosting likely to make use of that degree for?" After offering some idea,.
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How to Prepare for Law School LexisNexis
we'll just admit it: "lawful education and learning & law school" is an appealing, impressive solution. The list wherefore to do as a student if you intend to go to law school is rather brief. Much more importantly, it could be a bit prematurely to take the LSAT, yet it's never ever also early for LSAT preparation. Start researching exactly how you're going to prep for the LSAT or how.
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How to Prepare for Law School - Hofstra ...
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How to Prepare for Law School: 11 Steps ...
you're going to find an lsat tutor. In the meanwhile, below are some pointers to bolster your application:: Law school admissions greatly depend upon your numbers. Student year is normally the time that university student begin to pursue teaching fellowships. What better way to find out if you intend to be an attorney and pursue this career than by stalking actual ones? Possibly attempt connecting to regional regulation firms and see if you can be a trainee. This can likewise enable you to form study hall or discover internship chances! Some schools, such as Harvard, have a program for their own undergraduate trainees that are certain they want to go to law school. If you are participating in a college which either has a deferral program or a 3 (years of undergrad) +3( years of law school) program that you want, this summer may be the moment for you to start researching for the LSAT. We hope you'll still be as starry considered regarding the lawful area when the time comes for you to apply to law school we will certainly still be below to help you! * We are not recommending you in fact make an admissions video for Harvard. The brief solution: you ca n't. If you're anythinglike me, you're most likely not satisfied with that answer. I certainly had not been. I get it. I'm a naturally distressed person so every day I wasn't doing something efficient throughout my 0L summertime, I was stressing. Sound acquainted? I have some great news. from Blogger Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers
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thewebofslime · 5 years
“I support the debunking of Jackson, but not because he was a bad American—rather, because he was a typical crooked Democrat. Jackson established the Democratic Party as the party of theft. He mastered the art of stealing land from the Indians and then selling it at giveaway prices to white settlers. Jackson’s expectation was that those people would support him politically, as indeed they did. Jackson was indeed a “man of the people,” but his popularity was that of a gang leader who distributes his spoils in exchange for loyalty on the part of those who benefit from his crimes.” Dinesh D’souza So lets start by quickly reviewing who and what the Democratic Party of the United States really is. The early Democratic Party was a huge supporter of slavery. So much so they launched a civil war with the Republican North that still holds the record for killing the most Americans. Its founder Andrew Jackson made his money expropriating Indigenous land and selling it to white settlers with their political support being part of the deal. He sent the Cherokee to their death on the Trail of Tears. The Jim Crow laws designed to continue to disenfranchise Black Americans from the late 1800’s until the 1960’s were enacted uniquely by Democratic state and local governments. The Souther Democrats are also inextricably linked to the KKK. Old habits die hard. In the modern era the Democrats produced William aka (Slick Willy) and Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. William Jefferson Clinton was one of only two US Presidents ever impeached, he kept the job because blowjobs are not legally sex apparently. Currently all three are being investigated by the Attorney General of the United States. Hillary Clinton is again under investigation for her private email server and its 30k deleted emails. It also seems Ms Clinton tried to steal the 2016 US election by hiring political fixer firm Fusion/GPS to have Andrew Steele and various other agents of foreign powers produce a political hit piece. They then fed that through disgraced and censured former FBI director James Comey to the US intelligence community and the press knowing it was false. Democratic operatives in the FBI and Justice department used it to start a three year 30 million dollar taxpayer funded attempt to influence the US election and then carry out a type of coup against Donald Trump. Barrack Obama while still President signed off on all of this knowing his own party had produced it and authorized the surveillance of Trump while a candidate of the opposing party. Billy boy is under investigation for His and his Clinton foundations role in pay for play activities while his wife was secretary of state involving the Uranium One sale. This scandal interestingly enough involves Canadian mining exec and Liberal mega donor Frank Giustra “Integrity B.C. says of the 16 people honoured with the distinction on Tuesday, six donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the B.C. Liberal Party, as well as other political parties…..Frank Giustra: $81,500 in individual donations and a further $138,800 in corporate donations though his companies Lionsgate Entertainment and Thunderbird Films .” Giustra top middle The Democratic takeover of the Liberal Party seems to begin in earnest at the turn of the new century. Dalton McGinty’s disastrous rise to power in Ontario was engineered almost entirely by US Democratic party political operative David Axlerod. Axlerod would go on to lead Barrack Obama’s rise to power in 2008. Alongside our friend Gerald Butts he is credited with McGinty’s win. They would meet again. David Axelrod, a political adviser to the Democratic Party in the United States. Mr. McGuinty traveled to Chicago to look at ways to deal with negative campaigning.”