#apperamtly he likes to adopt
dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
Secret baby ch18
Dabi strolls into the cafe, Giran had wanted to discuss something in person with him. It was slightly unusual to meet with him in person these days. In the month or so Dabi had been a shovel he had only met with Giran twice, both times as more social meetings than business meetings. Preferring to send a messenger to a meeting location or shooting him a text with basic vague information for business.
“I’ve got a job offer for you honey.” Giran was already sitting at their table and he motioned to the seat across from him.
“You know my rules by now Girian. Nothing that requires me to take off my scent neutralizer and nothing that requires me to work with others.” Several times Giran had offered Dabi an escort or partner but he always remained firm that he would do the jobs himself. He’s uncomfortable working with people in general. Which is something Giran is well aware of.
“You’ll be like a paid babysitter more than anything else Dabi. I promise these are good people you're going to be working with.” Giran watched Dabi closely to make sure he wasn't going to leave without hearing him out. If Dabi didn't want this job offer, he didn't have to take it, but it would be good for everyone involved if he did.
“ We've discussed this Girian, for fucks sake I’ve killed someone you assigned to be my partner before. We discussed this when we talked about me moving up to ‘shovel’. You only call me ‘honey or sweetie’ when you're trying to butter me up. You already know that won’t help. You know what I will or won’t do. So tell me outright what you want from me so I can turn you down already.” Picking at the muffin in front of him, Dabi glared at Giran. Eventually he cracked and gave a chuckle.
“You’ve got me there sweetie. I didn't even realize I did that thing with the names, I’m honestly just fond of you. You’ve got to admit that they suit you. You’d never harm a fly that didn’t bite you first.” He chuckled and tapped his coffee cup lid on the table, one of his more obvious nervous habits.
“The job giran, tell me about the job.” The raven haired omega rapped his knuckles on the table irritatingly. The muffin was damn good though, he made a mental deal with himself. He would let Giran try and talk him into whatever he was so nervous about until he was done with his banana nut muffin then make his decision.
“I'm getting there! Patience. There's this new up and coming group-”
“No.” Dabi scoffed. Giran knew he didn't do groups. He didn't care about whatever Giran though was so special about this group, they weren’t special to him.
“I know you don’t like groups. You don't like others getting in your business and all that.” sensing Dabi was feeling patient. He continued  taking the chance that Dabi wouldn't be storming off right away. Giran took a large sip out of his coffee. Trying to give himself some time to figure out how to convince the stubborn young parent across from him that this would be good for him. This group had some major players backing them. They could protect both him and his kid. He hadn't asked Dabi why he was going by a fake name. Instead of his rather famous one that should have come with a lot of perks.  Then there was that little girl of his. Bright red wings that matched a Hero who had been climbing the rankings alarmingly fast, only problem was as far as anyone knew Hawks didn’t have an anthropomorphic quirk like Kiyoko clearly did. Made Girain wonder what or who was pushing the Hero kid so far and fast. Asking such questions would only push the kid away, and that's not what he wanted to do.
“They attract too much attention and I can't afford to get arrested Giran. Somebody in the group always gets caught and blows the whole thing” He hissed at him across the table, Sapphire blue eyes on fire and glaring at him before he could even explain himself.
“It's a small group,they are all trying to stay in the shadows. A do their own thing kind of group, seems like they want to avoid the bigshots as long as they can. It's been a good couple months and the leader is avoiding making any moves so far.” Giran grinned large enough to show off his missing tooth when Dabi set down his food. He had until the muffin was gone. He might need to order another to keep the omega there but Dabi was at least listening. That was the only reason that Dabi was still too skinny and small for his age had nothing to do with it. He waved at the barista on duty, motioned to Dabi and held up 2 fingers. Whatever muffin Dabi had ordered got brought out again along with a bubble tea. 
“ Bubble tea? You don’t seem the type sweetie.” Giran smirked as the barista dropped off the food and left the table.
“I like it when the weather is nice and cool, like today. Job Giran. Two muffins will not make me sit here longer so you can persuade me, but nice try.” He gave Girain a cocky smirk that was somehow also fond. Girain shrugged off the cold tea, it was late autumn now and quite cold outside which made it unusual but Dabi did have a fire quirk which must have kept him warm.
