moonshine-dan · 2 years
What do they smell like?
Realistically, if you hugged them (P3) - (p1) (p2)
Mattsukawa: He showers a lot to get the work smell off him- Smoky sage and white musk are the main scents in his cologne. Gives gentle, firm hugs that cage your entire shoulders.
Hanamaki: cucumber water and rosehip oil. He nurtures his skin. Lazy side grabbing hugger.
Yahaba: Mint. Aggressively like spearmint. Even his sweat is minty. Will grab your shoulders and pull you in for a quick, tight hug.
Kyōtani: Inexplicably like pipe tobacco??? He doesn't smoke. It's probably a cologne, but like... No one's sure. Breif, tight hugs from him. Sometimes one armed.
Ennoshita: The clinical doctors office smell never really leaves, but neither does the light green tea scent he drinks. Likely to pop your back if he hugs you like a goddamned chiropractor.
Kunimi: cucumber melon body lotion. Weak shitty hugs AND he bunches up the back of your jacket with his hands, but he smiles at you when he breaks away.
Akiteru: Citrus! He's fresh! He's zesty! He puts lemon essential oils on his dryer balls. Tight hugger, really grips you and shakes you a lil.
Kindaichi: Axe body wash and deodorant AND spray. You are GOING to smell the cloud of Ambassador© a solid minute before he walks into the room. Strong but short lived hugs. (Longer ones would make your eyes water.)
Takeda: Like barley tea and ink pens. Crispy fresh laundry scent is embedded in his cardigans, so if you like laundromats, give him a squeeze. Not likely to initiate a hug but returns them gently and with genuine joy.
Fukunaga: Like he's been frying bacon! Frycook smell. Restaurant back of house smell. A lil sweaty when he hugs you but he makes a joke about it so you never really mind. Known to improvise elaborate handshakes on a whim.
Taketora: Sweat. Black ice soap and aftershave if he's just showered. Slaps your back, HARD, when he's finished hugging you.
Koganegawa: He occasionally forgets deodorant, but uses hibiscus dryer sheets and usually smells like those. Will quickly squeeze you when he hugs.
Futakuchi: Like a latte, but the scent changes with the seasons. Lavender in spring, vanilla in summer, pumpkin spice and cinnamon in fall and winter. Bumps into your side and slides into the hug.
Semi: This guy. Leather and rosemary. Smoky, like it's incense he's been burning and not something he put on intentionally. Never lets the hug go on for too long.
Goshiki: Surprisingly sophisticated. Oak and cinnamon from an expensive name brand cologne he impulse purchased during an after-Christmas sale. Is just radiating heat up close when you're in his arms.
Komori: Sort of fruity. Coconut mango body wash will do that. Short and simple hugger, whacks you on the back when he's done.
Aran: Delightful. Has cologne contract obligations, but he'd smell like them regardless. It's a smooth amber scent with a touch of something floral, classy and masculine with a hint of sweetness. Smooths a palm up and down your back when hugging.
Kita: Like rice husk and old pine boards, hard work and sweat and sunshine. A little dusty- when he hugs there might be a little milled rice flour left behind on your back. Hugs firm and solid and really connects with you.
Suna: Sandalwood and almond and juniper. Part cologne, part something else- he won't tell you no matter how much you ask and it's driving everyone completely insane. Likes to sneak up from behind to hug.
Atsumu: Tonka bean & anise cologne.... Sweet and dark. Raises his arms like a bear before he hugs you, likely to rock you around a little before he lets you go with another squeeze.
Hoshiumi: CAMPHOR BODY SPRAY. Usually kind of sticky. He WILL pick you up when he hugs you. This is a threat.
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moonshine-dan · 3 years
Honestly, sex is so much better when it's not serious. It's just good when you can literally fool around and just have fun and just be able to laugh and joke during it!
I have a random question for you too! Which HQ characters do you think are more likely to have giggly sex?
I love when sex is fun!!! It's such a flex to be able to get your partner to laugh when you're balls/knuckle deep. Sex can be like.... Super special, sure, but it can also be fun and stupid and goofy and I love that!
I think the most likely to intentionally have fun, giggly sex are Tendou, Sugawara, Hinata, Fukunaga, Osamu, Aran, Kuroo, Hanamaki, Bokuto, Terushima, and Komori.
And I think the most likely contenders for trying a lil too hard to be hot and making you laugh (and getting their egos a lil bruised) are Tanaka, Gao, Yamamoto, Kageyama, Ukai, Lev, Kindaichi, Futakuchi, Bokuto (again), Goshiki, Daishou, Atsumu, and Hoshiumi.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
which haikyuu boys have smegma
SMEG CITY: TERUSHIMA, KENMA, Bokuto, Koganegawa, Hoshiumi.
Desperately needs to wash: UKAI, KAGEYAMA, NISHINOYA, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Kuroo, Lev, Kunimi, Atsumu, Semi.
Washes their dick like a normal person: TSUKISHIMA, USHIJIMA, Daichi, Hinata, Nobuyuki, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Yahaba, Hirugami, Suna, Osamu, Daishou, Shibaru.
Self conscious, cleans often: YAMAGUCHI, ASAHI, SAKUSA, Fukunaga, Kyotani, Hanamaki, Kindaichi, Futakuchi, Aone, Goshiki.
Never a crumb on them: SUGAWARA, OIKAWA, Akaashi, Kita, Aran, Tendou (somehow???)
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Tagged by Character Tag
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Sorted by which high school they were involved with. This pulls anything tagged with their Character Tag.
Tsukishima Kei (#tsukki.thing)
Tsukishima Akiteru (#akiteru.thing)
Yamaguchi Tadashi (#yama.thing)
Azumane Asahi (#asahi.thing)
Nishinoya Yuu (#noya.thing)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (#tanaka.thing)
Sugawara Koushi (#suga.thing)
Daichi Sawamura (#daichi.thing)
Kageyama Tobio (#kags.thing)
Hinata Shoyo (#hinata.thing)
Ennoshita Chikara (#ennoshita.thing)
Udai Tenma (#udai.thing)
Ukai Keishin (#keishin.thing)
Ukai Ikkei (#ikkei.thing)
Miya Osamu (#osamu.thing)
Miya Atsumu (#atsumu.thing)
Aran Ojiro (#aran.thing)
Kita Shinsuke (#kita.thing)
Suna Rintaro (#suna.thing)
Bokuto Kotarō (#bokuto.thing)
Akaashi Keiji (#akaashi.thing)
Aoba Johsai
Iwaizumi Hajime (#iwa.thing)
Oikawa Tooru (#oikawa.thing)
Kyotani Kentaro (#kyotani.thing)
Mattsukawa Issei (#mattsun.thing)
Hanamaki Takahiro (#makki.thing)
Kunimi Akira (#nimi.thing)
Kindaichi Yutaro (#kindaichi.thing)
Date Tech
Aone Takanobu (#aone.thing)
Futakuchi Kenji (#futakuchi.thing)
Koganegawa Kanji (#kogane.thing)
Goshiki Tsutomu (#goshiki.thing)
Ushijima Wakatoshi (#ushi.thing)
Tendou Satori (#tendou.thing)
Semi Eita (#semi.thing)
Lev Haiba (#lev.thing)
Kozume Kenma (#kenma.thing)
Kuroo Tetsuro (#kuroo.thing)
Yaku Morisuke (#yaku.thing)
Yamamoto Taketora (#taketora.thing)
Fukunaga Shohei (#fukunaga.thing) (#epcot ball)
Daishou Suguru (#daishou.thing)
Sakusa Kiyoomi (#sakusa.thing)
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