…. https://ift.tt/356EVuJ Gerald Butts, also worked in the Liberal leader’s office when Axelrod was offering his wisdom to McGuinty from 2000 to 2002. https://ift.tt/2IqVisc McGinty’s successor Wynne ran the same kind of data driven campaign with the help of her US backers. “In many ways, the campaign was a showcase of modern electioneering in all its data-driven banality. Convinced that turnout would be as low as it was three years ago, when 48.2 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots, the parties dispensed with wide-band messaging aimed to attract a broad base of support. Instead, they deployed sharply divisive policies intended to motivate their most reliable supporters into going to the polls—a method as logical as it was cynical.” https://ift.tt/320Ppdb In 2014 Axlerod’s former partner Tom Lindenfeld, was convicted of corruption. “A Washington political consultant and former partner of David Axelrod has pleaded guilty to wire fraud in federal court and may cooperate with prosecutors in a long-running probe linked to powerful U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania Democrat.” https://ift.tt/2Old049 Fast forward to 2013 when Justin Trudeau begins his run for the leadership of the Liberal party, Butts and Axlerod are reunited David Axelrod, Obama’s senior strategist, worked a decade ago with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, when the Liberal politician was still in opposition and looking for ways to take power from the Conservatives. And some of the top people in the Trudeau leadership campaign, including Gerald Butts, also worked in the Liberal leader’s office when Axelrod was offering his wisdom to McGuinty from 2000 to 2002.” https://ift.tt/2AO3j6o Axlerod is the man on the left Axlerod is quite likely behind the scenes of the current campaign as he addressed the 2018 Liberal convention in Halifax on Liberal Strategy telling them “Re-election campaigns — like the one the Trudeau Liberals will embark on next year — hang on a government’s ability to convince voters that it still represents positive change, Barack Obama’s chief campaign strategist David Axelrod said Friday.” And thus “Choose Forward” was probably born When not working to manipulate Canadian elections Dave relaxes by running a political consulting business with Karl Rove the man who put George W Bush in office and helped launch the Iraq war. What fun. https://ift.tt/2VlJ0GH In fact Axlerod was not alone in 2015 hundreds of American Democratic operatives streamed across the border. They would run much of the Liberal 2015 campaign at all levels.As a plan B they also seem to have dug their tentacles into the NDP as Jagmeet Singh’s rather tepid attempt at a “Dreams of My Father” type campaign book. One of the most notable foreign operatives is Obama Deputy campaign runner from 2012 Jennifer O’Malley Dillon. She was so central to Justin’s rise to power that she gave the keynote speech at the 2014 Liberal convention that saw the golden boys assumption of the liberal throne. O’Malley Dillon runs Precision a high end company that caters to “Fortune 50” companies and political campaigns all over the world. In their own words from a press relase they issued on receiving several awards for subverting our democracy. “But the foundation of the Liberals’ victory was laid well before the actual campaign began. In fact, LPC was hard at work building the infrastructure necessary to run a data-driven, grassroots-focused, tech-savvy, and cutting-edge campaign long before the public, or the media was engaged. By optimizing their analytics and voter-targeting processes before the writ was called, Trudeau and his team methodically equipped themselves with the knowledge and understanding of the electorate needed to make smart, strategic decisions at crunch time, especially important for the allocation of limited resources.” https://ift.tt/31WwL6c “Partner and co-founder Jen O’Malley Dillon led Precision’s work for LPC, designing and orchestrating an energized campaign effort that leveraged the same tools and strategy that yielded extraordinary success during President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012.Having served as deputy campaign manager of Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign –and architect of its data and field strategy and operation –O’Malley Dillon brought a battle-tested approach to bear on behalf of the LPC in Canada, crafting a sophisticated, data-driven field operation to build capacity, engage volunteers, and to drive voters to the polls on Election Day” https://ift.tt/2MkXbI7 In case any of this election data stuff sounds familiar it is essentially the same thing Cambridge Analytica was accused of. And it worth noting that Analytica whistle-blower Christopher Wylie also worked for Trudeau’s Liberals “A whistleblower has revealed to the Observer how Cambridge Analytica – a company owned by the hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and headed at the time by Trump’s key adviser Steve Bannon – used personal information taken without authorisation in early 2014 to build a system that could profile individual US voters, in order to target them with personalized political advertisements.” https://ift.tt/2FEoLPU https://ift.tt/2ONjjKv While touting their “progressive” credentials Ms O’Malley Dillon and her company Precision perform the same function for some of the largest, nastiest corporate players on earth Promotional materiel from the precision website Ms. O’malley Dillon is now running the campaign of noted drunk driver Beto O’Rourke. The Democrats have been sending the Obama’s both scurrying across the border constantly since the SNC scandal broke trying to prop up their puppet. In 2017 I interviewed a very well respected Canadian Combat Veteran David Macleod. David started his 20 years with the Canadian Army as an Infantryman serving as a Peacekeeper in Cyprus, Bosnia and Kosovo. He went on to hold senior Intelligence and planning positions with major formations earning a Unit Commanders commendation for the Afghan mission. He detailed to me how he was approached cold by representatives of the Liberal party in 2014. He had never been a member of the Liberal’s but had a very high profile in the Veterans community then raging at the Harper government over our treatment. Based on the voluminous and sincere promises made to him on the treatment of veterans and other issues he agreed to run for the Liberal nomination in his riding. Dave told me his rival for the nomination, whom he quite liked, was a longtime Liberal activist and party member. David found out after his nomination win that before the ballot the Liberal Party called every card carrying Liberal in the district and told them to vote for him, he was the