“I'll get on with it then, the league of villains aims to eventually take out the Hero society.” Giran grabbed Dabi’s wrist as soon as he shoved his chair back. Ignoring how hot the wrist immediately got. He figured this would happen when he got to this point.
“That’s what they are going to try and sell you when you go apply but it's not what’s really going on. C’mon Dabi. Finish the muffin n Tea and just give me a chance to explain. At least finish the tea. I'll pay you your old regular rate for this conversation and double ‘shovel’ rate if you take the job.” He tried bribing him.
“No way in hell am I going to be risking something like that Giran. I’ve got a fucking kid. You know that. I can't raise her if I'm in jail or if I’m dead. And That's exactly where this group would get me, dead.” however Dabi sat back down. Giran didnt risk getting the fuck burnt out of him for no reason and he had always respected his right to turn down jobs whenever he wanted before.
“I’ve already sent a friend in. A guy who’s had it really rough with everyone else and he’s reported that the guy set up to inherit doesn't really know what to do. He’s not-” Girin tries to explain in a rush. When he sent Jin in he hadn’t expected him to settle in so quickly or make friends. But he had, and then had started reporting back on the situation. A young possessive and lonely omega set up to take over the world, a serious super villain plot, only the kid wasn't that interested in leading the destruction of the world despite being more than capable.
“Sounding better and better, Giran. Now you’ve added the danger of someone not knowing how to lead along with a bunch of stressed out over eager criminals. All in one big group.” If he had to, Dabi would set the place on fire to get away. What was Giran even thinking? Bringing him into this kind of mess? More like trying to bring him into , he thought with amusement, there was no way in hell he was joining this.
“Look Kid, whatever you’ve got going on that brought you to me? Whatever you're running from Dabi?  These guys can hide you from it and give you some okay people to hang around. You can’t keep Kiyoko in your apartment for forever.” Giran finishes off his coffee. “And the brat leading it does want to lead the group. He just doesn't want to lead the way his sensei wants him to.”
“I've been doing just fine on my own. I don’t need some upstart cocky fucking al-” Dabi started defending himself heatedly, literally as he was lightly steaming around his eyes as he started ranting about how he didnt need anyone. He didn’t know, He’d been getting along pretty well by himself but He also wanted that support for him.
“Actually the boss is an omega, figured it would be another thing you guys would find in common. Both of you Headstrong and won’t let anyone tell you what to do.” Giran smirked at the curled lip and middle finger Dabi flashed at him. Mouthy kids were going to be the death of him, he knew it. He really wanted Dabi in with this group. The kid’s kid was going to need to be socialized at some point and Dabi had been stuck in an apartment raising a kid by himself for long enough.
It was time he got Dabi some actual support and conversation other than a crime boss in his upper 40’s.
“Why are you doing this, Giran? For real? This group, how far do you think they are going to get at destroying the fake heroes?” Dabi picked at the last remains of his muffin. 
He didn’t necessarily want all the heroes gone. He just wanted the asshole’s who abused their family’s and used their status to get away with it gone. He just wanted the people like enji gone. Even Hawks, now in the top 10 hero’s wasn’t as big of a threat to Dabi and Kiyoko living their lives freely as enji still was. He could maybe bargain with Hawks if he ever found out, Would fight him. Enji and Hawks both haunted his dreams but Enji was the one he would be worst against in a fight.
“How far they get isn't the point. If it's Shigaraki leading they are going to take over the hero society easily, going to rock the very foundation of it. As villains if that’s what they want to do. But what this guy actually wants to do is take out the fake heroes and remind the civilians that they are not powerless. He wants people to stop waiting on the heros and save each other.”
“So more like a league of vigilante’s? That's what he’s doing? Vigilante groups always have the worst in fighting and drama. Unless he’s got a set of rules somewhere for everyone to follow and some way to make sure that it's followed.” Dabi sipped at his boba.  At least he was getting free food and getting paid for this conversation, might as well go along with it. “I’m Not the biggest fan of following rules or of being a jackass or of being spied on. This is just how I pay the bills, Not a lifestyle for me.” Dabi frowned and checked his phone, the babysitter was texting him about when he would be back. Ever since Kiyoko had started flying and screeching she had been less and less willing to watch her for long periods of time. 
