niniralin · 1 year
Cackling maniacally as i put "max syllable shape: CCCCCVC" in my spreadsheet
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niniralin · 1 year
*makes a language with many noun classes and numbers and verb agreement* why the fuck are there so many grammatical affixes here
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niniralin · 11 months
Aq̆q̆an words created from The Conlanger's Lexipedia's chapter on Animals, pass 1: cunzuqo = animal hizaj = small terrestrial arthropod ŋaj = cat hiŋaj = kitten ɢlaŋaj = large feline (i.e lion, cougar, lynx) yygzu = dog, (colloquially) any pet rjorjo = centipede, millipede parjozu = horse unáázu = fish hjunáázu = small aquatic arthropod heksapoda = insect (rare word in casual contexts, usually hizaj will be used) aærjó = snake, amphisbaena điwo = spider, arachnid
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niniralin · 1 year
started work on a writing system for Aq̆q̆an. My end goal is a logographicish writing system with the aestethic of like, Tamil or hiragana (i like loops). Problem is i currently don't understand these script any better than you can from just looking at the characters for a little bit. And also making a logography is obviously a HUGE undertaking but counterpoint: I want to.
i've only really been playing around so far, but i'm goign for something like this:
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(damn why do images always turn out so big when i put them on tumblr).
This here is supposed to say "ne gjoevrka cÿl riit" which, to be honest, i'm not sure what it means. "ne" means person at least, and riit is like "go" but i don't know what the t is doing there.... this is probably completely ungrammatical, but it was only there to explore how i might create a script. The answer seems to be: with great difficulty.
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niniralin · 1 year
So i recently started a new conlang, figured I might document it here. so far i've only really done the phonetic inventory, exhibited below. i have no clue at all what i'll do for the grammar but i'll figure that out later. i want to make a writing system with aesthetic similar to tamil except maybe more loops (i like loops). I do want to make a whole ass logography but we'll see how that one goes. basically the worldbuilding for the language is some half-assed demon hell kinda thing based on christian mythology and series like helluva boss, and the language is gonna be like a personal language that i will hopefully be able to use in like diaries and whatnot.
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niniralin · 9 months
hey look I made a lil' idiom in aq̆q̆an: Brjunáq̆ dos. "To do something which seems like a good idea but is not", lit. "to drink saltwater".
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niniralin · 9 months
What’s your conlang sister? What kind of writing system
My most developed writing system is for Ninirāte, which has an alphasyllabary, looks like this:
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I'm working on a writing system for my current WIP Aq̆q̆an but it's going slowly. No idea what that will be like in the end by I will try to make it partly logographic.
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niniralin · 11 months
just added the 200th word to the general Aq̆q̆an dictionary! rjoe = to stand
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niniralin · 11 months
Aq̆q̆an words created from the Conlanger's Lexipedia chapter on The Body: takún = back atti = body (of a curja) ne = body (of an organism) yykwæhnon = finger čušo = soul mass nečušo = flesh, tissue, any substance in an organism civ = joint yykwæciv = elbow rjociv = knee hitakún = shoulder, scapula attihnon = surface of the body of a curja nehnon = skin, hide gjuuri = fur, hair zljui = head zljuijjuuri = hair of the head kuufó = cheek prÿz = mouth prÿnzon = lip dy = tooth also = throat alsahnon = neck, nape mas = nose
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niniralin · 8 months
tanæ kin waqqovrokwi ğunzui hje....... kin waddavvrokwi....
wiđekwi, đīn unzúkwi, kin aæxunévrokwi, utugólkwi........ tanæ daɢ̆y naqo tulwo na..... da tanæ daɢ̆y ŋųaqo tuʎæzwo......
y tanæ himvu uǰų́r đīŋgin dlozzwo......
qšalwo na! wa naqo aætúlwaqo xulo na......
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niniralin · 8 months
Y xtevcy dəqo uini, čæ dvi Vassoe hād vlederǰor.
Čæ vras uiniǰor. Čæ vras zriša ŋgy zjoeǰorqo uini.
Ndųmæča vras hnuiǰor. Kin ğunačča xtevry ǰor ti oecy xulo.
Aɢ̆ača vras hnuiǰor. J̌or tiqo xtej aɢ̆a sa ti oecy xulo.
J̌or đumųǰor sa zriša ŋgy eži zjoeğoeʎ.
Tez ğev yŋgin xtejvrosqo gje Vassoe hād ymasuiz.
Nđos pavqo zaj zjedenǰor qorzavkwi gje vras rusųzov.
Vassoe hād daæğevzavqo gje derųzov. 
Vaqų hād daæğevzavqo gje derųzov.
oeʎdáæğevzavqo gje derųsov.
Y xtevcy dəqo uini, čæ dvi Vassoe hād vlederǰor.
Tez ğev cųddjočča usqaǰor. -rəqo đilot
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niniralin · 11 months
So, Aq̆q̆an is grammatically at a point where I can translate short texts now. Here's the king and the god: Šæcy ti res oeğom. Aæđumÿǰÿrum. Res đumÿ tulum. Lynnery dvi “wa hlu đumÿ vleriiqo tuʎæzwo” haad q̆ænzum. Lynnery res dvi “Mvu lynɢo Werunos dvi q̆ænzëča.” haad q̆ænzunžo. Pyl res lyŋë hlu ilkin vle lynɢo Werunos hlu. “Y mjaqo Werunos mvu uq̆torsëča!” Lynɢo Werunos ndÿma paj. “Taz tuʎæsča?” “Đumÿ tuʎæzwo.” “Hwaæz da ŋÿ” haad k̆tevqo lynɢo Werunos q̆ænzunžo. Res mbisury đumÿ kin da cusÿnunžo.
(as you can see, i eventually gave up and romanized /ɢ/ as <ɢ>.)
Tumblr does not seem to be the best at displaying diacritics but whatever. I'm.... honestly not sure how to develop it now. Maybe I'll pick up the conlangers lexipedia and go on a five-hour vocabulary generation quest. We'll see. I also have to do some more worldbuilding about the language, though that's tangential If anyone has a text they'd like to see translated to Aq̆q̆an, please send it my way!
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niniralin · 11 months
just made the 100th word in the general Aq̆q̆an dictionary! atárii (verb) to run amok, to go on a rampage
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niniralin · 1 year
So, i've got a name for my personal language now: Aq̆q̆an ['ɑχ:ɑn], from the noun at meaning "demon", and the suffix -q̆an, meaning "language of". I've only really worked on the phonology and the noun suffixes so far, so I have no sentences yet. Words I've coined so far include: ykwa ['økʷɑn] meaning "hand" nzaj [ⁿzaj] meaning "stone" zjedæn ['zjedæn] meaning "home" at [at] meaning "demon" And lastly, q̆æn [χæn] meaning "speech" i'll keep updating here
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niniralin · 1 year
i've thought long and hard and these are some of the features my personal language will have (unless stuff changes):
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it's starting to feel a bit like a kitchen sink language, but whatever. I kinda feel like having more grammatical number distinctions that like, all natlangs ever and just have it be remarkable in-universe. give a conclusive answer to the question "which language in the world has the most grammatical numbers?". Like, imagine having singular, dual, trial, paucal, plural, and superplural! and maybe singulative for the nouns in the massive class (basically liquids and masses and whatnot). I'll see what I end up doing
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niniralin · 1 year
does anybody plez know like a guide or smthn for turning a conlang logography into a font and using it in documents? i've seen some tutorials for making fonts out of alphabetic systems but i feel like it's not the same thing when it comes to logographies
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