candidate the Party “needed”. He was disheartened by the undemocratic nature of his nomination but justified it at the time as “well that’s how the sausage gets made”. He decided to ruck up and carry on. So its off to Ottawa for new candidate training. He arrives and is shocked by the fact that most of the trainers are young Americans that worked on Barrack Obama’s 2009 campaign. He is also shocked to be receiving up to 15 E-mails a day with orders to cut and paste certain statements on social media at specific times of day. You can still see this behavior in Liberal Party social media constantly. His input on Party policy was not required or accepted. When he and another candidate tried to ask questions around disagreements they had with the Liberal backing of Bill C-51 they were forcefully silenced. He was being top down directed to ignore the needs and wants of the people who had trusted him to represent them and adhere absolutely to the Party line. David MacLeod took his duty toward the people of his riding with the same level of commitment he showed through 20 years of honorable service. He resigned the nomination before the federal election in 2015 saying about C-51, “The Act is a very disturbing piece of legislation that undermines Canadian democracy and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,”. But his disgust was actually far more global. By 2017 he wanted to tell his story and pitched it to several media outlets. But no one wanted to throw shade at the golden glow coming off le beau Justin at the time. Canadians are suffering through political , economic, and societal interference on an unprecedented scale by Foreign Agents with connections to the US Democrats and the massive private “Foundations” that support their nation shattering agenda. Much of the plethora of foreign funding deployed to defeat the Conservatives and land-lock Canadian energy come through entities like Tides and the Rockefeller fund both with integral ties to the US Democratic party. A prime example are democratic operatives Joe Solomon and sister Linda Solomon-Wood. Joel Solomon has spent the better part of two decades completly taking over Vancouver cicvic and eventually BC provincial politics. He used the same massive pile of private foundation funds funneled through Tides Canada and a plethora of sock puppets. He put Vision Vancouver in city hall headed by his protege Gregor Robinson. He has recently funded the Green party, and thus was the Kingmaker for the current BC government. His sister is Keeping busy pumping out endless streams of pro Liberal propaganda out through the nauseating National Observer which received over 400 000$ in government contracts from the Liberals. The Alberta Government has just started an inquiry into this same funding stream in relation to land-locking Canadian energy. We need a full investigation of all of this and enact robust legislation to remove and prevent it. This foreign interference is the very textbook definition of an actual National Security threat. It has already put in place the puppet Trudeau Government that has done more damage to our security than any external enemy has ever managed. William Ray
0 notes
Andrea Orcel: the shark of world finance
Andrea Orcel: the shark of world finance
Regardless of holding semi-respectful status among a significant number of his friends, Andrea Orcel's steady seeking of debate and his extravagant sticker price have scuppered his proposed move to Santander
From his commended polyglotism to his outstanding proclivity for silk Salvatore Ferragamo ties, there has dependably been a dash of the big name about Andrea Orcel. Similarly that Hollywood entertainers are gotten some information about their rebuffing preparing routines or 'who they're wearing', the 55-year-old Italian investment management financier moves a comparative kind of practically respectful response.
Orcel's character and identity qualities have dependably been intently laced with his renowned profession
In like manner, Orcel's character and identity qualities have dependably been intently laced with his celebrated profession. Portrayed on the other hand as beguiling and merciless, dashing and decided, Orcel's spruce appearance gives a false representation of a bullish and forceful dealmaker who is continually looking for more noteworthy benefits.
This drive sent him taking off to elevated statures inside the speculation banking division, where his eminent arrangement aptitudes were remunerated with renowned positions and heavy pay bundles. In September, he got his hands on the top occupation at Santander. In any case, it was grabbed from his grip at last because of his €50m ($56.7m) sticker price. Without precedent for his profession, Andrea Orcel was simply not worth the money.
Street to the top
Conceived in Italy in 1963, Orcel's enthusiasm for venture banking was purportedly started by a report on mergers and acquisitions that he read while on vacation in the US at 18 years old. He considered financial aspects and trade at the Sapienza University of Rome, from which he graduated summa cum laude, before proceeding to think about for an MBA at the esteemed INSEAD business college. In the wake of graduating, he cut his teeth at Goldman Sachs and Boston Consulting Group, before joining Merrill Lynch in 1992. It was there that the semi-legendary love around his dealmaking capacities started to raise its head.
$ 24bn estimation of the merger between Credito Italiano and Unicredito, which Orcel prompted on in 1998
$11bn Value of the merger between Banco Bilbao Vizcaya and Argentaria, which Orcel drove in 1999 
$34m Orcel's reward from Merrill Lynch in 2008 
$26m Fee paid by UBS to draw Orcel far from Merrill Lynch in 2012 
$56.7m Orcel's severance bundle, which Santander eventually declined to pay
His first huge break came in 1998 when he was a counsel on the merger between Credito Italiano and Unicredito. The €21.2bn ($24bn) bargain made Italy's biggest bank, and Orcel established such a decent connection, that he was purportedly later requested to run the recently made organization. By at that point, however, he'd been chomped by the dealmaking bug. The next year, Orcel by and by shutting the €11bn ($12.5bn) merger of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya and Argentaria – an arrangement that made Spain's second-biggest bank, yet in addition held Orcel a seat at the table for budgetary sovereignty.