“Not really, there’s a sense of ‘whatever you want goes’. This guy does want to get rid of the current society like a villain but he also wants to change it. not destroy the whole thing. He’s in his own category and I'm not sure what he really wants. Neither is he. The only response I get when I ask is ‘ someone to fill the gaps, be someone I needed that never showed up.” Giran shrugged, finishing off his coffee.
“So what? Is this just a personal vendetta for him?” Dabi frowned. This guy seemed to be all over the place. Not a Villain out for himself, Not a Hero wanting to save people, Not a Vigilante trying to be a darker version of a hero either.  He had questions now. The pay was also tempting. Kiyoko was going to need a coat soon and it would probably have to be special ordered again. Not to mention he had to start a school fund for her, Kiyoko wouldn’t start for a few years but he was already thinking of bribing teachers to look the other way for her wings and the other hints at her parentage. Plus with how well Giran paid he could start planning on moving out of his crappy apartment with the skevy landlord and move someplace where Kiyoko could have her own room.
“Interested enough yet Dabi? I’ve told you all I know. I can get you into a meeting with the boss soon as well. I've got it set up for a young girl to go in and meet him soon. I can add you to the meeting now or we can wait a few months and have him meet you by yourself.” Giran braced himself for the chewing out the blackhaired omega was going to give him, well deserved he knew. He didn't have much choice however. When all the pieces fell together it would make sense to Dabi, He’d already gotten his biggest competitor out of the game at the same time as providing himself a way to lure a big shark out of hiding. He wasn’t planning on fighting him himself, oh no he wasn't that cocky but he was smart enough that he could get rid of him all the same.
“You're letting a kid get involved in this shit?” Dabi couldn’t help the way his voice lowered and growled out the words. Giran didn’t like getting kids involved in his work, preferred to drop them off with police or a friendly hero and be on his way but it happened sometimes.
“She’s a murderer run away with a trouble some quirk. I can't do anything better for her. Not unless she gets some stability. She doesn't trust me enough to help her get to a decent quirk center either.  She just showed up one day threatening my barista for blood and food.” Giran growled back in a much lighter tone than Dabi had growled at him. Fuck he was soft for these dam kids, must be the age catching up to him.. It wasn't like him to let actual children get involved in the mess of the underground world. This girl had refused all other kinds of help, while threatening him at knifepoint, not leaving him much to work with. Dabi knew better than to insinuate that he would let children get hurt, no matter how grown they thought they were or what quirks they had.
“Put me in the fucking boss meeting with the girl. I'll make sure we at least make it out in one piece when everything goes to shit.” Dabi snarled at him.
Giran looked across the table and despite his own anger, despite the very real threat Dabi was posing to him, he was proud. Shoulders back and head held high, bright blue eyes on fire, Dabi looked almost like he was ready to fight. No longer another runaway pushed to his limit he was standing stall and looking him in the eyes. Standing his ground in a disagreement. Yeah he was proud of how far Dabi was truly coming, all on his own with the bare minimum of help.
“Thank you Dabi. I'm truly not asking for the girl either. She needs a roof over her head and you need to socialize before you go nuts with just you and the kid.” Giran sat back down when Dabi motioned at him.
“I’ve got you too you know, it’s not just us anymore. Tell me about the girl, name, quirk, age. Give me some details about her giran. Anything that should be avoided around her? You mentioned she had a difficult quirk and is a murderer. Does it have anything to do with her quirk? Why is she homeless?” Dabi pulled out his phone and opened his note app, shoving it across the table at Giran when he started talking. “Write it down so I can review it before I go in.”
@ruelukas22 @mostladylikeladythateverladied @xxsnowchildxx @i-like-to-shruggy
AN: remeber to ask if you want to be added to the tag list or i’ve been forgetting you. im going to start making a actual list soon so i don’t forget people
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