ailidh-rps · 7 years
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the avengers initiative. a group of nobody, no-good, goofballs brought together by a billionaire ex-arms manufacturer and an ex-soldier turned cop who now works a desk job bc they’re pretty sure a berserker with ptsd isn’t the grandest idea in the world. the two of them are bringing together anyone who wants to do something about the mess in arcana. anyone who’s tired of being scared to go out at night, and wants the chance to make arcana good.
this group is hard picked by cap and iron man, and though it doesn’t seem like it would, this mess of former assassins, mercenaries, scientists, and military personnel has found home.
some people would call the group…dysfunctional, argumentative and messy, at best. but when it boils down to it, they get the job done. doing the jobs the police can’t or won’t, they fight for the underdogs of arcana city and if they can’t defend it, you bet they’ll avenge it.
so!! you’ve sort of got the gist, it’s an avengers -based group. we’ve got a tony stark (me) and an mj watson (the lovely hazel) and we’re looking for EVERYONE ELSE. he’s a good list of suggestions. and if none of those appeal to you here’s a great list of people who have been in the avengers one way or another.
CAPTAIN AMERICA - open (though i do have some specifics about cap that i’d like to discuss first if you want to apply for him lemme know first please??) WASP - open THOR - open HULK - open BLACK WIDOW - open HAWKEYE - open BLACK PANTHER - open ANT-MAN- open FALCON - open SPIDERMAN - open SCARLET WITCH - open QUICKSILVER - open WAR MACHINE - open 
you can hit me up on discord at ailidh#8838 OR here is the site’s discord and please stop by!!
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arcana-rp · 7 years
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punkstcky · 7 years
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dlunas · 7 years
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they were once part of something bigger than themselves, but they broke away from the group to start a life together. and, they did so with much fervour. they got real jobs, they grew up and started their own family. they were safe in the knowledge that they would never be caught for what they did, and though the allure of donning a mask and setting off into the great unknown called them back time and time again, they resisted.
at least, yusuke did.
futaba always struggled with society, which is why joining their little group had given her so much hope. so much confidence. hiding behind a mask can do that to a person. when they disbanded things grew a little harder, she was forced to move forward on her own. that’s where their relationship started.
instead of battling through the cold together, futaba and yusuke became a partnership. she could do more with him and he could think more with her. they weren’t a team anymore, but the two of them together were a unit.
the trust that ran deep only strengthened their resolve; while yusuke continued to hone his photography skills and became exhibition-worthy, futaba used her hacking skills to gain herself a position at a technology company in the city. yusuke was happy, where futaba was not. at least, not in her current skin. she longed for that sweet justice. that sense of right and wrong that only came by taking from the rich and corrupt and giving to the poor.
with the introduction of several big players now that grimmlock is back on the streets in more than one way, the gang are slowly coming back together again. with a baby and a life can the two of them really afford to don their costumes and start everything over?
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pollenpuff · 7 years
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sad boy, sad boy
"Battle me. I won't take no for an answer."
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charliebaard · 7 years
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Justice For All, A Peyton Morgan Playlist
Satin in A Coffin - Modest Mouse
This Won’t Last Forever - Ceschi
Never Coming Home (Song for the Guilty) - Ramshackle Glory
Bold With Fire - AJJ
Bad Moon Rising - Clarence Clearwater Revival
That Old Black Hole - Dr. Dog
A Report to the Shareholders/Kill Your Masters - Run the Jewels
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood - Santa Esmerelda>
People Are Strange - The Doors
Ooh La La - Faces
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beeeees · 7 years
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angels of the small death —
down near the murky waters of arcana city, there is a sprawling house where individuals can go to satiate a need or several needs they have in the presence of people who won’t judge them, mostly because they’re being paid no to. at devil’s playground, a club that caters to denizens of arcana city, the ones who need a little more than what traditional clubs offer to both men and women. while most consider it a strip club of opulent proportions, the playground is also the home of a cadre of dominatrices that specialize in showing their clients who is boss and being perfectly discreet about it. hand picked by the head mistress herself, alecto malomedies, each woman is well trained in what she does and offers a variety of services, not including performing any sort sexual service. it’s a strip club, not a bordello - if you want that kind of stuff, alecto will gladly show you the door and ban you for life. the highlight of the playground is their lead dancer, a beautiful red-head that often has a sad look on her face when she thinks no one is looking. she’s been there for as long as anyone can remember and has danced for just as long. maybe she’s looking for her prince to return and save her from the clutches of alecto or maybe she’s just playing up her siren ancestry. stationed at the door of the club are two equally loyal and brutish bouncers - a pair of berserkers loyal only to alecto - who keep out the riff raff and throw out the individuals who can’t follow the rules.
so this a request for characters that want to dance or perform dominatrix work at devil’s playground. it’s also doubling as a request for ariel, flotsam and jetsam.
my idea for ariel is that she came to alecto (ursula) for a potion or a spell that would make her true love fall in love with her. warned by alecto that love spells/potions rarely end happily, ariel begged for it anyway and alecto delivered. however, once the spell/potion was used by ariel it backfired and the boy who we’ll call eric, fell in love with someone else. unfortunately, ariel’s payment was to dance at devil’s playground till she walked down the aisle in a white dress.
so ariel is trapped at the club, bound by a spell to keep her there, excepting for the times when she has to return to the water.  i’d love it if she was a siren, but that’s entirely up to you. i’m totally open to faces and her personality and the rest of her background are entirely up to you.
flotsam and jetsam are berserkers that somehow came into alecto’s life. perhaps they both owe her a favor or they just genuinely want to be around her? that’s entirely up to you. these two are really open so go buck wild if you want them!
if you’re interested in any of these spots, hit me up on discord or send me a tumblr message!
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tikkunolams · 7 years
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[listen here]
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arcana-rp · 7 years
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punkstcky · 7 years
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jaiden henderson. 24. witch. pidge gunderson.
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lemonsoymilk · 7 years
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nam joo hyuk as zuko
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beeeees · 7 years
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rosalie robin reyes :: anna :: echo
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ailidh-rps · 7 years
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“Gigi, if no one comes in I’m going to have to eat pancakes forever and be fat!”
“... Well, I like pancakes.”
 - Kip and Georgia / Kiki and Jiji
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arcana-rp · 7 years
hey everyone!! with the site opening tomorrow, we’d like to give you all a (tiny) head start on making sure your characters will be ready to go once the link is live. 
here are the graphics you will need:
a 265x235 image of your fc featured in the app
a 400x400 image of your fc, featured in your profile
200x400 avatars
and last but not least, a rectangle gif of your spirit! this will automatically resize for you. 
the code for our application can also be found here for anyone who would like to begin working on their apps!
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punkstcky · 7 years
name: isabelle / izzy pronouns: she / her zodiac/mbti: aries / enfj favorite animated media: this changes so frequently but rn it's definitely moana and kim possible what are you interested in seeing: any!! and all!!! plots!!!!!! and also everyone’s cute charas if you had an animated spirit, who would it be: koda from brother bear a meme that describes you:
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charliebaard · 7 years
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“I stay just to run and I run for my life I must dig those graves if I want to stay alive”
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