His sharp personality, key methodology and unrivaled enthusiasm for the diversion got the attention of Emilio Botín, the then-% management of the Santander Group, who asked Orcel to instruct on the bank's full obtaining with respect to British backup Abbey National in 2004. This started a companionship that would consume brilliant until Botín's demise in 2014; the pair developed especially close when taking a shot at Santander's procurement of Sovereign Bank in 2009. At the time, it was accounted for that Botín would send written by hand notes to Orcel after every understanding was marked, apparently to express gratitude toward him for his work.
In 2007, Orcel was tapped by the Royal Bank of Scotland to take a shot at its doomed obtaining of ABN AMRO, which – at $55m – was the biggest arrangement in history at the time. When it appeared just as the entire thing may go up in smoke, Orcel grabbed the arrangement from the blazes by getting Fortis and Santander to execute a three-way consortium offer. He was praised for his snappy reasoning, accepting a solid $12m in warning expenses.
Orcel – who was inaccessible for input subsequent to being reached by World Finance – has, incidentally, started shock on various events with respect to the tremendousness of his remuneration. At the statue of the 2008 monetary emergency, he was paid an incredible $34m reward, regardless of the way that Merrill Lynch had piled on overall deficits of $27bn that year and must be salvaged by citizens. The payout was obscene to the point that Orcel was examined by the New York Attorney General, while Institutional Investor marked him "a standout amongst the most dubious figures of the budgetary emergency". Only four years after the fact, Orcel's day of reckoning came by and by when he was paid $26m by UBS to draw him far from Merrill Lynch in the midst of its merger with Bank of America. At the time, he was named by companions as the "remainder of the Mohicans", being the toward the end in a type of very remunerated senior financiers, the remainder of whom were eliminated in the midst of the 2008 accident.
Clouded side
It's not exclusively Orcel's extortionate pay bundles that have agitated his counterparts. His red hot demeanor, firm stance the board style and fixation on returns is very much recorded, especially by partners at UBS. As indicated by an examination directed by Financial News in October 2018, Orcel's residency at the Swiss speculation bank has been set apart by a progression of warmed conflicts with other senior individuals from staff, where the rash Italian enabled his temper to show signs of improvement of him.
Respecting Orcel's compensation requests may have thumped Santander back in the extensive procedure to recover the open's trust
He's been known to set out after shouting tirades against different administrators that have proceeded with long after his objectives have left the room – some portion of an "example of forceful conduct", the report finished up. Different profiles by distributions including the Financial Times have asserted that he starts calling and sending messages to junior representatives at around 5am and regularly does not ease up until after 12 pm. In 2013, when a Bank of America understudy kicked the bucket after he was said to have labored for 72 hours in a row, Orcel censured strain to change the working long stretches of junior financiers. He told the Financial Times that when newcomers asked him whether he would authorize a base number of occasions, or restriction them from working ends of the week, his "response to this was no". 
 Orcel's personality was especially obvious amid Accelerate, UBS' five-year change intends to streamline its business, over which he managed somewhere in the range of 2012 and 2017. He was by and by in charge of terminating a huge number of representatives, which he purportedly did by just impairing their entrance cards to the UBS building. Amidst this forceful rebuilding, however, Orcel's own riches heap became ever bigger: in May 2015, he was the most elevated procuring official at UBS, bringing home $8m in base compensation alone. 
These disputable identity attributes propelled profound respect from a few and repugnance from others. Numerous interviewees, who have addressed distributions, for example, Financial News and the Financial Times throughout the years on the state of namelessness, have concurred that administration isn't Orcel's specialty. He himself has said that he disdains agonizing over costs, capital proportions and staff mollification, or being a "beancounter", as he called it. One UBS representative depicted him as "remarkably capable" however "uniquely unsuited" for the CEO job at Santander. 
His relationship with dealmaking – and appearing fixation on the rush of the pursuit – implied that his arrangement to the CEO job at Santander came as something of astonishment for the venture banking industry. Many had accepted that he would succeed Sergio Ermotti as the CEO of UBS – Orcel even kidded of that himself in a meeting with the Financial Times in 2015. Given his aggressive nature, it appeared to be a progressively common decision for him to stay inside the dealmaking area of the business, which has verifiably been known for its bullish condition, management by macho swagger. 
Maybe his choice to escape was driven by restlessness. All things considered, Orcel had spent a lot of his 30-year vocation organizing bargains for banking titans – it's obvious that he jumped at the opportunity to wind up one himself. There's likewise the enthusiastic part of his connection to Santander, encouraged by his association with Botín: to have involved the seat of his left companion probably had a craving for getting back home. 
Oh, the open door was dashed for a couple of dollar signs. Some have proposed that Orcel's €50m ($56.7m) severance pay bundle would have not have been so hazardous had he moved to another venture bank. In any case, Santander, being a retail foundation, has an obligation to legitimize its spending choices, and the board felt that its clients essentially wouldn't stomach such an expansive check. 10 years may have passed since the money related accident, yet confidence in monetary foundations is still particularly in recuperation mode, and regarding Orcel's pay requests may have thumped Santander back a couple of ventures in the extensive procedure of recapturing the open's trust. 
