taurusversant · 7 years
The Devil - Jezebel Ray
I’m still doing these! Doesn’t matter how slow I am, still getting them done!
TBH if I really tried I could probably write twice, three times as much for Jezebel, my most beloved OC, but this is good. It sets up enough of the character and also talks a little about the Alightened setting which, gosh dang it, I need to do something with.
Anyway I’m sure by this point everyone following this blog has seen a few Jezebel arts and already appreciated her, so here’s some more about this good rowdy fight girl. I do so love her very much.
"If I want it I will have it. That's just how I live."
Those few who are true friends of Jezebel are told to call her "Belle", a name she gives out only to those she is closest to. Some who might just have met her would think to shorten her name to Jez, but in truth she doesn't much care for that shortening. An easy way to tell if someone is of great importance to her is if they call her Belle and she allows it. The sign of true acceptance.
Jezebel Ray is an Alightened, a subset of humans who can control the Light, an omnipresent source of magic within the setting she is native to. The Alightened consume food rich in Light to strengthen their own internal source, and ultimately live to satisfy their unending hunger. Each has their own quirks, unique tastes and drives, but it's rare indeed to meet an Alightened who won't move heaven and earth for their chosen meal. That's just the type of person they are.
Black of hair, dark-skinned and muscular, Jezebel was raised within a tropical island community, having washed up on shore as a baby. Her parents are unknown and, despite the fact it may very well be possibly to identify them from records by doing some digging, Jezebel has never once felt the urge. Her family were those who raised her and she grew up with, and that's all she needs. Her first home was that island and the people who lived upon it.
Her adoptive father was a retired Hunter, a class that existed just under the Alightened. The rarity and requirement for natural birth of Alightened, coupled with their flighty and whimsical natures, made for the necessity of people who would actively volunteer and serve to maintain the borders of the human world, borders defined by great magic and threatened by the terrifying beasts that would be willing to cross them. That man, Andras, saw in Jezebel the Light and raised her to be an Alightened, taught her to use the power manifest within herself. Jezebel's respect and love for him is unquestionable.
The Alightened are identified by a phrase, a description of their eyes. It goes: "It is not that their eyes glow, simply that they look like they should glow." Jezebel's vibrant crimson eyes immediately gave her away, the moment Andras found her on the shore as an infant. In quieter moments Andras wondered if fate was real and it delivered Jezebel to him. He raised her with everything he could give to her. She appreciates it.
Jezebel lives in adulthood on the shore of the Corbian Inland Sea, a massive body of water cut off from the ocean. It is incredibly deep, filled with all manner of life, and allows her to support her lifestyle. A natural in the water beyond compare, Jezebel is an expert hunter of the aquatic, able to wrangle all but the greatest of creatures on her own. She fishes, swims, boats, dives, and lives a sizable portion of her life in the water which she so loves.
She wears clothing of the same form as those on the island she came from, a black sarong with flowers of blue and red and a simple top which bares arms and stomach. The tooth of some form of great beast, something sharklike, can always be found hanging from a cord she wears around her neck. Both cord and tooth come from extremely resilient sources - Tiger King Shark and Decanium Tree roots respectively - and Jezebel has no concerns wearing them no matter how much danger she gets into. If something ever did happen to the tooth, she'd be incredibly heartbroken. The tooth was found clutched in her hand when she first washed up on the island upon which she was raised.
When Jezebel left her home to strike out on her own - the driving force behind Alightened demanding they carve out a niche they can hunt within - she found her way to the Corbian Inland Sea, took over an abandoned beach shack, and made her life there. However after a year of living in that territory, she made a journey to Fundament, the central city of the human world. There she sought appointment as an Alightened of Fundament, hunters who would maintain a quota of food delivered to the city. Most Alightened align with the city and its Royal, for the benefits provided - both in the city welcoming them and the global politics favouring them - are significant, and in turn do their part in meeting their requirements. The demand pushed Jezebel to master the Corbian Sea even more than before, and allowed her to discover many new ingredients and foodstuffs within its environment. She is happy to have the role.
As an individual, Jezebel is not specificially unkind however she is, as most Alightened are, more than a little selfish. The priority of self stands above all else, and Jezebel would require significant motivation to inconvenience herself in any way for another. She enjoys others, likes a good party, and has forged friendships where she will always answer the call - knowing they'd do the same - but on her own Jezebel will still always think in terms of benefit to self. It isn't a surprise to anyone who sees her eyes though, and most wouldn't hold it against her.
The Alightened can be called enigmatic, but most who'd say that simply don't understand that they're just obeying their hunger.
Jezebel is confident, headstrong, very easy to accuse of being arrogant, ready to fight, ready to play, and always ready for some good food. As I've mentioned Alightened have favourite flavours and tastes, and this is more than just something nice, it's outright the case that consuming their favoured foods grants stronger reactions and benefits for their own power. Jezebel's preferred foods are, of course, anything that exists beneath the water - seafood, sea plants, the works. She loves it and lives for it. She's one of the premium suppliers of water based food to Fundament. The various cooks, restaurants, and eateries around the Corbian Inland Sea can always rely on her to fulfill requests, and Jezebel takes to the demands of others for ingredients with relish, knowing it will all come back to benefit her in the end.
Her personal goal in life is to assemble a Banquet of incredible quality. Banquets are a special goal some Alightened take on for themselves, a perfect collection of dishes that harmonise and create greater reactions when consumed. Tales of ALightened who complete a grand Banquet and from it gain incredible strength are common, though often the chance to partake is rare - the ingredients no doubt requiring incredible effort to obtain. She has two dishes in mind so far, but that's not nearly enough. She needs more. Her hunger demands it.
Though not afraid in the least of great depths in the water, Jezebel isn't a fan of significant heights. She can swim, not fly, you know?
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ornitorrincovolador · 8 years
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Super mesa tuneada de Vicente y Silvia! Con luces! Con tapete! #arcanaquest #juegosdemesa
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