myuni-moon · 3 years
#i think of you
things that you associate with them ft. julian and asra
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asra reminds you of freshly baked bread right after you wake up, always paired with a good cup of tea. his gaze is the softness and smoothness of your bed after a good night's rest. he is the warm sunlight that tickles your skin at sunset right before the sun disappears. asra's voice is the gentle strum of a ukulele on a summer afternoon.
sometimes, he is the deep rumble in your chest as you heave a satisfied sigh. he turns into the moonlit lake that reflects all the stars in the sky; all the while, he is the warm fireplace lit on that particular december night in your childhood where the snow is just about piling up, enough to go sledding the next day.
asra's eyes are the glint of amethyst hidden in one of the countless drawers of the shop. his lips are like the tips of your quill when it grazes your cupid's bow when you find yourself bored while writing. his hair is similar to the tuffs of smoke from the chimney's of neighborhood homes lined up neatly down a block. his skin glows like copper under the sun. and his touch-- oh, his touch-- is the gentle caress of the wind on a windy and sunny day.
you feel his presence when you hear the frogs croak outside the door when it's absolutely pouring in july. it feels like him when something soft comes in contact with your fingertips: blankets, cushions, teddy bears-- it all reminds you of him.
in particular, though, asra is the elusive feeling of electricity at the tips of your toes when the night settles in just perfectly.
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julian reminds you of leather-bound journals scribbled with barely legible handwriting on pages splotched with alcohol and coffee. his laugh comes in the form of jeers when a bard plays in a tavern. on cold days, julian becomes a mug of hot chocolate that leave the tip of your tongue burning.
the feeling of his arms wrapped around you make you see burgundy and brown, just like the color of his hair. his cheekbones make you picture him being carved from white jade, perhaps chalk? when your finger slips just a bit beneath his eyepatch when you caress his face, he reminds you of porcelain after he admits how scared he is to touch you.
his footsteps sound like the clacking of a pendulum in a doctor's office, how fitting. his kisses taste like grape juice, bordering wine-flavored. his scent makes you picture of a rainy forest, a quaint little cottage sitting asleep nestled in the depths of all the greenery with shelves piled up with all the strangest things. his laugh, particularly, strikes like lightning but calms you like the crackle of a fireplace.
he is the stars in the sky that you see less and less the older you grow, but you know that you'll see them clearly again one day. he is the clinking of bottles on a night with friends, he is the worn sweater you keep in your closet simply because it's always been there, and you refuse to give it away. he is the gentle purr of a cat as you scratch the back of its ears.
julian, in the retrospect of everything, is the thought of catching a shooting star in your palm, burning so brightly in your head as it pops in your hands.
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myuni-moon · 3 years
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#i want you
headcannons of obsessive julian devorak
warnings: yandere, obsessiveness, stalking, slight suggestiveness
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julian's mind is... a mess, for a lack of a better term. years of trauma and guilt have certainly done its damage on his psyche, but what's even worse is that it's barely noticeable. he's so all over the place with his thought process, not to mention his flair for the dramatics, that his obsessive tendencies kind of slip under the radar.
his intrusive thoughts are drowned out when he starts talking to people. perhaps that's why no one has really noticed how mentally unstable he is because his mind just flips a switch, and suddenly he's normal again. it could be just a front he's developed over the years to protect how fragile he actually is or his trauma getting the better of him, but one thing stands: this man is not in the right state of mind when alone.
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the moment he goes back to being by himself, it starts. he scribbles your name on any surface, filling leather-bound journals to the brim with your name in barely legible handwriting. you'll see how the ink smears on the pages from his sweaty palms, too into whatever dissociation he finds himself in.
the moment he goes back to being by himself, it starts. he scribbles your name on any surface, filling leather-bound journals to the brim with your name in barely legible handwriting. you'll see how the ink smears on the pages from his sweaty palms, too into whatever dissociation he finds himself in.
his head piles up with thoughts on the way you look, the way you speak, the way you walk, the way you blink, the way your fingers brushed against his gloves-- just anything about you. when he's gone through all the memories he has of you, he finds that it isn't enough. he feels so content, so happy when he thinks of you, and if there's nothing about you to think about, what is there to him except for being a sad sack of flesh and bones?
so he takes to... watching you, just to get his fill until you eventually see each other again and he has more to curb that itch in his brain. plus, he's keeping you safe! it's killing two birds with one stone!
julian knows his way around magic just a tad bit. he's also stalked you so many times before that it's become easy for him to slip past asra's defenses on the shop sometimes. julian is no stranger to watching you go about your day or night. he takes note of what you like to eat for breakfast, what time you usually fall asleep, how you like your bath, and every other aspect of your day.
he doesn't steal anything, knowing that you or asra can trace it back to him easily. instead, he draws you in the pages of his notebooks. some are doodles, others are way too detailed than they need to be, and the ones at the vey back/ well, they're reserved for his pleasure when he gets a little too lonely.
he'd honestly avoid interacting with you sometimes, afraid that any of his tendencies might leak out a bit more than they should, and you start to think of him as a creep unworthy of your love. julian doesn't want that. he never wants that.
if you express that you have an interest him, his mind begins to fill with fantasies of keeping you to himself. you wouldn't hate him if he did that, right? after all, you love him, don't you? julian would even start planning where you'll be staying, how he'll get you, and how he'll live the rest of his life away from vesuvia with you. but you'd never know that.
the plague doctor opts to act suave in front of you even if all he wants to do is trap you in his arms and nose at your neck. be weary of where you go next though, you wouldn't realize ha already has you within his grasp until you hear the sound of a crow behind you.
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myuni-moon · 3 years
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twisted wonderland
genshin impact
the arcana
tokyo manji revengers
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genshin au’s
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#m.som (Shrine of Misfortune Series)
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