The future currently looks somewhat temperamental for Orcel; at the season of World Finance going to print, reports propose he is gauging the benefits of making lawful move against Santander. Then, it creates the impression that any possibility of compromise among Orcel and UBS is immovably off the cards, with Ermotti telling Reuters in late January that arrival by Orcel was not a "sensible choice". The Italian financier presently faces a decision: further demolish what survives from his association with Santander and the decision Botín family, or acknowledge that keeping an eye on his patio nursery isn't just a stopgap between prominent jobs, yet a retirement plan.
http://bit.ly/2HiHYod http://bit.ly/2vutTPnIFTTT
0 notes
Our Miami Social collecting Bus Rental is moderately priced and wonderful
A Miami Get together Bus Rental can be each an enjoyable and lavish method of transportation for a large group of individuals. Most party buses are outfitted with a quantity of outstanding companies and also features that can assist change what would be an ordinary excursion right into a rock in' social gathering on wheels! This will have a look at how you can tackle finding the best achievable social gathering bus rental for any type of occasion. Limos are specifically-made luxury vehicles which people use for specific events like business get-togethers, wedding celebrations or marriage anniversaries, special functions, proms as well as other vital occasions. Today, there are several personalized luxurious Miami Limousine Rental operators as well as abroad nowadays, as properly as every single one delivers consumers various motor vehicle kinds, charges, as properly as advantages. It is typically noticed that on achieving the location, the chauffeur of an car usually lacks power to have exciting. Sometimes, exactly where an specific has to pass by an plane for several hrs for achieving a place, he is jet lagged. Right after this, driving an vehicle for achieving the spot is virtually impossible. Utilizing any variety of normal autos and truck for a quick length is never ever ever a issue. Yet, if you have to move by means of a prolonged distance, you need a comfortable and also pleasant car. This is exactly where picking limousine solutions finish up currently being a excellent option. As Shortly As Miami Limousine Rental acquired momentum it in no way at any time recalled. We all get sufficient probabilities in our life time to avail this facility for a lot more than as quickly as. So everyone that is making ready to obtain limo rental solutions, right here is a quick journey of factors to look at out for. Undoubtedly, there are assortment of gamers on the industry. You extensively want to verify all the diameters, evaluate it with a single yet another and after that get the discounts that match your strategy or ask for something added at the end of the dialogue. limo rental miami prices The analytical capabilities ready to have and are helpful in this sort of scenarios. The Net search is an less difficult way of undertaking it. Social gathering buses are accessible in nearly any sort of kind or dimension that you can visualize. You could find smaller sized kinds with an potential of ten or 12 men and women, all the way to bigger mega buses that could keep above 80 individuals. So the initial step in selecting a Miami Party Bus Rental is to figure out the volume of individuals will be becoming a member of you. In a lot of cases, the dimension of the lorry you want to rent out will certainly impact the cost so you could not want to go with a 70 traveler automobile when you just need to have room for 20 people. average price a miami party bus In getting a search at each potential limo rental provider, you need not be a professional evaluator to absolutely verify regardless of whether or not the limo rental resolution will definitely deliver on its services as assured, you can just do this just by considering the higher quality of attention that their reps or staffers are supplying you, or the velocity of the reaction you get when you contact them, or get to them on the web. You will additionally intend to double examine and ask to make confident that the company you are renting out from has the appropriate licensing as effectively as insurance policy coverage to function a celebration bus in your region. It is also quite recommended that you get an arrangement in composing which describes the whole deal consisting of bills and just what occurs if there are damages or other troubles that could build. These issues are all carried out to ensure the basic safety and security of you et cetera of your friends and to generate confident that you are shielded which do not get capitalized on.
