#apparently doing insane acrobatics to explain that shes not evil actually
curiousserpent · 3 months
I'm sorry but i cannot stop thinking of the "Minthara isn't actually evil, she was being controlled" argument because it might just be one of the stupidest things I have seen in a while. Yes she was being controlled when murdering the tieflings, but when she asks you, once she's in possession of herself again, why you did it she specifies that she doesn't really care about the mass murder, but is just curious about your reasoning. If you tell her you did it to impress her, she approves and tells you that well, she has done more foolish things to impress lesser people. To my knowledge, If you destroy the crown and ask her if it doesn't feel good to have done the right thing she straight-up says no because what she wanted was to take the crown and the world and reshape it, not for the better, but to serve her purposes. The first thing she says when you reach the city is that they should let the refugees in so the children and elderly can be used as emergency provisions and those of abled bodies enslaved and used as cannon fodder once the war starts. Are these people even listening to a single sentence this woman says. Are you all okay. Can you just leave the evil lady alone. Some of us have taste and know how to enjoy.
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