#apparently i can’t insert a break on mobile? sorry to your tls i’ll fix it in a few minutes
hopetorun · 11 months
u should tell me something about home by now brady & quinn! dealers choice as to pre or post fic
let’s visit our boys in march of 2020, well before the story begins—
When the league announces the pause, Quinn calls his mom first. She already knows, obviously, but he lets her fret at him for a few minutes anyway, and promises to come home as soon as he knows for sure that it'll be more than a week or two. He mumbles "love you" into the phone as he hangs up, and then calls Jack. After Jack, he calls Luke, who sounds like he was napping or maybe is still napping and is just mumbling at Quinn in his sleep.
After talking to Luke, for a given value of talking, he answers a text from his dad and then holds his phone in his hand, list of favorite contacts open, thumb hovering over Brady's name for agonizing seconds. And then he touches the screen and holds the phone up to his ear while it rings.
He’s painfully aware that Brady might not answer. It’s not like it went well the last time they talked. Quinn remembers it so well that it still makes his heart clench up. The way Brady sounded when he said he felt like he wasn’t a priority for Quinn. The rough edge to his voice, closer to tears than Quinn can ever remember, and the way he kept looking away from his phone, like he didn’t want Quinn to see it even through the shitty FaceTime call.
The way Quinn just let it all happen, his mind still half on the conversation he had with Jack half an hour earlier. Jack rambling at him, talking aimlessly about nothing at all for forty minutes just because he didn’t want Quinn to hang up, and Quinn unable to bring himself to interrupt him and say that Brady was calling, he needed to hang up and talk to Brady.
It’s not that Brady was wrong that he wasn’t getting as much of Quinn’s attention as he deserved. Quinn just thought he’d understand. It’s not like Quinn could just leave Jack hanging.
They didn’t talk again after that. After Brady asked for a few set hours a week where Quinn would hang up on his brothers and Quinn wouldn’t promise it flat out. “Not all the time,” Brady said, and “If something changes just give me a heads up, yeah?” and Quinn’s stomach still churned as he shook his head. Brady wasn’t the one who had to listen to Jack’s nerves at all hours and report back to their parents when they were only getting the sanitized version and play his own rookie season too. Brady’s not the oldest, and sometimes that feels like a big deal.
Quinn thinks about all of that in the time it takes for Brady’s phone to ring three times, and then the ringing stops and he expects the tinny, old version of Brady’s voice that’s his voicemail and instead he gets—
“Quinn? Is everything okay?”
—and he thinks he might actually throw up from relief.
He must take too long to get himself together, because Brady keeps talking. “Are you sick? Is your family? Do you need me to call someone? Do you need me to come out there?”
Quinn’s chest is too small, his heart beating too fast. He can feel his pulse pounding in his temple and his fingertips. “I’m okay. Everyone’s okay.” Deep breath, another. “You don’t need to do anything.” Pretend his voice doesn’t sound raw. “I just needed to talk to you. Be sure you’re okay.”
Brady inhales, sharp, and exhales like he’s sighing in Quinn’s ear. “I’m okay,” he says. “We’re all okay.”
“Thank fuck,” Quinn says, which is at least better than you’re the person I always want to call when I’m scared or I wish we could sleep in the same bed tonight. He doesn’t think he’s allowed to say those to Brady anymore. Not after they stopped talking. After they broke up? It felt like a breakup, even if they never said the word. Even if Quinn never thought about anyone else. Who could compare to Brady, anyway?
“Are you gonna go home?” Brady asks. Quinn tells him his plan. He should apologize, probably. Tell Brady that he still wants him. Doesn’t want anyone else.
“What about you?” he says instead.
“I’m going home, yeah,” Brady says. “I’ll figure it out if it’s complicated getting back but—it’s my family, you know?”
There’s a lump in Quinn’s throat making it hard to talk. He tries to swallow it down and doesn’t succeed. “Sorry if I freaked you out,” he says. Non-sequitur, but he’s not ready to apologize for the other stuff yet.
“It’s okay.” Brady’s voice is warm. Quinn’s so used to being comforted by it. “You know you can always call if you need—if you need help or something. Even if we’re—you know. Like this.”
Quinn sniffs, and Brady does him the courtesy of pretending he doesn’t hear it. “What are we like?” he asks.
Brady’s shrug is practically audible. “I don’t know. Broken up?”
Hearing it makes Quinn ache, even if it’s true. Even if he already knew.
“Thanks,” he mumbles. Doesn’t add I love you or any of the other things broken up people aren’t supposed to say. The silence lasts too long and Brady, uncharacteristically, doesn’t break it. So Quinn does, by saying, “This sucks.”
“Which part?”
He considers for a moment. “All of it,” he says, finally.
Brady laughs. “Yeah. Okay.”
Quinn caves at the sound of his laugh. “I miss you.”
It takes a long time for Brady to respond to that. Long enough for Quinn’s stomach to start churning and his pulse to pick up again. Maybe Brady doesn’t—maybe he’s found someone else—maybe he doesn’t think Quinn is worth it anymore.
“You promise?” is what Brady finally says.
“I always miss you,” Quinn says. Hopeless, pathetic, the same way he’s been for years. “No one else is like you.”
Brady makes this noise, horrible and hopeful and everything Quinn’s ever wanted. “Call me tomorrow? When you miss me.” He pauses, and reads Quinn’s anxiety perfectly. “I promise I’ll pick up.”
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