When planning to employ a limo or a number of lorries all through an occasion or celebration, it is vital that the consumer finds a single that supplies a single of the most reasonably priced or low-cost rental services. Even though you don't have to reserve your selections based mostly on charge alone you also need to make certain that the lorries you lease would definitely be in very best doing work problem, to ward off any too much problems or concerns. It is an amusing principle or we could point out 1 a lot more reason to really like life and live existence. Previously, Miami Limo Rental idea was eclipsed by a variety of variables as people have been apprehensive and also pair of uncertainties concerning the whole thought much better saddened the state of affairs. An useful method was lacking. The circumstance has in fact transformed with the passage of time and also people commence viewing definite. You could get in touch with it a belief or superstitious notion since human beings start recognizing the value that there is constantly far more to life in comparison to rejections and uneasiness. It is a standard proclaiming that looks could be deceiving, as well as this notion additionally places on Miami Limousine Rental. Some motorists would loudly assert they have the quite greatest vehicles provided, and also when you individually have a appear at them, they could look shiny as properly as in appropriate order. Nevertheless, as the limo rental's cars might look flawlessly nice outside, it may not be like you feel it receives on the inside of. If ever possible, you can also purpose to go inside of every single vehicle as nicely as take a far more detailed search at it truly is cars have a wonderful feel of the vehicle and verify on it really is problem totally. If you believe the lorry's unsatisfactory, soon after that learn one particular much more limo for your celebration. So below is truly hoping that your Miami Party Bus Rental goes off simply and that you and your whole group has a entertaining and unforgettable time with no issues. To discover a social gathering bus rental in your spot, see Get together Bus an on-line directory that permits you to distinction vehicles in your location. If you are in search of to check out out photos and also see some wonderful characteristics from several of the even far more distinctive limo buses worldwide. Using a vacation prolonged hrs is usually truly nerve-racking. Drivers get fatigued out after driving a vehicle of seven or eight several hours. Tourists inside the card also appear to be worn out, but the driver is most fatigued as he needs to concentrate as well as concentrate on the roadway often. To relieve exhaustion, limousine companies have arrived as godsend for lengthy scenic excursions and weekends. You could not acquire an aircraft ticket. In such circumstances, employ the service of a limousine from any one of the limousine services. Miami Limo The chauffeur would just take you to your area with ample ease and comfort. Limo rental is an thought that in reality has manufactured absolutely everyone suppose, Why not me? It is apparent that only couple of have the figures to buy limousine and also no unwell-feelings in the route of them. best limo service in miami Money certainly is not just as distributed and also the blame is on god. He needs to have made it a great deal a lot more even and also appropriate. Nevertheless, setups have been made by distinct companies this kind of as limo providers to deal with this ever-widening hole in between these two a variety of sections of modern society. There are couple of folks, that have obtained the need lorry for all essential celebrations of life and also there are other individuals who nevertheless could go out and try out to make a difference. Miami Limo Rental service is provided possibly on hourly foundation or for a complete working day. Check out Out The Web site for obtaining more details relevant to Miami Limousine Rental. A Miami Celebration Bus Rental can be each a fun and deluxe method of transportation for a large team of people. Most get together buses are equipped with a number of excellent facilities and functions that can assist flip what would be an normal excursion into a rock in' get together on wheels! This will just take a seem at how to go about locating the very best achievable party bus rental for any occasion. Celebration buses are obtainable in nearly any shape or size that you could imagine. You can discover scaled-down kinds with a capacity of 10 or twelve people, all the way to larger mega buses that can keep above eighty men and women. So the very first step in picking a Miami Celebration Bus Rental is to figure out how numerous men and women will be becoming a member of you. In most cases, the size of the automobile you need to lease will effect the cost so you may not want to go with a 70 passenger motor vehicle when you only require place for twenty individuals. You will also want to double verify and request to make sure that the company you are leasing from has the acceptable licensing and insurance coverage to operate a party bus in your area. It is also extremely advised that you get a deal in writing which outlines the total agreement including costs and what happens if there are damages or any other troubles that may well come up. These factors are all done to make certain the basic safety of you and the rest of your passengers and to make confident that you are guarded and that do not get taken edge of. So below is hoping that your Miami Get together Bus Rental goes off without having a hitch and that you and your total group has a entertaining and memorable time with no any problems. To discover a social gathering bus rental in your location, go to Social gathering Bus an on-line directory that allows you to compare cars in your area. If you are looking to check out images and see some cool attributes from some of the far more exclusive limo buses in the globe. Limo rental is a notion that truly has produced all of us consider, Why not me? It is obvious that only handful of have the figures to purchase limousine and no sick-thoughts towards them. Money undoubtedly is not equally distributed and the blame is on god. He must have manufactured it far more even and suitable. Even so, preparations have been created by various agencies these kinds of as limo rentals to cope with this ever-widening gap among these two various sections of modern society. There are number of men and women, who have obtained the aspiration automobile for all crucial festivals of daily life and there are others who nevertheless can go out and attempt to make a distinction. Miami Limo Rental services is provided possibly on hourly basis or for a full working day. best limousine rental service in miami It is an entertaining notion or we can say a single much more cause to really like lifestyle and reside existence. Previously, Miami Limo Rental notion was overshadowed by diverse factors as people ended up apprehensive and handful of doubts about the total concept even more saddened the circumstance. A practical method was lacking. The predicament has changed with the passage of time and individuals start off observing over and above doubts. You can phone it a perception or superstition simply because human beings commence noticing the importance that there is always more to life than denials and apprehensions.
When Miami Limousine Rental acquired momentum it never ever looked again. We all get adequate possibilities in our lifetime to avail this facility for far more than after. So everyone who is getting ready to get limo rental providers, listed here is a fast tour of issues to seem out for. Definitely, there are number of players in the marketplace. You carefully need to verify all the diameters, evaluate it with a single one more and then get the bargains that match your program or request for anything added at the stop of the dialogue. The analytical expertise are very good to have and are helpful in this kind of conditions. The Net look for is an easier way of undertaking it. Limousines are specifically-made luxurious cars which people use for special events like corporate functions, weddings or anniversaries, particular get-togethers, proms and other important situations. At present, there are numerous non-public luxurious Miami Limousine Rental operators and abroad today, and every single one offers clientele varying automobile kinds, rates, and perks. When arranging to use a limo or numerous autos throughout an event or situation, it's crucial that the client finds one particular that delivers the most aggressive or cost-effective rental service. Though you do not require to reserve your choices primarily based on value alone you also require to make confident that the vehicles you hire would be in best doing work problem, to stave off any undue problems or concerns. In checking out each and every prospective limo rental services, you need not be an specialist evaluator to entirely verify whether or not the limo rental service will provide on its companies as promised, you could merely do this just by hunting at the top quality of consideration that their reps or staffers are offering you, or the quickness of the response you get when you phone them, or reach them on the web. It really is a common stating that seems could be deceiving, and this notion also applies to Miami Limousine Rental. Some operators would loudly assert they have the greatest cars offered, and after you personally consider a look at them, they may possibly look shiny and in proper buy. Even so, as the limo rental's cars may possibly look perfectly nice outside the house, it may not be as very good as you think it is on the within. If ever feasible, you could also consider to go inside of each car and consider a nearer look at it's autos have a good really feel of the motor vehicle and check out on it really is problem inside of out. If you consider the vehicle's not excellent adequate, then uncover one more limo for your occasion. Touring long hrs is usually quite tense. Motorists get fatigued following driving a automobile of 7 or 8 hours. Travellers within the card also grow to be tired, but the driver is most fatigued as he needs to focus and target on the road always. To alleviate exhaustion, limousine rentals have arrived as godsend for extended tours and weekends. You may not get a aircraft ticket. In these kinds of cases, hire a limousine from any of the limousine rentals. The chauffeur would get you to your vacation spot with satisfactory comfort. It is frequently noticed that on reaching the vacation spot, the driver of a car typically lacks power to have exciting. In some situations, in which a man or woman needs to journey by an airplane for a lot of several hours for reaching a place, he is jet lagged. After this, driving a car for reaching the vacation spot is almost unattainable. Hiring any ordinary car for a limited length is never ever a issue. But, if you have to traverse a lengthy length, you need to have a relaxed and relaxing automobile. This is in which opting for limousine rentals turn out to be a great choice. Navigate to this internet site for obtaining much more information associated to Miami Social gathering Bus Rental.
0 notes
Andrea Orcel: the shark of world finance
Andrea Orcel: the shark of world finance
Regardless of holding semi-respectful status among a significant number of his friends, Andrea Orcel's steady seeking of debate and his extravagant sticker price have scuppered his proposed move to Santander
From his commended polyglotism to his outstanding proclivity for silk Salvatore Ferragamo ties, there has dependably been a dash of the big name about Andrea Orcel. Similarly that Hollywood entertainers are gotten some information about their rebuffing preparing routines or 'who they're wearing', the 55-year-old Italian investment management financier moves a comparative kind of practically respectful response.
Orcel's character and identity qualities have dependably been intently laced with his renowned profession
In like manner, Orcel's character and identity qualities have dependably been intently laced with his celebrated profession. Portrayed on the other hand as beguiling and merciless, dashing and decided, Orcel's spruce appearance gives a false representation of a bullish and forceful dealmaker who is continually looking for more noteworthy benefits.
This drive sent him taking off to elevated statures inside the speculation banking division, where his eminent arrangement aptitudes were remunerated with renowned positions and heavy pay bundles. In September, he got his hands on the top occupation at Santander. In any case, it was grabbed from his grip at last because of his €50m ($56.7m) sticker price. Without precedent for his profession, Andrea Orcel was simply not worth the money.
Street to the top
Conceived in Italy in 1963, Orcel's enthusiasm for venture banking was purportedly started by a report on mergers and acquisitions that he read while on vacation in the US at 18 years old. He considered financial aspects and trade at the Sapienza University of Rome, from which he graduated summa cum laude, before proceeding to think about for an MBA at the esteemed INSEAD business college. In the wake of graduating, he cut his teeth at Goldman Sachs and Boston Consulting Group, before joining Merrill Lynch in 1992. It was there that the semi-legendary love around his dealmaking capacities started to raise its head.
$ 24bn estimation of the merger between Credito Italiano and Unicredito, which Orcel prompted on in 1998
$11bn Value of the merger between Banco Bilbao Vizcaya and Argentaria, which Orcel drove in 1999 
$34m Orcel's reward from Merrill Lynch in 2008 
$26m Fee paid by UBS to draw Orcel far from Merrill Lynch in 2012 
$56.7m Orcel's severance bundle, which Santander eventually declined to pay
His first huge break came in 1998 when he was a counsel on the merger between Credito Italiano and Unicredito. The €21.2bn ($24bn) bargain made Italy's biggest bank, and Orcel established such a decent connection, that he was purportedly later requested to run the recently made organization. By at that point, however, he'd been chomped by the dealmaking bug. The next year, Orcel by and by shutting the €11bn ($12.5bn) merger of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya and Argentaria – an arrangement that made Spain's second-biggest bank, yet in addition held Orcel a seat at the table for budgetary sovereignty.
His sharp personality, key methodology and unrivaled enthusiasm for the diversion got the attention of Emilio Botín, the then-% management of the Santander Group, who asked Orcel to instruct on the bank's full obtaining with respect to British backup Abbey National in 2004. This started a companionship that would consume brilliant until Botín's demise in 2014; the pair developed especially close when taking a shot at Santander's procurement of Sovereign Bank in 2009. At the time, it was accounted for that Botín would send written by hand notes to Orcel after every understanding was marked, apparently to express gratitude toward him for his work.
In 2007, Orcel was tapped by the Royal Bank of Scotland to take a shot at its doomed obtaining of ABN AMRO, which – at $55m – was the biggest arrangement in history at the time. When it appeared just as the entire thing may go up in smoke, Orcel grabbed the arrangement from the blazes by getting Fortis and Santander to execute a three-way consortium offer. He was praised for his snappy reasoning, accepting a solid $12m in warning expenses.
Orcel – who was inaccessible for input subsequent to being reached by World Finance – has, incidentally, started shock on various events with respect to the tremendousness of his remuneration. At the statue of the 2008 monetary emergency, he was paid an incredible $34m reward, regardless of the way that Merrill Lynch had piled on overall deficits of $27bn that year and must be salvaged by citizens. The payout was obscene to the point that Orcel was examined by the New York Attorney General, while Institutional Investor marked him "a standout amongst the most dubious figures of the budgetary emergency". Only four years after the fact, Orcel's day of reckoning came by and by when he was paid $26m by UBS to draw him far from Merrill Lynch in the midst of its merger with Bank of America. At the time, he was named by companions as the "remainder of the Mohicans", being the toward the end in a type of very remunerated senior financiers, the remainder of whom were eliminated in the midst of the 2008 accident.
Clouded side
It's not exclusively Orcel's extortionate pay bundles that have agitated his counterparts. His red hot demeanor, firm stance the board style and fixation on returns is very much recorded, especially by partners at UBS. As indicated by an examination directed by Financial News in October 2018, Orcel's residency at the Swiss speculation bank has been set apart by a progression of warmed conflicts with other senior individuals from staff, where the rash Italian enabled his temper to show signs of improvement of him.
Respecting Orcel's compensation requests may have thumped Santander back in the extensive procedure to recover the open's trust
He's been known to set out after shouting tirades against different administrators that have proceeded with long after his objectives have left the room – some portion of an "example of forceful conduct", the report finished up. Different profiles by distributions including the Financial Times have asserted that he starts calling and sending messages to junior representatives at around 5am and regularly does not ease up until after 12 pm. In 2013, when a Bank of America understudy kicked the bucket after he was said to have labored for 72 hours in a row, Orcel censured strain to change the working long stretches of junior financiers. He told the Financial Times that when newcomers asked him whether he would authorize a base number of occasions, or restriction them from working ends of the week, his "response to this was no". 
 Orcel's personality was especially obvious amid Accelerate, UBS' five-year change intends to streamline its business, over which he managed somewhere in the range of 2012 and 2017. He was by and by in charge of terminating a huge number of representatives, which he purportedly did by just impairing their entrance cards to the UBS building. Amidst this forceful rebuilding, however, Orcel's own riches heap became ever bigger: in May 2015, he was the most elevated procuring official at UBS, bringing home $8m in base compensation alone. 
These disputable identity attributes propelled profound respect from a few and repugnance from others. Numerous interviewees, who have addressed distributions, for example, Financial News and the Financial Times throughout the years on the state of namelessness, have concurred that administration isn't Orcel's specialty. He himself has said that he disdains agonizing over costs, capital proportions and staff mollification, or being a "beancounter", as he called it. One UBS representative depicted him as "remarkably capable" however "uniquely unsuited" for the CEO job at Santander. 
His relationship with dealmaking – and appearing fixation on the rush of the pursuit – implied that his arrangement to the CEO job at Santander came as something of astonishment for the venture banking industry. Many had accepted that he would succeed Sergio Ermotti as the CEO of UBS – Orcel even kidded of that himself in a meeting with the Financial Times in 2015. Given his aggressive nature, it appeared to be a progressively common decision for him to stay inside the dealmaking area of the business, which has verifiably been known for its bullish condition, management by macho swagger. 
Maybe his choice to escape was driven by restlessness. All things considered, Orcel had spent a lot of his 30-year vocation organizing bargains for banking titans – it's obvious that he jumped at the opportunity to wind up one himself. There's likewise the enthusiastic part of his connection to Santander, encouraged by his association with Botín: to have involved the seat of his left companion probably had a craving for getting back home. 
Oh, the open door was dashed for a couple of dollar signs. Some have proposed that Orcel's €50m ($56.7m) severance pay bundle would have not have been so hazardous had he moved to another venture bank. In any case, Santander, being a retail foundation, has an obligation to legitimize its spending choices, and the board felt that its clients essentially wouldn't stomach such an expansive check. 10 years may have passed since the money related accident, yet confidence in monetary foundations is still particularly in recuperation mode, and regarding Orcel's pay requests may have thumped Santander back a couple of ventures in the extensive procedure of recapturing the open's trust. 
The future currently looks somewhat temperamental for Orcel; at the season of World Finance going to print, reports propose he is gauging the benefits of making lawful move against Santander. Then, it creates the impression that any possibility of compromise among Orcel and UBS is immovably off the cards, with Ermotti telling Reuters in late January that arrival by Orcel was not a "sensible choice". The Italian financier presently faces a decision: further demolish what survives from his association with Santander and the decision Botín family, or acknowledge that keeping an eye on his patio nursery isn't just a stopgap between prominent jobs, yet a retirement plan.
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